particularly in Germany, Scotland, France, England and Switzerland. We will also study the reforms of John Calvin at Geneva and the counter measures of the Roman Catholic Church. This course will also address the events from the 18-20th centuries, covering the major theological themes and controversies like Liberalism, Fundamentalism and Charismatism and other ecclesiastical concerns of the modern age. (2 CREDITS) The Emmanuel Reformed Bible Lectures (ERBL) is a ministry of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church run with the help of several like-minded BiblePresbyterian Churches in Singapore designed to help equip Christians for God’s service through Bible-based, Reformed theological teaching. The lectures are conducted in Beulah Centre at 10 Gilstead Road. This is centrally located at an easily accessible part of Singapore near to Newton MRT station. The Ten Commandments JULY-NOVEMBER 2015 EMMANUEL REFORMED BIBLE LECTURES by Rev Charles Seet, B.Th, M.Div (Pastor of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church) Thursday, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm (Beginning on 16 Jul) T HIS COURSE is an exposition of the Ten Commandments, approaching them as a manual for Christian living. The principles derived from them and related passages of Scripture are applied to difficult yet practical issues of our time and questions of right and wrong in the modern world. (2 CREDITS) Jesus and the Gospels by Rev Ho Chee Lai, M.Div (Associate Pastor of Sharon Bible-Presbyterian Church) Friday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Beginning on 17 Jul) “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” - 2 Timothy 2:15 - T HIS COURSE is a study on the life and ministry of Christ as recorded in the Gospel accounts. This study will include a survey of the Gospel accounts, emphasizing on their authorship, composition and distinctive; with a brief treatment on the issue of the Synoptic Gospel. The student will also study the harmony of the Gospel with synopses on the chronology of the life of Christ, His works and His teachings. (2 CREDITS) Bus Services 1 2 48, 66, 67, 170, 171, 700, 700A, 960 3 4 5, 54, 124, 143, 162, 167, NR1 5 6 5, 54, 124, 128, 143, 162, 162M, 167, 171, 700, 700A, NR1 For more information on ERBL please write to or call 6594-9399. 10 Gilstead Road, Singapore 309064 SCHEDULE OF LECTURES July - November 2015 Venue: Beulah House, 10 Gilstead Road, Singapore 309064 Monday: The Book of Deuteronomy 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Tuesday: Intro to Christian Education 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Wednesday: The OT Poetic Books 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Thursday: Church History II 10:00 am - 12:00 pm The Ten Commandments 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Friday: Jesus and the Gospels 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Semester Schedule: 13 Jul 07 – 18 Sep 07 – 13 Nov 16 Nov – 08 Jan GENERAL Lectures begin Term break Examinations Semester Break INFORMATION THE COURSES are open to the public. No minimum educational requirement is needed. However those who are interested in working toward a Certificate in Biblical Studies (20 credit hours) must have a minimum of 5 GCE ‘O’ level passes or its equivalent, and attain a minimum Grade Point (GP) of 2.00 for each course. THE REGISTRATION FORM should be completed and submitted with a course fee of $20 per course for audit and $50 for credit to the Life B-P Church Office at 10 Gilstead Road, Singapore 309064. An ‘Early Bird Discount’ of $5 will be given to those who register before 08 June 2015. Cheques should be crossed and made payable to “Life B-P Church.” Please write your name and the words “ERBL fees” on the reverse side of the cheque. IF A COURSE IS DROPPED, the fees will be refunded only if the Life B-P Church Office is notified within 14 days of its commencement. ATTENDANCE will be taken at each lecture. Certificates of Attendance will be issued to students who have achieved at least 80% attendance. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS The Book of Deuteronomy by Rev Quek Keng Khwang, B.A., M.Div (Asst. Pastor of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church) Monday, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm (Beginning on 13 Jul) J ESUS QUOTED from this book on ten occasions. It was the only Old Testament book Jesus quoted when He resisted the devil in the wilderness. Also, the apostle Paul referred to this book in his epistles. Scholars believe that it was Deuteronomy that King Josiah had found and ignited his reforms. Deuteronomy is not a mere repetition of the Law, it is Law that is expounded and preached by Moses to the children of Israel on the verge of the Promised Land. These are the parting words of the man who communed with God face to face (i.e., without a mediator) to a new generation of Israel. His words in Deuteronomy spring from a personal and intimate knowledge of God that had matured over 120 years. Written in the form of a suzerain-vassal covenant, it affirms God's covenantal love for His people. This course will help students to understand the book and to apply it in their lives. (2 CREDITS) Introduction to Christian Education by Rev Isaac Ong, M.R.E., B.A., Ph.D (candidate) (Pastor of Calvary Bible-Presbyterian Church) Tuesday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Beginning on 14 Jul) T HIS IS AN introductory course on the biblical and philosophical foundations of Christian Education. This course will examine precepts and practices from the Old and New Testaments, and apply them in the context of the local church. This course will also look at the historical development of Christian Education in terms of its methodologies. The goal is to help the student plan and develop the various teaching ministries that would best serve the local church. (2 CREDITS) The Old Testament Poetic Books by Rev Charles Seet, B.Th, M.Div (Pastor of Life Bible-Presbyterian Church) Wednesday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Beginning on 15 Jul) T HIS COURSE covers both a study of the Hebrew poetry in general as well as the contents of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. These five books, which take up one-fifth of the Old Testament, contain some of the most beautiful and powerful literature of human history and deal with some of the most basic and universal questions asked by men. But they are also personal in character. Bullock said, “One might read the Pentateuch and see only a faint shadow of himself reflected there. The Historical books may overwhelm him with facts and events. The Prophets may pass him by with their deep convictions and concerns about their own societies and the world. But the Poetic books will find him wherever he is.” (2 CREDITS) Church History II: Reformation, Post-Reformation & Modern Era by Rev Dr Jack Sin, M.Div, D.Min (Pastor of Maranatha Bible-Presbyterian Church) Thursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Beginning on 16 Jul) T HIS COURSE addresses the relevant personalities or reformers like Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, William Tyndale and others on their lives and doctrines, and the historic events during the 16th century reformation movement, R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M EMMANUEL REFORMED BIBLE LECTURES Name (in caps, according to NRIC): Title: Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Miss NRIC number: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Contact Number: Church:_______________________________________ I wish to register for the following courses: (Please circle the appropriate figures) CREDIT AUDIT Deuteronomy $50 / $45* $20 / $15* Christian Education $50 / $45* $20 / $15* The OT Poetic Books $50 / $45* $20 / $15* Church History II $50 / $45* $20 / $15* Ten Commandments $50 / $45* $20 / $15* Jesus and the Gospels $50 / $45* $20 / $15* (* $5 Early Bird Discount if this form is submitted before 08 June 2015) I have enclosed my fees of $_______ (Cheque no.__________________) Date___________ Signature:________________
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