Lehua Super Leader News May 2015 791 Lehua Ave, Pearl City, HI 96782 (808) 454-5700 Lehua Elementary School Website: http://lehua.k12.hi.us/Lehua_Elementary_School/Home.html Aloha Lehua Students, Parents, Staff and Friends: We have a lot to look forward to as our school year begins to draw to a close. Our students will be participating in many events intended to cap the year off on a positive note. These events include our annual field day, May monthly PBS mystery event and 6th grade leadership camp. On June 1, we will be celebrating our students’ accomplishments at our year end Lehua Outstanding Leader awards ceremony. 6th grade graduation will be on the last day of school Wednesday, June 3. Time sure does fly! Let’s take this time to pause and reflect on the positive achievements of this past year. This school year we continued to see steady growth from our students. Our overall STRIVE HI scores improved from 257 to 330 (on a scale of 400). Our chronic absenteeism dropped from 21% to 9%. Our students continued to demonstrate impressive growth as measured for STRIVE HI student growth percentile. Honolulu Magazine ranked Lehua 25th of 172 public elementary schools in the State. Our students represented Lehua and demonstrated their leadership in many ways: speaking at BYU Hawaii, singing at the Pearl City Complex Music Festival, competing in Robotics tournaments and competitions, playing in the Pearl City Basketball and Track competitions, and playing an integral part in our Leadership Day showcase in March. It has indeed been an amazing year! Summer is almost here! This summer, let’s remember to exercise the 8 habits to make the most of our time away from school: Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win-Win Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw Find Your Voice and Help Others Find Theirs Respectfully, Joseph Halfmann Mark Your Calendar May 2015/June 2015 May 1 4 4-8 8 8 13 14 18-20 25 29 Ribbon Lei Class (8-10am) Grade 4 Field Trip Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Last Day of Scholastic Book Fair Chuck E. Cheese Night (4-8pm) PreK/K Field Trip Grade 6—Camp Erdman Memorial Day—No School Lehua Field Day (8-11) 29 29 Track Meet (Pearl City High School) Mystery Event 1 1 2 3 3 3 JPO/Library Field Trip LOLA Awards Assembly Student Council Field Trip 6th Grade Graduation (8:30-10:00 am) Last Day for Students Report Cards go home June Lehua Leaders Presents… Spring has been extremely busy for grade 5. We have been busy bees preparing for our upcoming SBAC test. We have been reading, writing, finding text evidence, and problem solving every single day. For health class, we went through the DARE program with Officer Llacuna and have learned many strategies such as how to report bullying, resistance strategies when we are in a sticky situation, responding to peer pressure, communicating confidently, and making the right choices. DARE graduation was on April 20 and we are pretty confident that we are prepared to make the right choices. 16 fifth graders have also been training hard during first recess by sprinting & running relays daily for the Pearl City complex track meet which will be held on Friday, May 8 at the Pearl City High School Stadium. Updates and Happenings Smarter Balanced (SBAC) SBAC testing at Lehua Elementary for grades 3-6 will take place this year from April to May, 2014. Here are a few tips from childparenting.about.com to help your student do his/her best on testing days. 1. Attendance is priority: Ensuring students are in school each day limits the distraction of missing class time to make up test/instructional time during an absence. 2. Set a reasonable bedtime and stick to it: Tired children have difficulty focusing and are easily flustered by challenges. 3. Getting up alert and ready: Rest is important, but so is the amount of time needed to wake up your brain to function properly for morning testing. Groggy and unfocused equals more frustration. 4. Eating a healthy breakfast: Children learn better on a full stomach. Avoid sugary, heavy foods in the morning that will make you sleepy. Provide a high protein breakfast like boiled eggs, nut butters or fish. 5. Debrief or brainstorm: Once your child is home from school, ask them how they feel they did on their tests. What went well and what they feel they may have struggled on? How could she/he do better next time? KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION We are currently registering children for Kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. Your child must be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2015. We highly encourage and will really appreciate it if you enroll your child early. This is because it is at this time of year that the number of teachers are allocated for the next school year, so the more accurate the count of children we have, the more accurate our teacher allocation for next year will be. This is one way we try and keep our class sizes as small as possible. REGISTRATION HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8:30AM-11:30AM AND 1:30-3:00PM Lunch Room News Health Room News All outstanding balances are due by Friday, May 29th. Any money left in your child’s account will carry over for next school year. If you should have any questions, please contact our cashier, EMERGENCY CARDS: Parents please update emergency phone numbers and information if it has chanced since school started. Melissa Morton at (808) 454-5700. SICK? Please keep students who are ill home. A temperature 99.7 and above may be signs of illness starting. Medication should be taken home whenever possible. Please do not send medication with your child. School Food Service Update Please Join us at our next coffee hour. When: May 13, 2015 Where: Lehua Cafeteria Time: 8:00-9:00am *Principal Halfmann will be there to answer any questions or concerns you may have as well as share information about our school. We look forward to seeing you there. Should you require accommodations due to disability, please contact the office at (808) 454-5700 or via relay at least 10 days prior to the event. On April 7th, 2015 the Board of Education approved a change in school meal prices in accordance with a 2009 state law requiring the Hawaii State Department of Education to charge at least half the cost of preparing the meals. New Prices effective July 1, 2015 Breakfast: Elementary Student Full Price: $1.10 Elementary Student Reduced Price: $0.30 Adult Breakfast: $2.40 Lunch: Elementary Student Full Price: $2.50 Elementary Student Reduced Price: $0.40 Adult Lunch: $5.50 Our 6th Graders would like your help… Save the Date!! They are collecting recyclable items consisting of crushed cans, plastic Friday, May 29th and glass bottles. The proceeds from 8:00am –11:00am these items will go towards their trip Volunteer Opportunity! to Camp Erdman in May. Place your recyclable items in the baskets in front of the office. Thank you for your Please contact, PCNC, Melody Nauta if your terested at 808-454-5741. support. Mark your calendars!! The 6th Grade Graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 3 At 8:30am in the Cafeteria. in-
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