T THE VALUE CHAIN Produrre fotovoltaico in A SOLAR FUTURE Europa èFOR ancora possibile? March 16th, 2015 Proprietary and Confidential Produrre Fotovoltaico in Europa, o meglio in Italia, è ancora possibile? Produrre una commodity, accettando di fare perdite enormi… SI !!! Il manufacturing si è spostato in Asia, con volumi 100 volte quelli delle aziende europee, con risorse 500 volte più elevate. Lo Tsunami FV ha spazzato via il 95 % dell’industria manifatturiera europea ed italiana. Produrre FV in Italia, con profitto e con un modello sostenibile è possibile? SI !! Nonostante l’ambiente fortemente ostile e difficile….( costo energia, costo manodopera, burocrazia infinita, sindacati, banche, Ag Entrate, ………..ecc) SI..È ancora possibile !! Come ? Proprietary and Confidential TRACK RECORD & MILESTONES JOINT VENTURE ITALY-RUSSIA HELIOS TECHNOLOGY ITALY SILFAB spa ITALY SOLAR PARKS ITALY 2007 2009 ZEBRA CELL KONSTANZ SOLARIS doo CROATIA 1981 1983 PV TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CHINA 1990 1986 2002 1999 1995 2000 PV TECHNOLOGY TRANFERS INDIA SWEDEN SOUTH AFRICA PV SYSTEMS AFRICA 2006 2008 KERSELF GROUP ITALY BRINDISI ITALY 2012 2010 SILFAB ONTARIO Inc CANADA 2014 BISON ITALY GREEN TO GREEN NORTH AMERICA DELPHOS ITALY Proprietary and Confidential 3 COMPETENCES and KNOW HOW MEGA GROUP Management Team have proven engineering competences and execution capabilities with more than 34 years experience in the following areas: o Polysilicon o Ingots o Wafers o Cells o Modules o Components o Turn Key Systems Proprietary and Confidential 4 MegaCell Line 5 PV BUSINESS NETWORK Franco Traverso - Owner- GRIDCO S.r.l. (Italy) 60% 180 MW/yr Modules production, expanding to 300 MW Mega Group S.r.l. (Italy) 100% Silfab S.r.l. MegaCell S.r.l. (Italy) 85% (Italy) 100% Silfab Solar Inc. Mega Engineering S.r.l. (Canada) 100% (Italy) 100% Solar Farms (SPV) 16MWp (Italy) Misr Solar Hldg ( JV Egypt) 20% 80 MW/yr BiSoN Cell production Engineering (Manufacturing plants & Solar Farms), Technology Transfer & licensing Owner’s Engineering Services (EPCM) Operation & Mantainence Services 120 MW/y BiSoN Cells & Modules production in Egypt 6 WHERE is the PV sector going? What about the future of PV ?? become a massive source of green energy production & competitive Vs fossil fuels !! PV 3.0 !! =>> How to reach this goal ?? =>> Low LCOE ( levelized cost of energy ) BEYOND Grid Parity !!!! LCOE !! THIS is the new driver of the PV market worldwide !! Subsidized markets are coming to an end !! PPA is , and will be, the true tool to pay back the investments in PV !!! The key elements of the LCOE?=>> QUANTITY OF Kwh/Kwp produced annually x number of years of useful and productive lifespan of the PV system !!!! Proprietary and Confidential 7 BiSoN TECHNOLOGY The German R&D institute ISC Konstanz and the Italian Mega Engineering have signed an agreement for the licensing of ISC’s bifacial BiSoN solar cell technology, including a technology transfer agreement, guaranteeing extensive support by specialists of ISC Konstanz to Mega Engineering during the transfer and ramp-up of the BiSoN technology in Egypt. MegaCell (subsidiary of MegaGroup) is the Company already producing the Bison bi-facial cells in Italy (80 MW/yr capacity) monocrystalline silicon N-type with high efficiency (over 20%) at competitive cost. BiSoN production requires several patent-protected process steps regarding e.g. surface passivation and diffusion process for the formation of the emitter and the back surface field. MegaEngineering owns patent and license of the bi-facial solar cell (BiSon Technology) which will be transferred to the New Egyptian JV. Proprietary and Confidential 8 BiSoN APPLICATION Different implementations of bifacial modules (landscape pictures taken from PVG Solutions Source: PV Tech.org, may 2014 Proprietary and Confidential 9 High Eff Vs Low cost modules comparison High efficiency High cost High efficiency Low cost High efficiency Module ZEBRAIBC( front (e.g. HIT, existing IBC modules etc) side only) BiSoN ( front Standard efficiency side only) MWT, PERC avg. estimated CoO 2014 Standard Module sales price range (Q4/2014) Low cost Sources: Pvinsights, Photon, ITRPV 2013, Eurotron, own calculations (CoO depending on location of manufacturing site) 10 Proprietary and Confidential The Value Chain for a Solar Future LCOE Projection (Chile example) Levelized Cost of Energy ($/kWh) (LCOE) 0,20 0,15 0,10 LCOE LCOE WITH BIFACIAL MODULES+ TRK 0,05 0,00 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 source: FT 11 confidential and proprietary information 2020 12 Proprietary and Confidential GLOBAL view & Local approach MODULES 150 MW/y BiSoN CELLS 150 MW/y MISR SOLAR INDUSTRY BiSoN CELLS + MODULES 120 MW/y LEGENDA Production Plants Covered markets Proprietary and Confidential 13 COMPETENCES and KNOW HOW MEGA GROUP Management Team have proven engineering competences and execution capabilities with more than 34 years experience in the following areas: o Polysilicon o Ingots o Wafers o Cells o Modules o Components o Turn Key Systems 14 Proprietary and Confidential Proprietary and Confidential Proprietary and Confidential Press Release • 25 November 2014 MegaCell and Misr Asset Management jointly announce the common intent to build a 120MW/year production plant of bi-facial high efficiency solar cells and modules in Egypt within 2015. ROMA, Italy, Nov. 25, 2014 – MegaCell the leading Italian photovoltaic manufacturer, owned by Mega Group, and Misr Asset Management, the Cairo-based Investment Bank which provides fund management, investment advisory, portfolio management and private equity services and is owned by Egypt’s leading insurer Misr Insurance Holding Company announce together the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of a 120MW/Year production plant of bi-facial high efficiency solar cells and modules in Egypt within 2015. Proprietary and Confidential Focus on ZEBRA technology ZEBRA features Large IBC cell dimension: industry-standard 156 × 156 mm2 pseudo square N-type Cz wafers ( now available at almost the same cost of P type) Low CoO Upgraded conventional equipments being utilized nowadays in most PV industries Bifacial with high bifaciality ratio ( 75+%) 18 Proprietary and Confidential MegaCell invests in the innovative “ZEBRA”technology to start mass production @ end of 2015 2015 19 MegaCell and ISC institute reach the target of over 21,5+ % efficiency on the “Zebra” IBC cell. Proprietary and Confidential MEGA GROUP ROADMAP to ON FIELD high eff. EQ EFF = Equivalent efficiency = Front efficency FR + ( Back efficiency BK * 22%) MEGACELL BiSoN and ZEBRA Bi-facial Cells technology Ion Implanting ZEBRA Mass Production EFF 23+% FR +19+% BK => 27+ % EQ EFF Ion Implanting. ZEBRA Pilot line Ion Implanting ZEBRA (R&D) ZEBRA cell+ modules Mass Mass Production EFF 22% FR+17%BK => 25+% EQ EFF ZEBRA Cell+Modules Pilot line Pilot line ZEBRA IBC Cell + Modules (R&D) Modules (R&D) BiSoN Cell+ modules mass production Efficiency 20,4 % FR+17% BK => 24+ % EQ EFF 2015 2016 Proprietary and Confidential 2017 2018 20 history of glasses THANKS FOR THE PERFECT ORGANISATION! star treck PV future google PV future glasses PV future monocle PV present Thank you! T For more information, www.megacell.it CONTACT US: MegaCell S.r.l. Via Postumia 9B 35010 – Carmignano di Brenta (Padua), Italy E-mail: info@megacell.it Proprietary and Confidential ingot resistivity
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