5/05/2015 Level set-assisted modelling of heterogeneous microstructures Bernard Sonon Bertrand François Badadjida Wintiba Thierry J. Massart Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions Introduction Motivation Materials with heterogeneities are met in many engineering problems Rock Metallic foams Concrete Hollow foams How to represent these within an Representative Volume Element for homogenization ? 1 5/05/2015 Introduction Motivation Even when no ‘randomness’ or with periodicity, the microstructural geometry can be complex How to represent these within an Representative Volume Element for homogenization ? Introduction RVE construction for multi scale modeling How representative of the real material should an RVE morphology be ? [Rubik, 1974] [Massart & Selvadurai, 2014] [Fritzen, 2009; Rycroft, 2006,2009] are probably not equivalent to 2 5/05/2015 Introduction Motivation Capturing material heterogeneities induces (many) challenges, among which 1. Obtaining the real geometry from in-situ information or lab-scale imaging techniques (µCT scan) [Legrain, 2011; Hashemi et al. 2014] 2. Reconstruct or generate geometrically the essential features of material heterogeneities, based on morphological information a. b. Use of distance fields for RVE generation input (inclusion-based) Use of distance fields for RVE generation post processing (fiber- or yarn-based) 3. Use discretisation schemes able to account for material boundaries in an efficient manner Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions 3 5/05/2015 Level set functions & signed distance fields Level set function A level set function surface (curve in 2D) is a function of x defining implicitly the by The simplest level set is the signed distance field of Φ Φ Many functions can be used as level set functions to define surfaces Signed distances fields can also be used only to measure distance … Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions 4 5/05/2015 Inclusion packing Random sequential addition Classical methodologies to generate random microstructures Random sequential addition (RSA) (a) (b) DEM packing No overlap No overlap + maximal neighbour distance [Cooper, 1988; Sherwood, 1997 ] [ He et al. 2010 Stroeven et al., 2004] However … Heavy computational time (both RSA & DEM) High volume fractions cannot be reached (RSA) Third bridging phase not easy to add in microstructures (both RSA & DEM) Inclusion packing DN-RSA packing generator With the signed distance fields of several inclusions, construct the first and second neighbor distance functions and Minimum of signed distances of all inclusions Minimum of signed distances of all inclusions except the one closest to x 5 5/05/2015 Inclusion packing DN-RSA packing generator Control sequential addition and the resulting packing with neighboring distances criteria no overlap No overlap and not further than d1 from the nearest keep at least d1 from the n. incl. but closer than d2 keep closer than d3 from the second nearest inclusion Inclusion packing DN-RSA performance Performance in 2D implementation (non optimized distance calculation !) Cost becomes a linear function of the number of inclusions DN maps adaptive refresh NOT activated Non Periodic Periodic Classical RSA takes about 100 & 200 sec for RVEs equivalent to the ones depicted … 6 5/05/2015 Inclusion packing DN-RSA performance Performance in 2D implementation (non optimized distance calculation !) Nearest neighbor criteria can improve packing efficiency DN maps adaptive refresh NOT activated No Overlap No Overlap + close packing using DN2 Close packing (b) cannot be achieved using classical RSA … Inclusion packing DN-RSA packing generator DN map refresh upon addition At each inclusion addition the DN maps have to be refreshed, which is the costly operation A fast predictor, the signed distance to the smallest enclosing sphere is used to restrict the refreshed domain Compulsory when packing small inclusions in large RVEs … 7 5/05/2015 Inclusion packing DN-RSA performance Performance in 2D implementation (non optimized distance calculation !) Effect of adaptive refresh of DN maps (a) (b) (c) (d) Circular inclusions 5-sided inclusions 10-sided inclusions 20-sided inclusions No adaptive refresh Adaptive refresh Inclusion packing DN-RSA performance Performance in 2D implementation (non optimized distance calculation !) Effect of inclusion size distributions 1089 Arbitrary shaped inclusions 566 Circular inclusions Generation time = 35 sec Generation time = 15 sec 200² grid for DN maps evaluations 8 5/05/2015 Inclusion packing DN-RSA in 3D 3D implementation Addition of criteria with respect to Distance calculation by Optimized Brute Force Approach (OBFA) Only the distance calculation is ‘optimized’ (but still ‘brute force’, rest of implementation is full MatLab) Generation = 30 sec Generation = 156 sec Generation = 1036 sec Inclusion packing DN-RSA in 3D 3D implementation Computation time 103sec) Critical aspect of distance calculations (optimized) Development of optimized calculation based on Fast Marching Methods Brute force – total Brute force – distance ‘Exact’ Fast Marching – total ‘Exact’ Fast Marching – distance Computation time 103sec) Inclusion number Inclusion volume fraction 9 5/05/2015 Inclusion packing DN-RSA in 3D 3D implementation – most complex examples ~ 3500 inclusions ~ 450 sec. of distance computation (rest of processing is MatLab which can be easily further optimized) Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions 10 5/05/2015 Advanced morphological features Generalized tessellation ‘Voronoï-like’ level set function vanishes at equal distance between two neighboring inclusions Allows extracting generalized tessellation for arbitrary shaped inclusions Advanced morphological features Generalized tessellation Tessellation with widely distributed grain size distributions 11 5/05/2015 Advanced morphological features Generalized tessellation Partial selective tessellation Given two population A and B one may want to modify only population A Use Euclidean distance for A Use distance defined as - inside inclusions and + outside for B Extract contour of Advanced morphological features Coating and bridging Morphing for intermediate tessellation Extract interfaces from 12 5/05/2015 Advanced morphological features Coating and bridging Coating on inclusions Coating of width k obtained by offset on function White curves : DN1(x) = 0 Black curves : DN1(x) – k = 0 Blue : inclusions Red : coating Grey : matrix Advanced morphological features Coating and bridging Bridging level set function Bridging obtained from 13 5/05/2015 Advanced morphological features Coating and bridging Controlled combination of bridging and coating Combination of With and offset controlling the importance of bridges vs. coating Advanced morphological features Coating and bridging 3D extension of bridged and coated inclusions 14 5/05/2015 Applications XFEM - Anisotropic fluid transport Z cut X cut Y cut Applications XFEM - Anisotropic fluid transport Flow under vertical pressure gradient kx / ky= 0.997 kz / ky= 1.224 kz / kx= 1.228 Flow under horizontal pressure gradient 15 5/05/2015 Applications XFEM – Unilaterial coupling to fluid transport Stress dependent permeability evolution in rocks E v c phi s1 k0 Gpa / MPa ° GPa µm/s B / Grain 60 0.1 / / / 1 0 Matrix 30 0.3 40 17 1 1 50000 Plastic volume deformation permeability dependence : k = k0.(1 + B.εplast,vol) Applications XFEM – Unilaterial coupling to fluid transport Stress dependent permeability evolution in rocks 16 5/05/2015 Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions Extension towards cellular materials Closed foams morphologies Closed foams ‘Voronoï-like’ tessellation level set function to produce the walls (faces) of closed foams cells where controls the wall thickness RVEs with variable cell sizes, curved cell walls with non constant thickness 17 5/05/2015 Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Open foams Extract the edges of the tessellation cells by means of an ad-hoc function Plateau borders in liquid foams form at intersection of three films and exhibit a triangular shape Combine the three first neighbor functions with a function vanishing at equal distance of 3 closest inclusions Mono-sized spheres Variable-sized spheres Arbitrary shaped inclusions Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Open foams Plateau borders defined by Parameter controls thickness of extracted borders Plateau borders produced are largest that could be completely contained in closed cell walls produced by with parameter 18 5/05/2015 Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Open foams Mono-sized spheres Straight Plateau borders Variable-sized spheres Curved Plateau borders Arbitrary shaped inclusions Complex Plateau borders Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Open foams Extraction from a single level set of leads to jagged sharp edges Requires the use of local ‘dedoubled’ level sets used in slicing operations 19 5/05/2015 Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Open/closed intermediates Linear combination of with and as a pore closure index Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Concavity of Plateau borders Concavity of Plateau borders by substracting a non constant negative function vanishing on the Plateau border sharp edges to alter curvature controlling the obtained concavity t level set of t level set of 20 5/05/2015 Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Orientation sensitivity Random field T(x) between tmin and tmax Global field A(x) according to wall orientation to mimic anisotropic growth of the foam microstructure Walls normal to a chosen orientation n open while closing others Top view side view Extension towards cellular materials Open foam morphologies Hollow foams Obtained by simple offset of the previously defined functions 21 5/05/2015 Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions Woven Composites Pre-processing for RVE generation Weave tensioning & contact treatment Starting from a discretized wire representation Geometrical phenomenological iterative procedure Circular cross-section , No friction , No bending stiffness , No mechanical 22 5/05/2015 Woven Composites Pre-processing for RVE generation ‘Geometrical’ tensioning Operation A Move each vertex to the middle of the segment linking its 2 neighbors. The magnitude of displacement depends on both segment angle and length. Conditions are required on first and last vertex of a yarns. Leads to yarns inter-penetrations. Reaches asymptotically a straight configuration. Side view on wires figuring yarns Woven Composites Pre-processing for RVE generation Contact – resolving interpenetration Operation B Detect contact using distance from vertex to a polyline, taking into account yarn radii. Resolve contact by moving each yarn by the half of the inter-penetration distance. Use gradient of the yarns distance to get the direction of the displacement required. A B Resolves exactly contacts for 2-yarns situations For 2 yarns equally discretized, this fulfills the local balance between tension and contact forces 23 5/05/2015 Woven Composites Pre-processing for RVE generation Implicit control on relative tensions (qualitative) Equilibrium situation depends on the discretization. Straight yarns cannot be obtained Balance the displacement of operation B by coefficients p and 1-p defined for each yarns type pair. A p = 0.5 B p = 0.05 Woven Composites Level set post-processing in RVE generation Need for post-processing after wire-based RVE generation Wire representation with discretization induces spurious yarn overlaps at multi-yarns contact loci that need to be suppressed for finite element discretization Introduce a clearance between yarns at contact zones. Alter yarn section shape to mimic deformation at contact loci. Can be coupled to any existing RVE generation procedure (wiseTeX, …) Provide input for XFEM. 24 5/05/2015 Woven Composites Level set post-processing in RVE generation Suppression of interpenetrations Distance field to yarn i DSi(x) Distance to all yarns except i DOi(x) = miny( DSy(x) ) with y ≠ i DSi(x)- DOi(x) takes negative value at any point closer to yarn i than to others. If no interpenetration, its 0 level is a closed curve all points closer to it than to other yarns If interpenetration, its 0 level set is a closed surface that cuts the interpenetration in two, i.e. is locally the locus of point equidistant from boundaries of both yarns Intersection between the volume bounded by the 0 level set of DSi(x)- DOi(x) and yarn i is given by max( DSi(x) , DSi(x) – DOi(x)) matches original yarn less half of the interpenetration Woven Composites Level set post-processing in RVE generation Suppression of interpenetrations & volume fraction control A clearance at contacts can be added to simplify meshing procedures using the function max( DSi(x) , DSi(x) – DOi(x) + c) The same principle may be used to further update the reinforcement volume fraction (compensate for fraction lost by cutting or increase it further to control the volume fraction) 25 5/05/2015 Woven Composites Post-processing in RVE generation Examples Impose targeted volume fractions of reinforcement Yarns transverse deformations at contacts a b a c b c Woven Composites Post-processing in RVE generation Examples with existing RVE generator WiseTeX Generalised yarns cross sections, but with residual interpenetrations 36% reinforcement 2% overlapping Level set post-processing 36% reinforcement , no interpenetration Increase to 45% reinforcement 26 5/05/2015 Woven Composites Use of level sets in XFEM enrichment Introduce displacement gradient jump at interfaces Allow non conforming meshes with strain jumps inside elements Ψy(x) = Nj(x).|Ojy| – |Nj(x).Ojy| DSoy(x) = mino( DSo(x) ) , with o ≠ y Oy(x) = max( DSy(x) , DSy(x) – DSoy(x) + c ) Woven Composites XFEM simulation of material behaviour Compare different weaving schemes 3D 2.5D a 2.5D b 27 5/05/2015 Woven Composites XFEM simulation of material behaviour Interfacial tangential stresses 3D 2.5D a 2.5D b Introduction Level set functions & signed distance fields Inclusion packing Advanced microstructural features generation Foam materials Level sets in woven composite simulations Perspectives & conclusions 28 5/05/2015 Summary & Outlook Integration of level sets-based tools Summary Level set-based tools for geometry generation were used for complex RVES Such techniques can be seamlessly combined with XFEM principles The combination of techniques can be applied to heterogeneous problems These techniques can be further integrated with level set-enhanced image-based modelling [ Legrain et al., 2011] Work in progress … Comparisons to experimental data based on morphological operators Closer control on pore space size distributions Conforming meshes could be produced using implicit geometries meshing tools available in literature [ Persson et al., 2006] Summary & Outlook Integration of level sets-based tools Under development Compare generated RVEs with real CT scan-based data and simulations XRµCT with mechanical simulation on sand-bentonite mixture [ Hashemi et al., 2014] Explicit representation of pore space & capillary effects 29 5/05/2015 Summary & Outlook References References B. Sonon, B. François, T.J. Massart, A unified level set based methodology for fast generation of complex microstructural multi-phase RVEs, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 223:103-122, 2012 B. Sonon, B. François, A.P.S. Selvadurai, T.J. Massart, XFEM modelling of degradation-permeability coupling in complex geomaterials, International Conference on Fracture (ICF13), Beijing, China, 2013 B. Sonon, T.J. Massart, A Level set-based Representative Volume Element generator and XFEM Simulations for textile and 3D-reinforced composites, Materials, 6(12), 2013 B. Sonon, On advanced techniques for generation and discretization of the microstructure of complex heterogeneous materials, PhD Thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), 2014 B. Sonon, B. François, T.J. Massart, An advanced approach for the generation of cellular materials Representative Volume Elements using distance fields and level sets, Revised version, 2015 B.Sonon, B. François, P. Berke, A.P.S. Selvadurai, T.J. Massart, A level set-based integrated methodology for the upscaling of fluid transport properties in heterogenous geomaterials, In Preparation B.Sonon, B. François, P. Berke, T.J. Massart, Computational analysis of microstructural effects in closedcell foams using implicit geometries, In Preparation 30
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