27/03/2015 The TRUE NORTH Experience Which way is North ? True North : A model of Integration & Connection for those who are moving out of homelessness into a supported non exclusionary residential community Stephanie Winton :Trauma/ Initial Recovery Worker Amanda Smith: Bush Adventure Therapy Coordinator /Social Worker Roma House Residential Support Service Mission Australia Inner City ,Spring Hill ,Brisbane QLD Lets set the scene: What is your practice orientation Which way is North ? Your working environment- identify yourself on this continuum? controlled flexible open ________________________________________________________ ____ 1 5 (7) 10 Eg 1. Controlled and prescribed therapeutic care : office,1 hour max engagement, staff lead with limited self disclosure Eg 10. Open and fluid, outdoors, multiple days, micro community and sharing power, roles and experiences, appropriate stories shared True North Environment-this our office New perspective Simplicity Sounds of nature 1 27/03/2015 Natural airflow & no interruptions Roma House The spiritual journey of the joining of two spirits, 2007 by Jade Rose, Mirri Mirri Design Roma House, Spring Hill , Brisbane Who do we support: •NON EXCLUSIONARY from 18 years old and up, average age 45 yrs old. •Aimed at those who are Homeless or at risk of Homelessness with complex needs •We support and house those who are the most oppressed and disadvantaged in our community •31 residents :15 females/16 males, no children •Adapted facilities Roma House Staff and residents What do we do ? •Trauma Informed service- 18 month TIC prep to have a TIC framework of operation. Everything from language to forms to the community living guidelines has been assessed under the T.I.C framework ( Penny Gordon & Associates Pty Ltd) •Duration of need support-average stay 3-6 months •Individual case management- 1 recovery worker and a senior worker throughout the stay, 3 residents:1 staff ratio ,and 24 hour support staff from qualified and experienced Recovery Workers .Auxiliary staff all trained in T.I.C •3 Full healthy meals provided daily-professional chefs & nutritionist, operating in an open kitchen •Primary goal : To find stable housing whilst addressing the underlying needs that enable people to maintain their housing •Intensive support around mental health, legal , health , addictions, transition from prison, financial, housing, access issues, DV, refugee &asylum , daily living skills. •Connect people with community support services True North Direction True North and the Welcome & Orientation True North Goals • To increase the levels of connection and belonging to the community of Roma House • Increase familiarity with what is possible within a person’s recovery whilst at Roma House • Reconnect with the persons inner compass to re-establish and set the direction of their 2 27/03/2015 True North Bridge Common experiences of those who experience homelessness Possibility & movement with True North Foggy mind Clear thinking ,focused attention Survival, insular Looking beyond oneself Ostracised Normalisation /inclusion Indoor dormant Active and going outdoors Isolated Community connection /friendships/peer support Running away ,dulling Reflection Head knowledge only Experiential Scared of unknown/ change Open to change and possibilities and being vulnerable Barriers to a full life Barriers reduced Risky behaviour Safe risk taking Mismatched perception of current circumstance & self Accurate picture of self that incorporates trauma knowledge Inconsistent /being let down/ no follow through Consistency/delivery of what was promised Individualisation/ Insular focus Peers/ therapeutic group/bigger than self Short term engagement Longitudinal assessment and engagement Fatalistic labels Education and awareness creating hope and a positive future Introducing the participants of True North Winter program Summer program Mindful bushwalk TSY Yoga Practice Trauma Informed Care Yoga – Emphasis on relaxation, stretching, mindfulness Education on Neuroplasticity 3 27/03/2015 What practice underpins True North & Roma House A little bit about the group we work with Head Injury Institutionalised Relationship breakdown Domestic Violence Illiterate Educate Substance d Professionals Gamblin Neglec g t Abuse Addictions Asylum/ refugee Cultural abuse Poverty Mental Gender Identity Challenge s Health Complex trauma Homelessness Bush Adventure Therapy • Intentional use of adventure and outdoor environments for therapeutic outcomes • Aust Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Social connection Nature contact bush adventure therapy Therapeutic frame Experiential adventure • • • • • • • • • • The concept of an Inner Compass Trauma Informed Care Grief and Loss Strengths based Self determination Group work Client driven Attachment theory Recovery orientated practice Bush Adventure Therapy BAT for the whole person Humans carry in their body the sum of their ancestral inheritances and personal experiences Healing requires: • Experiences of safety • Opportunities to demonstrate competence • Positive examples of dealing with re-enactments • Physical experiences of mastery, being in charge • Neutral ‘fun’ tasks and games, sense of relaxation (Van der Kolk, 2005) Spare slide 4 27/03/2015 activity$ $ 11$–$ 11.30$$ Nutritious"morning"tea"" Introducing$house$groups$(gym,$ gardening,$bowling,$cooking)$ $ 11.30$–$ Driving"to"the"Mountain"" 12.30$$ No$phones,$enjoying$music,$observing$ the$world$through$a$TIC$lens,$informal$ and$intentional$space$$ $ $ Rainforest"Phase"1$ 12.30$–$ Arriving"at"mountain"and"BBQ" 1.30$$$ Acknowledge$view$and$country$$ BBQ,$fire$pit$and$sharing$in$a$meal,$ solo$reflection$$ $ $ 1.30$–$ 2.30$$ 2.30$–$ 3.00$ 3.00$–$ participants$comments$&$injuries$ calming$our$body$and$minds,$ ceating$safety$and$connection,$ building$new$relationships$ $ Plentiful,$nutritious$and$colourful$food$ shared$and$discussed$(food$essential$in$ recovery)$ $ $ Respect$and$mindful$of$country$$ Everyone$sharing$in$roles$and$creation$ of$meal$to$share$ Individual$space$created$$ Creating$peer$support$$ $ Rainforest"Phase"2$ $ Campfire"Compass"Talk" Sharing$stories$and$building$points$of$ Sitting$around$campfire$for$‘Compass$ connection$ talk’$and$invite$everyone$to$consider$&$ imagine$what$is$in$their$True$North$ Mindful"and"silent"rainforest"walk"" Considering$the$resources$and$ memories$we$have$of$what$is$‘south’$ and$‘north’$ Sharing"individual"compass"stories" Silence$and$space$in$nature$ Reflecting$of$themes$and$ones$own$ compass$ New$experience$ Deep$reflection$on$the$‘North’$in$safe$ 4-4.30 Final Debrief Skills:$TIC$yoga$practice,$knowledge$of$TIC$ yoga,$knowledge$of$neuro$plasticity,$ responding$to$physical$needs,$encouraging$ connection$to$body$ Intention:$Discussing$importance$of$food$ within$recovery$and$health$ $ Skills:$Nutrition$knowledge,$health$ promotion$ Intention:$Creating$an$informal$and$ comfortable$space$ Skill:$Connecting$peoples$experiences$and$ facilitating$peer$support$ What made people feel safe within True North $ Intention:$CoFcreating$positive$group$ environment$within$new$environment$and$ roles$$ $ $ Intention:$Sharing$‘True$North’$stories$and$ identifying$themes$and$a$support$structure$ $ Skill:$group$dynamics,$appropriate$self$ disclosure,$facilitations$ Intention:$Nature$supporting$reflective$ space$ Skill:$Bush$walking,$creating$safety$for$all$in$ new$and$bush$environment$ Intention:$Building$peer$support$and$ Intention: Experiences and learning's packaged away for the group and individual Realised Movement Towards North I had no thoughts of using Outcomes for participants after True North I realise how much I need friends Safe and Joyous travels North Calming and positive experience Great Bonding experience Makes me value friendships more Had a great day getting to know more about the people that were around me Thanks True North I realise I sleep way too much 12-15 hours a day The medication I am on makes me feel isolated, no emotions Setting was perfect to convey true feelings without noise or interruption • smithama@missionaustralia.com.au cooperst@missionaustralia.com.au 5 27/03/2015 Resources: references, quotes and forms • Slide 8,9 Consulting Psychologists (Penny Gordon & Associates Pty Ltd) • Slide 11 (Cook et al., 2002; Fallot & Harris, 2002; Maine BDS, 2000) • Slide 18 :Fiona Stevens (TSY Yoga Practice/mental health socialworker. www.yogatherapybrisbane.com.au) • Slide 19 (Fitzpatrick, Le Gory and Ritchey 1999) (Van der Kolk ,2005) • Slide 21,22,23 ( Aust Assoc for BAT. www.aabat.org.au)) • Slide 24 ( Hopper, Bassuk & Olivet 2010) • Slide 26 Fiona TIC Yoga practitioner/Social Worker • Slide 24,25:program & Safety Net form • Slide 26,27,28,29: Statistics from Pre and Post Evaluation forms undertaken over 5 programs at What we aim to achieve today • An understanding of Roma House and its residents and why the True North model fits so well • The integration of TIC into a residential community program to support those with complex trauma who are experiencing homelessness • The value of Bush Adventure Therapy in bringing about therapeutic outcomes • Experience a taste of the True North concept • Evidence that the True North model increases community connection Shared dorm style accommodation 6
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