Newsletter – April 2015 (1)

Leduc Estates School
95 Alton Drive
Leduc, Alberta T9E 5K4
Phone (780) 986—6750
Fax (780) 986—6752
Principal: Mrs. Carla Fisher
V.P: Mr. Greg Luchak
April 10, 2015
Principal’s Message
I am delighted to welcome you back after, what I hope, was a restful break.
It’s hard to believe April is here already!
We would like to thank all the parents who joined us for our parent-teacher
interviews and student-led conferences before the break. Your attendance
shows your continued commitment to your child’s success in school, and it was
wonderful to see our division one students so engaged in the demonstration of
their learning.
April will bring the continuation of floor hockey tournaments, a soccer tournament, musical festival, and family dance. Our Parents’ Association is hosting
the dance on Thursday, April 23rd, at 6:00 pm. Admission is free, and a concession will be serving many tasty treats. Decorations are being planned
around the beach theme. Your children must be accompanied by an adult. I
look forward to seeing you at this great community event!
The last three months of the school year promise to be exciting and packed
full of new learning experiences! It’s important that students get lots of
sleep, have regular exercise, and eat healthy. This will help them to continue
to perform at their best every day.
See you at the dance!
C. Fisher
2014—2015 Provincial Achievement Exams
Our students in grade 6 participate yearly in the Alberta Education Provincial Achievement Testing
The following is the schedule for the May/June 2015 administration of the PAT. (Please note that
these dates are set by Alberta Education and schools must adhere to these dates and times).
Please ensure that your grade six students arrive at school on time on these days. Late arrivals will
not be permitted to enter the classroom once the exam has started.
Wednesday, May 13th
9:00—11:00 am
English LA Part A
Wednesday, June 17th
9:00-10:00 am
English LA Part B
Thursday, June 18th
9:00—10:15 am
Friday, June 19th
9:00—10:00 am
Monday, June 22rd
9:00—10:00 am
Social Studies
Volunteer Appreciation Tea
This year our volunteer tea will be done a
little differently.
Please join us in welcoming back Mrs. Kathryn
Lavoie from maternity leave. She will be
teaching grade 4.
We would like to thank Mrs. Madisson Van
Berkel for doing such a great job while here
and to wish her the very best in her future
Invitations will be sent home with the
students for any volunteers that we have
recorded in our volunteer sign in binder,
or those submitted by a teacher.
If you haven’t received your invitation by
April 24th, and you have volunteered this
year, please contact the office.
I would like to take this op-
portunity to thank everyone for making
our Book Fair such a huge success.
Once again, we were able to purchase a
lot of wonderful new books for our library. Thank you to all students, parents, and staff for their help in supporting our library!
Sheila Ankerstein, Library Clerk
Planning for 2015—2016
We would like to thank all of
those families who have returned
their enrolment intention form
for the 2015-2016 school year.
This information assists us with
planning for next year. We are
currently sending another hard
copy of the form home to those
families we have not heard from.
Please take a few minutes to complete and return this form. We
realize that intentions do change;
however, it does assist us in planning.
Grade 1 - 6 School Hours: 8:45 - 3:05
Entry Bell: 8:42 am
Classes Start: 8:45 am
Recess: 10:27 am - 10:37 am
Lunch Dismissal: 12:08 pm
Classes Resume: 12:51 pm
Bus Dismissal: 2:55 pm
Dismissal: 3:05 pm
*Supervisors are outside at 8:35 am
ECS School Hours:
AM Class - 8:45 am - 11:37am
PM Class - 12:15 pm - 3:05 pm
Student Absences
For the safety of our students, it is extremely
important to notify the school if your child will
be late or absent. If the school is not notified,
we are obligated to phone your home or office
to confirm the absence.
For your convenience, you may leave a message
concerning absences on the voicemail system
from 3:45 pm to 8:00 am, or you can send an email to
Visitors to our School
All parents and visitors must check in at the
office when visiting our school. A visitor pass
is required if you are going any further than
the front foyer.
No School
April 24 - PD Day
May 15 - Mid Term Break
May 18—Victoria Day
Early Dismissal
May 6—classes dismiss at 2:20
June 3 - classes dismiss at 2:20
School Fees
Hot Lunch
School fees are now well past due.
April 10th - Panda Hut
April 17th– Dairy Queen
May 1st—Tim Hortons
Milk Program
Milk cards are $15.00 for 20 milk.
Final notices are in the mail. If you
haven’t already, you can pay online or
by cash or cheque in the office.
Page 3
Both grade 6 classes had a great time at Telus
World of Science and the Edmonton Legislative
Building. Both classes were able to get their pictures taken with MLA George Rogers.
Mrs. Erhardt’s grade 2
class made doubles iPods
to practice their doubles
Our grade 6 leaders in action students were great
ambassadors for our school as they handed out coffee and
doughnuts to parents on Parent Teacher Interview
The 5/6 girls floor hockey
team battled hard at our
tournement on March 21st.
We went undefeated until
the semi finals and ended up
finishing in third place.
Great effort and dedication
Local author Nicole Brook
visited Leduc Estates
School during Literacy week
in January. She told students about a story writing
contest she was having for
students ages 5—12 .
The winner of this contest would be featured in her next book! Well, after over 250 entries from
across Canada and even a couple from the U.S., Nicole Brook selected Megan’s story as the winner.
Nicole came to our assembly on March 24th to surprise Megan with this exciting news. She presented
Megan with a photo of her character that will be in the next book. The book will be out in the fall.
We are so proud of you Megan! Keep on writing!