- Heritage United Methodist Church

A Publication of HUMC
Be sure to stop by the Serrv
Shop on Saturdays from 10
am to 4 pm starting May 2nd! Lots of great
new items and don’t forget, Mother’s Day is
coming up! Volunteers are needed so if you
would like to help, please see the sign-up
sheet on the bulletin board. For questions,
contact Jean Martin at 724-238-5192.
Honoring our Mothers
If you would like to
make a donation in honor or
memory of your Mother or
Grandmother this Mother’s Day
(May 10th), please fill out a form that can be
found in the sanctuary’s literature rack along with
your donation (earmarked Mother’s Day) to the
church office by Sunday, May 3rd. No donation
is too big or too small. Your loved one’s name
will appear in our special Mother’s Day bulletin.
Your donation will help to send our youth
to summer camp at Camps Allegheny, Jumonville and Wesley Woods. These camps give children the opportunity to make new friends, grow
closer to God, experience new things and create
memories for a lifetime. For more information on
the many camps being offered, go to wpaumc.org
or find information in the literature rack.
Please join us between services in the
Lounge on Sunday, May 3rd to welcome our newest members, Larry
and Angela Taylor, to our Heritage
Family. Light refreshments will be
served. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, May 3rd; 10 am—4 pm
Free admission and interactive programs
will be offered at Antiochian Heritage Museum, Compass Inn Museum,, Fort Ligonier, Ligonier Valley Rail Road Museum,
Lincoln Highway Experience and Southern
Alleghenies Museum of Art on Sunday,
May 3rd from 10 am to 4 pm. Come out and
enjoy a free fun-filled day to experience
some of what our wonderful town has to
Revival at The Barn, May 3rd, 7 pm
The Ligonier Valley Association of Churches invites the
community to an exciting Revival at The Barn that will be
held on Sunday, May 3rd at 7
pm. Different speakers and
musical groups will be featured to encourage
and inspire you. All are invited so invite your
May 2015
May 7th
7:30 am Breakfast at the Barn, $7/person (checks
made payable to LVAC), contact the office for your
ticket by April 30th
9:30 am - 6 pm Prayer Journey at the Y
11 am Hymn Sing at Ligonier Gardens
7 pm Praise Sing at Heritage featuring live music by
Amy Clarke, Wayne Shaffer and Jeff & Elaine Johns.
Circle of Ruth Meeting May 7th
The next meeting of the Circle of Ruth falls on May
7th, the National Day of Prayer. We will meet in the
sanctuary at 7:00 pm to enjoy the contemporary
music. Afterwards we will enjoy dessert in the
lounge while we make plans for baccalaureate. This
is our last meeting until September so I hope you
can be there.
Ladies’ Night Out, May 14th!!!
Back by popular demand!! Our third
annual Ladies Night Out, Thursday,
May 14th at 6pm in the Fellowship
Hall. “Hats off to America!” Wear a
hat, make a hat, bring a hat with a
creative patriotic theme. Prizes for
most original, funniest and prettiest hat. The dinner
will be chicken bruschetta and barbecue ribs; roasted
red potatoes; vegetable & dessert. Cost: $14.50; under
12, $7.00. George Washington will leave his troops at
the fort, to join us for an update on the war. A sign-up
sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway.
Linus Blanketeers Plan Workdays
Workday in Pittsburgh May 14th
A group of willing workers are
needed at “The Place” (Linus
distribution center in Pittsburgh) on Thursday,
May 14. Needed help includes sorting, cutting,
and sewing of materials used by the center. The
church van will leave at 8 AM, and will return by
4 PM. Interested persons are requested to contact
Sharon Shaffer.
Blanketeer Meeting May 21st
The Heritage blanketeers will meet
on Thursday, May 21; beginning at 1
PM. The afternoon will be used to
prepare special Christmas blankets
for distribution next Christmas. If
you cannot help during the afternoon, you are invited to come at 6:30 PM for the regular time of
fellowship, assisting each other with crocheting,
and getting supplies. Everyone is invited to come
and learn about this ministry of compassion for ill
infants, toddlers, children and youth.
Heritage Happenings page 2
Gospel Music Festival
Fri., May 15, 6-10 pm & Sat., May 16, 110 pm at Armagh United Methodist
Church. Come for great live music and
lots of great food! For more information
see the bulletin board or call Bill or Kim
at 814-749-7500.
Camp Allegheny Open House, May 17th
All are invited to join the fun at Camp Allegheny’s
Open House and Community Day from 2-5 p.m.
on Sunday, May 17th. There will be free food and
lots of fun activities.
Re-certification for currently certified
ERT’S (Early Response Team) will be
held on Saturday June 6, 2015 at
9:00am at Heritage Ligonier. This will be a four hour
class and is required to maintain certification as an
ERT. Please place your name on the signup sheet in
the hall outside the sanctuary. Questions can be directed to Richard Ziegenfus 724-238-5780 or
Graduation Sunday June 7th
Attention Graduates!!! If you are a
member of Heritage and will be
graduating from High School, College or post graduate school this year,
please contact the office. We will be
celebrating all of our graduates on
Sunday, June 7th at the 10:45 a.m. service. Please
Please be sure to mark your church directory with
Ben and Mona McKee’s new phone number and
address. They are now at 33 Wesley Dr., Johnstown PA 15904. Their old number has been
disconnected and their new number is 814-7928377. Thank you!
Are we lucky to live here or what???
"Most Charming Small Towns Across America"
In case you hadn’t
heard, Ligonier has
been named to the list
of the 18 "Most
Charming Small Towns
Across America" which
was produced by
The website put out a poll to its Facebook fans and
compiled the list of towns throughout the US. Eligibility was based on whether the town had a population
of no more than 13,000 people. According to CountryLiving.com Ligonier has a population of 1,560 persons. The internet article went on to say "settled in
the 1760's, Ligonier is the home to one of the oldest
amusement parks in the country" and "One of its most
charming features: The historic, downtown square still
has a bandstand at its center." I think we can all agree
that Ligonier deserves to be on that list.
Best School Districts for Your Buck in Pennsylvania
Ligonier Valley School District ranks 5th out of the 'best
school districts for your buck' top ten. PA boasts one of
the nation's top graduation rates of 86% for those completing High School. PA is also ranked the seventh-best
school system in the US reported by the American Legislative Research Council. Full rankings can be viewed at
(from article)
5. Ligonier Valley School District: "When it comes to housing, the rural Ligonier Valley School District-which serves
nine towns and boroughs in Westmoreland County- is the
most affordable district in our top 10. Ligonier High
School, with a 9 out of 10 at the rating site Greatschools,
sees 95.6% of its students graduate on time. Ligonier Valley goes far to prepare students for life after graduation
through its Recognizing Amazing Merchants and Students
Project, which matches students with local businesses that
help provide real-world training in entrepreneurial skills."
In a joint effort with The American Red Cross, the
people of Heritage Church have a unique opportunity
to help save lives from fires. Under the SAFE Program, the Red Cross will provide smoke detectors at
no cost for each hallway and each bedroom for
any home owner who would like to have them installed. The Red Cross will do the solicitation, and
the smoke detectors and certificates of release of liability. All we need are the folks who would like to
spend a few hours helping to install. All are welcome,
it can be a family project. The time and dates will be
determined after we know how many are willing to
help in this project. A signup sheet will be in the hallway outside the sanctuary. Please reach out to Rich
Dear HUMC, We would like to
thank Pastor John and our wonderful church family for theirs
prayers, loving thoughts and so
many ways your expressed your
sympathy on the passing of my
dad, Harry Hanlin. Your kindness will always hold a
warm place in our hearts. Pam & John Hardiman
Dear Members of Heritage, You will forever be in my
thoughts and prayers. Your friendship meant the
world to my parents. After Dad passed away, you took
Mom under your wings and helped her regain her
strength and confidence and keep her faith strong.
Our family is truly blessed. May God keep you within
His arms always.
Love, Susan Fenton Richmond
To Pastor John and all my friends at Heritage,
How can I ever say thanks enough for your generous
help at such a crappy time. It’s sort of funny to think I
moved from a hill in White Oak! But I am so very
grateful to all of you and especially for your friendship.
You sure make a heavy load much lighter.
God Bless you all. Carol Lynn
Congratulations to Drew Neiderhiser!
Drew earned the rank of Eagle Scout
through Boy Scout Troop 375 on September 22, 2014 and celebrated his
achievement with a Court of Honor that
was held at Heritage on Saturday, April
4th. Drew is the son of Stan and Diana
Neiderhiser and is a junior at Ligonier
Valley Senior High.
Heritage Happenings page 3
Thank you so much for your efforts for Saturday night's event. It couldn't have been better. It was just perfect, and Mom
and Dad were thrilled and overwhelmed. It was so awesome. I know it was a lot of work - and your attention to detail
was not lost on us! :-) Jane and I greatly appreciate all you have done. Thank you to all of those that helped and also
that reached out to Mom and Dad to wish them well.
David McKee and Family
May 2015
2 Serrv Shop Open!
10 am — 4 pm
3 9:40 am New
10 am Bible
Members Reception Study at Ligonier
10 am—3 pm Free MuseGardens
um Day in Ligonier
7 pm LVAC Mtg. at
7 pm Revival at The Bethlen CommuniBarn
5 6 pm Outreach
6 11 am Clergy
7 7 pm Circle of
6 pm BPW Mtg. in
Mtg. in Lounge
Ruth Mtg.
10 10:45 am
11 2 pm Circle #1 12
Schaetzle Baptism
Mtg. in Lounge
7 pm Bldg. Space
Committee Mtg. in
15 7 pm Coffee- 16 8 am Ligonier
8 am Linus Blanket
Workday in Pgh.
house at The Barn
Country Market
23 3:00 pm
6 pm Ladies Night
Out Dinner
17 10:45 am Bible 18 6 pm Educa- 19
20 5:30 pm Wor- 21 1 pm Linus
Mentor Class
2-5 pm Camp Allegheny Open House
ship Prep Mtg.
tion Mtg. in Old
7 pm Trustees Mtg.
6:30 pm WedChristmas Blanket
ding Rehearsal
6:30 pm Linus Blanket Mtg.
29 Wedding Re- 30 3 pm Pribik/
7 pm Council Mtg.
Laity Sunday
24 7 pm Summer 25
Band Concerts Begin 8:30 am Tour De
Park at Idlewild
Biship/Leidy Wdg.
Brandt Wdg.
Memorial Day
Office Closed
May Birthdays
Willa Keim
Lynn Keegan
Bradley Neiderhiser
Ethan Neiderhiser
Donnie Gilbert
Saylor Clise
Scott Watson
Shawn Cavallo
Chuck Shaffer
Sarah Zimmerman
Phoebe Kelley
Sam Verner
Emily Daugherty
Julie Goswick
Brooke Thomas
Don Gilbert, Sr.
Katherine Woolridge
Ruth Burdick
Brenda George
May Greeters
8:30 a.m.
Linda Shaver & Ashley Berkebile
Wendy Black & Birdie Roehrig
Jim & Angela McDonnell
John James & Marcia Orr
Jean Martin & Bernetha Pritts
10:45 a.m.
Bill & Pam Stablein
Tom & Janis Shearer
Harry & Libby Marker
The Meade Family
The Glista Family
Regular and Weekly Meetings
If you would like your June birthday or
anniversary to appear in the next newsletter, call 724-238-2627. We look forward to
hearing from you!
May Anniversaries
May 25th Keith Gough & Bethanie Orban
May 28th Bill & Kathleen Stutz
8:30 & 10:45 am Worship Services
9:40 am Sunday School
Monday 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study
7:00 pm Monday Night Bible Study
Tuesday 10:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:15 pm Bell Choir Practice
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice
8:00 pm AA Meeting
8:00 pm AA Meeting
Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Serrv Shop
6:00 pm Contemporary Worship Service
Sunday Satellite Services:
9:00 am Barnes Place (Latrobe)
9:30 am Greensburg Care Center
9:30 am Loyalhanna Care Center (Latrobe)
9:30 am Emeritus at Latrobe
10:30 am Nature Park Commons (Greensburg)
11:00 am Turning Point Ministry at the Y