Our Activity Our Approach Programmes & Networks Our References Presentation Our Team Contact Us The LABA Our Activity The LABA is a skills pool of the Aquitaine Region which activity is aimed at the project leaders of the creative and cultural industries sector. This skills pool will become a COOPERATIVE SOCIETY by 1, January, 2016. The LABA offers : a technical and methodological support for the setting up of European/International cooperation projects and local development projects that rely on European fundings. a technical support for - the research of partners, the writing of documents, the preparation of budgets and liquidity plans - The seeking of European fundings and complementary fundings - The coordination, the fnancial and technical management of the projects, their administrative follow-up - The legal guarantees of the project The LABA also offers training services for the project leaders during the phases of set up, management and assessment. To provide the best training service, the LABA relies on a national and European network of experts who are invited to share their skills and experiences. Organized in the form of a skills pool, the LABA gathers the teams and skills required to answer the needs of each and every project. The LABA helps the project leaders of the Aquitaine region to increase the visibility of their international development project among the local authorities, the international networks and the actors of their feld. A tool for the actors of our territory Our Approach Created in 2014 under the initiative of European projects experts, the LABA supports projects of the Poitou Charentes, Limousin and Aquitaine regions. The LABA is aimed at institutional projects leaders or project leaders of the private sector such as local public authorities, organizations, professional organisations, Universities, research centers and companies. The LABA helps these organisations understand the strategical development of their actions at the European or International scale and provides technical and methodological support for the set up and the management of their projects. Our felds of expertise The LABA is a transverse tool. It works with qualified people or structures that possess complementary skills in order to provide the best solutions in the following fields: Performing Arts Plastic Arts Heritage Training, integration, social and territorial cohesion Digital Arts Social and solidarity economy Intangible heritage enhancement, sustainable development Citizens' agenda / non-profit economy New technologies supporting the CCI and the Social Innovation Research and responsible innovation Enhancement and communication in the research field Cultural, scientific and technical mediation The strategic coaching Trainings : Our Approach The LABA is a training organization (n° 72330933933). A technical and a theoretical part presented by a specialist chosen according to his expertise skills A practical part presented by European projects leaders who have been working on projects, themes and programmes related to the training programme The audiences: The territorial authorities, the public institutions : the LABA works with territorial authorities to develop territorial strategies in order to anticipate the evolution of the European programmes and to provide the best answer according to these changes. The LABA also brings its supports to these authorities regarding the set up and management of their projects and to the local actors through their evolution Project leaders of the private sector The LABA offers: Collective trainings on European programmes or technical/methodological aspects. An individualised support for the set-up or the management of projects. Strategic monitoring and advisory service Strategic monitoring on the European calls for projects in the various felds of expertise of the LABA Opportunity/feasability studies for the projects Support to the formulation of European / International development strategies The technical and methodological support Our Approach In permanent link with the project leaders, the LABA provides the appropriate support according to their needs, from the set up of the project until its operational management. The LABA relies on the appropriate skills according to the projects features. Support to the project defnition, drafting of the argument Seeking of partners Support to the writing of the application form Support to the leading of the partnership Financial package and budget : cost accounting and liquidity plan Legal tools and taxation : contracts, taxation, artists mobility (visa, social law, tax law, employment law) Mastering of collaborative work tools suited to cooperation and necessary for the daily work at an international scale : Google documents, Skype, Mindmeister, Basecamp Feasability studies underlying the available financial ressources according to the funding type (rate of co-financing, eligible expenditures, budget constraints...) The LABA supports the project leaders through the development of tools suited for the project management and supports the writing of progress and final reports (French, English...) Programmes & Networks The main Programmes The LABA works on the following main programmes: Erasmus + / www.europe-education-formation.fr Europe Creative Programme www.ec.europa.eu/culture/creative-europe European Development Funds www.ec.europa.eu/europeaid Mobility aid, Step Beyond http://www.culturalfoundation.eu/step-beyond Roberto Cimetta Funds / www.cimettafund.org Anna Lindh / http://www.annalindhfoundation.orgg Interreg Euro Région Aquitaine Euskadi www.aquitaine-euskadi.eu Structural Funds Investing in people, ACP… / www.acpculturesplus.eu H2020 / http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ Cosme Networks and skills The LABA is integrated in European and International networks: IETM, Zone Franche World Music Network, Trans Europe Halles, Production Office Network supported by Mezzanine Spectacle, European Cultural Centers Network. The LABA works with the 2E2F Agency, the Relais Culture Europe, the Aquitaine Europe Office, Aquitaine Cap Mobilité, the Encatc network and the EUKN network. In the Aquitaine Region, the members of the LABA skills pool are: The OARA / www.oara.fr ECLA / www.ecla.aquitaine.fr The Europe-Atlantique Platform composed of the Lot-et-Garonne Department, the Departmental Cultural Agency of Dordogne-Périgord, the Center of Choreographic Development of Aquitaine and the IDDAC. The Aquitaine Europe Offce www.europe-international.aquitaine.fr The Rocher de Palmer / www.lerocherdepalmer.fr Pajda, Platform of legal assistance for the cultural actors / www.pajda.fr The Rama, Réseau Aquitain des Musiques Actuelles (Aquitaine Network of Modern Musics) / www.le-rama.org The IPCI Master Bordeaux Montaigne / www.u-bordeaux3.fr The FABRIQUE POLA Programmes & Networks The members of the skills pool Our References Training Since 2014, Sophie Guénebaut is a professional associated with Bordeaux Montaigne University and Bordeaux Political Sciences on the themes of « Research of funding sources for international projects » and « cultural businesses management ». Training experiences of the LABA - Lebanon 2014 / Saint Joseph University, Beirut / European Neighbourhood programme - Lille 2005/2012 – Filage / Developing a European project in the cultural sector - Artois University 2005 / Cultural Businesses Management IDDAC Gironde, Lot-et-Garonne Department (47) / Training and support for 75 companies or public institutions / development and management of International cooperation projects - Collective training programmes (2014 : 35 participating structures) - Animation of working groups with the Aquitaine structures: Darwin, Pola, the RAMA, the Rocher de Palmer Our References Development and management of projects In the frame of Structural Funds EFS EFS / 2004 – 2006, Comédie de Béthune – Intercommunal project of theatrical action « Itinéraire Bis » EFS / 2013 – 2014 – Rocher Numérique – Professional integration project through the use of digital tools EFS/ 2015-2017 - Rocher Numérique 2 – Professional integration project through the use of digital tools EFS/ 2013-2015 / Management and follow-up of the EFS fles – set up of a business ERDF ERDF / 2010 – 2012, Participation to the management of the programme for the equipment of a digital studio at the Rocher de Palmer (1,6M€) for the integrated urban project of the Hauts de Garonne Interreg Interreg POCTEFA/ 2014-2015 - Coworking Pyrénées – The third places as new learning and training spaces Leader programme Leader 2013/2015 / Set up, management and follow up of the Leader fles – New methods of work organisation Our References Development and management of projects International Cooperation 9th European Development Fund ACP – 9ACP RPR 62 - 9th European Development Fund – Development of music industries for the festivals AFRICA / CARRIBEAN / PACIFIC / Creation of an ECP/UE network of exchange of expertise at a national, regional and international scale / participating countries: France, Vanuatu, Germany, Tanzania, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Belgium, Jamaica (600K€) Youth in Action Programme Youth in Action Programme, Youth and Democracy / YUP, Youth Urban Participation. Countries : France, Croatia (60 K€) Culture programme Culture programme 2007/2013 – Cooperation projects with third countries « Melos » (musical transmission). Countries: France, Spain, Greece, Tunisia. Culture programme 2007/2013 – Cooperation projects with a third country « Urban Ballet » (urban parades in the public space) Countries : France, The United Kingdoms, Portugal, South Africa Our References Development and management of projects International cooperation EFFE Programme EFFE Programme (Europe For Festivals and Festivals For Europe) / Novart Festival, des souris des Hommes Europe Creative Programme Set up of the International cooperation project (NOVART Festival /Des Souris des Hommes) / Europe Creative Programme Erasmus + Programme Erasmus + Programme / Cow Boys &Girls for the municipality of Cenon. Countries : France, Portugal Set up of the academic cooperation program (Bordeaux Montaigne / France, Valencia University/ Spain, Saint Joseph University / The Lebanon, Sofa University / Bulgaria) on the theme of the cultural and intangible heritage professions - Erasmus + / strategic partnerships (400 K€) Set up and management of project (Internprize / France, Malte, Portugal, Spain, Sweden) / Erasmus +/ Develop the creative practices in the museums in order to reinforce the ownership / Erasmus + / Creative Museum Raise the awareness and train the young researchers to the Astrobiology / Erasmus + / European Astrobiology Campus Our References Development and management of projects International cooperation FP7 Programme FP7 RRI Tools Projects – Reinforce the RRI practices at the European scale – Support to the management of the French Hub FIBINACCI – Develop the methods of education related to sciences based on the investigation PLACES – Reinforce the dialogue between the local authorities, the innovation and research sector and the general public Grundtvig Programme Grundtvig Programme – Management of the mobilities in the cultural action feld LEM - The Learning Museum – Develop the museum professionals skills H2020 Programme SPARKS – Reinforce the visibility of the e-health impacts on the citizens well being CURIOSITY - ITN On the children, primates and robots learning mechanisms MIRAGE – co-creation, experimentation and évaluation of innovative learning tools STEMMA – Reinforce the attractivity of scientifc careers thanks to the manipulation and programming of robots Go STEM – Reinforce the attractivity of scientifc careers for the young people through the use of tools YES – Develop the attractivity of space sciences for the young people MOVIDA – Tools of citizenship participation for the Metropolitan Fabric The Management team Our Team Patrick Duval President Director of the Rocher de Palmer, a major concert hall of the Aquitaine region (Budget 3.5M, 50 000 spectators/year). The Rocher's art programming, focused on international projects, has enabled Patrick Duval to welcome artists coming from 92 different countries. He has impulsed and managed cultural cooperation projects with Senegal, Latvia, South Africa, Northern Ireland, Portugal, Croatia. Richard Coconnier Treasurer Director of « Bordeaux Grands Evenements », he has impulsed and managed two major European projects on the Aquitaine region territory : Next step, European festivals network fostering the emergence ; Programme Culture, between Belgium, Sweden, Estonia, Austria, Portugal, The Netherlands and France ; and Mira, an Interreg cross-bounder cooperation programme between Spain, Portugal and France. In the frame of the application « Bordeaux 2013 », he has directed Sandrine Julien's study : European Toolbox for the local actors. François Pouthier Secretary Director of the IDDAC, he has worked on many exchange projects in the frame of the « Lifelong Learning » programme. The IDDAC has created, with the General Council of the Lotet-Garonne, the Dordogne-Périgord Departmental Agency, the Choreographic Development Center of Aquitaine and the Europe-Atlantic Platform, with the support of the « Relais Culture Europe », and which aim is to inform, orientate and accompany the cultural actors through their international development actions. The Operational Team Sophie Guénebaut Director Our Team Holding a degree in Management, Human Resources Management and graduated from Political Sciences, Sophie Guénebaut has been the administrator of Béthune's National Dramatic Center, of the National Artistic Distribution Office and of the Rocher de Palmer. She has also been the director if Zone Franche, a major world music network. She works since 2004 on the writing and the ma,nagement of European projects for various cultural actors and has enabled the obtention of European fundings in the frame of the FSE, ACP Culture, Europe Creative, Feder, Interreg, Erasmus + Cécile Marsan European projects and cooperation projects guidance for the local development After five years spent in The Netherlands on the educational coordination of an Alliance Française, Cécile Marsan moved back to France. Holding a Master degree in the mastering of European Pojects for the Local Development, she currently works in the advice and the management of European funding and cooperation systems in the fields of Culture, Education, Science, Social Innovation and Digital Technology. – Erasmus +, H2020, Interreg, Leader, FSE Jade Simon Administrative Coordination and Communication Graduated of the Bordeaux III IPCI Master, Jade Simon has made her secondary education at the European School of Brussels. She works on the communication and administrative coordination of the LABA. The Operational team Our Team Noémie Escortell European projects leader After several years of experience in the coordination and management of cultural and popular education projects (coordination of the «Festival des Collines » of the Var, national coordinator of Latcho Drom organization, administrator of the OPUS theater company), Noémie has made trainings in the local and European development projects management. She has been coordinator of the development project for the priority intervention office of Lisbon and in charge of the development project for the Union Régionale Habitat jeunes en Aquitaine. She currently accompanies the actors of the territory through the various steps of European projects engineering (Co-Action entrepreneurs cooperative). Juliette Giraud Consultant in cultural projects development Holding degrees in history of Art/archeology/heritage and cultural projects management, Juliette Giraud is currently a consultant in cultural projects development. She works with various actors (museums, local authorities, organizations, companies) to whom she offers support on many expertise fields : cultural mediation, communication, digital tools, coordination, fundraising, studies & advisory services … She is currently directing the Museomix project, she is the coordinator of the Rive de Saône Grand Lyon project, consultant in digital mediation for the Musée des Confluences, coordinator of Rousseau's tercentenary, literature prize for apprentices and highschool students and of « 20 ans de Rhône-Alpes cinéma » for the Rhône-Alpes region, as well as the coordinator of the professional meetings of the Avignon Festival. Our Team The Staff Members The LABA builds the most appropriate team for each project and relies on the skills of : Pierre Brini (Director of the support and training service for Mezzanine Spectacles / www.mezzaninespectacles.eu ; Codirector of the European Cultural Network Banlieues d'Europe / www.banlieues-europe.com ) : expert of the European Programmes (Leader, Interreg, Grüntvig, Youth, Culture...), of the private, public, national and international fundings seeking (relationship to the funders and funding seeking for Banlieues d'Europe), expert in the support and training for professionals of the cultural field (ARTES (Nantes), Lyon and Grenoble IEP, University of Lyon 2, EAC Lyon, IESA Paris, La Belle Ouvrage (Paris), ARDEC (Montpellier)) Marc Lints (Senior Consultant for the International Cultural Actions, ASBL, Brussels): expert of the intangible heritage and the European Projects set up (administrator of the Garifuna Maloya Marron project), expert in crowdfunding (administrator of the Crowdfunding Group – participatory financing), consultant for the European Commission (technical and economical feasability studyfor the COMETT programme and projects assessment: Interactive Multimedia – IMPACT 2 programme, Engineering Information for the Fourth Framework, programme programme of the DG XIII), expert in digital technologies (direction of the ANIMAM project at the Institut du monde Arabe, direction of the PACE programme at the Jacques Brel International foundation). Marie Le Sourd (International Cultural Projects Manager, freelance consultant and instructor / www.on-the-move.org): expert in projects assessment (consulting for the IN SITU network), expert in cultural mobilities (Asia-Europe Foundation), expert instructor in the cultural mobilities funding, the international cultural exchanges and the cooperation projects with Asia (Ministry of culture and communication – France ; International Cluster – Le Carreau du Temple ; European and French cultural networks). The Staff Members Our Team Pascale Bonniel Chalier, (Director of studies and instructor at « La terre est ronde » / http://www.terre-ronde.com) : expert in action studies for the public administrations, the local authorities and the social partners, expert in feasability studies and support to the development of cultural actors (leading of studies and territorial diagnosis), expert instructor in the fields of European Programmes and Networks (coordinator of the Professional Master 2 of International Artistic and Cultural Projects Development at the University Lumière Lyon 2, expert instructor of the cultural policies teaching in various institutions of higher education, set up of the professional training strategy of the ARSEC), consultant in International and European projects development. Ariane Langlois (Cultural Officer, Consultant, Beirut): expert in the Internation Cultural Events set up (coordination of the European project « Contemporary Dramaturgies of the Arabic World », project leader at the Goethe Institute of Beirut – symposium « How Free is Art ? », previously manager of the International Service at « Système Friche Théâtre ») , expert in the set up of Cultural Educational Programmes (training coordinator on the French culture at the Lebanese University and at Cairo's French Cooperation and Culture Center...), expert in cultural projects communication. Jean Pierre Brossard (Instructor and Consultant / www.jpb-europe.com): expert in the field of response to European invitations to tender in the sectors of training, social and culture ; expert consultant in the seeking of European partners, expert in the development and coordination of International projects (support to the writing of a European funding application form for the General Council of the Gironde, AFEC Europe, Chambre des métiers of Angoulême, Mission Locale TechnoWest / AFEPT Bordeaux), expert in transnational projects assessment, expert instructor of the European Programmes. The Staff Members Our Team Brahim El Mazned (Art Director of the Timitar Festival and Art Consultant at Marrakech's Popular Arts Festival, Agadir / http://www.festivaltimitar.ma) François Tacail (President of Filage and Assistant Director at the Grand Bleu, national institution of artistic distribution and production / www.filage.fr) Sonia Moumen (Writer, Journalist and Filmmaker - Le Nouveau Studio / www.lenouveaustudio.fr) : Coordinator of the appliance Bordeaux Capitale Européenne de la Culture (2013), transmedia expert (writing and directing of the transmedia project, TV + web, « Faire La Montagne » - 2014). Sylvine Bois-Choussy (Consultant Coordinator of International and European projects and programmes, financings seeking and partnership development / experte in development and set up of European projects (Compagnie Oro-Loic Touze, Fablab La Nouvelle Fabrique, Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers, Noria Développement), expert instructor in the development strategies at a European scale (Euro-Mediterranean network « Women For Change », project « Greener Future for Young People »). Julie Paule (Creation, development, coordination and production of cultural and artistic projects / http://www.groupenfonction.net / http://hotelobscura.org/about-2/): expert in the building and management of projects. Contact Us Sophie Guénebaut Director Jade Simon Assistant Address Le LABA – Rocher de Palmer 1bis rue Aristide Briand BP 60092 – 33151 Cenon Cedex Telephone + 33 5 56 74 52 94 + 33 6 40 20 55 57 E-mail contact@lelaba.eu s.guenebaut@lelaba.eu Website www.lelaba.eu
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