Long Grove Park District Summer 2015 Recreation Programs Reed-Turner Woodland 3849 Old McHenry Road Long Grove, IL 60047 847.438.4743 Fax 847.719.1645 www.lgparks.org Long Grove Park District Summer 2015 Recreation Programs Table of Contents Registration/Waiver Forms ……………………. Youth Sports ……………………………………. Youth Activities …………………………………. Adult Fitness ……………………………………. Garden Club Plant Sale Information …………. Page # 3-4 5-15 16-17 18 19 Long Grove Park District 2015/2016 North Suburban Travel Basketball League Volunteer Coaches and Managers needed for our Travel Basketball Program Experience the excitement and competition of Traveling Basketball, while teaching the kids sportsmanship and teamwork. In addition, everyone will enjoy having fun and getting exercise too! The North Suburban Travel Basketball League season will open on November 1st and ends on March 8th. Team registrations are due September 15th. Conference tournaments are March 14th and 15th, 2015. Call Nancy @ 847.438.4743 if you would like to learn more about this opportunity. 2 Long Grove Park District ~ Summer 2015 REGISTRATION FORM Mail In: Long Grove Park District, 3849 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove 60047 Scan/email: syoung@lgparks.org Fax: Fax registration form to 847.719.1645 Call in: 847.438.4743 ( Please note if you call in registration a signed waiver will need to be sent to us before you or your child will be able to participate in the programs.) Family Last Name, Parent first Name Home Phone Address Email Address City Zip Code Cell Number Emergency Contact Relationship Emergency Number First name Last Name if different Age Grade Sex Would you like to donate to the Park District? Work Phone Program Name Code Start Date Yes/No Make checks payable to Long Grove Park District. Returned checks $15 service charge. Day Time Fee Amount $ Total Dollar Amount of Programs $ Please complete this portion if mailing or faxing in Registration Form Credit Card (Circle One) Discover Visa Master Card Credit Card # Expiration Date Payment Amount $ Authorized Signature A signed Waiver and Release of All Claims form needs to be sent in with your Registration Form. www.lgparks.org 3 Please read this form carefully and be aware in registering yourself or your minor child/ ward for participation in Long Grove Park District/Recreation Committee programs you are waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you or your minor child/ward might sustain arising from Long Grove Park District/Recreation Committee Program. Risk Warning I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in the Long Grove Park/Recreation Program and I agree to assume the full risks of any injuries, including death, damaged and loss regardless of the severity which I or my minor child/ward may sustain as a result of participation in any and all activities connected with such programs. Waiver and Release of All Claims I agree to waive and relinquish all claims my minor child/ward or I may have as a result of participating in any program, against the Long Grove Park District/Recreation Committee and its officers, agents, servants and employees. I do hereby fully release and discharge the Long Grove Park District/Long Grove Recreation Committee and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries including death, damage and lose sustained by my minor child/ward or me arising out of connected with or any way associated with these activities of the programs. I further agree to indemnify and defend the Long Grove Park District/Long Grove Recreation Committee officers to secure from any licensed hospital, physicians and or medical personnel any treatment deemed necessary for immediate care for my minor child/ward or me and agree that I will be responsible for payment of any and all medical services rendered, including 911 services. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims. If registering via fax, your facsimile signature shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature. Participation in programs will be denied if the signature of adult participation or parent/guardian and date are not on this waiver. Please print and include this signed waiver with your registration form. Photo/Video Release I understand that my child/ward or I may be photographed or video taped while participating in Long Grove Park District programs. I give permission for photos and videotapes of my child/ward or me to be used to promote the Long Grove Park District. Such photos and videotapes will remain the property of the Long Grove Park District. I have read and fully understand the program details, waiver and release for all claims and permission to secure treatment as stated on this form. Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Date:_____________________ Print name of Parent/Guradian_____________________________________________ 4 YOUTH SPORTS 2015 Soccer Workout Camp with Rookie Sports This high energy camp packs all the skills, drills, and fun into one amazing week. Your child will have their soccer skills develop quickly and will definitely be noticeably more knowledgeable, confident and capable after attending this camp. Techniques for all positions will be covered and games will be played at the end of each day to take their new skills for a test drive. Shin guards and plastic cleats are recommended, but not required. If your child wants to bring their own ball please put their name on it so we can make sure they get it back the following day. We will end the camp with a championship game and a water gun fight. Code Age S15 –SC 5-8 S15 –SC1 9-12 Day Mon. thru Fri. Mon. thru Fri. Dates 8/03-8/07 8/03-8/07 Time 10am-noon 1-3:00pm Fee $96.00 $96.00 Location: Kildeer Countryside School, 3100 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove Golf Lessons Golf is a great game and can be a lifelong partner that can help bring better fitness and peace of mind. Rookies will teach the game of golf the new and exciting way! Kids can develop their game without being bored while learning the sport with Rookies coaches. Your child will play challenging golf skill games that will develop their skills in a fun, team-orientated way. Most of the games can be brought home to play with mom and dad. To start, plastic balls will be used for technique and safety. If you have your own clubs, please bring them. It’s always best to get used to your own equipment. If not, we have plenty of extras. Code S15-G1 S15-G2 S15-G3 S15-G4 Age 4-7 8-12 4-7 8-12 No Class 6/30 Day Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Dates 6/09-7/14 6/09-7/14 7/28-8/25 7/28-8/25 Time 6:15-7:00pm 7-7:45pm 6:15-7:00pm 7:00-7:45pm Fee $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 Location: Lemmon Hill Baseball Fields, Gilmer Road, Long Grove Track N’ Field with Rookie Sports This clinic is fast! The athletes will be moving nonstop from the first whistle to the final lap. We will introduce many different track events and they will get a chance to learn what they like and what they excel at. Sprinting, long distance running, hurdles, long jump, high jump, discus, shot put and relays will all be played. The athletes will compete but the true goal is to beat their times from the early weeks to the final event on the last day! Code S15-TF1 S15-TF2 S15-TF3 S15-TF4 Age 4-7 8-12 4-7 8-12 No class 6/30 Day Tues. Tues. Tues. Tues. Dates 6/09-7/14 6/09-7/14 7/28-8/25 7/28-8/25 Time 4:30-5:15pm 5:15-6:00pm 4:30-5:15pm 5:15-6:00pm Fee $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 Location: Kildeer Countryside School, 3100 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove 5 YOUTH SPORTS 2015 Mini Soccer League The first week is a practice and skill session. We will determine teams based on the practice. Starting the second week we will have a fifteen minute mini practice before playing two 20 minute halves. Every child will receive a jersey and a trophy at the end of the league. Code Age S15-MS1 3-5 S15-MS2 6-8 S15-MS3 9-12 Day Sat. Sat. Sat Dates 6/20-8/08 6/20-8/08 6/20-8/08 Time 11:00am-noon 12:00-1:00pm 1:00-2:00pm Fee $84.00 $84.00 $84.00 No Class 7/4 Location: Kildeer Countryside School, 3100 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove Sports Mix Sports Mix fun is all around! Sports Mix is a great way to get your child involved in many different sports. Every week they will be taught a new fun game and be able to try them out. Your child will get to learn different techniques for each game. Some of the fun games they will get to play are dodgeball, races, capture the flag, etc. Your child will get to challenge themselves and their different abilities in each sport played. Sports Mix will be a great way to show your child the different games they can play and keep them active. Code S15-SM S15-SM1 S15-SM S15-SM1 Age 2-3 w/parent 3-5 2-3 w/parent 3-5 Day Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Dates 6/13-7/18 6/13-7/18 8/1-8/29 8/1-8/29 Time 9:00-9:45 am 9:45-10:30am 9:00-9:45 am 9:45-10:30am Fee $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 No Class 7/4 Location: Kildeer Countryside School, 3100 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove 6 YOUTH SPORTS 2015 Flag Football Do your kids love football? Do you want them to have fun with the most popular sport in the country while also learning the right way to play? With Rookies coaching staff your child will learn how to do everything except tackle while having a blast. Their love for the game will increase alongside their knowledge for it. Each Monday new skills will be practiced as a warm up before the Monday Night Football really begins. Code Age S15-FF1 4-6 S15-FF2 7-10 S15-FF3 4-6 S15-FF4 7-10 No Class 6/29 Day Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays Dates 6/08-7/13 6/08-7/13 7/27-8/24 7/27-8/24 Time 5:30-6:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 6:30-7:30pm Fee $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 Location: Kildeer Countryside School, 3100 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove Baseball If your child wants the extra leg up on the competition this is the clinic for them. Our trained staff will make sure your children improve not only their skill level but also their love and knowledge of the game. The coaches have been traveling the state of Illinois for 12 years training kids on becoming better players that understand the game at it's highest level. Your little one doesn't have to be an all star for this clinic. Be sure they bring a glove. Code S15-BS1 S15-BS2 S15-BS3 S15-BS4 Age 5-8 9-12 5-8 9-12 Day Wed. Wed. Wed. Wed. Dates 6/10-7/15 6/10-7/15 7/29-8/26 7/29-8/26 Time 5:45-6:45pm 6:45-7:45pm 5:45-6:45pm 6:45-7:45pm Fee $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 No class 7/1 Location: Lemmon Hills Baseballs Fields, 6302 Gilmer Road, Long Grove Summer T-Ball T-Ball at the grass roots level. This fun clinic will be both educational and a little competitive. For the first half of each class the players will learn the skills they will need to become better players in a fun, non stressed environment. We have many games built in to teach while still allowing for the TBallers to have a great time. Then the second half of the clinic, we will split the kids up and play a game. All your children will need is a glove and some sun block! Code S15-TB1 S15-TB2 Age 3-5 3-5 Day Wed. Wed. Dates 6/10-7/15 7/29-8/26 Time 5:00-5:45pm 5:00-5:45pm Fee $60.00 $60.00 No Class 7/1 Location: Lemmon Hill Baseball Fields, Gilmer Road, Long Grove 7 YOUTH SPORTS 2015 Friday Night Fun This program is great for kids looking for a fun way to kick off a weekend! Many fun sports are planned such as basketball, flag football, soccer, floor hockey and dodge ball. There will be two activities running at the same time so that your child will always have a choice of what they want to play. While we promote playing enthusiastically, Rookie Sports has trained coaches on staff that can help any participant that does not totally understand or grasp the concept of a certain sport. Participants need to be checked out by parent at the end of the evening. Code Age Day Dates S15-FF1 S15-FF2 S15-FF3 7-11 7-11 7-11 Fri. Fri. Fri. 6/19 7/17 8/14 Time Fee 5:30-7:30pm 5:30-7:30pm 5:30-7:30pm $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Location: Kildeer Countryside School, 3100 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove. Note all three nights for $55.00 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Junior Development Tennis Program Twin Orchard Country Club This program is designed for the beginner to intermediate player with emphasis on stroke development. These classes will be taught on outdoor clay courts at Twin Orchard Country Club in Long Grove. Please note in case of rain, classes will be made up on Friday of that week. Code # class/week Date Fee S15-TO1 2 days a week Ages 8-10 Ages 11-14 June 15- July 1 Time: 4:30-5:30pm Time: 5:30-6:30pm $192.00 Mon/Wed. Mon//Wed. S15-TO2 2 days a week Ages 8-10 Ages 11-14 July 6- July 22 Time: 4:30-5:30pm Time: 5:30-6:30pm $192.00 Mon/Wed. Mon//Wed. S15-TO3 2 days a week Ages 8-10 July 27- August 12 Time: 4:30-5:30pm $192.00 Mon/Wed. 8 YOUTH SPORTS 2015 Summer Tennis Program ~ Lincolnshire Club 96 Elm Street, Lincolnshire JUNIOR TENNIS PROGRAM Dates 6/8 thru 8/14 (No Class 7/4) Day # of Weeks Time Fee Tuesday Thursday Saturday 10 10 08 4-5 pm 4-5 pm 9-10 am $330.00 $330.00 $264.00 Tuesday Thursday Saturday 10 10 08 3-4 pm 3-4 pm 11– Noon $330.00 $330.00 $264.00 Tuesday Thursday Saturday 10 10 08 3-4 pm 3-4 pm 12-1 pm $330.00 $330.00 $264.00 Quick Start Ages 4-10 Junior Development Ages 11-13 High School Ages over 13 Parents: Please try and register your children as early as possible for our classes. Due to late enrollments in the past, we have had to cancel many of our classes. Our instructors often need time to prepare for their classes and need adequate notice if a class is going to be cancelled. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 9 YOUTH SPORTS 2015 Tennis/Swim Camps Lincolnshire Tennis Club, 96 Elm Street, Lincolnshire Full Day Camp Ages 5-13 9am-3pm Class Week June 8 -12 # of Classes Please circle day/s M, Tu, W, Th, F Fee Per Day Fee Per week $129 $585 June 15-19 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 June 22- 26 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 June 29-July 3 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 July 6 –10 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 July 13-17 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 July 20-24 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 July 27-31 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 Aug. 3-7 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 Aug.10-14 M, Tu, W, Th, F $129 $585 Please note: Price for 4 weeks (20 days) $1740—for 8 weeks (40 days) $3375 Half Day Camp @ Lincolnshire Tennis Club Ages 5-13 9 am-12pm Tennis Camp or 12pm– 3pm Tennis/Swim Camp Week June 8 -June 12 Please circle day/s M, Tu, W,Th, F Circle am pm Fee per day $77 Fee per week $323 June 13-19 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 June 22-26 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 June 29-July 3 M, Tu, W, Th,F am pm $77 $332 July 6 -10 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 July 13-17 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 July 20-24 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 July 27-31 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 Aug. 3-7 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 Aug.10-14 M, Tu, W, Th, F am pm $77 $323 Please note: Price for 4 weeks (20 days) $1050– for 8 weeks (40 days)$1958 10 YOUTH SPORTS ~ SUMMER 2015 SPECIAL NEEDS MARTIAL ARTS ~ PRIVATE & SEMI PRIVATE CLASSES Learn from the Masters! Under the instruction of 7th Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Master Jeong and other highly experienced Masters’ and Instructors. Our Special Needs Martial Arts Classes are designed to help both children as well as adults increase their self-esteem, focus, core strength, spatial awareness and reduce anxiety. Martial Arts training benefits everyone by strengthening a person’s balance and coordination. The connections in a child’s brain are strengthened, resulting in higher achievement in school and better social skills with peers. Children/adults with conditions such as Autism, SPD, ADHD and various physical needs can benefit from this class. WHY DO CHILDREN LIKE THIS PROGRAM? The classes are consistent. Class times and the schedule of the class is consistent which for many children can create a calming effect with knowing what activity will come next. Class sizes run from a private one on one to 3-5 students per class. We offer an initial FREE private lesson/ evaluation to determine which program your child is best suited for. After the evaluation, the students will be instructed as to which class they should register for. Uniforms are required and are available for $50 at the school. Classes will begin the week of June 8 and are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays, starting at 6:00 PM. Saturday lessons available from 8:00 to 11:00 AM. All lessons are 30 minutes in length. Please call Long Grove Park District to request the day and time you would like, then we will contact the Instructor for availability. We will then confirm your day and time to you. CODE DURATION FEE S15-TKDSNP6 1 Private Lesson per week (6 Weeks) $360.00 S15-TKDSNP7 1 Private Lesson per week (7 Weeks) $420.00 S15-TKDSNSP6 1 Semi-Private lesson per week (6 Weeks) $300.00 S15-TKDSNSP7 1 Semi-Private Lesson per week (7 Weeks) $350.00 Location: Ki Martial Arts, 2055 S. Lake Street, Mundelein 11 YOUTH SPORTS ~ SUMMER 2015 TAE KWON DO ~ TINY TIGERS CLASS (3-5) This class teaches these Tiny Tigers the basic foundation of Tae Kwon Do. Potential students must attend a free trial class for evaluation, prior to registering with the Park District. Children learn skills that enhance their agility, balance, listening skills and coordination, while having fun. CODE AGE DAY DATES TIME S15-TKD-TT1 3-5 WED JUNE 10-JULY 15 5:45-6:15 PM S15-TKD-TT2 3-5 WED JULY 22- AUG. 26 5:45-6:15 PM S15-TKD-TT3 3-5 FRI JUNE 12-JULY 17 6:00-6:30 PM S15-TKD-TT4 3-5 FRI JULY 24– AUG 28 6:00-6:30 PM S15-TKD-TT5 3-5 SAT JUNE 13-JULY 25 10:30-11:00AM S15-TLD-TT6 3-5 SAT AUG 1—SEPT 5 10:30-11:00AM NO CLASSES ON 7/4 FEES: 1 Lesson per week (6 week session) = $75.00 + $50 for uniform (required) 2 Lessons per week (6 week session) = $125.00 + $50 for uniform (required) LOCATION: KI– Martial Arts School, 2055 S. Lake Street, Mundelein ———————————————————————————————————————————— TAE KWON DO ~ PEE WEE CLASS (5-7) Pee Wee Students ages 5-7 learn skills that help them learn how to follow directions and focus. Discipline is taught in a fun way that helps motivate both a child’s mind and body. Potential students must attend a free trial class for evaluation, prior to registering with the Park District. CODE S15-TKD-PW1 S15-TKD-PW2 S15-TKD-PW3 S15-TKD-PW4 AGE 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 DAY M, W or F M, W or F M, W or F M,W or F DATES JUNE 8-JULY 17 JULY 20-AUG 28 JUNE 8-JULY 17 JULY 20-AUG 28 TIME 9:00-9:45 AM 9:00-9:45 AM 4:15-5:00 PM 4:15-5:00 PM NO CLASSES ON 7/4 FEES: 1 Lesson per week (6 week session) = $75.00 + $50 for uniform (required) 2 Lessons per week ( 6 week session) = $125.00 + $50 for uniform (required) LOCATION: KI– Martial Arts School, 2055 S. Lake Street, Mundelein 12 CHILDREN (7-12), FAMILIES OR ADULT SPORTS ~ SUMMER 2015 TAE KWON DO CLASSES FOR CHILDREN, FAMLIES AND/OR ADULTS Children 7-12, along with their families can spend time together as well as individuals learning a healthy activity that teaches fitness, agility, balance focus and coordination. Adult classes (13+): Adults can improve their fitness levels while focusing on stretching, agility, balance and focus. CODE AGE 7 thru Adult 7 thru Adult 7 thru Adult 7 thru Adult S15-TKD-CFA1 S15-TKD-CFA2 S15-TKD-CFA3 S15-TKD-CFA4 DAY TU or TH TU or TH SAT. SAT. DATES JUNE 9-JULY 16 JULY 21– AUG 27 JUNE 13-JULY 18 JULY 25-AUG 29 TIME 6:30—7:15 PM 6:30—7:15 PM 10:00-10:45AM 10:00-10:45AM NO CLASSES ON 7/4 FEES: 1 Lesson per week (6 week session) = $75.00, per person + $50 for uniform (required) 1 Lesson per week (7 week session) = $85.00, per person + $50 for uniform (required) 2 Lessons per week (6 week session) = $125.00, per person + $50 for uniform (required) 2 Lessons per week (7 week session) = $135.00, per person + $50 for uniform (required) LOCATION: KI– Martial Arts School, 2055 S. Lake Street, Mundelein ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— KI MARTIAL ART SUMMER CAMP 2015 In conjunction with KI Martial Arts, we are offering Summer weekly camps for children ages 5 through 14. The camps start the week of June 8th until August 21 and run from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Activities include Tae Kwon Do, Pool trips, crafts, going to Parks, field trips to Lakes, Museums, Zoos, Mini Golf, Roller Skating and more. This is an educational summer camp where, in addition to all the activities, your child will go on fun and informative field trips. (Inclement weather/attendance may result in change of field trip.) On the following two pages, please find the weekly schedules for the camp, followed by the pricing page. 13 YOUTH SPORTS/ACTIVIES SUMMER CAMP 2015 KI CAMP SCHEDULE LOCATION: 2055 S. LAKE STREET, MUNDELEIN PRICING ON FOLLOWING PAGE AGES: 5-14 YEARS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 06/08-06/12 School’s Out Tae Kwon Do Boating Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Sand Castle Contest Racine Zoo Must Arrive by 8:30am Tae Kwon Do Outdoor fun day @KI 06/15-06/19 Sports Week Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Craft &Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Donley’s Wild West Must Arrive by 8:30am Tae Kwon Do Rainbow Falls 06/22-06/26 Art Week Tae Kwon Do Independence Grove Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Carnival Day @ KI Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool 06/29-07/03 Patriotic Week Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Wheeling Pool American Action Territory Must Arrive by 8:30am Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool 07/06-07/10 Super Hero vs. Ninjas Tae Kwon Do Rainbow Falls Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Sand castle contest 07/13-07/17 Ocean Week Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Milwaukee Museum Must Arrive by 8:30am Tae Kwon Do Independence Grove 07/20-07/24 Exploration Tae Kwon Do Independence Grove Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool 07/27-07/31 Nature Week Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Diamond Lake Sand castle contest Kohl’s Museum / Dave & Busters Must Arrive by 8:30am Green Meadows Farm Must Arrive by 8:30am 08/03-08/07 70’s Week Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Boating 08/10-08/14 Insects Week Tae Kwon Do Independence Grove Craft & Park 08/17-08/21 Back to School Tae Kwon Do Outdoor fun day @KI Craft & Park Weapons/Manners Mini golf Weapons/Manners boating Movie Theater Orbit Roller Rink The Grove Party Fantasy Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Tae Kwon Do Rainbow Falls Tae Kwon Do Grayslake Pool Tae Kwon Do TBA 14 YOUTH SPORTS/ACTIVIES SUMMER CAMP 2015 June 8th to August 21st PRICING 15 YOUTH ACTIVITIES 2015 SAFE SITTER BABYSITTING CLASS Our new babysitting program sponsored by Safe Sitter is sure to get your teen on the right track to become a babysitter. Participants will learn how to care for a choking infant or child, basic first aid, personal safety for the babysitter, injury prevention, how to care for children, preventing problem behavior, behavior management, ethics and babysitting as a business. Program includes a babysitting manual and a completion card. Participants should bring a baby-sized doll and lunch to all classes. Code S15-BS1 Age 11-15 Day Sat/Sun Dates 7/11 & 7/12 Time Fee 10 am-2pm Sat. $75.00+$17.95 10am-1pm Sun. Registrations for this class must be received three days prior to the start of the class. Location: Reed-Turner Woodland, 3849 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove Chess Classes by CheckMates Keep your child happy and his/her brain active this summer with chess classes! CheckMates Chess Academy is teaching kids of all levels with a focus on providing them with skills and strategies that they will be able to carry over to their lives. Students will be learning with our unique curriculum which includes alternative chess games, puzzles, prizes and much more in addition to learning chess. A tournament on the last day will give students the ability to showcase their newly learned skills and earn a trophy! Code S15-CC1 S15-CC2 Age K-6th K-6th Day Tues. Tues. Dates 6/16-7/14 7/21-8/18 Time 6-7pm 6-7pm Fee $72.00 $72.00 Location: Reed-Turner Woodland, 3849 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove Advanced Chess Classes by CheckMates USA Do you already know how to play chess? Do you want to take your chess skills to the next level? Advanced coaches from CheckMates Chess Academy will be teaching students who already know the rules of chess strategies and tactics how to become even better! Using fun activities and relating strategies to everyday life, instructors will open your child’s eyes to the tactics the experts use. Online support will be available through CheckMatesUSA.com and students will even be able to practice special worksheets at home. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity! Code Age S15-CA1 8 yrs-high school S15-CAS2 8yrs–high school Day Thurs. Thurs. Dates 6/18-7/23 7/30-8/27 Time 6-8pm 6-8pm Fee $102.00 $102.00 No Class 7/2 Location: Reed-Turner Woodland, 3849 Old McHenry Road, Long Grove 16 YOUTH ACTIVITIES 2015 Young Rembrandt’s Art Classes @ Reed-Turner Woodland Nature Center JUNIOR UNDER THE SEA WORKSHOP Under the sea makes us think of mermaids, fish, shipwrecks and even sharks. All of these will inspire our work as we draw many animals and human characters found under the sea. Our last day will be exciting as we combine the subject matter we have learned, into one larger drawing with a story of its own. Media used will include pencils and colored pencils. Code Age Day Dates S15-UTS 5-7 M,W,F 7/6,7/8,7/10 Time 9:30-11:00 am Fee $55.00 FASHION RUNWAY “TWEEN STYLE” Fashion Runway is back with all new artwork and all new fashions! Join us for 5 days of fashion design and drawing, layering and styling and tons of dazzling accessories. The perfect workshop for the fashionista in your family! Students will learn to draw portraits, figures and tons of the latest ‘tween fashion trends. Hurry and enroll now this workshop favorite fills up fast ! Code Age S15-FR 6-12 Day M thru F Dates 6/22-6/26 Time 9:00-12 Noon Fee $200.00 For 5 Days SKETCH AND FRIENDS—UNDERWATER EXPLORERS Underwater exploration comes to life in this 5-day cartoon workshop. Follow our four cartoon characters as they explore the deep blue sea. Students draw the cartoon characters in their underwater sea station, draw jokes about life on the job and illustrate other crazy encounters with Sketch and his animal friends. Cartooning techniques like expression, sequencing and scenic development are just a few of the hilarious lessons learned all workshop long. Code Age S15-UE 6-12 Day M thru F Dates Time 7/20—7/24 9:00—12 Noon Fee $200.00 For 5 Days PASTEL DRAWING WORKSHOP—CREATIVE CRITTERS Animal lovers rejoice; an all new, all pastel workshop is here! Students will learn pastel drawing and texturing techniques to illustrate whimsical bees, a fanciful army of frogs, a striking owl and more artistic critters filled with detail. Challenge your creative kids by introducing them to the world of pastels, a guaranteed favorite summer tradition for every Young Rembrandts artist. Enroll now !! Code Age Day S15-PD 6-12 M thru F Dates Time Fee 8/17—8/21 9:00— 12 Noon $225.00 For 5 Days 17 ADULT FITNESS / LEISURE 2015 Senior Habitat Walks The Forest Preserve presents a walking series for seniors, focusing on the various habitats in the country. The intent is not only to showcase a variety of habitats found in Lake County, but to also introduce participants to many different preserves. These guided walks are free to seniors and are paced to the group’s ability. June 3rd—9:00am July 1st– 9:00am August 5th-9:00am September 2nd-9:00am Nippersink– Entrance parking lot, Round Lake Heron Creek—Shelter B, Long Grove Lyon Woods, Waukegan Lakewood, Winter Sports Area, Wauconda Adult Tennis Lessons at Lincolnshire Club 96 Elm Street, Lincolnshire Class dates are 6/8 thru 8/14 (No Class 7/4) Day # of Classes Time Fee Adult Instant Tennis 123 Tuesday Thursday 10 10 2-3:00 pm 5-6:00 pm $330.00 $330.00 Adult Tennis 456 Tuesday Thursday 10 10 2-3:30 pm 5-6:30 pm $495.00 $495.00 Zumba Gold Zumba Gold is a class designed for the active adult population or beginner deconditioned participant. No dance experience is required. The steps are broken down with more repetitions than a basic Zumba class. We do all the basic fundamental steps of a basic Zumba class like Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Reggaeton and Latin dance steps. We also do more familiar music steps like Cha-cha, Cumbia and Rock’n Roll. Participating in Zumba Gold class one still moves lots, sweats and SMILES! It’s having fun and a great work out without even knowing you are working out at the same time! A great class for those concerned about “not being able to get the steps”. The main goal of Zumba Gold is to improve the quality of life for everyone! This is a pay as you attend class. A registration and waiver form needs to be completed prior to joining in the class. Code S15-ZGT S15-ZGTH Age 18+ 18+ Day Tuesday Thursday Dates continuous continuous Time 7-7:50pm 10-10:50am Fee $11.00 per class $11.00 per class Location: Reed-Turner Woodlands Nature Center 18 Mark your Calendars for the 2015 Long Grove-Kildeer Garden Club Events Plant Sale & Botanical Art Sale The Long Grove-Kildeer Garden Club indoor Plant Sale will be held at Reed -Turner Woodland Nature Center, 3849 Old McHenry Road, on Saturday, May16 from 9:00am to 3:00pm, and Sunday, May 17 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. There will be many varieties of heirloom tomatoes, herbs, and member-dug perennials. Add color and variety to your gardens with these beautiful home-grown plants. The Botanical Art Sale will be held in conjunction with the Plant Sale. Call Sue at 847.703.0649 for additional information. Homegrown Perennials Heirloom Tomatoes 19
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