CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS Lifetime Learning Center A Resource for Learning, Teaching, Friendship Spring Quarter 2015 March 23-May 14 3841 NE 123rd Street Seattle, WA 98125 Roger Neale (206) 949-8882 Director Edla Deppman Office Manager Website: E-mail: CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS Lifetime Learning Center Open to the Public Bring a Friend “Sharpen your mind and make new friends” Spring 2015 Event Calendar Thursday March 19 10:00-12:00 Open House Mon. 9:00 am Classes Begin Thursday May 14 3:00 Classes End Friday 12:00-1:00 Teacher Appreciation March 23 May 15 REGISTRATION Lifetime Learning Center, a nonprofit, educational institution, offers classes and social events for older adults. Our courses provide the joy of learning and challenging the mind without the problem of exams or grades. Classes meet weekly. Fees: To enroll, students pay a $15 registration fee each quarter plus a course fee of $30 per class. Some classes require additional lab, book or materials fees. Enrollment: Classes fill on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrations are valid only when accompanied by payment. No class confirmations are sent. Students are notified by phone if a class is filled. Three Ways To Enroll: 1. Complete the registration form at the back of this brochure, or print a copy of the registration form from our website, enclose fees, and mail to: Lifetime Learning Center 3841 NE 123rd Street Seattle, WA 98125 2. Call (206) 949-8882 to be sure we are in, drop by and register in person. 3. Register online and pay using bank cards or Paypal. Scholarships: Inquire at LLC office for scholarship applications. Scholarships are granted on the basis of need and are limited to classes not already filled with enrolled students. FACULTY Bruce Bigley, Ph.D., Literature Jeanne Bryan, B.A., Music Education Theodore Deacon, DMA, Music Cecile Disenhouse, Watercolorist Wanda Elder, Ed.D. Harvey Friedman, Orienteer Vel Gerth, B.A., Writing Instructor Ellen Glann, Facilitator Cameron Justam, Rosen Method Instr. Joan Karkeck, MS Elhri Larson, Poetry Facilitator Jim Leonard, MA, Teaching Marianne LoGerfo, MA, Teaching Michael Kelly, MD Barbara Miller, Music Instructor Jim Mohundro, Film Aficionado Ann Ross, Tai Chi Instructor Chuck Roxin, Bachelor of Music Stacy Schulze, Yarn Artist Michael Shurgot, Ph.D., Literature Connie Sidles, Master Birder Bobbie Simone, Ph.D., Literature LeeAnn Starovasnik, S.A., Feldenkrais Ted Szatrowski, Bridge Instructor Bill Taylor, MA, Political Science Many thanks to these talented people who donate their time and expertise. They make Lifetime Learning Center a fantastic experience for our students! CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS COURSE CATEGORIES Category History, Politics, Sociology/ Anthropology; Science Course Day Great Decisions Monday 9:30 Brain Monday 11:00 Tuesday 11:00 Being Mortal Birds Current Events Wednesday 11:00 Wednesday 10:45 Film Espionage on Film Thursday 1:00 Focus on the Individual Wednesday 1:00 Fairy Tales Monday 1:00 Write Your Life Story Tuesday 11:00 Dante’s Paradiso Wednesday 11:00 Wordsworth, Prelude Wednesday 1:30 Creative Writing Workshop Thursday 11:00 Literature, Writing Tolstoy, Anna Karenina Women For Poetry in Daily Living Music, Art, Crafts, Life Skills Fitness Bridge Thursday 11:00 Thursday 1:30 American 20th Cent. Classical Music Monday 1:00 Crochet Monday, 1:00 Quilt Making Basics Tuesday 12:30 Gardening Tuesday 1:00 Piano Keyboarding Thursday 11:00 Watercolor Basics Thursday 11:00, 1:00 Rosen Movement Monday 11:00 Balance in Action Tuesday 11:00 Orienteering Wednesday, 1:00 Tai Chi Thursday 9:30, 1:00 Beginning Bridge Wednesday 9:00 Intermediate Bridge Wednesday 10:45 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS MONDAY March 23-May 11 Current Topics in International Relations: Great Decisions 2015 9:30-10:45 Bill Taylor Learning and the Brain Wanda Elder Course Description: Before you read this description, please know that a survey of my winter quarter students suggests that both the 9:30 and 11:00 sessions of this course will be filled with the maximum number of students the room can accommodate. If you are in the habit of registering at the last minute, please do not ask to be allowed in the class. Instead, register early (no later than the day of the Open House), especially since I’ll be emailing reading material for the first class. Now to the description: According to physicist Michio Kaku "the human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe." Through brief readings, class discussion and activities we will investigate the complexities of our brains and perhaps gain insight into our own. We’ll study the functions of perception, attention and consciousness, memory, cognition, motor skills & movement, emotional and social behaviors, and the needs and care of our brains as they age. This course will be a discussion of seven topics in international relations contained in the Great Decisions 2015 booklet from the Foreign Policy Association. The Topics are: 1. Russia and the Near Abroad; 2. Sectarianism in the Middle East; 3. India Changes Course; 4. U.S. Policy Toward Africa; 5. Syria’s Refugee Crisis; 6. Human Trafficking; and 7. Brazil in Metamorphosis. The first class will focus on the principles of foreign policy decision making. 11:00-12:15 How to Listen to 20th Century American Classical Music 1:00-2:30 Chuck Roxin Many music lovers in the US are quite unaware of the immense output of its serious composers from 1900 to 1960, by far eclipsing that of Europe. And how many residents of Seattle are familiar with local residents with international composing credentials, like Paul Creston and Alan Hovannes? The purpose of this program is The text for this course is Great Decisions 2015, to help participants enjoy much of this music which costs $20. I will also have a short compan- they may not have heard, and to learn something ion volume with updated information on the top- of its origins, inspiration and structure. Too few ics as well as questions to consider while reading venues offer opportunities to learn and appreciate Great Decisions. A printed copy should not cost this incredible output. As a bonus, the instrucmore than $10, but you can also get a free copy tor’s good fortune was to meet many of these by email. I’ll have copies of both items for pur- musicians and to study with a few. chase in the first week of class. As I mentioned Seven week course, first class March 30. above, the reading material for the first class will be emailed when you register. Current Topics in International Relations: Great Decisions 2015 11:00-12:15 See Description above. LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS MONDAY Rosen Movement Cameron Justam March 23-May 11 11:00-12:00 Rosen Movement was created by Marion Rosen, a physical therapist, to foster, support, and maintain flexibility during the aging years. This goal is aided by music, which provides fun and inspiration to move all the joints with ease in an hour. Come move with us—be more open to the day and to life! Taught by Cameron Justam, a certified Rosen Method body practitioner. Friday, May 15 Fairy Tales: Comparison and Interpretation Barbara Miller 1:00-2:15 Those simple, magical, mysterious, and sometimes violent stories you read as a child, and then read to your own children, can be fascinating to study. In this discussion class we will compare different versions of some classic fairy tales (Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Bluebeard, Hansel and Gretel and perhaps a couple more), talk about different scholarly approaches to studying them, and why they are interesting to us personally. The book we will use is “The Classic Fairy Tales”, edited by Maria Tatar, a Norton Critical Edition, with several versions of each fairy tale and some interpretive essays that we can read. If you are able to get the book ahead of time, read the first chapter, on Little Red Riding Hood, as we will discuss that tale in the first class. Crochet Stacy Schulze Teacher Appreciation Lunch 12:00-1:30 Join us for our biggest social event of the year! It’s our chance to say thanks to the great group of teachers who make LLC as good as it is. We’ll serve lunch and provide a lunch hour of entertainment (we’ll develop the program through the quarter!) 1:00-3:00 For beginners or refreshers. All you need is a hook and some yarn, and you can learn the skills to make clothes, household items and decorations. For learning and practice, bring some yarn and at least one hook of the right size for the yarn. You are invited to bring any patterns or crochet books that interest you. LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS TUESDAY Being Mortal Michael Kelly, MD March 24-May 12 11:00-12:15 Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande and published in 2014, is a book that has had a large impact on the world of older adults—our world. Join Mike for a reading and discussion of Dr. Gawande’s book. Americans are reluctant to acknowledge our mortality. Medical advances allow us to live longer, and to avoid examining aging and dying. Dr. Gawande is a surgeon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, a Harvard professor and contributor to The New Yorker. Quilt Making Basics Group Facilitated 12:30-2:00 Quilters can share the creative skill of crafting beautiful quilts. Class members select their own projects. This is a support group sharing quilting and views of life. Gardening in the Pacific Northwest Joan Karkeck 1:00-2:00 Using topics suggested by class participants, we will discuss and illustrate the concept of “Right This is a seven-week course that begins March 31. Plant, Right Place.” Topics suggested so far inPlease read the introduction and first chapter for the clude planning a shade garden and pruning shrubs. first day of class. The book should be widely avail- Other suggestions are herb gardens and Potagers (kitchen gardens.) We can plan a field trip to the able. Center for Urban Horticulture’s demonstration garden. Write Your Life Story 11:00-1:00 Write your memories in a variety of forms— prose, poetry, or plays, in vignettes or a longer narrative. Participants read in class and listen to each other, offering encouragement and suggestions. Facilitators: Nancy Jordan, Margaret Carson, Anita Bhat. Balance in Action LeeAnn Starovasnik 11:00-12:00 What if you could improve your sense of balance in walking, standing, and climbing stairs? What if you could right yourself more easily once you sense you are off-balance? We offer an introduction to methods drawn from Bones for Life ™, Awareness Through Movement ™, and the Feldenkrais Method ™. Students will be guided through a series of gentle movements designed to increase their ability to balance in daily activity. Wear warm, comfortable clothing and bring a thick blanket or mat. LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS WEDNESDAY March 25-May 13 Beginning Bridge Ted Szatrowski 9:00-10:30 What Bird is That? Connie Sidles 11:00-12:00 If you’ve ever wondered what that little brown bird is that comes to your feeder every day and drives you crazy trying to figure out what species it belongs to, this class is for you. Join master birder Connie Sidles as she takes you through the bird families and most common members of Seattle's avifauna. Using slides and specimens, Connie will help you put names to faces so that when you go outdoors, you'll be able to identify the birds that have baffled you before. "The more you know Intermediate Bridge 10:45-12:15 about something," she says, "the more interesting it Ted Szatrowski becomes." Come and learn about the nature that This class is for bridge players who have some surrounds us right here in the heart of a big city. bridge knowledge. Note: Please bring a bird field guide to the first class. Connie recommends National Geographic's "Field Current Events 10:45-12:15 Guide to the Birds of North America; Peterson Ellen Glann, Facilitator Field Guide to Birds of Western America; or The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North A wide-ranging discussion group, touching on such America. The latest copies of these books are availdiverse topics as headlines from the world able online or at Seattle Audubon's Nature Shop, or at large, national topics such as the capabilities and the University Bookstore. You can find older ediaccomplishments of our intellectually challenged tions of these books at second-hand bookstores or leaders in Washington DC, Olympia, and Seattle. online. We also touch on topics suggested by group members. This class is for individuals who may or may not have played bridge before but would like to learn. We will start by learning point count, basic bidding, and learning some basic bridge conventions. Students learn the game by playing. We play bridge for fun—and down-play the competitive aspects. You will make new friends, improve your memory, and have a wonderful time. Dante: The Divine Comedy. Part III: Paradise Bobbie Simone 11:00-12:30 The culmination of the epic, in which we continue to rise with one Dante and meet more interesting persons, while another Dante reveals the whole of God's unfathomable universe. The whole class shares in John Ciardi's translation (New American Library). LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS WEDNESDAY Wordsworth’s Prelude Bruce Bigley March 25-May 13 1:30-2:45 We will read selections from Wordsworth’s Prelude, his poetic autobiography, which he wrote at for over 50 years. In it he explores how he developed as a poet from his childhood, adolescence, and the crises of his early manhood. Class will not meet on April 29, but there will be a make up class on May 20th . woman against mutilation. In English, French, and Somali. Two Courageous Girls Whale Rider. 2002. A young Maori girl (New Zealand) struggles to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. In English and Maori. Wadjda. 2012. A ten-year old Saudi girl wants a bike and is determined to fight for her dream, despite a disapproving society. In Arabic. Films: Focus on the Individual English subtitles for films. Discussion follows. Bobbie Simone 1:00-3:00 Two Aging Men Re-evaluate their Lives Umberto D. 1952. Dir. Vittorio De Sica 1952 An elderly man and his dog struggle to survive on his pension. In Italian. Wild Strawberries. 1957. Dir. Ingmar Bergman. After living a life of coldness, an aging, distinguished professor confronts the emptiness of his existence film. In Swedish. Orienteering for Older Adults Harvey Friedman 1:00-2:15 This class will introduce local orienteering. In addition to the 6 Wednesday class days, there will be 2 optional Saturday field trips to practice what one has learned. Orienteering is an activity that LLC folks might be interested in if they enjoy maps or reading, and jogging, hiking, or just hobbling around in a park. (You can do this with Two Blithe Spirits a cane.) Orienteering is a fun way to make a My Uncle. 1958. Mr. Hulot (Jacques Tati) can’t sport of learning navigation using topographical fit into the high tech world of his sister, but is a maps of parks and other land. hero to his nephew. In French. This would be a great choice for retirees who Amelie. 2001. Dir. Jean-Pierre Jennet. A naïve want a moderate mental challenge and however young woman in Paris (Audrey Tatou) likes to physical one wants to make it (the faster one tries to go, the harder it is to read). People can go in help others. In French. small teams but usually find that deciding routes alone and comparing results after finishing a Two Overcoming Obstacles course is most fun. My Left Foot 1989. Dir. Jim Sheridan. Irish Or, it is good way to have family exercise such Christy Brown (Daniel Day-Lewis), born with cerebral palsey, learns to paint and write with his as taking grandkids along. No class April 8 or May 13. only controllable limb. In English. Desert Flower. 2009. Dir. Sherry Harman. A Somalian nomad, circumcised at 3, sold in marriage at 13, flees Africa for England, where she becomes a supermodel and then a U.N. spokes- LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS THURSDAY Tai Chi 1 Ann Ross March 26-May 14 9:30-10:30 Tai Chi is a slow moving meditation to improve health, balance, and spirit. From the gentle practice of the postures, you will learn about your physical and spiritual center. This class is geared to continuing students. Tai Chi 2 1:00-2:00 This session is geared toward beginners. Piano Keyboarding Jeanne Bryan 11:00-12:15 For students with basic knowledge of names and locations of those ivories and some note-reading. By term end, students can play familiar tunes. Piano book $16. New students must contact instructor before joining the class. Creative Writing Vel Gerth 11:00-12:45 We write spontaneously through prompts/ outlines, from lines of poetry or prose. No corrections of work, only praise for a word or line. We learn by doing to create a piece. We encourage each other to write in our unique voices. Anna Karenina Bruce Bigley 11:00-12:30 ment if you think you can’t get through 800 pages. Class will not meet on April 30, but there will be a make-up class on May 21st. PCC Scrip Card Do you shop for groceries at PCC? If so, you should be using a scrip card linked to LLC. It costs you nothing. PCC keeps track of your purchases, and gives back to the Learning Center 5% of what you spend. So far LLC has received $7,000! If enough of us take advantage, we anticipate receiving $2,000 a year from PCC. We thank PCC for supporting non-profit organizations like ours, and we urge you to talk to us about acquiring your own scrip card. If you have lost your scrip card, it’s easy to replace. See us in the office. The PCC Scrip Card is one of the easiest, most painless and effective ways we have to bring in funds! Please ask Jeanne Eisenberg, Roger or Edla to explain how you can participate. The Lifetime Learning Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admissions, and scholarship policies. Anna Karenina is regarded by many as one of the finest novels of the 19th Century and by others as a struggle between Tolstoy the novelist and Tolstoy the moralist which the moralist wins. Perhaps it is both. I will be ordering and using the new translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky, but you may chose any translation, even an abridg- LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS THURSDAY March 26-May 14 Women for Poetry in Daily Living 1:30-3:00 Elhri Larson A peaceful oasis for sharing poetry from international writers and our own hands/hearts if we feel so inclined. A safe place for women to express and let their voices be heard with love of language, insight, humor, and observation. Watercolor Basics Cecile Disenhouse Session 1 Session 2 11:00-1:00 1:00-3:00 No experience necessary. Beginning instruction includes description of supplies, composition, use of color, washes, wet into wet, and the use of ink with watercolor. Artists of any level are welcome to participate in the studio. The instructor demonstrates mainly landscapes, cityscapes and the odd animal. Students can visit: to see instructor’s work. 11:00 session geared towards new students. 1:00 session geared towards continuing students. Film: Espionage On Film Jim Mohundro 1:00-3:00 From the Aztecs and ancient Egypt to the ten Russian SVR "sleeper" agents caught in New York in 2010, and to this day, secret agents have been with us--or with them. From Buster Keaton as an "accidental" Confederate States of America spy in 1926's The General, to former British naval intelligence officer Ian Fleming's James Bond, film has entertained us with the exploits and debacles of men and women in The Great Game, a phrase popularized in Rudyard Kipling’s Kim. Greta Garbo is Mata Hari in this 1931 pre-Code film about the woman whose name meant seduction and betrayal in the War to End All Wars, and for many years thereafter. Ramon Novarro, bearer of his country’s secrets, co-stars as the spy’s lover (89 minutes). The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934, 75 minutes) Al- fred Hitchcock’s first film of this story of ordinary couple Leslie Banks and Edna Best and their child, played by the precocious Nova Pilbeam, caught up in the scheme of agents provocateurs who would start a world war. Peter Lorre is one of the villainous plotters. The Imitation Game (2014) Benedict Cumberbach is troubled Alan Turing in this Oscarnominated true story of the World War II breaking of the mysteries of the German military codes wrapped up in the Enigma machine (114 minutes), or, if The Imitation Game is not available on schedule, it will be seen later in the term, or Cate Blanchett as a Special Operations Executive agent in Charlotte Gray (2001, 121 minutes), will be substituted. 13 Rue Madeleine (1947, 95 minutes) James Cagney and Richard Conte are U. S. espionage agents operating in German-occupied France in this story of the CIA's predecessor agency, the Office of Strategic Services (the name of which was changed for this film), where trust is often a dubious commodity and the best medal is simply getting out alive. In 1981’s The Eye of the Needle Donald Sutherland is a German spy who is on track to discover and report to his masters the time and place of D-Day. His message to the U-boat, “Die Nadel ist kommen”, is chilling, but, in this thriller, he has to deal with Kate Nelligan (112 minutes). The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965, 112 minutes) Richard Burton is burned-out MI6 agent Alec Leamus in Martin Ritt’s film of the John le Carré novel, set in Berlin's divided city, with Claire Bloom, and Oskar Werner, memorable as the East German interrogator Fiedler. This gritty, realistic story refutes the glamour of the Bond tales. Breach (2007, 112 minutes) Gray-suited, white-shirted, sober-tied Robert Hanssen is the quintessential highlevel FBI executive. He is also a traitor. Chris Cooper is Hanssen, tracked by young agent Ryan Phillippe in this true story that made quiet headlines just a few years ago. LLC CLASS SCHEDULE SPRING QUARTER 2015 LLC REGISTRATION FORM Spring Quarter 2015 March 23-May 14 Name_______________________________ Address_____________________________ E-mail _________________ City______________________Zip__________ Phone_______________ How would you like to receive schedules? [ ]E-mail [ ] Mail [ ]Check if new student. How did you learn about LLC? __________ Monday O O O O O O O Fee Great Decisions __________ $30________ Great Decisions 2 _________$30 _______ Rosen __________________ $30________ Fairy Tales ______________$30 _______ American Music __________ $30________ Crochet ________________ $30________ Brain __________________ $30________ Wednesday O O O O O O O O Bridge 1 ________________ $30________ Bridge 2 ________________ $30________ Current Events __________ $30________ Birds _____________ _____$30 ________ Dante _________ ________ $30________ Films _________________ $30________ Orienteering ____________ $30 _______ Wordsworth _____________$30 _______ Thursday Tuesday O O O O O Fee Fee Fee Balance ________________ $30________ Life Story _______________ $30________ Quilting ________________ $30________ Being Mortal ___________ $30________ Gardening _______________$30 _______ O O O O O O O O O Writing _________________$30________ Tai Chi 1________________ $30________ Anna Karenina __________ $30________ Watercolor __ ___________ $30________ Watercolor 2 _____________$30 _______ Keyboard _______________ $30________ Poems __________________ $30________ Tai Chi 2 ________________$30 _______ Films: Espionage___________$30 _______ Class Fee Total………………………………………....$___________ Quarterly Registration Fee (per student)…...$15________ Donation (We appreciate your generosity)…..$___________ Total Fees………………………………………………….$___________ Mail to: Lifetime Learning Center 3841 NE 123rd Street Seattle, WA 98125 You may also register and pay online at: (If you pay online and want a refund, please see us rather than seeking a refund online.) CLASSES FOR LIFELONG STUDENTS Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Seattle, WA Permit # 1140 Lifetime Learning Center 3841 NE 123rd Street Seattle, WA 98125 C L A S S S C H E D U L E S P R I N G Q UA RT E R 2 01 5
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