CQC ASC Inspections Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Telephone: 03000 616161 Fax: 03000 616171 www.cqc.org.uk Your account number: 1-138786736 Our reference: INS1-1722886622 Ann Watkinson The Fountains Nursing Home Victoria Park Swinton Hall Road, Swinton Manchester Greater Manchester M27 4DZ 13 April 2015 Care Quality Commission Health and Social Care Act 2008 Inspection report and report on the action you plan to take Location name: The Fountains Nursing Home Location ID: 1-138786736 Dear Mrs Watkinson Please find enclosed a copy of our final report following our recent inspection of The Fountains Nursing Home. Please make this report readily available for people who use the service. We have also enclosed a one page summary of the inspection. Please share individual copies with all the people using your service, their families, friends and carers, and also with your staff, so they can easily see the quality of your service. Your inspection report has been produced using our new approach to regulating and inspecting adult social care services. For adult social care services, part of this approach is the publication of ratings for each service, at both key question and overall location level. Ratings are awarded on a four-point scale; ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’; ‘Requires Improvement’, or ‘Inadequate’. Ratings are awarded by comparing the evidence we gather during inspections with the characteristics of ratings we have published. Firstly, ratings are awarded for each of the five key questions. We then use rules and principles to aggregate these five ratings into one overall rating for your location. The table below shows the ratings your location has been awarded: 20140923 900072 v2 00 ASC Final inspection report letter (with actions) Safe Effective Caring Key question rating Requires Improvement Requires Improvement Good Overall location rating Requires Improvement Responsive Well-led Requires Requires Improvement Improvement We will publish this report on our website on the shortly. When we have published this report you can see the contents and download a PDF version by clicking on this link: www.cqc.org.uk/directory/ 1-138786736 Once published, you can see this at any time by following these steps: Go to the CQC website www.cqc.org.uk. Click the appropriate tab for your type of service. Type in the name of your provider or location – if it appears automatically, click on it to jump to your profile page or click the 'search' button. Click on your location, your report will be on your profile page. Under Regulation 10(3) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010, you must send us a written report of the action you are going to take to meet the Health and Social Care Act 2008, associated regulations and any other legislation we have identified you are in breach of. If you have already sent us a report of action since our inspection about any of these actions, you do not need to include them in your new report. You must return the report of action to us by 27 April 2015 We have enclosed a template that you can use to write your report. It is important that you cover all the points in the template. We would prefer you to send your report to us by email to: ascinspections@cqc.org.uk If you are unable to do so, please post it to the address below. Please include our reference number (INS1-1722886622) in any letter or email you send with the report as it may cause a delay if you do not. You should inform us in writing when you have completed the actions in your report and can confirm you meet the Health and Social Care Act 2008. We will check to make sure that you have taken action to meet this legislation and will report on our judgements. 20140923 900072 v2 00 ASC Final inspection report letter (with actions) If you have any questions about this letter, you can contact our National Customer Service Centre using the details below: Telephone: 03000 616161 Email: ascinspections@cqc.org.uk Write to: CQC ASC Inspections Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Yours sincerely, Tom Rigby Inspector, Adult Social Care Enclosed: Final Report Report summary Report on actions you plan to take to meet Health and Social Care Act 2008, its associated regulations, or any other relevant legislation. Please see the covering letter for the date by when you must send your report to us and where to send it. Failure to send a report may lead to enforcement action. Account number 1-138786736 Our reference INS1-1722886622 Location name The Fountains Nursing Home Regulated activity(ies) Regulated activity(ies) Regulation Regulation 12 HSC(RA) Regulation 2014 Safe Care and Treatment 20140923 900072 v2 00 ASC Final inspection report letter (with actions) How the regulation was not being met: We found the arrangements in place at the home did not protect people against the risks associated with cleanliness and infection control Please describe clearly the action you are going to take to meet the regulation and what you intend to achieve Lounge refurbishment on Victoria, purchase of new chairs and occasional tables for Victoria Lounge, Corridor on Victoria to be redecorated, Empty rooms to be refurbished/decorated on all units. Staff training to be updated as per training plan. Medication rooms to be deep cleaned. Monitor cleaning schedules and ensure they are relevant. Who is responsible for the action? Registered Manager How are you going to ensure that the improvements have been made and are sustainable? What measures are going to put in place to check this? Care plan audits to be reinstated and completed by Clinical Lead on nursing units and general manager on residential units. Complete audit checks on cleaning schedules and hand hygiene audits. Management to ensure all staff attend training and if staff fail to attend after 2 opportunities given, staff to not be rostered on shift. Regular unit meetings to keep staff informed and updated. Who is responsible? Registered Manager What resources (if any) are needed to implement the change(s) and are these resources available? The home currently sub-contracts out painting/decorating and maintenance services. The Registered Manager needs to ensure that these services are available at all times to ensure that on-going maintenance issues are addressed and standards upheld within the home. Date actions will be completed: On Going How will people who use the service(s) be affected by you not meeting this regulation until this date? Completed by: (please print name(s) in full) Position(s): Date: Ann Watkinson Registered Manager 27.04.2015 20140923 900072 v2 00 ASC Final inspection report letter (with actions)
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