GROUP MENTORING Requirements: Completion of application form Commitment to four Life Success Mentor Sessions and one weekend away Mapping out your journey Life Success Group Mentoring 2015/16 includes: • Training & Equipping • Practical scenario based group-work • Supervised development planning and milestones • Email access and one to one scheduled sessions with Life Success directors & team • Monthly telephone update and relate for evaluation of progress and outcomes 15-30min • Commitment to 4 Modules scheduled around the main Life Success seminar days: Cost = £160 to cover teaching materials and resources (excluded weekend away) four Modules: • Passion and Emotional Intelligence • Ministry Development • Leadership and Influence • Business and Marketplace Self-evaluation and mentor evaluation will facilitate the fulfilment of a Personal Development Plan. This will enable each delegate participating in the Group Mentor Programme to document precise transformational choices and changes, both internally and externally. † CARPE DIEM ¢ Life is full of opportunities - but not all are seized and taken. On life’s journey Life Success offers you the opportunity to be mentored, encouraged and stretched into your God-given destiny. Seize The Day! influence your sphere network: Of Christians from different spheres of life being mentored towards individual purpose and destiny for kingdom transformation and advancement. 2015/16 SCHEDULE 17th October 15 Passion/Emotional Intelligence 20th February 16 Ministry Development 14th May 16 Leadership and Influence 17th September 16 Business and Marketplace Weekend Away - tbc Those who do know their God will display strength and take action - Daniel 11:32b Life Success seeks to raise up passionate believers who know who they are, what they are capable of, what they should do, and what they are commissioned to accomplish. Goals & Objectives: To help Christians identify with precision ■ and pursue with intent, their calling, taking their place in whatever arena God calls them to occupy, at home, within the Church and marketplace. To enable them to develop excellent ■ leadership skills and abilities, maturing as believers with the character of Christ fully formed in them, fit for their Christgiven ambassadorial mandate. To equip them in gaining the right ■ mentoring skills so that they can peermentor as well as mentor others with whom they have influence. To create a forum where each can ■ partner with the Spirit of God and be activated in their graces, gifts, and anointing for the profit of all. To raise up an end time apostolic and ■ prophetic community of strong believers to overthrow the works of darkness, declare the Good News and establish Kingdom culture and order, changing the landscape of communities devoid of godly life. life success pursues its objectives through: mobilising, mentoring and Mission 1. 2. 3. 4. Group mentoring sessions with Jenny and Maria, its directors and founders. Creating places where women can learn and apply biblical principles that will unlock their potential and empower them for successful living by: • Worship, prayer, impartation & fellowship • Improving communication skills • Developing leadership skills • Increasing self awareness and awareness of others • Networking • Identifying strengths & weaknesses • Developing deeper understanding of God • Realising potential & destiny • Setting & achieving goals Making available necessary resources, contacts, associations and opportunities for its members Being a part of what God is doing globally and nationally, sharpening one another “as iron sharpens iron” Proverbs 27:17
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