Lakeside Ledger 4th Quarter 2014-2015 Katina Allen Principal From The Principal Welcome back from Spring Break! This is our last newsletter for the 2014-2015 school year. The months of April, May, and June will be very busy at Lakeside. Please take time to review the section “Dates to Remember” to learn of current and upcoming activities. We have completed the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) for third and fourth grades. We will start testing for fifth and sixth grades on April 13th and continue through May 6th. Please mark your calendar and make sure your child is not tardy to school on those dates, and if possible, please do not make morning appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) as it would interfere with the schedule for administration. We have worked very hard to prepare the students and we want them to do their very best. Thank you for your support by ensuring your child has the best testing opportunity possible. We have enjoyed the opportunity to work with your child and watch him/her grow. Have a safe and wonderful summer. Our office hours in the summer will be 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Monday thru Thursday starting June 1st. Dates to Remember APRIL 17 – Family Fun Night 18 - Run to the Sun One Mile Fun Run 9:30am Best Bet (formerly OP Kennel Club) 24 – Jumperz (formerly Jump Zone) 4:00pm – 8:00pm MAY 1 – Interim Reports available on Parent Portal 4–8 Early Kindergarten Registration Week Jeff Schriver Assistant Principal Teacher Appreciation Week 7 – Laker Awards Ceremony 9:00am cafeteria 9 - Shannon Miller Lifestyle One Mile Fun Run 8:00am Jacksonville Landing 12 – Chorus Field Trip 13 – Tropicana Speech Contest 15 – Chorus Family Night 18 - Texas Roadhouse P.E. Family Fun Night 4:30pm – 8:30pm 25 – Memorial Day – No School Memorial Day One Mile Fun Run 9:00am 1st Place Sports of Orange Park 26 – P.E. Running Awards Ceremony 6:30pm – 8:00pm (4th – 6th) by invitation only 28 – 5th grade play 6:30pm – 8:30pm 29 – Jumperz (formerly Jump Zone) 4:00pm – 8:00pm JUNE 2 – Early Dismissal 11:45am 3 – Last Day/Early Dismissal 11:45am Report Cards available on Parent Portal First day of school for next year: 8/17/15 Teacher Appreciation Week Scheduled The week of May 4-8 has been designated as Teacher Appreciation Week in the state of Florida. If you have a special teacher you would like to remember with a note or kindness, you may want to do it during this week. We are very fortunate at LES to have a faculty of talented and caring teachers. We celebrate them not only this week, but every week. Dress Code Reminder Now that the season is changing and warm weather is upon us, we wanted to remind you that students need to follow the dress code. Pay particular attention to the following: ►Shorts for boys and girls should be no shorter than 4 inches from the top of the knee. The same applies to skirts. ►If wearing leggings or spandex pants, a shirt/blouse must be long enough to cover the buttocks. ►Shirts and blouses must cover the stomach and chest. Shirts must have sleeves that cover the shoulders and undergarments. Tank top and spaghetti straps are not allowed unless worn with a cover shirt. ►Pants/shorts must fit at the waist. If they will not stay up, a belt must be worn. Clinic Notes It’s TDAP Time! Attention: Parents of 6th grade students… Florida Law requires that all students get a Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) vaccination prior to entering 7th grade. If your child does not have a primary physician, FREE vaccinations are available through Florida Department of Health-Clay County’s Immunization Clinic at Bear Run, located at 3229 Bear Run Boulevard in Orange Park. The clinic is open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. -11:00a.m. and 1:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. Please call 904-272-3177 for more information. Parent or legal guardian MUST accompany children. (If using the Bear Run Immunization Clinic please bring your child’s current shot record with you.) Head Lice Alert Recently, we have experienced several cases of head lice. The following information will help you with early detection and treatment. PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE) TREATMENT Lice are grayish-white to light brown in color. They are wingless, about the size of sesame seed, and have 6 claws that attach to the hair shaft. Nits are yellowish to gray-tan oval eggs. Cycle: the eggs hatch in 8-10 days and then in another 8-10 days, the young will mature and lay eggs of their own. Viable (live) eggs are usually seen from the scalp up to ½ inch on the hair shaft. Head lice do not jump or fly and hardly ever crawl. If your child has been infected, that means their hair has been in contact with someone who is infected or they have shared the earphones, hats, combs, or brushes of someone infected. LICE ARE NOT LIFE THREATENING If you suspect head lice, check your child’s hair using a magnifying glass in natural light (sunlight). The National Pediculosis Association reports that lice have recently become resistant to pediculocide products. Therefore, you must follow the five-step plan to completely eliminate head lice. 5-STEP PLAN 1. Use pediculocide shampoo. Read the manufacturer’s label carefully and follow instructions. NOTE: DO NOT use pediculocide on children under the age of 2, if you are pregnant or nursing, or if your child has a seizure disorder. 2. Olive oil treatment: Using this method will aide in: a) smothering the lice; b) making nit removal easier; c) remoisturizing the hair after the use of pediculocide shampoo. DIRECTIONS: Massage olive oil into hair and scalp. Be sure to saturate completely. Leave olive oil on your child’s hair for 8 hours (overnight). Use a shower cap to cover the hair and tie a bandana over it to keep it in place. This works by means of suffocation. The olive oil cuts off the oxygen supply in a few minutes and the lice will not move, but you MUST leave the oil on for the full 8 hours to kill the lice. 3. Clean Environment: a) Vacuum carpets, upholstery and stuffed animals. Use lint removal brush for hard-to-vacuum areas. b) Soak combs and brushes in HOT water for 20 minutes. C) Wash clothes in HOT water and dry them in a hot dryer for 20 minutes. Lice cannot live off the human scalp for more than a couple of days. 4. Comb out nits: Use a regular comb to remove tangles first. Next, use a nit comb. Section the hair no longer than the length of the comb. Continue to section a small amount of hair until you cover the entire head. If you find a nit, remove it with your fingernails by sliding the nit off the hair shaft. 5. Shampoo: After 8 hours shampoo the hair over the sink (not the bathtub or shower). Use a good clarifying shampoo and add adequate amount of the shampoo twice. Check the hair after drying for any remaining nits. Repeat sectioning of small amount of hair as above. IMPORTANT! Repeat olive oil treatment and nit combing every 4 days for 3 weeks. The goal is to kill all newly hatched lice before they mature and lay eggs. Let parents of other children know if their child has been exposed to prevent re-infestation. TIPS 1. Wear hair up. 2. Check your child’s hair every week. 3. Don’t share combs, brushes, hats, etc. RE-ENTRY INTO SCHOOL: Parent must bring child to the school clinic to have hair checked before they can be re-admitted to class. The school’s attendance team will be notified of excessive absences which could result in a home visit from the school social worker and/or public health nurse. If you have any question or concerns, please call your child’s school. Students will be allowed two excused absences from school to be treated and cleaned of nits. After two days, absences will be unexcused. Music Notes Hello Lakers! We have had a great 3 quarter studying instrument families, creating musical stories, reading music and playing the recorder. In the 4th nine weeks, we will continue to play the recorder, develop listening skills and music vocabulary, study movement/dance and much more. Here are a few dates to add to your calendar and some important information: Chorus Please keep in mind that we have an altered rehearsal schedule due to FSA testing. Our last chorus rehearsals will be 4/10/15, 5/8/15, and 5/15/15. Our last two performances will be a field trip on 5/12/15 and Chorus Family Night on 5/15/15. Details for these performances will be sent home in April. Upcoming Events Elementary Music Festival 5/12/15 Chorus Family Night 5/15/15 Recorders All 4th/5th/6th graders need to have one! You can purchase the recorder and student book through or from the store Music of Note on Park Avenue. You can purchase any brand or color of recorder as long as it is a soprano recorder. The student book we are using is titled Recorder Karate. You may borrow a recorder from Mrs. Gaylor if you cannot afford to purchase one. Please send in a note with a parent/guardian signature requesting to borrow a recorder. The instrument will be checked out to the student and must be returned (in good condition) at the end of the year. We will be playing recorders throughout the remainder of the year. We will also use recorders next year. rd Wishlist We are always in need of supplies in the music room. If you would like to donate any of the following items, please send them to school with your child labeled “Music Room.” Tissues, Paper Towels, Hand Sanitizer, Clorox/Lysol Wipes, Paper (Colored/White/Construction/Cardsto ck), Folders, Pencils, Crayons, Markers, Paints, Glue/Glue Sticks, Stickers, CD’s/DVD’s/VHS’s (Grated only), costumes, hats, instruments (old/new) Volunteers If you are a trained musician or you have a unique instrument that you would like to share with the students of lakeside, please contact Mrs. Gaylor ( We would love to have you in the music room. If you would like to help with concerts/performances, making props, programs, costumes, etc., please contact Mrs. Gaylor. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Art Enrichment Program Monet and American Impressionists Harn Museum of Art Gainesville, FL. Free Admission April 18, 2015 1pm – 4pm Family Day at the Harn Learn a little French, picture with Monet and paint outdoors Please call Lori Butler 904-2132916 if you want to share great works of art in Lakeside Classrooms. Art Enrichment is a nonprofit organization and accepts donations of Art Books and art prints. Technology Talk I can’t believe it is almost the end of the year already! This school year has really flown by. Due to the computer-based FSA tests, the students will not meet in the computer lab again until after testing finishes on May 6th. At that time, we will take our final STAR reading assessment to give the students their updated reading zone for the year. This will help ensure that the students are reading appropriate material during the summer months to continue their reading growth during their time away from school. For parents and guardians of students in the fifth and sixth grades, please remember that you can download the computer-based practice tests at home (from so that the students can familiarize themselves with the testing format before the test. The students have had practice with the testing software in the computer lab, but the more they experience it, the more comfortable they will be when they have to take the real test. Also, I’m sure you have seen our new website by now. The new websites officially replaced the old websites for all schools in February. The address for our school is For those of you who had a link to the old Laker Links website at home, there is a new Student Links site on our new website that has educational activities for the students. The address for the new Student Links page is Media Matters Lakers have checked out 13,620 books this year! On average, each Lakeside student has checked out 13 books this year. The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger is our top fiction book. The most popular nonfiction section continues to be 500-599 which is made up of science topic books. Third grade is the top grade level with Mrs. Gernhard’s class leading the way with an average of 35 books per student checked out this year. WOW!!!! Congratulations to the following TOP Grade Level library patrons: K-Chance Crossley 1st-Mariah Davis 2nd-Madison Thornton 3rd-Cheyenne Moralez 4th-Jayden Gaines 5th-Andrew Galvan 6th-Kylie Zitkus *Two first grade classes had 100% of their students meet their 3rd quarter reading goals. Congratulations to Ms. Taylor and Mrs. Morris’s classes! *The Supervisor of Elections Office visited our library on March 26. Third-Sixth graders who qualified to vote heard an informative lesson on the voting process, then received a real ballot to vote for their favorite Sunshine State Young Reader Award book. LES’s choice was Hooper Finds a Home: A Hurricane Katrina Dog’s Survival Tale. Our votes will be added to votes from students around the state of Florida to determine this year’s winner. *Fourth graders are gearing up to compete for a spot on their classroom Battle of the Books team. Fourth grade students who have read at least three Sunshine State Young Reader Award books will take a qualifying test in April. The top four scores will be chosen for the BOB team. Class teams will battle each other the first week in May to determine our school winner. Wish us luck! *The Spring Book Fair is May 11-14. This fair will be a BOGO fair so start saving to stock up on books for summer reading! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kelly Jernigan in the media center. You won’t want to miss it! As always, please feel free to visit the library before or after school 8:00-8:30 or 2:30-3:00. Your child doesn’t have to wait for his or her library day! PFA Tidbit We are almost to the end of the year; if you have not completed the “3 for Me” hours, please contact Jennifer Meehan at or (904) 413-2153. Please continue to send in your “Labels for Education” and Tyson A+ School” labels. This benefits the school at no expense to you, as these labels are found on many of the items you purchase while shopping. We have enjoyed seeing you at our Skate Station family nights, as well as the Jumperz family nights. There are only a few more of these nights left, so please come join us for the fun! Please remember that parents are to stay with the children during the events. Thank you for your continued support at LES, where parents/volunteers do make a difference. P.E. Family Fun Night at The Texas Roadhouse There will be a P.E. Family Fun Night on Monday, May 18th at The Texas Roadhouse. Come and dine with us and meet our Lakeside Families. The P.E. Department will receive 10 % of all sales that evening from 4:30 – 8:30. Proceeds from the family night will be used to assist with school-wide initiatives. Team up with P.E. and treat your family to a nice, relaxing evening at The Texas Roadhouse. Lakeside Track & Field Team Congratulations to the following 4th – 6th graders who competed in the Clay County Elementary Track & Field Meet on Saturday, February 28th at Middleburg High School: 4th Grade: Isabelle Bernauer, Breanna Burniston, Madilyn Calderon, Hope Carter, Cameron Cole, Jaymie Cox, Thomas DeFauw, Michael Gilkey, Tremain Hooks, Sydney Jewell, Michelle Laffoon, Sydney LaPierre, Elijah Smith, Ethan Springer, Gehrig Van De Water, & Jamaine Wheeler. 5th Grade: Brandon Adams, Nicole Andersen, Maddox Baxter, Cody Bowyer, Richelle Carey, Ila Gapinski, Ben Gardiner, Abby McGinn, Ryan Prescott, Allaijah Reynoso, Armenia Sampadian, Dillon Slate, Logyn Toman, & Kaaliyah Woodside. 6th Grade: Kaley Burnside, Shelby Cercy, Emma Duchemin, Ben Harris, Raeona Harris, Shannon King, Ian Lake, Elizabeth Loudermilk, Shawn Parris, Kyle Richards, Mason Richards, Miranda Rosema, Terrell Spencer, Jonathan Taff, Savannah Walters, Kincaid Wilson, & Kylie Zitkus. The following students placed at the County Meet: Tremain Hooks ~ 1st (Long Jump) Ben Harris ~ 1st (400 Meters) Madilyn Calderon ~ 2nd (Softball Throw) Brandon Adams ~ 2nd (Softball Throw) Raeona Harris ~ 2nd (100 Meters) Mason Richards, Ian Lake, Terrell Spencer & Ben Harris ~ 2nd (4 x 100 Meter Relay) Cameron Cole ~ 3rd (Softball Throw) Hope Carter ~ 3rd (400 Meters) Kaaliyah Woodside ~ 3rd (200 Meters) Terrell Spencer ~ 3rd (Long Jump) The track team worked hard each week at practice to prepare for the county meet and a big shout out to Mical Van De Water, Jessica Jewell, & Tim Wells for serving on our coaching staff this season. Congratulations Lakers on a job well done! The P.E. Connection Physical Education is an integral part of the total education of every child in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Quality Physical Education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, healthrelated fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can adopt and enhance healthy lifestyles for a lifetime. Physical Education programs may improve children’s muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance. A quality Physical Education program may also assist in developing motor skills which allow for safe, successful and satisfying participation in physical activities and may provide a wide-range of developmentally appropriate activities for all children. Our program may be a major force in assisting children to socialize with others successfully and provide opportunities to learn positive people skills. Physical Education instills a stronger sense of self-worth in children based on their mastery of skills and concepts in physical activity. They may become more confident, assertive, and independent and self-controlled. National Physical Education & Sport Week is May 1st -7th. This year’s theme is “Let’s Move in School”. Please take the time to ask your child about his/her Physical Education experiences here at Lakeside. Now that spring is here, go out and enjoy the beautiful Florida weather while being physically active with your family. Spring into wellness! As the 2014 – 2015 school year winds down, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Lakeside families who have continually supported our Physical Education Department by participating in the community fun runs, and supporting our P.E. Family Fun Nights at the Texas Roadhouse. We are fortunate to have such amazing families here at Lakeside. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to teach your child this school year. Have a safe and physically active summer. “Move It ~ Move It” Competition Lakeside won the “Move It ~ Move It” county-wide competition for the first semester. Lakeside accumulated 15,043 miles since August during Fitness Friday and through the Kids Marathon program. As the winner for the first semester, Blue Bell Creameries provided frozen yogurt treats during lunch on Wednesday March 11th. Each and every child and staff member received the treat during their scheduled lunch time. Congratulations Lakeside! Way to track those miles! Kindergarten Pre-Registration Beginning the week of May 4-8, children who will be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2015 can be registered for Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year. To register for Kindergarten we will need the following items: 1) Two proofs of residency (utility bill and rental agreement or mortgage statement) 2) Copy of a certified birth certificate. 3) Immunization record (Form HRS 680). 4) School physical – dated within one year of the first day of school. 5) Picture ID of parent. Don’t delay! Kindergarten Korner My goodness, is it the last nine weeks already? Seems like just yesterday we were meeting and greeting this wonderful group of children! This nine weeks is packed with events and activities. We began with a field trip to the JCA in Jacksonville to see a play about Dr. Seuss. The children displayed exceptional behavior before, during and after the performance. They certainly represented LES well! Soon, our classrooms will become a safe haven for caterpillars as they go through their life cycle to become butterflies. The students will be actively engaged in observing this fascinating process. In celebration of the life cycle, the students will release the butterflies and wish them well. Clay County kindergarten students will be given a basic assessment for reading during the month of April. Also, the last Performance Matters test will be given. All math standards will be tested. The children have grown a lot. You may need to change the clothing in their backpack. Keep in mind the weather is getting warmer; therefore, take into consideration the type and size of the clothing for your child. Make sure they come dressed in clothing that meets the dress code. Please check your child’s backpack and take home folder daily. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. Sincerely, The Kindergarten Team First Grade Fun Where has the year gone? We have learned so much over the past three quarters, but we are not finished yet! In Reading we have been working on main idea and key details in text. We have also been learning about locating answers to questions in text. For practice at home while reading, ask your child questions about the text and have him or her locate the answers in the text. We are reading and writing about non-fiction. On homework assignments, continue to help your child write complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and correct use of capital letters. Keep practicing those addition and subtraction facts to 20! We have been doing timed-addition facts tests for “ice cream sundae” rewards (ask your first grader!). Coming up in math for the fourth nine weeks: adding and subtracting double-digit numbers, measurement, money, time to the hour and half hour, graphs, and interpreting data. We are looking forward to learning about these concepts! Many of our first graders met their AR goals for third quarter and get to go to the ice cream party, hooray! Way to go first graders and keep on reading! Second Grade Scoop The 3rd nine weeks is over and we have one more semester to finish strong in the 2014-2015 school year. We have so much to continue working on to be ready for 3rd grade. Please continue reading with your child at home. Also, mix it up a little have them read a page to you and you read a page to them. Be sure to ask questions as you both read together. The 5 W’s is a good place to start: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. The “W” questions will get your child talking about the events of the story they are reading and also boost comprehension. Research shows the more a child reads the more information they learn and retain for the future. It is also essential to review work sent home in the Daily Folder or Tuesday Folder. Students enjoy the praise they receive from a job well done as well as feedback and guidance from you, their first teacher. In the area of Math, continue to practice math facts nightly. The practice of math skills builds automaticity. That means your child will become more automatic with their knowledge of math facts. This also will help boost their math skills as they move throughout the grades here at Lakeside Elementary. Everyday practice and exposure to math in a child’s everyday environment is another way to build math knowledge. Have your child count money at home or at the store. It is exciting for them to put their knowledge to use in a practical way. Telling time, counting money, and using measurement tools are a life skill that starts early in 2nd grade. Have your child practice these concepts at home whenever possible. Thank you for your continued support. You can always call or email us with any questions or concerns. The Florida Standards Assessment is over!! The children are happy to be finished. We will be reading various chapter books in class which will be accompanied with activities and standards review. For the remainder of the school year, please make sure your child continues to read books at home. It is recommended they read at least 20 minutes a night. We also recommend that the students continue to practice their multiplication facts. We are getting ready for fourth grade this grading period and will be working diligently as we introduce new skills and review familiar ones. Be on the lookout for further information concerning an end of the year party. Thanks in advance to all of our volunteers who graciously give their time to help with these activities. Fourth Grade Flash Laker fourth graders worked hard on FSA! Although testing is over, school IS NOT—students should keep working hard! Every student must know their math facts: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Keep checking your child’s planner nightly. Read with your child; it improves comprehension and vocabulary. Keep checking planners nightly. Speeches: Coming soon! The Tropicana Public Speaking Contest—more info to follow! Third Grade Thoughts Fifth Grade Facts Spring is a busy time of year for fifth graders! They have many opportunities to shine! First is the Humane Society Poster Contest. The winner will be selected April 3rd, and his/her poster will be sent to the Humane Society for further judging. The county winner’s poster will be on the Blanding Boulevard billboard. Next, we will once again participate in the Tropicana Speech Contest. The school-wide contest will be on May 13th, so classroom competitions will take place the week before. Students will start working on their speeches in class soon. It’s time for students to start thinking about a topic! The 5th Grade Math Field Day Team has already started practicing and getting ready for the county competition on Saturday, May 16th. Congratulations to Ben Gardiner, Angela Lee, Ila Gapinski, James Rosier, Logyn Toman, Amanda Olyer, Josiah Ilagan, and Maryam Esso for being the students chosen to represent Lakeside! We also hope to shine on the new Florida Standards Assessment Tests. Fifth grade science will be tested April 13-14. The reading (ELA) is scheduled for April 17 and the 20th to 22nd. Math will be tested April 29-30 and May 1, as well as May 4-6. Please keep in mind these dates so students are well rested and ready to do their best! We still have a lot of work ahead. We need your help keeping students focused on learning. Please continue to check your child’s planner! Please continue to check Focus! Please continue to check folders! Please email or send us a note if you have any questions! We welcome your help as we enter the last quarter of the school year! Sixth Grade Scene Reading: We are in the home stretch! I want to personally thank you parents and students for all your hard work and support this year. I am excited to see it pay off on your student’s F.S.A tests! Sixth grade Reading will begin testing on April 13th, so please make sure your students are at school during that week. Your students will need plenty of rest and a healthy breakfast to get the day started off right. I will only be offering extra credit ONE TIME this quarter, so please make sure you put all your effort into your assignments. I will send home a “remind” text a week before I offer extra credit. Also, you can see in your student’s planner when it will be given out. Extra credit will be given out AFTER the F.S.A test. Ms. Hill Language Arts: Lakeside would like to extend a warm welcome to Ms. Bergelt. Science: During this 4th quarter we will be looking at the human body and the systems that help us function. We will learn about infectious diseases and how our body defends against them, and finally we will look at the diversity of life. This marking period will have some disruptions due to state testing, but we ask that you and your students maintain focus and end the year strong. Thank you for your continued support. Mr. Torrens Social Studies: We have just finished up our month study on the ancient civilization of Greece. Your students have learned about the geography of Greece, the beginning stages of democracy, famous wars fought to defend this idea of democracy, two powerful city-states, Sparta and Athens, and a great epic written by Homer entitled, “The Iliad.” The students enjoyed our visit from Mrs. Pate and Mrs. McCalley, our art ladies. They shared many interesting facts about Greek art and helped us make pottery containing three special characteristics: handles, red and black colors, and meandering patterns. Your student should have already brought home his/her finished product. Thank you to our art ladies for another successful art day. Another special guest speaker, John Cannizzaro, from the Jacksonville Court House, shared his expertise on the idea of democracy and how this idea has become such a vital part of our court system here in the United States. Thank you to this amazing lawyer who was willing to take time out of his day to share his knowledge with our sixth grade students. Our final Greece activity took place on April 7, 2015. This event was our annual Chariot Races. Each student dressed in a toga and the students who signed up in advance competed in a single elimination chariot race at 2:00 P.M. in the front of our school. Thank you parents for joining us for this fun and exciting day. Our next stop on this world history tour will be Ancient Rome. Thank you to all the parents who have sent in items for our activities over the year. You are greatly appreciated. As always if you have any questions or concerns regarding social studies please feel free to contact me at 213-2966 ex. 2312. Mrs. Dougherty Math: During this fourth nine weeks, we will be covering the following standards of mathematics. 1. Writing and solving expressions, equations, inequalities 2. Finding area and volume of figures 3. Find measures of central tendency 4. Number sense skills Tutoring is offered every other Tuesday from 2:40 to 3:40 in my classroom. Homework is assigned every night, including Fridays. I would encourage all students to practice their multiplication and division facts in order to maximize their potential for mathematical success. Mr. Little WE HOPE YOU HAVE A SAFE AND ENJOYABLE SUMMER BREAK!
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