Civil Air Patrol Lexington Composite Squadron (MER-SC-032) 3901 CAP Wing Drive West Columbia, SC 29170 Meeting Time is 6:30 PM to 8:45 PM on Tuesday Evenings Major Paul Selig, Jr., CAP, Squadron Commander March 28th (Saturday) Squadron O-Flights There will be cadet O-Flights offered on Saturday morning, March 28th. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet with information on how to contact you that morning. Your OFlight pilot for this weekend will be Major Pete Schulte. April 11th (Saturday) through April 12th (Sunday) MCAS Beaufort Air Show There will be an airshow held at the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, SC on Saturday, April 11th, and Sunday, April 12th. Many CAP squadrons across the SC Wing will be attending the show. We may drive a CAP van down early on Saturday morning and may camp out on Saturday night. April 17th (Friday) through April 19th (Sunday) State-wide SAR Exercise, In the Upstate, SC Ground Team training will be Friday-Sunday 17-19 April for GTM3, GTM2, GTM1, GTL, and UDF. C/LtCol Hoover is working on the training schedule and it will be released shortly. Aircrews will be tasked from local locations throughout the state and only a select few will arrive at the Command Post. With the Ground Teams training and camping, the plan is to train the whole weekend and when Ground Teams are needed on Saturday for the SAREX they will be tasked via COMM (CAP FM or Cell phone). Once they complete the SAREX tasking, Ground Teams will return to their training site and continue training. We will also do a little cross coordinating between SC Wing and NC Wing in a limited capacity. Ground Teams or Aircrews might do their sortie in NC while a NC team might be in SC helping one another. Major Mike Albertson has agreed to be the IC for this event so he will be the one running the show and will be emailing the wing in the coming weeks with more information as he assembles his staff. Those of you working on AOBD, GBD, PSC, OSC, CUL, incident management staff positions, please let the IC know so we can work you in to the training. Squadron Newsletter for Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page 1 May 13th (Wednesday) NDMS Disaster Exercise, Columbia, SC On Wednesday, May 13th, there will be a state-wide disaster exercise held at the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. State officials are looking for participants to play the role of injured and displaced persons. The best part, however, is if we drive down to Charleston AFB early that morning (0600 hours), we get to ride in an Air Force C-17 from Charleston back to Columbia and then back to Charleston at the conclusion of the exercise! This very fun activity is open to both cadets and senior members and will most likely last most of the day. The State officials are looking for at least 60 participants from all of our wing’s CAP squadrons. Cadets: this activity will require a special permission slip signed by your parents to be returned to Major Selig NLT Tuesday, 28 April 2015. Cost will be only $4 for a boxed breakfast before the flight. Lunch will also be provided during the activity. Please indicate your interest on the sign-up sheet at the squadron. May 15th (Friday) through May 17th (Sunday) 2015 Middle East Region SAR College, Ft. Pickett, VA The Middle East Region SAR College (MER SAR) will be 15-17 May 2015. This is an excellent opportunity for cadets and seniors to learn more about CAP search and rescue, no matter what your current training level. The web site at has been updated with the available classes/activities that are available this year. Registration for the classes/activities will open on March 7, 2015 and end May 1, 2015. In past years, cadets have been able to work on the flight line or train to receive the various levels of GTM/Ranger certification. Brochures are available for both cadets and senior members. The course cost will be $72.50 for cadets and seniors and includes housing in the barracks. BOQ housing is available for senior members for an additional $48.00 or $62.00. June 30th (Tuesday) Cadet Protection Basic Training Class All senior members must complete the new Cadet Protection Program Training (CPPT) Basic class by 30 June 2015. You can complete this requirement by either completing the training on-line in eServices (Learning Management System / Cadet Programs / Cadet Protection Basic Course). July 12th (Sunday) through July 17th (Friday) 2015 Middle East Region Cadet Leadership School For all of those interested in the 2015 RCLS South Course, it will be held 12-17 July 2015 at Seymour-Johnson AFB in North Carolina. Cadet Student Applications will open in March 2015. Squadron Newsletter for Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Page 2
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