CATHEDRAL NOTICE NOTICE SHEET SHEET CATHEDRAL SUNDAY 12 APRIL 2015 SUNDAY 5 JANUARY 2014 EASTER 2 EPIPHANY Welcome to Leicester Cathedral If you are new to the Cathedral Community and would like to find out more, a Welcome Pack is available on Sundays from the Wardens or Sides-people on duty, or can be requested from the Verger on duty during the week. The Revd Canon Johannes Arens will be in residence for the week commencing Sunday 12 April. If needed please contact him as the ‘duty priest’ on 07535 869 758. . 08.00 10.30 15.00 Eucharist Cathedral Eucharist with congregational music Preacher: The Revd Canon Alison Adams Glory in the highest (Cuddesdon) Holy, most holy (Slane) O Lamb of God (Repton) Final from Symphonie No.1 in Dm Vierne Evening Prayer Children At Leicester ‘K’athedral We warmly welcome our children today. CHALK meets in in the Old Song School, in the Cathedral. We ask that children who regularly attend are brought by their parents/carer just before the start of the 10.30 service. There will be an extra opportunity for visiting children to join them early in the service when the Celebrant indicates. There is a play/books area for supervised small children in the Old Song School too. The children will return to their parents/carers either before or after the Eucharistic prayer. For those who do not wish to attend CHALK a supply of books, crayons and soft toys are available from the sidespeople. Please return these at the end of the service. For any further assistance, please ask members of the Welcome Team. 1 SERVICES AND EVENTS THIS WEEK AT THE CATHEDRAL MONDAY 13 APRIL 08.30 17.30 Eucharist for the Diocese of Leicester Evening Prayer TUESDAY 14 APRIL 08.30 13.00 15.00 17.30 19.30 Morning Prayer Eucharist: A Celebration of Wholeness and Healing Cancer Care Prayer Meeting Evening Prayer Election Hustings details on back page WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL ` 08.30 13.00 17.30 Morning Prayer Eucharist: for Peace and Justice Evening Prayer THURSDAY 16 APRIL 08.30 13.00 17.30 Morning Prayer Eucharist: for the Unity of the Church Evening Prayer FRIDAY 17 APRIL 08.30 13.00 17.30 Morning Prayer Eucharist: Watching and Waiting Evening Prayer SATURDAY 18 APRIL 08.30 17.30 Morning Prayer Evening Prayer 2 EASTER 3 SUNDAY 19 APRIL 08.00 10.30 15.00 Eucharist Cathedral Eucharist sung by the Senior Trebles and Songmen Preacher: The Revd Pete Hobson Spatzenmesse (K220) Mozart Voskreseniye Khristovo videvshe Rachmaninoff Sarabande for the morning of Easter Howells Choral Evensong Responses Reading Brewer in D Blessed be the God and Father S.S. Wesley Fanfare Lemmens Confessions by appointment with the clergy. Toilets and Ancillary Rooms. These spaces are accessed via the door in St Dunstan's Chapel normally via the assistance of one of our staff or authorised volunteers. During 'normal office hours' and at other times, our public toilets are available in St Martin's House. During Sunday services, toilets may be available in the Cathedral. Please ask our staff, wardens or stewards for assistance. Children using any facilities in our backstage areas must always be accompanied by an authorised adult. 3 CATHEDRAL AND DIOCESAN NOTICES Clergy Whereabouts: The Very Revd David Monteith is away. The Revd Canon Barry Naylor will be chairing a congregational meeting at 5.00pm and presiding at the Eucharist at 6.30pm at St Nicholas. The Revd Pete Hobson is away. The Revd Canon Rosy Fairhurst will be presiding and preaching at St. Mary’s, Humberstone at 10.30am. In Loving Memory at Eastertide Gereon Arens Malcolm McIntosh Sandra Monteith Gladys and Frederick Moore Emma Phillips Eric and Gladys Stevenson With grateful thanks for all your donations this Easter. Sunday Evening Eucharist at St Nicholas, St Nicholas Circle As well as serving the regular congregation of St Nicholas, this Eucharist offers an opportunity for those who are unable to make their Communion on a Sunday morning to do so in the evening. It is celebrated every Sunday at 6.30pm, sometimes with music by the St Nicholas Singers. St Nicholas is a member of the Inclusive Church Network. Canon Barry Naylor 4 Alf Bateman It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of Alf Bateman earlier this week. Alf died at home on Easter Sunday. Alf was Head Verger at the Cathedral during the 1990s and was still a familiar face until just a few years ago as he was kind enough to cover for holidays in the verger department on many occasions. I’m sure that many will remember his helpfulness, commitment and willingness to talk. He was a regular supporter of the local Church of England Guild of Vergers meetings. His wife Betty and family invite all who wish, to attend the funeral service which will be held on Thursday 16 April at 3.00pm, at the Church of the Martyrs on Westcotes Drive, Leicester. Peter Collett Richard III Orders of Service These are now available to purchase at the shop inside the Cathedral and via the internet at They come as a set of three, which include all the services from reinterment week. They cost £12.50 for the set and there is a £2.50 postage and packaging charge per set for them to be sent via the post. Community Committee Elections May 2015 The Community Committee exists to support the Bishop, the Dean and Chapter in offering a warm welcome and hospitality to all who visit; providing a place of community, learning, contemplation and quiet reflection. In recent years, this has also meant providing support for an increasing number of activities as well as fundraising. One way you can help the Cathedral continue to develop is in getting yourself elected to the Community Committee up to 2018 at the Annual Community Meeting after the 10.30am Eucharist on Sunday 3 May. Nomination forms are available from David Dewdney, Jane Black or one of the vergers. If you would like to talk further about the work of the Community Committee or standing for election, please contact David Dewdney on 0790 1970 557. Please note that you must be on the Cathedral Community Roll to stand for election. David Dewdney, Chair, Community Committee 5 Announcement from Canon Barry Naylor I will be reaching the age of 65 this year and have decided to retire on 30 September. I have written to the Bishop informing him of this and he has accepted. I have been Urban Canon since 2002 and have greatly enjoyed, and been fulfilled by, these years of ministry in the city centre – both blessings and challenges. Thank you for your support and friendship during these years. There will, of course, be opportunities for more to be said as the day draws closer. My final services will be at the Cathedral on Sunday 27 September. Canon Barry Naylor Hearing Loop System Our new PA system is now up and running and we are beginning to learn how to best make use of it. For those who wear a hearing aid, we now have the facility to provide sound via a loop system. As an interim measure for the next few years until a permanent loop can be installed in the floor, we are able to provide an individual loop for those who require it; in the form of a belt pack. If you require a pack please see a steward at the door who will fit you up and show you how to use it. Please don’t forget to return the unit at the end of the service. A Prayer for the Process of Choosing a New Bishop of Leicester Loving God, in whose hand we are shaped and moulded, raise up your church in this place, we pray, and all who serve the Diocese of Leicester. Anoint your people for service as you call another to be their Bishop. Pour out richly your gifts of unity and fellowship, that we may glorify your name, grow deeper in your love and see your kingdom come. Amen. 6 Cathedral Parking on Sunday We have recently reviewed the costs associated with the New Street car park that is available to members of the congregation on Sunday mornings. Unfortunately the amount collected does not cover the cost to the Cathedral and we have therefore revised the weekly payment to £3.00 per vehicle. With this in mind, we are also introducing a three month pre-paid ticket to the car park. The period will start on 1 April 2015 and run through to 30 June 2015. The cost of the pre-paid card is £30, which brings the cost of parking each Sunday down to £2.50 per vehicle. To purchase a ticket, please make your cheque payable to “Leicester Cathedral” and send to Gillian Aird, Cathedral Admin Office, St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ. For those wishing to “pay on the day” there will still be a facility to do this, however at the end of June, the situation will be reviewed and a decision on the financial viability of the car park will be made. Your Diocese and Cathedral bookshop, in St Martins House, right next door. We sell Cathedral gifts and memorabilia, as well as books for children and adults, Bibles, greetings cards, Sunday school resources, CDs and DVDs, and other gifts. Call in and see us. Our friendly staff can, if you wish, help you with your purchase. We're open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, Saturdays 9.30am till 4.30pm, or seek us out online at Christian Resources Leicester, St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ. Tel: 0116 261 5222 7 Leicester Cathedral Walking Group – On the Trail of Richard III As Richard III is featuring so prominently in the Cathedral’s calendar, it is fitting that the Walking Group should visit other churches that have a connection to our long lost King. We will therefore start our 2015 season of walks with a visit to the church of St Margaret of Antioch at Stoke Golding where, if possible, our friend Revd Hilary Surridge might be tempted to be our guide. Visit 1/15 – Saturday 18 April 2014 – St Margaret of Antioch, Stoke Golding The first visit and walk of the 2015 season for the Cathedral Walking Group will be to St Margaret of Antioch at Stoke Golding on Saturday 18 April 2015. The visit will follow our established pattern of lunch at a nearby hostelry, The George and Dragon, Station Road, Stoke Golding, CV13 6EZ arriving at 12.00pm for lunch at 12.30pm. After lunch we will visit St Margaret’s Church at 1.30pm and then enjoy a short walk lasting about one and a half hour, through the surrounding countryside. To enable the pub to provide our lunches at 12.30pm we have been asked to preselect our food from their lunchtime menu, copy available from Mick McQuade. If you would like to join the Cathedral Walking Group please note the date in your diary and book in with Mick McQuade. The programme of walks for the 2015 season is shown below. The dates and destinations have yet to be confirmed and the order may change depending upon access to the various churches and to avoiding weddings. 18 April - St Margaret of Antioch, Stoke Golding. 09 May - St Nicholas, Stanford. 06 June - St Peter’s Church, Tilton-on-the-Hill. 04 July - St Andrew’s Church, Stoke Dry, Rutland. 08 Aug - Saint Nicholas, Lockington. 05 Sept - St James, Sutton Cheney. 12 Sept – Ride and Stride* 03 Oct - All Saint’s, Thurlaston. * Note the extra walk not in the series, Ride and Stride will take place on 12 September. To book in or for further details, a copy of the information document or to add your name to the ‘Future Walks List’, please contact Mick McQuade on 0116 231 3298, Mobile 0787 9675 767 or by email to 8 FOR OUR PRAYERS AT LEICESTER CATHEDRAL Please keep in your prayers all the people and events mentioned in this notice sheet. We pray for all the members of the Cathedral Community who cannot be with us today, including all those who will share in this Eucharist by home communion. We pray for all those who have a heavy burden to bear at this time, especially for: Brother Damian SSF - George Dunseth Ann Hughes - Ella Johnson RIP Alf Bateman We also pray for all who have recently died, and for all whose anniversaries fall at this time. If you have a person you would like to be prayed for by name, please contact: Diana Belton - 01509 880 557 and they will be included in the prayer list for two weeks. If you have asked for a person to be included please keep us advised of their well-being and let us know if you would like them to remain on the prayer list. Prayer Cell The Prayer cell is a group of people from the Cathedral community who have committed to pray for people on a long term basis. They also see it as part of their ministry to hold specific prayer requests to God e.g. support for job interviews, hospital appointments, and difficult times. This is a confidential ministry. If you ever need support from this group please contact Diana Belton T. 01509 880557. Cathedral Pastoral Care Team A group of commissioned lay people, working with the clergy, take Holy Communion out to those who are unwell or who are now unable to attend worship at the Cathedral. Pastoral visits to hospital, nursing and residential homes, and to people at home can be arranged for our congregations. Please contact the Revd Canon Barry Naylor on 0116 261 5371, or Celia Russell-Thorpe c/o the Vergers. 9 CATHEDRAL MUSIC Forthcoming Lunchtime Organ Recitals at Leicester Cathedral Monday 4 May 2015, 1.00pm Carl Bahoshy Organ Recital in aid of the UK registered charity ‘Iraqi Christians In Need’ Listings of all our recitals and others around the country can be found at 10 CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY NEWS Cathedral Community Committee: Chair of the Cathedral Community Committee: David Dewdney Secretary of the Cathedral Community Committee: Jane Black The next Community Committee Meeting will be: Monday 13 April New volunteers needed Are you able to help out the Cathedral at services once or twice a month? With some Sides-people standing down after years of sterling service, we need more individuals to welcome people to the services, give out the service and notice sheets and tidy up at the end of services. If that is not for you, how about helping to serve refreshments after the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist. If you are interested in helping, please have a word with the Sides-people or those serving the refreshments, then let me know which role you are interested in. David Dewdney (Chair, Community Committee) 07901 970557. Cathedral Community Craft Circle Please join us every Thursday, from 2.00pm – 4.00pm, for Cathedral Community Craft Circle in the White Rose Café, St Martins House. This is a social and informal gathering where you can bring along your knitting, crocheting, or any alternative art materials that you are working on. All welcome! For enquiries please contact the Cathedral Office on 0116 261 5200. Cancer Care Prayer Group The Cancer Care prayer group meets in St Dunstan’s Chapel every Tuesday at 3.00pm, to light candles and name people with or who have had cancer and have asked for our prayers. Everyone is welcome to attend. To add a relative or friend to the list, contact Sue Mason: T: 0116 270 4629, E: 11 12 Notices at Cathedral Sunday Eucharist If you wish to have a notice included in the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist, please speak to the Dean, or if he is unavailable the presiding priest, before the start of the service. Notices Any information which you would like to be included in the weekly notice sheet should reach Karl McDonnell no later than 9.00am on Wednesday morning. Karl can be contacted either via email or via telephone on the following contact points: Email: or Tel: 0116 261 5358. Contact Details The Very Reverend David Monteith The Reverend Canon Barry Naylor The Reverend Canon Dr Johannes Arens The Reverend Canon Rosy Fairhurst The Reverend Canon Paul Hackwood The Reverend Pete Hobson The Reverend Canon Alison Adams Dean of Leicester Urban Canon and Sub-Dean Canon Precentor Canon Chancellor Canon Residentiary Acting Canon Missioner Diocese and Cathedral Social Responsibility Enabler St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, LE1 5PZ t: 0116 261 5200 e: 13 Cost, £7.95 per person to include traditional pub food Name Menu Choice (A,B,C,D) Tick for Vegetarian option (A & B only) Menu A B C D Lasagne and Chips (Vegetarian Lasagne available) Sausage, Mash & Veg (Vegetarian sausage available) Cottage Pie & Veg Faggots, Chips & Peas Please note that we are limited to a maximum of 60 people, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. In the unlikely event that we are over-subscribed, I will contact you if your application was received after closure of the list. Please supply a contact telephone or e-mail address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Please complete this reply form and return to Peter Collett, c/o Leicester Cathedral, St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ By Monday 6 April 2015 at the latest Please make cheques payable to “Leicester Cathedral Old Choristers Assn”. 14 Christians Aware Presents Water Issues and Living Conditions in Bethlehem A talk by Zoughbi Zoughbi (Wi’am Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre, Bethlehem) Monday April 13th 2015 7-9pm Christchurch, 105A Clarendon Park Road Leicester LE2 3AD Christians Aware are delighted to host a further visit to Leicester of Zoughbi Zoughbi, the Founder and Director of WI’AM, The Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre in Bethlehem (Wi’am in Arabic means ‘cordial relationships’). Since 1994, Zoughbi has worked tirelessly to run programmes to bring Palestinians and Israelis together to get to know each other. This vital work has largely stopped since the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000, but he continues his work in civic education and dispute resolution in Palestine and promoting the cause of peace with justice in the Holy Land. Zoughbi is not against the existence of the State of Israel, but he is against the Occupation. “We have only one option -for Palestinians and Israelis to live together”. R.S.V.P. 0116 254 0770 Christians Aware, 2 Saxby Street, Leicester LE2 0ND 15 Your chance to Quiz the Candidates Tuesday 14th April, 7.30pm Leicester Cathedral Paul Bremner Conservative candidate for Mayor of Leicester Tim Grayson, Green candidate for Mayor of Leicester John Ashworth, Labour candidate for Leicester South Zuffar Haq, Liberal Democrat candidate for Harborough David Sprason, UKIP candidate for Bosworth Michael Barker, Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition spokesperson 16
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