BUILDING INTEGRITY | DEA SUMMARY REP ORT ______________________________________________________________________________ SUPPLIER NAME MBM Garments Ltd UNITS AUDITED Two building 10 story and 9 story SUPPLIER ADDRESS M-19 & M-14, Section 14, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh AUDIT DATE November 2013 AUDIT PERFORMED BY Environment and Infrastructure Management Solutions(EIMS) AUDIT TEAM 4 Members consisting of structural engineer. _____________________________________________________________________________ BUILDING OVERVIEW 10 STORY BUILDING Item Building Usage Type Structure System No of Stories / Floor area Floor Load: Design drawing Foundation Type Soil Report Description Garment Manufacturing RC frame system(Beam Column Framing) 10 story/ approx. 2800 sqft/floor Live load from factory use :Ground Floor ETP 1st floor finishing section 3rd floor cutting section 4th and 5th floor sewing section 6th floor dining ,embroidery and sewing 7th and 8th sewing section 9th floor office and conference room Available Single and Combine footing Available 9 STORY BUILDING Item Building Usage Type Structure System No of Stories / Floor area Floor Load: Description Garment Manufacturing RC Frame structure (Beam column framing all over the building) 9 Story/ 49000 Sq.ft. Ground Floor : Washing office , Mezzanine Floor : Store room and Office 1st and 2nd Floor : Finishing Section 3rd Floor : Cutting Section 4th and 5th Floor : Sewing section 6th Floor : Dining ,Embroidery and Sewing section 7th and 8th Floor : Sewing Section BUILDING INTEGRITY DEA INSPECTION SUMMARY | MBM GARMENTS LTD | PAGE 1/4 Design drawing Foundation Type Soil Report Roof: Water Tank(1500 lit capacity ) and prayer room. Available Individual and Combine footing Available BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF METHODOLOGY Detailed Engineering Analysis (DEA) as Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) DETAILED CONTENT Evaluation and Test ...................................................................................................................................... 2 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................................................... 2 10 Story Building…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2&3 9 Story Building ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 Detailed Description and Methodology……………………………………………………………………………………………………4 EVALUATION AND TEST Destructive and Non Destructive Test o Evaluation of concrete strength from core test. o Verification of Rebar of structural members by Ferro Scanning Analysis of structural adequacy Assessment of Foundation Evaluation of Column Evaluation of Beams Evaluation of Slabs 10 STORY BUILDING: CONCLUSIONS Structure was analyzed under actual present loading conditions and under BNBC 2006 loading conditions. Considering 4935 psi concrete strength, it was found that all the beams and slabs are adequate according to BNBC 2006 . The column and footings are adequate considering actual gravity loading (Dead load and present actual load). However according to BNBC 2006 (Considering Earthquake and Wind Load) most of the columns are overstressed. BUILDING INTEGRITY DEA INSPECTION SUMMARY | MBM GARMENTS LTD | PAGE 2/4 Considering 3383 psi concrete strength , it was found all beams and slabs are adequate according to BNBC 2006. The column and footings are adequate considering actual gravity loading (Dead load and present actual live load ) condition. However according to BNBC 2006 (Considering Earthquake and Wind Load) all of the columns are highly overstressed. Recommendations: Recommended to retrofit all the column and footings to make the structure compliance with BNBC 2006. Ensure that floor load is within the allowable limit. Recommended to engage a load manager immediately. 9 STORY BUILDING: CONCLUSIONS Building was analyzed as per the live loading conditions and 63 psf live load. All the center columns are marginally adequate considering the concrete strength suggested by ACI 562 (Without considering any lateral load slenderness effect in column at ground level) in actual live load. The edge and corner columns are not adequate for this reduced loading conditions. However, considering BNBC 2006 with all its loading combinations(gravity and lateral load) most of the columns are highly overstressed. For the existing loading conditions (Excluding lateral load) most of the beams are adequate. However considering BNBC 2006 with all its loading combination (i.e. gravity and lateral load ) some of the beams are overstressed. We found that factory of safety of four foundations among twenty four between 1.1 and 1.5 and seventeen foundation among twenty four less than 2.0. This assessment was done subsoil investigation of Geotechnical engineers and consultants in March 1993. Slab is adequate in actual live load conditions. RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommended immediate rectification works for adequate /overstressed structural members and practice safety measures before starting rectification work. Recommended to remove heavily loaded water tank from roof. Recommended top replace the brick wall of toilets with lightweight Aluminum sheet or equivalent partition wall in all floor except ground floor. BUILDING INTEGRITY DEA INSPECTION SUMMARY | MBM GARMENTS LTD | PAGE 3/4 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF METHODOLOGY Specification for Detail Structural Assessment Structural Analysis will be carried on according to BNBC (1993) and ACI code. I. Testing of Materials: Sub-soil Investigation Core/Pullout/CAPO Test (Destructive Test) for Concrete Strength UPV (Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity) Test (Non-destructive Test) for Concrete Strength Ferro-Scanning in Column, Beam and Slab for Rebar Detection. II. Investigation of Foundations Foundation Explorations III. Structural Evaluation (Design check): Analysis of sub-soil investigations report Development of computer simulated model Checking of structural stability and geometry Checking adequacy of foundation i.e. pile & pile cap or footing/raft Checking of lateral load resistance capacity of the Building Design check for soft story & Dynamic Load BUILDING INTEGRITY DEA INSPECTION SUMMARY | MBM GARMENTS LTD | PAGE 4/4
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