Finance and Information Services Department Library Service, Belfast campus Greater Belfast Development Fact sheet: Library move, 2015 Block BB of the Greater Belfast Development (GBD) is scheduled for completion by early summer 2015 and the Library will be moving into this building in July. Library services will be disrupted while stock, equipment and personnel move to the new location. When we re-open, we will continue to cater for the teaching, learning and research needs of all students and staff on the Belfast campus. Dates mentioned below may change so please check the library homepage for further updates. Why does the Library have to move? The present Library space has to be refurbished in order to accommodate the delivery of the GBD project and the associated phasing strategy. What services will be offered in the new Library? All the Library, Reprographics and ICT services currently on offer in Block BA will be available in Block BB. This includes open access computing, printing and scanning facilities and a variety of study facilities including study rooms which are bookable by students. Where will the Library be located in the new building? Block BB, Levels 0, 1 and 2 with the Library entrance on Level 2. Access to Block BB is via the main campus entrance in Block BA. Will there be a Library service at Belfast during Summer 2015? Disruption of services will be kept to a minimum but in order for Library stock and equipment to be moved to Block BB, some services will be restricted, as follows: 25th May – 17th July: Library services will be delivered from BA-02-005 and library staff will be available MonThu 0845-1700 and Fri 0845-1600. You may return books, request materials, pay fines and make enquiries. Library users may not browse shelves but a ‘request and retrieval’ service will be in place (see below). As bookable study rooms will not be available until the new library opens, a reading room has been set up adjacent to BA-02-005. This can be used for quiet study or to consult requested materials during library opening times. Please ask a member of library staff in BA-02-005 about access to this room. 20th July - 18th September: It is anticipated that the full range of Library services will be available in Block BB during vacation opening times: Mon-Thu 0845-1700 and Fri 0845-1600. How will the ‘request and retrieval’ system work? Having identified items in the library catalogue, you may EITHER complete a request card for each item required and hand it in to library staff in BA-02-005 OR email the details of each item required to If emailing, please include your library borrower number in the email. Items will be retrieved on the next working day and you will be notified that they are available for collection. If, for any reason, the item is not available, we’ll let you know. While stock is being moved from one building to another, it may take a little longer to get the items for you but we’ll let you know if this is the case. GBD2015-FAQ-July2015.docx mk 1 Finance and Information Services Department Library Service, Belfast campus What happens if I want to return a book and the Library is closed? A book return bin is in place opposite the entrance to BA-02-005. Simply ‘post’ your book through the slot and Library staff will retrieve it on the next working day. Alternatively, you may return items to staff in the campus libraries at Coleraine, Jordanstown or Magee. How can I pay a Library fine if the Library is closed? Staff and students may use the online payment option within ‘My Account’ on our website and on the Portal. Call in to any of the campus libraries on the next working day. How can I check to make sure my Library record is clear? There are several ways to check your library record: The ‘My Account’ option on our website and on the Portal can be used by staff and students. Call in to the library at Belfast or give us a ring 028-953-67268 Mon-Thu 0845-1700 and Fri 0845-1600. Call in to or telephone the libraries at Coleraine, Jordanstown or Magee during normal opening hours, see: Will I be able to access online databases, e-journals and e-books? Electronic information services will be available from any computer connected to the Internet whether on- or off-campus and are unaffected by the move. What happens if I want to request an item through the Document Delivery service? Call in to the Library at Belfast and complete a request form. Email the details of each item required to and requests will be processed as soon as possible. Please include your library borrower number in the email. Request items online, see: Will there be access to computers during Summer 2015? Computing facilities are available in Block BA (Level 3 in room 024) until the library re-opens in Block BB. While the devices are Macs, they have dual-boot capability which means that you can select a Windows desktop as well as the normal Mac version. Simply choose your preferred option at log-in. All devices are connected to networked printers. Should you need to check or change your network password, a ‘kiosk’ computer has been set up on Level 3 also. Will there be access to photocopiers, printers and scanning during Summer 2015? Multi-function devices (MFDs) have been relocated temporarily to Block BA Level 3 and can be found in the corridor just past Room 024. Additional machines are available on Level 2, adjacent to the link bridge. When we re-open, each floor in the new Library will have MFDs. Will students be able to book study rooms during the summer? Bookable study rooms will not be available until the new library opens so a reading room has been set up adjacent to BA-02-005. This can be used for quiet study or to consult requested materials during library opening times. Please ask a member of library staff in BA-02-005 about access to this room. Students working with support providers may use this room for quiet discussion but as it is a shared facility, discussion will not be private. The Student Support office on Level 2 may have rooms available for students and providers to use, so check with them. GBD2015-FAQ-July2015.docx mk 2 Finance and Information Services Department Library Service, Belfast campus When will the Library open in the new building? It is anticipated that the new Library will open on Monday 20th July 2015. Vacation opening times will be in operation: Monday-Thursday 0845-1700 and Friday 0845-1600. The open access computer area will be available in line with campus opening times. Semester opening times will resume on Monday 21st September 2015. What help will be available? You have various options available: The red desk at the Library entrance on Level 2 will be the point of contact for all face-toface enquiries regardless of whether they are Library, IT or Reprographics. A Library Help tool is available online at: ICT help is available 24/7, see: Will an introduction to the new facilities be offered? We look forward to seeing you in the new Library and intend to provide tailored tours of the new facilities in September/October. If you are in the Library before then and would like a tour, please ask. Questions? If your question isn’t answered above, please contact me. Marion Khorshidian, Campus Library Manager, 028-953-67269, GBD2015-FAQ-July2015.docx mk 3
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