Emissions Test Results: Lightning Hybrids Hydraulic Hybrid System installed on a GM 6.0L V8 Petrol Vehicle April 2015 Hydraulic Hybrid Delivers Major Emissions Reductions Introduction Over several years, Lightning Hybrids has engaged SGS Environmental Testing Corporation, based in Aurora, Colorado, for regularized, independent emissions testing of vehicles equipped with our hydraulic hybrid drive systems. This provides certified results which quantify the emissions reductions that Lightning Hybrids’ technology can deliver to lorry and bus fleets, and which are key to the value proposition of the system, along with fuel and brake savings. By design, most hybrid drive systems use regenerative braking that provides benefits during a vehicle’s braking and subsequent acceleration phases, so not all driving cycles will take equal advantage of this type of system. For example, an urban delivery vehicle which stops many times per mile will benefit the most, while a lorry Orange County Bus that spends most of its time on the motorway would not show the same drive cycle gains. With this in mind, Lightning Hybrids requested that SGS perform testing according to documented standard drive cycles which are accepted for regulatory certification in certain regions of the world and which are representative of city bus routes. These drive cycles are: • Orange County Bus (CARB1 certification for heavy duty hybrids)2 • Braunschweig City (European Union certification for buses)3 Both drive cycles were designed based on city bus routes, and define the speeds and times, including idling, that are reproduced during testing on the dynamometer at SGS. Methodology Braunschweig City Bus drive cycle The vehicle, a 2010 GMC 3500/4500 Savana Cutaway with a GM 6.0 liter petrol V8 engine, was placed on SGS’s dyno and driven on the Orange County and Braunschweig City drive cycles. The vehicle was loaded with a concrete dummy load to bring the weight up to 4,800 kg. Exhaust gases were captured in order to measure the vehicle’s emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), a “greenhouse gas”, and nitrous oxides (NOX), which are “criteria pollutants” which are written into United States EPA regulations4 on air quality, and into equivalent European Union legislation5. Baseline comparisons Previous testing at SGS provided two sets of baseline results which can be used here for comparison, to allow the improvements provided by the hybrid system to be quantified. These sets of results are: • The same GMC Savana with the hybrid system removed (petrol baseline results) • A GM 4500 chassis with GM Duramax 6.6 liter diesel engine, hybrid system disabled (diesel baseline results) GMC Savana vehicle under test on SGS’s dyno Petrol without hybrid Petrol with hybrid Results On both drive cycles, the hydraulicCity hybrid’s most dramatic improvement is the reduction in NOX emissions. Chart 1 shows the Braunschweig Bus cycle NOX results for the petrol engine vehicle (started with the engine already hot)6. 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.25 Chart 1 0.12 0.20 0.10 g/km km 0.08 0.15 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.07 NOX g/km NOx g/km 0.19 0.14 0.09 Petrol without hybrid Petrol with hybrid 0.07 Petrol with hybrid Orange County Petrol without hybrid Petrol with hybrid Braunschweig are0.25 chosen over petrol for their greater low-end torque. However, the Lightning Hybrids hydraulic hybrid system delivers additional700 torque to the drive line during acceleration from a stand-still, 0.20 which 600 means that a hybridized petrol-powered vehicle has the dual advantages of very low NOX emissions and strong torque. 0.15 500 /km The benefits of the hydraulic hybrid system extend to fuelNOsavings x g/km 0.10 400 0.19 and corresponding reductions in CO2 emissions: see Chart 3. 0.14 636 g/km X Petrol without hybrid Petrol with hybrid The petrol-powered vehicle with the hydraulic hybrid system emitted just 5% of the NOX emitted by the conventional diesel vehicle. This is especially interesting to European fleet operators, who are concerned that the new Euro VI emissions regulations will make diesel vehicles difficult to justify. In many cases, diesel vehicles Braunschweig Bus cycle 1.40 1.20 Chart 2 Chart 3 600 500 400 300 200 100 636 546 622 529 CO2 g/km 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.25 0.20 1.28 1.00 0.15 0.80 0.60 NOX g/km 0.40 622 300 results show 14-15% reduction g/km 0.14 These in CO2 emissions forCO both 2 0.05 546 0.20 0.09 529 0.07 0.07 cycles, 200 and a corresponding fuel economy improvement of about 0.00 8 Diesel without Petrol without Petrol with hybrid 18%. 0.00 Fuel use and CO2 emissions are closely correlated , so an imhybrid hybrid 100 Petrolin without Petrol with will Petrol without Petrol with provement fuel economy show a commensurate reduction hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid in CO 0 2 emissions. Of note here is that these tests are performed in Orange County Braunschweig Petrol without Petrol with they Petrol Petrol with a laboratory. Therefore while arewithout appropriate for testing, we have found that they do not correlate precisely with our cushybrid hybrid hybrid tomers’ real-life drive cycles. Our customers inhybrid urban delivery and bus routes report over 30% fuel savings (so we can assume Orange County Braunschweig the parallel 30% CO savings as well). 2 700 g/km NO g/km 0.09 when comparing The results become even more dramatic 0.10 these petrol results against the equivalent diesel vehicle. 0.05 Adding diesel results to the petrol data for the Braunschweig Bus, we obtain Chart 27. 0.00 0.00 Petrol without hybrid Bus cycle Both results showOrange a 50%County (or slightly greater) reduction 0.25NO . NO is a key contributor to air pollution, most in X X notably smog,0.19 so this level of reduction is significant for 0.20 cities, states and nations that are working to meet air quality targets. 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 700 Hydraulic advantages Orange County Bus cycle 600 700 every hybrid technology is capable of these levels of Not 636 emissions savings, especially in the delivery and transit bus 600 546 vocational cycles. Lightning Hybrids’ hydraulic drive sys500 tem provides intense torque (up to 850 ft-lb) acceleration 400 when emissions are at a peak. This allows us to achieve CO g/km 300 higher reductions in criteria pollutants than battery or 200 ultra-capacitor based hybrid designs. 500 2 100 Although most electric and hydraulic hybrid drive systems 0 share the same basic principle – regeneration of braking 0 Petrol without hybrid Petrol with hybrid Petrol without Petrol with Petrol without Petrol with energy – a hydraulic solution has a number of major hybrid hybrid hybrid hybrid advantages. Hydraulics have a much higher power density, Orange County Braunschweig which is a measure of how quickly the braking energy can be captured and the acceleration energy delivered to the wheels. Clearly, if a hybrid drive system cannot store energy quickly, there’s an increased likelihood that not all of the braking energy will be captured, eroding the fuel and emissions benefits. As a result of this, and the fact that there are fewer opportuni- 400 300 200 100 0 ties for energy losses in a hydraulic system, Lightning Hybrids’ system can regenerate in excess of 70% of the energy captured during a braking event. For a battery hybrid system, that figure is closer to 30%. Clearly, the higher the efficiency, the better the system’s contribution to fuel economy and emission reductions. Conclusion As the first hybrid technology developer to focus primarily on emissions reductions for medium and heavy-duty vehicles, these results – immediate, material, and consistent emissions reductions – show that Lightning Hybrids’ hydraulic hybrid system is a clear winner. 1 California Air Resources Board 2 West Virginia University. See arb.ca.gov/regact/bus02/appc.doc 3 Technical University of Braunschweig 4 www.epa.gov/oaqps001/urbanair/ 5 ec.europa.eu/environment/air/quality/standards.htm 6 A cold engine generates heavier NOx emissions primarily because the catalytic converter is designed to function when hot. 7 Hot-start diesel data was not captured for the Orange County Buss cycle 8 www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/climate.shtml © 2015 Lightning Hybrids
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