For additional news regarding BWC news and events please go to: This Week At Liberty Grove Sunday 5/3 Town Hall Meeting, Fellowship Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . following 11:00 a.m. Worship Service MYF Youth Group, Seniors (12th grade) Only Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00-9:00 p.m. Monday 5/4 Education Meeting, Room 107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 p.m. Finance Committee, Room 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 p.m. Tuesday 5/5 Belles & Beaux, Fellowship Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 5/6 Handbell Practice, Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. Thursday 5/7 Choir Practice, Room 210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. Saturday 5/9 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Group, All men are invited, Panera off Tech Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 a.m. U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon NEW! “So shall my word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 Each year in the week leading up to the National Day of Prayer, the US Capitol Bible Reading Marathon brings hundreds of believers to the west front of the Capitol building to read aloud the entire word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, over 90 continuous hours. The public reading of God’s Holy Word calls the nation to return to God’s precepts and lays a foundation for the National Day of Prayer. We come together to honor God’s Holy Word and celebrate our First Amendment freedoms; speech, assembly, and religion. This year members from Liberty Grove UMC will meet at the church Wednesday, May 6th at 9:15 p.m., we’ll ride together to the capitol building and on the steps to the capitol we’ll read from the Bible beginning at 10:00 p.m. What a privilege! Everyone is invited to take part and for those of you that don’t mind a late night please join us if you can. If you can join us or if you have any questions please call Cheryl Olavarria at 240-508-8924 or email at Thank you Save the Date!! REMINDER! - Calling all Liberty Grove Worship Participants! The Worship Committee is planning a "Worship Retreat" June 13, 9:00-12:00. If you are interested in Worship planning, Worship leading, Worship participation, this Retreat is for you!! More information coming soon! Save the Date!! Liberty Bell Deadline NEW! – Let’s try this again . . . the May/June issue was not published as only three items were submitted for the issue. We will try for a summer issue July/August which will give you until June 15th to submit articles. Did anyone get pictures or care to write an article of the Holy Week services, Iron Chef, MYF Smashing, Bring-a-Friend to Sunday School, just to name a few things that have happened at Liberty Grove since our last issue. Things coming up before the June 15th deadline . . . Women’s Fellowship, One Great Day of Service, Soap for Hope, etc. Liberty Grove is a happening place, please share so those that were unable to participate in these things can hear all about them. Caring for our Members REMINER! - Please let us know when you go to the hospital or are scheduled to have surgery so we can surround you with our thoughts and prayers. We can come along side you and make a difference by providing a meal or helping with transportation until you get back on your feet again. We are here to support, encourage and pray for you in a confidential manner. Contact Pastor Rodney, the church office or our Member Care Coordinators, Anna Riggin 240-472-3464 ( or Rita Schaffer, 410-489-5278 any time a need arises. Youth & Children information . . . Youth Group (MYF) Update NEW! – Thanks to Robert Tucker, Michelle Bowie, and all of our youth leaders for making our “Letting Go, Letting God/Smashing Night” the biggest one yet! Good times, great God. Note: No “regular” MYF this Sunday, May 3 rd, as we’re treating our graduating seniors to a special evening just for them. And no evening MYF on Mother’s Day, May 10th. BUT . . . our year-end, progressive bus dinner, final-MYF-of-the-season will take place from 6-8:30 pm on Sunday, May 17th! For up-to-date information about MYF, please visit our website at 16th Annual MYF Soap for Hope Car Wash Update NEW! – Thank you to the youth and youth leaders who served, and to the folks who brought out their cars, for our car wash on May 2nd. This blurb is going to print before we know how much we raised, so we’ll put in an update soon! May God be glorified by our efforts and our gifts. Middle School Y.N.O. (Youth Night Out) NEW! - Friday, May 15 th is our next Middle School Only “Youth Night Out” (Y.N.O.), providing middle schoolers from the 60+ churches in our Greater Washington District the opportunity to come together for an evening of fun and fellowship with other youth their age from all around our area. This event is hosted by a different church each month (always on the 3rd Friday), and this month’s event is taking place at Mt. Vernon UMC on Minnesota Ave NE in Washington, DC :) It’s free, there will be food, and any and all middle schoolers who’d like to attend are welcome to ride along with Don and our youth leaders (we’ll be gathering at the church and departing at 6:00 pm, and returning to LG at +/- 9:15 pm). Looking forward to yet another really fun evening! Service OPPORTUNITIES . . . Elizabeth House lunches needed REMINDER! LGUMC provides meals to homeless families in Laurel the last Friday of the month. We also provide bag lunches for clients to take with them for Saturday’s lunch. We need families, friends, scout groups, Bible Study groups, etc., to provide 45 bag lunches each night. The dates available for the remainder of this year include May 22, June 26, July 24, August 28, September 25, and October 23. If you will provide lunches for one or more of these evenings, or have any questions, please contact Stuart Genua at 301-421-0151. Thank you for your servant heart. LG Communications Team REMINDER! – Wanted! Anyone with a “creative gene,” a “technical gene,” or both! We’re looking for anyone, of any age, who has a skill set in the areas of (or a desire to learn and try their hand at) web design, signage, marketing, print layout, publishing, photography, podcasting, audio/visual, videography, bulletin board design, logo designs, google calendars, and more! If it involves how Liberty Grove communicates with our members, our community, and our world, then it’s important to our team! We’re excited to already have a vibrant and talented number of people who have committed to participating as a part of our new Liberty Grove Communications Team, but we would love to have more people involved … we’d love to have YOU be a part of our team! Our first meeting will take place at the church on Thursday, May 7th, at 7 p.m. in room 105. If you have any questions or would like to know more before you say “yes,” simply send an email to Liberty Grove United Methodist Church ~ ONE GREAT DAY OF SERVICE NEW! Date: Saturday, May 16, 2015 (Rain or shine) ~ 8:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. One Great Day of Service is scheduled two times during the year at Liberty Grove United Methodist Church (spring and autumn). This event calls upon those who are able and available to spend a few hours on a Saturday morning to help take care of many of the tasks around the church that need to be addressed both inside and outside. It’s a great opportunity to get to know others in the church while helping to keep our church in tip-top shape. Inside tasks include: dusting, vacuuming, cleaning windows, etc. (It is helpful to bring your favorite cleaning tools (dusters or Swiffer Dusters, vacuum, gloves, etc.) Paper towels and Windex will be provided. Outside tasks include: weeding/picking up debris, spreading mulch, trimming bushes/trees (It is helpful if you bring your own garden hand tools, gloves, knee pads, etc. Wear appropriate garden shoes, hats, etc.) There is a job for everyone. See you on May 16! NEWS AND NOTES . . . Liberty Grove Golf League REMINDER! – It’s not really a league. It’s just an opportunity for fellowship and fun. Keep score or don’t keep score. Expert or beginner – it makes no difference. We have 2 tee times reserved every Tuesday at 4:30 at Cross Creek Golf Course in Beltsville. We can get more tee times (4:20) if needed. You would need to arrive 15 minutes early so you can pay, check-in and get set-up. The cost is $20 (cart included). The only requirement is you call me or email me if you plan to attend that week. That way I can cancel or add on tee times as needed. Come when you can, we’d love to see you. Our first day will be April 28. Pete Odell (h) 301.384.0689 or (c) 301.538.0429 Food Pantry Needs NEW! Here are some items that we could use in the pantry . . . deodorant, cereal, and pasta/rice. OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS . . . Please remember in your prayers the following people and their families: (Please contact Kathy Currie at 410.480.9343 or or the church office (301.421.9166) with prayer concerns, updates, or requests.) Birthdays this week Member Care is a committee that centers on the care and needs of our church members. If you have a need, a request, or wish to volunteer, please contact the church office or our Member Care Coordinators, Anna Riggin, 240.472.3464, or Rita Schaffer 240.350.2763. 04 Peter Neinhuis Kevin Allen (Vicki Allen’s son) Kyle Anderson Sue Austin Yomi Balogun (Bisi Adebesin’s brother) Jacqueline Blaylock (Scott James’ mother) Charlotte Border (Adeline Corry’s mother) Ruth DeShazor Phil Foster (Hazel Gross’ nephew) Mary Ann Garrett Robert Grier (Dorothy Grier Jose' father) Valdine Blaylock Hoogans (Scott James’ aunt) John Iglehart Keith Kaylor & family The Leach Family (Judy Danaher’s family) Ethel Lewis (Iris Lewis’ mother) Rita Lowe (Stephenie Lowe’s mother-in-law) Lewis Mason Carl Meads (Dorothy Grier Jose' colleague's husband) Diane (Barnes) Morrical (Bill & Jean Barnes’ daughter) Enver & Ellie Park Bryce Poinsett Manjora Sharper (Sam & Betty Sharper’s son) Jouko Siitonen (Tuulikki Heidik’s brother) Sage (friend of the Cramer family) Stephanie Marcia Swanson Joan Taylor Onna Thornton (Marcy McAdoo's mother) Pat Tyler Audrey Vest Ritva Virtakare (Tuulikki Heidik’s friend since childhood) Pete Wingerter (Rochelle Graf’s sister-in-law’s father) 06 Wanda Bell Rachel McMahon Raina Pandit 05 Taiwo Adebesin Anne Humphreys 07 Kyle Bowie Diane Burns 08 Tommie Capshaw Victor Cole Katie Odell Haga 19 Viola Hare Anniversaries this week 04 Steve & Sandy Albright 09 Dennis & Cindy Owca Sunday School the week of 4.26.15 Children Youth Adults Total 32 24 34 98 The flowers on the altar this morning are in honor of Kyle Bowie’s 15th birthday, love Mom & Dad TEXT TO JOIN THE NEW LIBERTY GROVE ALERTS! Liberty Grove is about to enter into the 21st century and begin a group texting program. Want to know when church is cancelled due to snow? Want a reminder of a committee meeting or a service or mission opportunity? Then join the new Liberty Grove “TEXT TO JOIN” program. The steps to join are listed below. Be sure to drop your “opt in” card off at church in the Communications Team Mailbox, or email your requests to anytime. If you have any problems or need help with the program please contact Susan Burgess at the above email address or call/text her at: 301-787-2214. HOW TO “TEXT TO JOIN” LIBERTY GROVE’S INFO ALERTS 1. Text the word: JOINLG to: 40650 **** Some people will get a pop-up warning on their phone based on their settings that says something to the effect of: “This may cause charges on your mobile account.” It will only cost you if you are paying per text. You will need to permit your phone to continue in this process. 2. You will receive a text back that says the following: Welcome to LGUMC Info Alerts……..and some legally required jargon. 3. Then you will receive TWO MORE texts that are asking for your first and last name: “Welcome to LGUMC Info Alerts, please tell us about yourself etc……..” Please do not SKIP these texts or we will not know who you are in our database. PLEASE NOTE: After the registration is complete, ALL Liberty Grove text alerts will be on a “receive” only system. Replying will not be available. Next, look over the “OPT IN” card. Please fill in one card per cell phone number. Please be certain to write your full name and cell phone on the card. Next, select each of the groups from which you would like to receive a text. Some of the groups will have infrequent texts, while others may have weekly or bi-weekly texts. If at any time you wish to be removed from a group OR added to a group, simply send an email to the Communications Team OPT IN CARD FOR LIBERTY GROVE ALERTS PLEASE RETURN THIS TO THE COMMUNICATIONS MAILBOX OR EMAIL TO: LIBERTYGROVECOMMUNICATIONS@GMAIL.COM Liberty Grove Emergency Alerts (Services are cancelled due to weather, cancellations of church wide events) Frequency: limited, as needed Liberty Grove Events (Reminders of seasonal worship services, church wide events, i.e., Church Picnic, Church Pot-luck Luncheons, One Great Day of Service, etc…) Frequency: Up to a few times per month The following committees/ministries/communities would utilize the system for monthly/bi-monthly meeting reminders, service opportunities, activities, help requests. Frequency: Varies depending upon the group, likely 1-4 texts per month. Administrative Council Women of the Parlor Sunday School Class Staff Parish Relations Committee Linkages to Learning Worship Committee Dancing Needles Global Missions Committee Mission HUB Education Committee Community Supper Finance Committee Greeters/Ushers Communications Team B-Sharp 9:30 Praise AM Worship Service Living Nativity Community Service Committee Live Wires MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) Volunteer Opportunities (Last minute) MorningStar Day Camp Trustees Choir Bereavement Name: ___________________________________________________ Cell Phone Number: ________________________________________
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