Acclimation in Molluscs Author(s): Earl Segal Source: American Zoologist, Vol. 1, No. 2 (May, 1961), pp. 235-244 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: Accessed: 07-06-2015 07:40 UTC REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Oxford University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Zoologist. This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Am. Zoologist, 1:235-244(1961). IN ACCLIMATION MOLLUSCS Earl Segal Rice University The coastal areas of the tropical seas sup? port a rich and varied invertebrate infauna These animals live at temand epifauna. 40? C. Along the peratures approaching arctic shores the invertebrate epifauna is extremely poor, but the infauna is as rich and diverse as in the tropics (Thorson, 1957). Here, the animals live at temperatures close to and below 0? C. No species has an arc? tic to tropic distribution, but many have a wide latitudinal distribution and thus may live under extreme temperature conditions. as contrasted with homioPoikilotherms, therms, do not regulate their body tempera? ture; their body temperature changes with that of the environment. Biological proc? esses are determined by temperature, yet we are presented with the improbable situa? tion that arctic poikilotherms metabolize and grow rapidly in icy waters while tropi? cal poikilotherms often metabolize and The pos? grow at a more leisurely pace. sibility of the existence of compensatory in poikilotherms mechanisms living in colder and warmer seas, was suggested by In 1916 August Krogh many years ago. he "It would be wrote, (p. 101), interesting to compare the respiratory exchange in such it would appear cases, because unlikely from a teleological point of view that it should differ as much as would be ordinarily implied from the temperature differ? ence. One would expect that animals liv? ing at a very low temperature should show a relatively high standard metabolism at that temperature compared with others liv? ing normally at a high temperature." We now know that growth rates, respira? tory rates, and other rate functions of poi? kilotherms from different environments do not differ as much as expected from the temperature differences between the envi? ronments. Poikilotherms, which are pasThe studies on Limax flavus were supported bv NSF Grant G-5943 while I was on the staffof Kan? sas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Temp?C FIG. 1. Growth rates of shell length of veliger larvae of the marine gastropod Thais emarginata from Mount Edgecombe, Alaska, and Big Rock, California, as a function of temperature. From Dehnel (1955), by permission of the author and publisher. "Copyright 1955 by the Universityof Chicago." sive conformers to the environmental tem? changes in perature, show compensatory and rates in re? metabolic rates growth in the to encountered sponse temperatures different latitudes (Fig. 1), seasons (Fig. 2), and microgeographic areas (Fig. 3). Prior to Krogh's work there had been a number of studies purporting to show acclimation1 to temperature in poikilotherms, 1 There is no common agreement on the use of the terms"acclimation" and "acclimatization." Some authors make important distinctions between the terms?although not necessarily the same distinc? tions?others do not. The term "adaptation" is generally accepted as the more inclusive term and thereby acclimation and acclimatization are recog? nized as a typeof adaptation. Since acclimation and acclimatization are arbitrary forms of the same word, I shall refer to any demonstrable compensa? tory change in an organism as acclimation, to tho exclusion of acclimatization,qualified by an adjective appropriate to the influenceimposed upon the organism, e.g. "single factor acclimation," "experi- (235) This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Earl 236 Segal no 100 90 80 I9?C 70 ? 60 2 (A h< 50 CD z uj 40 1/ \J 9*C 30 20 21 20 JUN FEB MARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEP OCT NOVDEC JANFEB MARAPRMAY surface inshore meanmonthly for sea watertemperotures theyears1953-54 o?'9 ?8 uj cr 5" or ? 16 5 UJ 14 19-24 9-1414-19 TEMR?C ' ' i 1_I-1-1-1-1-1 i i | JUL AUGSEP OCT NOVDEC JANFEB MARAPRMAYJUN TIME IN MONTHS FIG. 2, Heart rate as a functionof season in the marineintertidalgastropodAcmaea limatula. ?-~" " I but the results of these studies were questionable. The "modern" period began with the work of Fox, Sparck, and Thorson dur? ing the 1930's. With the realization of the mental acclimation," "natural acclimation," "field acclimation," etc. Similarly, qualifying adjectives will be used when the phenotypicor genotypicbasis of the adaptation is in question. This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Acclimation 140itO" 10090 . 80 i 70 ? 60 < mSO in Molluscs 237 The environment. overriding is that of animals faced. these by problem of environmental the from severity escape Reptiles, like molluscs and other change. changing poikilotherms, cannot regulate their body temperature by direct physiological activity. But reptiles do regulate, and thereby es? Since the cape, by behavioral adaptations. due metabolic the of compensation portion the to to acclimation is moderate compared change, ac? severity of the environmental role as a minor a climation may play only Mol? homeostatic mechanism in reptiles. to unable are unlike luscs, regulate reptiles, their body temperature by behavior, thus from Of somples all of the metabolic compensation Oic. 17,1953 permitting escape from the severity of environ? f9 29 24 9 t4 mental change is due to acclimation. ?c TEMPERATURE We must here differentiate between ac? FIG. 3. Heart rate of the gastropod Actnaea limaclimation to the normal temperature range tula from differentintertidal levels. as measured by an activity rate (Precht's or "Capacity adap? "Leistung-adaptation") to temperature ex? acclimation and significance o? acclimation to ecology, dis? tation") tribution, and evolution, there has been a tremes as measured by survival (Precht's manifest growth of interest in this phe? In those few "Resistance adaptation"). nomenon climaxed by the reviews of Bulstudies in which both types of acclimation lock, Fry, Precht, and Prosser during the have been examined (Helix pomatia, Mews, 1950*8. 1957; Limax flavus> Segal, 1959; Physa gy~ Bullock (1958), has offered four though t- rina, Beames, unpublished; Nodilittorina both are present Ohsawa, provoking problem areas raised by the phe? 1956), granularis, nomenon of acclimation: In general, warm in the same organism. 1. "The question of the extent and dis? acclimated animals are relatively heat retribution of ecologically important hosistant and cold sensitive whereas cold ac? meostatic mechanisms among groups of climated animals are relatively cold resistThis response is ant and heat sensitive. organisms by taxonomic category or by habitat category. with a in the shift rate-temperature coupled 2. "The phenotypic versus the genotypic curve so that cold acclimated animals show basis for the observed physiological varia higher rate than warm acclimated animals ation among animal populations. in the range of intermediate temperatures. 3. "The possible significance of such However, a common physiological basis for adap? tation for biogeography and the deterboth acclimations remains to be demon? mination of the limits of breeding and and we continue to regard should strated, of active adult populations. these as separate processes. Precht (1958) 4. "The question of mechanisms/* has further suggested that different mecha? nisms may be involved in acclimation to Unfortunately we are not much nearer the answers to these questions than we were extremely high and low temperatures. 20 years ago, in spite of the large numbers Since my task is to bring together and of specific examples of acclimation among interpret the data on acclimation as dem? the molluscs and other poikilotherms. onstrated by the molluscs, I feel it will be Bartholornew of value to do so in terms of the aspects of (1960), clearly stressed the the phenomenon raised by Bullock. precarious existence of poikilotherms in a This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Earl 238 Segal table 1. Distribution of acclimated responseamong gastropods Measure Species Marine Thais emarginata Lacuna carinata Crepidula nummaria Acmaea limatula Situation latitudinal intertidal,seasonal,ex? perimental Littorina littorea uric acid contentof kidney seasonal seasonal Nodilittorinagranulosa extrudingresponse geographical experimental Fresh water Ancylusfluviatilis Acroluxuslacustris seasonal 02 consumption hot springsvs. river 02 consumption Physa gyrina Limnaea stagnalis 02 consumption experimental Limnaea stagnalis excitabilityof isolated foot experimental Limnaea japonica growth (larval) experimental Terrestrial Helix pomatia 02 consumption experimental Helix pomatia 02 consumption experimental Helix pomatia 02 consumption,dehy? experimental& seasonal drogenaseactivity Helix pomatia Proteolyticactivityof experimental stomachjuice Limax maximus heart beat (Q10) seasonal Limax flavus 02 consumption experimental growth (larval) heartbeat Authority Dehnel (1955) Segal (1956) Spitzer (1937) Ohsawa & Tsukuda (1956a) Ohsawa & Tsukuda (1956b) Ohsawa (1956) Berg (1952) Beames (unpublished data, Precht (1939) Benthe (1954) Imai (1937) Blazka (1955) Gelineo & Kolendic (1953) Kirberger(1953) Mews (1957) Crozier& Stier (1924,1926) Segal (1959 & unpub. data) table 2. Distribution of acclimated responsesamong pelecypods Measure Species Situation Authority Marine Mytiluscalifornianus Mytiluscalifornianus Mytiluscalifornianus Mytiluscalifornianus Mytilusedulis Mytilusedulis Mytilusedulis Ostreagigas Venusmercenaria Siliqua patula Mya arenaria Tivela stultorum pumping rate geographical intertidal pumpingrate heartbeat geographical shell growth geographical& intertidal seasonal 02 consumption 02 consumption(gill tissue) seasonal 02 consumption geographical seasonal ciliaryactivity 02 consumption(tissues) seasonal & geographical growth geographical growth geographical growth geographical Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the distribution of the acclimated response among the Mollusca. Acclimation has been demonstrated in gastropods, pelecypods, and one species of amphineuran. No studies on cephalohave been reported. pods and scaphopods Species have been studied from the three fresh water, and major habitats?marine, terrestrial. heart Oxygen consumption, rate, growth rate, and enzyme activity have been used to demonstrate acclimation in Rao (1953) Segal et al. (1953) Pickens (unpub. data) Dehnel (1956) Bruce (1926) Schlieper (1957) Sparck (1936) Usuki&Sadaaki (1954) Hopkins (1946) Weymouthet al. (1931) Newcombe (1936) Coe&Fitch (1950) response to laboratory and naturally occur? ring differences in temperature. Some molluscs do not show acclimation when subjected to specific tests. However, the absence of the acclimated response for a given measure does not preclude its pres? ence for another measure or for different conditions. Seasonal acclimation is particu? Two factors larly difficult to demonstrate. may markedly influence the metabolic rate of the organism and thus obscure the com- This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Acclimation in Molluscs 239 table 3. Resistance acclimation?Shifting of tolerance levels Species Gastropods Physa gyrina Helix pomatia Limax flavus Nodilittorinagranularis Nodilittorinagranularis Littorina littorea Littorina rudis Littorina palliata Patella vulgata Patella depressa Patella athletica Temperature level high high (proteolyticactivityof stomach juice) low Authority Beames (unpublished data) Mews (1957) high (seasonal) high and low (experimental) Segal (unpublished data) Ohsawa &Tsukuda (1956a) Ohsawa (1956) high (intertidal) Gowanloch & Hayes (1926) high (seasonal) Evans (1948) Pelecypods Mytilus edulis Lasaea rubra high (gill tissue) high (intertidal) Schlieper& Kowalski (1956) Mortonet al. (1957) Amphineura Clavarizona hirtosa high (intertidal) Kenny(1958) In pensation to the temperature change. many species the metabolic rate becomes very high during the breeding season and the breeding season not infrequently coincides with the warmer environmental Many other species undergo temperatures. a winter rest phase with a decline in the metabolic rate. We cannot correlate the ability to acclimate with habitat in the molluscs. Among gastropods there are good examples of ac? climation from marine, fresh water, and terrestrial habitats. Not only do molluscs from all three habitats show acclimation, they show the same "amount" of acclima? tion. This means that we cannot accept the belief (Scholander et al., 1953; Fry, that of terrestrial, and 1958) adaptations fresh are water, possibly poikilotherms related to resistance to an? the the largely nual temperature minimum and maximum. Helix, Limax, Limnaea, Physa, Ancylus, and Acroluxus show acclimation of various activity rates which do not differ in their order of magnitude from that shown by various marine molluscs. Can we correlate the ability to acclimate with distribution within a given habitat? That is, can we show that species with a wide distribution relative to environmental temperature (eurythermal) acclimate more than species with a narrow distribution converse?are The they (stenothermal)? eurythermal because they can acclimate? here. may well be the proper question maintains that Schlieper species in (1959) cold deep waters, such as Pinna pectinata and Avicula hirundo, display little or no thermal or osmotic compensation, whereas, species living in surface waters with varying temperatures and salinities do show such acclimation. Schlieper and others have fostered the notion that acclimation is limited to eurythermal forms. It is true our most has of acclimation important knowledge come from intraspecific studies of eury? thermal species (Tables 1, 2, and 3). But, some stenothermal species have shown sea? It is sonal, and laboratory acclimation. unfortunate that critical tests of Schlieper's hypothesis have not been carried out. But the work of Orton (1923), Sparck (1936), Takatsuki (1929), Thorson (1936, 1950), and Wingfield (1939) has shown that spe? cies with a northerly distribution have a faster metabolic rate and heart rate than southerly distributed species of the same genus (e.g. Mytilus, from arctic and boreal waters, and Ostrea, from tropical and north? ern waters). Developmental rates may also show interspecific acclimation since closely related northern and tropical prosobranch This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 240 Earl Segal gastropod larvae seem to spend a similar time in the plankton (about 3 months). There is good evidence (Bullock, 1955 and Thorson, 1956) that the replacing species of many level-bottom genera of molluscs and other poikilotherms are totally or nearly to the temperatures under which "adapted" they live. Scholander et al. (1953), in an extensive study of tropical and arctic ma? rine poikilotherms, conclude that there is meta? considerable, although incomplete, bolic adaptation in the arctic species rela? tive to the tropical species. Such interspecific comparisons are diffi? cult to evaluate. of rates in Homeostasis replacing species of a genus may be an ex? pression of a genetically fixed adaptation to habitat Thus each species temperature. lives only where it can, and, as Thorson (1957, p. 205) says, ". . . this adaptation allows each genus to be represented in a sea area by just that species which is able to carry out the normal functions of the genus concerned at the prevailing conditions." However, homeostasis of rates may be evi? dence of a perfectly good ability to accli? mate even though each species has relatively narrow infaunal limits. This leads directly into the second probarea?the phenotypic versus the genotypic basis for the interpopulation differences in rates and thermal limits. The physiological question has meaning only among natural which have an intertidal or populations distribution coinciding with geographical temperature differences and thus with dif? ferences in rate functions. In laboratory and seasonal acclimation, the question has no meaning; the compensatory response is are tests There obviously phenotypic. available for disclosing the nature of differ? ences between natural populations?sur? vival polygons, measurements of the Q10 or Arrhenius fi for various activities, and, what is particularly revealing, reciprocal transplantation and subsequent measurement of one or more activity rates (see Prosser, 1957, for a thorough discussion of this point). The majority of the latitudinally separated of species which show physio? populations differences have not been subjected logical 90 80 70 i- 40 < 3|c^^o-~<p^_^ 24?C. *<&&&$& TRANSPLANTSLOWTO HIGH * ? HIGH C0NTR0LS < ,_ 20 - HIGH TO LOW TRANSPLANTS If < LOWC0NTR0LS 10 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 WET WT. OF SOFT PARTS IN GRAMS FIG. 4. Relation between heart rate and wet weight of soft parts of reciprocal transplants and controls of the gastropod Acmaea limatula 29 days after transplantation. to these tests. I have used the reciprocal transplantation technique to demonstrate a phenotypic temperature effect on heart rate of intertidal populations of Acmaea limatula (Fig. 4 and Segal, 1956). We will have no idea of the extent of racial differ? ences between geographically separated populations of a species unless comparable latitudinal transplantation experiments are carried out. Loosanoff and Nomejko (1951) reciprocally transplanted adult Crassostrea virginica between Virginia and Long Island. The Virginia oysters failed to spawn in two the Long Island years whereas oysters spawned earlier than they normally did in northern waters. Since the Virginia oysters normally spawn at 25? C and the tempera? ture of Long Island Sound failed to reach 25? C during the two years of the study, the authors concluded that the northern and southern populations of C. virginica represent physiological temperature races. Korringa (1957) has compiled data to show that there are at least 3 different populations of This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Acclimation flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, the European which differ not only in the temperature at which release of the larvae can be ob? served (17?, 20?, and 25? C), but also in the temperature required for maturation of that the gametes. concluded Korringa different there are several physiologically races of O. edulis breeding at different temperatures. Commercial oystermen have con? ducted large scale transplantation of O. been transbut never have edulis, spat A for racial better foundation planted. of each differences within the populations if species would certainly be established both younger and older oysters had been Stauber (1950) has suggested transplanted. that populations of the oyster drill, Urofrom and from Delaware salpinx cinerea, be as should considered Virginia, physio? The geographically logical species. sepa? rated populations have different tempera? ture thresholds for moving, drilling, and controlled trans? However, ovipositing. plantation experiments have not been car? ried out on Urosalpinx. Forbes and Crampton (1942) appear to have uncovered physio? logical races of the fresh water snail Lymnaea palustris from Connecticut and from New York. These differ in growth rate, fer? tility, and longevity under similar laboratory conditions. These differences persisted for three successive generations. To my this has not been followed knowledge, study tests of the natural up with acclimation populations. To illustrate the third problem area?the limits of the acclimation and the geographi? cal boundaries of species?I will use my own work on the pulmonate gastropod Limax flavus. I have not found any previous study on acclimation limits in molluscs. Fig. 5 shows the rate-temperature curves of oxy? gen consumption for animals maintained at 2?, 5?, 10?, 20?, and 30? C and measured at a series of temperatures from -4? to 30? C. Limax flavus compensates for the difference in temperature so that, in general, animals acclimated to the cold have a higher rate of oxygen consumption than animals ac? climated to the warm when both are measured at the same temperature. This is in Molluscs 400 300 241 FLAVUS LIMAX 2*;? *? ACCL.10? (1.0gm) temp.{j*? 30"?1 occlimoted curvt rote/temp. /c<--^ 200 s%r,/ gioo O 80 ? 60 -4-2025 JS * s 10 TEMP. ?C. FIG. 5. Relation between oxygen consumption and temperature in the slug Limax flavus after acclimation to a series of temperatures. the classic picture of acclimation of a rate function to temperature and need not con? cern us further. If one connects the points of representing the oxygen consumption animals acclimated to and measured at the same temperatures (2?, 5?, 10?, 20?, and 30? C), one has an acclimated rate-tempera? ture curve. These animals were given sufficient time to become completely acclimated at each temperature: thus the curve, sup? posedly, is the more natural curve and shows what the animals do at their normal habitat temperatures. Of course, this is true if we the constant tempera? only equate ture of the laboratory with the integration of the fluctuating temperatures the animals in the field. Bullock experience (1955, rate1958) suggests that the acclimated temperature curve will show (1) a slope indicating the degree of sensitivity to tem? perature, (2) a length indicating tempera? ture range, and (3) a shape at the ends in? dicating the sharpness of geographic or ecologic limits. The last point is of particular importance here. This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 242 Earl table 4. Survival of Limax flavus at low temperatures The limits of acclimation in L. flavus are 2? and 30? C. When measured at temperatures in the physiological range, animals kept at 2? and 5? C consume more oxygen than animals kept at 20? and 30? C. But animals kept at 10? C show the highest rate of all. The lower end of the acclimated curve is therefore the rate-temperature curve for the response of the best adapted animals (10? C). It appears as though L. flavus has an optimal acclimation tempera? to the exture; the animals acclimated tremes are not necessarily the ones that do best at those temperatures. The limits of acclimation in L. flavus do not seem to determine the sharpness of transition between physiological and lethal temperatures and therefore the sharpness of geographic or ecologic limits. This point can also be illustrated by survival of L. flavus at low accli? temperatures (Table 4). Animals mated to 2? and 5? C appear less well equipped to tolerate low temperatures than animals acclimated to 10? C. The last problem area deals with the mechanism of acclimation. Acclimation to temperature has been demonstrated at the many levels of biological organization? whole animal, organ, tissue and cell. The data is conflicting in that animals which show metabolic at the whole adaptation Segal animal or organ level, may or may not show of tissues and enzyme systems. adaptation In some animals the nervous and endocrine systems appear to play a definite role but the general belief is that acclimation occurs at the cellular level. Demonstration of ac? climation of isolated tissues and of certain enzyme systems in gastropods and pelecy- pods (see Hopkins, 1946; Kirberger, 1953; Mews, 1957; Schlieper, 1957; and Schlieper and Kowalski, 1956) has contributed to this belief. This information is all we have on the mechanism of acclimation in molluscs. General discussions of the possible mecha? in poinisms of temperature acclimation kilotherms may be found in Bullock (1955) Some of the most chaland Precht (1958). lenging problems in the study of acclima? tion center about our understanding of the nature and site of the mechanisms involved. Increasingly, the approaches at the cellular level are more quantitative. We may soon be able to determine whether acclimation depends on shifts in enzyme pathways, syn? thesis of more enzyme, or changes in the protein structure of enzymes. We may discover that acclimation depends on other at changes higher levels of quantitative organization. SUMMARY Molluscs and other poikilotherms do not regulate their body temperature yet show varying degrees of homeostasis of rate func? tions and shifts in tolerance levels in re? encountered sponse to the temperatures over the seasons, across the latitudes, in dif? ferent parts of a microgeographic range, and under experimental in the manipulation This laboratory. compensatory response or acclimation to temperature has been dem? onstrated in various gastropods and pelecypods and one species of amphineuran from marine, fresh water, and terrestrial habitats; the order of magnitude is similar among all the molluscs. Most of our knowledge of acclimation to temperature in molluscs has come from studies of eurythermal species, but we do not have sufficient data to permit us to say that stenothermal species do not or are less able to acclimate than eurythermal This content downloaded from on Sun, 07 Jun 2015 07:40:50 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Acclimation in Molluscs 243 1926. On the modificationof temperature characteristics.J. Gen. Physiol. 9:546-559. Davis, H. C. 1955. Mortalityof Olympia oystersat low temperatures. Biol. Bull. 109:404-406. Dehnel, P. A. 1955. Rates of growthof gastropods as a functionof latitude. Physiol. Zool. 28:115-144. -. 1956. Growth rates in latitudinally and verticallyseparated populations of Mytiluscalifor? nianus. Biol. Bull. 110:43-53. Evans, R. G. 1948. The lethal temperatures of some common British littoral Molluscs. J. Anim. Ecol. 17:165-173. Forbes, G. S., and H. E. Crampton. 1942. 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