The school assembly rota is developed around the 7 core values of : Respect, Determination, Inspiration, Excellence, Friendship, Courage and Equality. These also link to the SEAL themes of: New Beginnings, Getting on and Falling out, Going for Goals, Good to be Me, Relationships and Changes Our Assemblies also promote British values including democracy (local, national and international), the rule of law, mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance of different faiths and cultures. This includes national and internationally celebrated religious events and notable national days and events. Additionally, assemblies at Leyburn Community Primary School recognise the need to respond to and discuss world events as they occur; for example, outbreak of war or disease or the death of a respected person. Assembly timetable – Summer term 2015 Week 1 14th April 15th April 16th April 17th April Week 2 20th April 21st April 22nd April 23rd April 24th April Week 3 27th April 28th April 29th April 30th April 1st May Week 4 4th May 5th May 6th May 7th May 8th May Week 5 11th May 12th May 13th May 14th May 15th May Week 6 Democracy and tolerance – Relationships (SEAL) Welcome back to school! Hymn Practice KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly –Making a new start to the Summer term Democracy and tolerance – Relationships (SEAL) How to improve break-times – vote! KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Noel Ramsey KS2 assembly – St George’s day/Shakespeare’s birthday Celebration assembly – having good breaktimes Democracy and tolerance – Relationships (SEAL) Results of the vote to improve break times KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Hymn Practice KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly – listening to other people’s views Democracy and tolerance – Relationships (SEAL) May Day KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Sarah Beveridge Election Day! Celebration assembly – Lost Sock day! A pleasant surprise Friendship - mutual respect Being a good friend in our school family. KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly – Sportsmen & women Hymn Practice KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly – International day of families Friendship – mutual respect Led By SB SB/FM BC SB SB ED SB LHi SB SB HB SB/FM SS SB ER SB BC SB SB LP SB/SR LHi SB Notes on resources used 18th May 19th May 20th May 21st May 22nd May Week 1 1st June 2nd June 3rd June 4th June 5th June Week 2 8th June 9th June 10th June 11th June 12th June Week 3 15th June 16th June 17th June 18th June 19th June Week 4 22nd June 23rd June 24th June 25th June 26th June Week 5 29th June 30th June 1st July 2nd July 3rd July Week 6 6th July 7th July 8th July 9th July 10th July Week 7 13th July 14th July 15th July 16th July 17th July Giving and receiving – Year 6 KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Noel Ramsey KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly – a good piece of written work Courage - Changes (SEAL) Responding to a piece of music KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Hymn practice KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly – facing a difficulty Courage - Changes (SEAL) World Ocean day – led by children KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Sarah Beveridge KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly – caring for the school Courage - Changes (SEAL) Training day KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Noel Ramsey KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly – Ramadan Begins Celebration assembly Courage - Changes (SEAL) What is it to be brave? KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Hymn practice KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly Courage - Changes (SEAL) Responding to a piece of music KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Childline assembly KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly Courage - Changes (SEAL) Moving on KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Hymn Practice KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly Courage - Changes (SEAL) Saying goodbye KS1 Assembly/KS2 class assembly Noel Ramsey KS2 assembly/KS1 class assembly Celebration assembly SB ED SB SS SB Led by SB HB SB/FM BC SB SB ER SB LHi SB LP SB SS SB SB ED SB/SR BC SB SB HB SB LHi SB SB ER SB/SR SS SB SB LP SB BC SB Notes on resources used
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