150 Years of Excellence GC University, Lahore Month May English 1. Harold Bloom , The anxiety of influence: a theory of poetry 2nd Ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press., 1997, 204p, 809.1 BLO 2. Harold Bloom, A map of misreading: with a new preface, Oxford: Oxford University Press., 2003, 229p, 821.00921 BLO 3. Harold Bloom, How to read and why, London: fourth Estate., 2001, 283p, 418 4. BLO Harold Bloom, The anatomy of influence: literature as a way of life, London: Yale University Press., 2011, 367p, 801.3 BLO 5. Kate McLoughlin (ed.), The cambridge companion to war writing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2009, 285p, 820.93581 CAM 6. Kate McLoughlin , Authoring war: the liberary representation of war from the iliad to Iraq, Cambridge: Camb-ridge University Press., 2014, 230p, 809.933581 MCL 7. Susan Hill, Strange meeting, London: Penguin Books Ltd., 2010, 184p, 823.914 HIL 8. E. E. Cummings, The enormous room, New York: A. Digireads.com Publishing, 2011, 157p, 813.52 CUM 9. Adrian Barlow , The great war in British literature: context in literature, Cambridge: Camb-ridge University Press., 2009, 128p, 820.9358 BAR 10. Samuel Hynes, A war imagined: the first world war and english culture, London: PIMLICO., 1992, 528p, 940.3 HYN 11. Koenraad Kuiper, W. Scott Allan, An introduction to English language: word, sound and sentence 3rd Ed., Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan., 2010, 386p, 428.2 KUI 12. A. J. Merrison, Aileen Bloomer, P. Griffiths, Et al, Introducing language in use: a coursebook 2nd Ed., London: Roultledge., 2014, 483p, 410.71 INT 13. Imtiaz Gul, Pakistan before and after Osama, New Delhi: Roli Books Pvt. Ltd., 2012, 311p, 363.325095491 IMT 14. Olivier Roy, Holy ignorance: when religion and culture part ways, London: C.Hurts & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 2010, 273p, 201.7 ROY 15. Christopher Bigsby , Arthur Miller, London: Orion Books Ltd., 2009, 749p, 812.52 BIG 16. Tim Woods, Beginning postmodernism 2nd Ed., New Delhi: Viva Books Private Ltd., 2013, 349p, 306 WOO 17. Tim Collins, Correct your English errors: avoid 99% of the common mista-kes made by learners of English, New Delhi: The Mc-Graw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2014, 318p, 428.24 COL 18. Krishan Das, Deepchand Patra, Fundamentals of English literature, New Delhi: Comm-onweath Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2012, 280p, 820 DAS History 1. James Clifford, Routes: travel and translation in the late twentieth century, London: Harvard University Press., 1997, 408p, 305.8001CLI 2. Karen Armstrong, The great transformation: the beginning of our religious traditions, New York: Anchor Books, 2007, 588p, 200.9014ARM 3. Tariq Ali, The duel: Pakistan on the flight path of American power, New York: Scribner, 2008, 329p, 954.9105TAR 4. Frederick Copleston, A histroy of philosophy: medieval philosophy Vol. II, New York: Double-day Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1993 , 614p, 190COP 5. Douglas E. Schoen, Melik Kaylan, The Russia-China axis: the new cold war and America's crisis of leadership, New York: Encounter Books., 2014, 432p, 327.47051SCH GC University, Katchery Road, Lahore 54000. UAN:111‐000‐010 Ext: 244, 245 150 Years of Excellence GC University, Lahore 6. Eric Hobsbawm, How to change the world: tales of marx and marxism, London: Brown Book Group., 2013, 478p, 361.2HOB 7. Henry Kissinger, World order: reflections on the character of nations and the course of histroy, London: Penguin Books Ltd., 2014, 420p, 327KIS 8. Hassan Abbas, The Taliban revival: violence and extremism on the PakistanAfghanistan frontier, New Haven: Yale University Press., 2014, 280p, 954.91053HAS Islamic Studies 1. Minou Reeves, Muhammad in Europe: a thousand years of western myth-making, London: Garnet Publihing Ltd., 2000, 319p, 297.63REE 2. Jamal Khwaja, Living the Qur'an in our times, California: SAGE Publications Inc., 2012, 235p, 297.12209KHW 3. Aminul Mortaza (ed.)`, History of Islamic medicine, London: Koros Press Ltd., 2013, 296p, 615.53HIS 4. Ziauddin Sardar, Reading the Qur'an: the contemporary relevance of the sacred text of Islam, London: C.Hurts & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 2011, 428p, 297.1226SAR 5. Stig Jarle Hansen, Atle Mesoy, T. Kardas (eds.), The borders of Islam: exploring huntington's faultlines from Al-Andalus to the virtual Ummah, London: C.Hurts & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 2009, 395p, 909.1BOR 6. Ziauddin Sardar, Mecca: the sacred city, New Delhi: Bloomsbury Publishing., 2014, 441p, 953.8SAR 7. Bernard Rougier, Everyday Jihad: the rise of militant Islam among palestinians in Lebanon, New Delhi: Viva Books Private Ltd., 2008, 343p, 297.72ROU 8. Nazir Ahmad, Understanding Islam, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan Private Ltd., 2012, 228p, 297NAZ 9. Henri, Anne Stierlin, Splendours of an Islamic world, London: I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd., 1997, 219p, 720.917671HEN 10. Shaikh Khurshid Hasan, Religious architecture of gandhara-Pakistan: buddhist stupas and monasteries, Islamabad: (NIHCR) Quaid-I-Azam University ., 2013, 319p, 720.95491HAS 11. Muhammad Reza Kazimi, The blood of Husayn, Karachi: Literama Press., 2011, 253p, 297.648KAZ 12. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, The reconstruction of religious thought in Islam, Lahore: Peace Publication., 2014, 173p, 297IQB Mathematics 1. Satinder Bal Gupta, C. P. Gandhi, Discrete structures: B. Tech. and M. C. A. Courses 3rd Ed., New Delhi: University Science Press., 2013, 623p, 004.0151GUP Political Science 1. Mark Bevir (ed.), The SAGE handbook of governance, California: SAGE Publications Inc., 2013, 591p, 320SAG 2. Benjamin MacQueen, An introduction to middle East politics, Washington DC: SAGE Publication Inc., 2013, 443p, 320.956MAC 3. Marc Lanteigne, Chinese foregin policy: an introduction 2nd Ed., London: Routledge., 2013, 201p, 327.51LAN 4. Smita Srivastava (ed.), Fundamentals of political theory, New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2012, 428p, 320.01FUN 5. Hoveyda Abbas, Ranjay Kumar, Political theory, New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2012, 572p, 320.01ABB GC University, Katchery Road, Lahore 54000. UAN:111‐000‐010 Ext: 244, 245 150 Years of Excellence GC University, Lahore 6. M. Laxmikanth, Public administration: for state civil service and other competitive examinations, New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2013, 998p, 320LAX 7. Carl L. Bankston , Immigrant network and social capital, Malden: Polity Press., 2014, 215p, 304.82094109049 BAN 8. Stuart Harris, China's foreign policy, Malden: Polity Press., 2014, 253p, 327.51249056 HAR 9. Chris Ogden, Indian Foreign policy: ambition and transition, Malden: Polity Press., 2014, 255p, 327.54OGD 10. Mark Neocleous, War power, police powr, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press., 2014, 310p, 303.3NEO 11. James Hutton, Central Asia: from the aryan to cossack, New Delhi: Manas Publications., 2005, 480p, 958HUT 12. David P. Auerswald, Stephen M. Saideman, NATO in Afghanistan: fighting together, fighting alone, New Jersey: Princeton University Press., 2014, 276p, 958.10474AUE 13. A. G. Noorani, The Kashmir dispute 1947-2012, Karachi: Oxford University Press., 2014, 562p, 954.913NOO 14. Muhammad Amir Rana, Safdar Sial, Abdul Basit, Dynamics of Taliban insurgency in FATA, Islamabad: Pak Institute for Peace Studies., 2010, 246p, 954.91053AMI 15. Shuja Nawaz, Crossed swords: Pakistan, its army and the wars within, Karachi: Oxford University Press., 2008, 699p, 320.95491NAW 16. Timothy B. Weston, Lionel M. Jensen (eds.), China in the beyond the headlines, Plymouth: The Rowm-an & Littlefield Publi-shing Group, Inc., 2012, 379p, 951.06CHI 17. Lalita Sharma, Introduction to human rights, New Delhi: Random Publishers., 2014, 283p, 323SHA 18. G. C. Ramamurthy, Research methodology , New Delhi: Dreamtech Press., 2014, 724p, 001.3072RAM 19. Bill Taylor, Gautam Sinha, Taposh Ghoshal, Research methodology: a guide for researchers in management & social sciences, Delhi: PHI Learning Private Ltd., 2014, 238p, 001.3072TAY 20. T. V. Paul 21. (ed.), The India-Pakistan conflict: an enduring rivalry, New Delhi: Foundation Books Pvt. Ltd., 2006, 287p, 327.5491054 IND 22. Sudipta Kaviraj, Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil society: history and possibilities, New Delhi: Cambr-idge University Press India Pvt. Ltd., 2012, 340p, 301CIV 23. Naval Bajpai , Research methodology: as per the MBA syllabus of Gujrat Technologial University, New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2013, 494p, 001.3072BAJ 24. Usman Shahid, Tridivesh Singh Maini, Tahir Malik, Indo-Pak people to people contact: a victim of national insecurities, Lahore: Jumhoori Publications., 2013, 246p, 327.5405491 USM Statistics 1. Mark Woodward, Epidemiology: study design and data analysis 3rd Ed., London: CRC Press., 2014, 854p, 614.40727WOO 2. Jichuan Wang, Haiyi Xie,James H. Fisher, Multilevel models: applications using SAS, Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, 2012, 273p, 005.55WAN 3. R. Panneerselvam, Research methodology 2nd Ed., New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Ltd., 2014, 715p, 001.42PAN GC University, Katchery Road, Lahore 54000. UAN:111‐000‐010 Ext: 244, 245
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