well-wintered cows than from the lowwintered cows. The larger steers at weaning gained about 5 pounds more between weaning and slaughter than did the lighter weaned steers. 5 When home raised feed is available, we recommend wintering cows on a full maintenance ration of about 30 pounds of com silage and 10 pounds of hay, or the equivalent in other combinations. However, if feed is scarce and abnormally high in price, we believe a stockman can safely winter his cows on 75 percent of the above daily rations for at least S winters without serious ill effects in the herd. A WILLISTON EXPERIMENT STATION REPORT ON Potato Irrigation • By Howard Olson and R. H. Johansen Since 1941, potato variety trials have dition when wet or dry. They do posbeen grown under irrigation and dryland . sess a high water holding capacity and conditions at the Williston experiment tend to remain wet for considerable stations. The irrigation station, estab- periods following irrigation or rainfall. lished in 1939, is situated on the Lewis This is an advantage in reducing the need and Clark Ir:r:igation project and the dry- for frequent water applications but it land station is 5 miles west of Williston makes weed control difficult and dison typical upland Willi;ims soils. The courages late season irrigation, for the dryland data were obtained from two dif- soil remains too sticky for efficient operferent locations, as before 1955 the sta- ation of potato harvesting machinery. tion was adjacent to Williston. Two types of irrigation studies with Precipitation is the main factor limit- potatoes are reported here. One has ing crop yields in this area with a mean been a continuous evaluation of potato of 9.86 inches during the period of April varieties and selections from the Hortito August. culture Department, North Dakota AgriThe irrigated trials were conducted on cultural Experiment Station at Fargo, soils of the Havre series. ranging in tex- when grown under irrigation and under ture from silty clay loam to silt loam dryland conditions. The other was an irtypical of the Missouri river bottom. rigation water requirement study carried These soils are not particularly suitable out over a 6-year period (1948-1953) to for gqod potato production due to poor determine when and how much to irriinternal drainage, and poor physical con- gate potatoes on Missouri river bottom soils. Howard Olson is Superintendent, Williston Experiment Station. R. H. Johansen is assistant horticulturist, North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, Fargo. Performance of Potato Varieties ·Under Irrigation The amount and distribution of rain· 23 fall during the growing season determined the irrigation schedule. The prospect of rain was also an important factor. Irrigation was sometimes delayed to minimize the hazard of excessive water which generally occurs when heavy rainfall follows irrigation. Excessive water on land with good surface and subsoil drainage is not serious, but on these soils water-logging occurs readily and is a constant hazard. During the 14-year irrigation period, the potato trials under irrigation received 31 water applications. One application was made in 3 of the years, 2 in 5 of the years and 3 times in 6 of the years. The potatoes were irrigated 13 times in July, 9 in August, 7 in June and 2 times in May. Frequently a final irrigation, even when needed, was intentionally omitted to provide proper harvesting conditions. Land preparation before planting in- . eluded fall plowing, with cultivation and levelling in the spring. This practice of spring cultivation and jevelling frequently dried out the soil sufficiently to delay emergence of potatoes unless irrigation or rainfall followed planting. Consequently, during the past 3 years (19.551957), the land was levelled and irrigated in the fall and teceived a light harrowing in the 'spring. No fertilizers were used in these trials prior to 1953' but since then sideband applications at planting time were made annually. Application rates varied from 200 to 350 pounds per acre of 33.5-0-0 or 20-20-0, depending on the previous history of the field. These rates were calculated to maintain high or ,maximum levels of fertility and may not have b.een the most economical. The potato variety trials grown under irrigation and under dryland conditions 24 were planted in blocks of 4 replicates with 25 plants of each variety per block. Although there were variations, the average spacing was 38 inches between rows and 14 to 15 inches in the row. The average planting date was May 19, but the trial was planted as early as May 7 and as late as June 5. Generally, the trials were harvested in the latter part of September. The harvested potatoes were weighed, graded and determinations were made for total yield, marketable yield, specific gravity and general quality. Tuber maturity and scab readings were al~o recorded in some years. Although these variety trials were carried out for 14 years, for all practical purposes only the variety trial data record.ed from 1950 through 1957 were considered, and only for those varieties or selections that were included in the trials for 3 or more years. Table 1 shows the total yields in bushels per acre of 11 varieties ~nd selections grown under irrigation and under dryland conditions in the 8 years 1950-1957. In comparing the 8 year average of irrigated versus dryland total yields, irrigation resulted in an increase of 191.3 bushels, or 56 percent, over the dryland yields. The average increase in any year. varied from 301.3 bushels per acre in 1956 to 22.6 bushels per acre in 1950. The smallest differen.ce.s occurred in years of above normal precipitation (1950, 19.52 and 1954). All dryland production was on land that was summerfallowed the previous year. Therefore, twice the acreage was required to produce the dryland yields. An varieties did not respond to irrigation in the same way. Of the varieties grown in these trials for 6 or more years, Early Gem showed the best response with an average increase in total yield of 276 ·Table 1. TOTAL YIELD IN BUSHELS PER ACRE OF POTATO VARIETIES GROWN UNDER IRRIGATION AND NON· IRRIGATION AT WILLISTON 1950 Variety I. Irish Cobbler .. ···········-·············· Red Pontiac .............................. Early Gem .................................... Norland· .......................................... Nordak ............................................. Norgleam ···································· Triumph ....................................... Kennebec .................................... Redkote .............•....................•....... ND 457-1 ··········•···························· . Mano ta ............................................. Average ···--- ...................... I.-Irrigated. ~ 321 436 1951 N.I. I. 288 360 283 381 293 1952 N.I. I. 131 149 112 342 42.6 380 329 441 334 487 271 373 146 146 371 316 302 122 380 357 317 134 392 429 386 307 353 377 N.I. 277 377 253 285 361 330 248 280 301 I. 1953 1954 N.I. I .. 188 263 164 602 562 499 259 344 210 369 201 575 574 536 240 269 369 389 386 411 201 190 197 201 455 316 544 463 236 349 455 464 447 I. N.I. 280 1955 N.I. I. 1956 513 378 457 202 143 199 474 378 181 189 727 532 574 518 501 538 392 432 164 180 565 1957 N.I. I. N.I. 344 177 278 265 469 408 664 381 359 351 162 201 205 227 170 164 264 246 272 214 407 147 182 Average I. N.I. 412 490 456 471 484 475 402 414 403 342 378 430 218 280 181 235 215 215 243 331 281 219 205 238 N.1.-Non-Irrigated. Table 2. SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF POTATO VARIETIES GROWN UNDER IRRIGATION AND NON-IRRIGATION AT WILLISTON. Variety I. Irish Cobbler ............................ 96 Red Pontiac ······························ 89 Early Gem .................................... Norland ·········································· Nordak ............................................. Norgleam ..................................... Triumph ······································· 92 Kennebec ....................................... 97 Redkote ·········································· ND 457-1 ....................................... 101 Mano ta .......................................... Average .............................. 95 1950 N.I. 102 83 1951 I. N.I. I. 83 78 82 88 81 86 77 60 69 93 88 75 79 70 58 97 ff7 81 93 80 70 1952 . N.I. I. 90 69 94 84 77 84 94 91 85 81 70 76 80 71 74 74 85 71 85 80 78 90 87 89 86 71 80 84 91 91 93 96 ff7 98 95 89 92 74 1955 1954 I. 84 86 82 90 1953 N.I. N.I. 83 80 75 77 75 82 '19 N.I.-Non-Irrigated. !.-Irrigated. First 2 digits in specific gravity readings were dropped. For example 89 would read 1.089. 1956 I. N.I. I. N.I. 72 75 79 69 68 77 75 79 77 86 79 83 84 85 81 77 82 74 76 83 89 84 I. 1957 83 65 76 68 77 77 N.I. 99 80 87 84 96 96 Average I. N.I. 86 75 79 75 78 78 78 83 84 86 78 80 75 79 84 69 74 91 92 91 82 82 89 75 77 81 90 87 80 68 80 89 88 83 bushels per acre, as compared with Red ferences occurred with Early Gem, TriPontiac with an average increase of 209 umph, Nordak and Norgleam. The 8bushels per acre. year average specific gravity for Red It can also be seen (Table 1) that early Pontiac was the same under irrigation maturing varieties generally showed bet- and dryland conditions, but much variater responses to irrigation than late ma- tion occurred within years. turing varieties. Early maturing variWhen potatoes were irrigated late in eties form and develop most of their the season, maturity was delayed, caustubers during July and August as com- ing immature skin and poor quality pared with August and September for tubers. The number of rough and overlate maturing varieties. Since water ap- size tubers was also increased. However, plications were made most frequently in late fall irrigation of land to be cropped July and August, this period appears to potatoes was beneficial to the crop the critical, particularly with early maturing following year. This may not be as significant ·on coarser textured soils with varieties. When fertilizer was first applied to the lower water holding capacity. irrigation trials in 1953 and continued Water Requirement Studies through 1957 a marked increase in yield · for Potatoes was noted during this period. The ·averStudies were carried out 6 years (194S: age yield under irrigation without fer1953) to determine the frequency and tilizer (1950-52) was 358 bushels per amount of irrigation water required by acre, compared with 456 bushels per potatoes grown on the Missouri river botacre in the period 1953-57 when fertiltoms. The Pontiac variety was used in izers were used. · ·each year, except in 1948 when Cobbler Specific gravity is a convenient meas- was used. Fertilizers used were 350 ure of solid or dry matter content of pounds per acre of 0-45-0 in the years potatoes and is usually associated with 1949-1951 and 425 pounds per acre of , texture or mealines~ of the potato. 10-32-0 in 1952 and 1953. No fertilizer The 8-year average specific gravity of was used in 1948. potato varieties and selections grown unThree different moisture levels were der irrigation and· under dryland condi- established. The low moisture plots tions at Williston was 1.082 and 1.083, were to receive only enough watet to esrespectively (Table 2). This was not sig- tablish a stand; the medium moisture nificant, ·but great differences between plots to receive 1 irrigation during the years arid between varieties did . occur. season and the high moisture plots to The use of fertilizer in the irrigated plots receive 2 or more irrigations depending during the period 1953 to 1957 resulted upon the season. in decreases in specific gravity, as comYield data.showed good correlation be- 1 pared with that in irrigated plots with no .tween the amount of irrigation water apfertilizer before 1953. plied and the total yield (Table 3). The The variety Irish Cobbler showed the high moisture plots produced the highest ~ least ·variation witli~n years in specific average total yield for the 6 years with 1 ·gravity when grown under irrigatibn or 457 bushels _per acre. The low moisture dryland ·conditions: Relatively small dif- plots received. irrigation water in 1952 26 Precipitation was also a factor, since in 2 of· the 6 years this was above normal Although irrigation during the growing season did result in increased yields, the factor of stored soil moisture· makes it difficult to appraise the true value of seasonal irrigation on potato production. ·and 1953 only, yet the mean yield was . relatively high with 365 bushels per acre. Since the whole plot area was fall irrigated, it is apparent that the available moisture in the root zones was at a sufficiently high level during the following crop season to maintain reasonable plant growth. Table 3. THE EFFECT OF MOISTURE LEVELS ON POTATO PRODUCTION AT WILLISTON IRRIGATION STATION (AVERAGE OF 6 YEARS). §~ ~ -~ -a = ..... 0 +>J.lo ~~ . ..... 'b.()C'IS .es= t?l CJ ..... Q) J-4 tU 14.2 14.2 t Q) ·~~:p 9.3 (Inches) .8 (Inches) 10.1 9.3 9.3 9.2 18.5 !l~ (Inches) Medium moisture level .................. High moisture level ................. ........ ..... -~tU 'b.O ,t i:::i::s .....= Low moisture .level ........................... 14.2 P. =· 0 .... CJ -,t= CIS 0 =c::'.lc .s< Ul !la~ 4.4 U.S. No.1 yield Total yield* 365 13.7 295 403 332 457 378 *Yiela in bushels per acre. MARKET PRICE OF SHEEP AND LAMBS DOLLARS PER CWT ,, - /'.....- ,-, 2 0 ~ _ _,~..'- ' ,_ , \ \ I I \ .,, ' I \ I ' ,' '... ' \,,.I 0 I I I I I I I 1953 I I I 1· ,, I '--' I I I I I I I 1954 I I I I / \ '' \ I I I LAMBS I ,·-... I I .I 1955 \ '-,,',''•l I I I I I ,- I I I I ,.,,._ ,-,., - I \,', I ,-, , I I 1956 I - _... ,,' I I 1 I _ I I I 1 1 1957 I I I I I I I
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