INDEX 1. PLACENTA AND PLACENTAL EXTRACTS 4 Function Active Ingredients of placenta Pharmacological action 4 5 6 2. JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS 7 3. DRUGS 9 Laennec Plamon/Curacen 9 17 4. COSMETICS 18 GHC Human Placenta GHC Porcine Placenta 18 20 5. FOOD SUPPLEMENTS 23 Laennec P.O. Tsuyan Rin Placental Metabolizer Laennec P.O. Porcine Grace Hai 23 24 25 26 28 6. MESOTHERAPY PRODUCTS 29 Curacen Essence Nanoneedles 30 31 7. ELECTROPORATION 34 JBP Placenta Solutions I and II JBP Skin Poration 35 36 1 PLACENTA AND PLACENTAL EXTRACTS FUNCTION Placenta allows the interface between the mother and the baby providing not only nutrients and oxygen but also performing metabolic functions as excretion, breathing, digestion, secretion of hormones, and the provision of the immune system… to make it difficult for the baby to contract illnesses. Placenta synthesizes and excretes Cell Growth Factors which contribute to transform 2 cells in 60 trillion of cells after 9 months. Placenta contains vitamins, aminoacids, nucleic acids, proteines, carbohidrates, enzymes, mucopolysaccharides, lipid and fatty acids. Although not all the components of placenta are currently identified. FETAL PLACENTA ? UMBILICAL CORDS AMNIOTIC FLUID Transplantation of the stem cells of umbilical blood ORGAN FUNCTIONS: • RESPIRATION Lungs • METABOLISM Liver • EXCRETORY EFFECTS Kidney • ENDOCRINE EFFECTS Pituitary glands and ovaries • IMMUNE EFFECTS Spleen AMNION Amniotic membrane transplant • TranspoRation of nutrition. EMISSION OF EGESTA ACTIVE INGREDIENTS OF PLACENTA NUCLEIC ACID AMINO ACID ALL KINDS OF ACTIVATE PEPTIDE DNA, RNA and metabolic products (Uracil and Adenine, etc) Essential amino acids including Leucine, Glycine, Valine, Threonine, Isoleucine Others amino acids including Alanine, Arginine Activate peptides wich work as key of medical action are found so many times VITAMIN B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, Niacin, etc MINERAL Ca, Na, K, P, Mg, Zn, Fe, etc ENZYME About 100 kinds of enzyme including ALK Phosphatase, Acid Phosphatase, ADP SACCHARID GROW-UP ELEMENT Glucose, Galactose, numerous saccheride, Glicoprotein, etc HGF, NGF, EGF, FGF, IGF, CSF, IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4,hCURF and hCTRF, etc Cytokines in charge of growth and differentiate T-Cells, B-Cells and macrophages. GROWTH FACTORS AND CYTOKINES • Always carry the genetic code of healthy cells • Not acting as nutritional substances for cancer cells • Placenta to control the ocurrence of cancer Placenta has been used historically in the Asian medicine , but was in 1953 when Dr. Filatov employed placenta for tissue therapy. 1950s placenta was licensed as a drug in Japan and currently is a famous product in the Asiatic world. PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION AUTONOMOUS NERVOUS SYSTEM CONTROL ENDOCRINE HORMONE CONTROL IMPROVING PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION VARIOUS MEDICINE ACTIONS OF PLACENTA ANTIINFLAMMATION ACTION BLOOD CIRCULATION AND HEMATOGENESIS EFFECT WOUND TREATMENT ANEMIA IMPROVEMENT RECOVERY OF TIREDNESS LIVER FUNCTIONAL ENHACEMENT AND DETOX IMPROVEMENT OF BASAL METABOLISM ANTI-OXIDANT ACTION ACTIVATION OF THE IMMUNITY SYSTEM THE BEAUTY EFFECT OF PLACENTA INJECTION AND ANTI-AGING EFFECT Human placenta extract includes various kinds of grow-up elements and nucleic acid including Uracil and Tryptophan which has excellent effect of anti-oxidant action, so that it works for anti-aging effect through whitening of skin. Human placenta extracts have demonstrated immunostimulant effect, cell proliferation and moisturizing propertiens, along with differentation of cell, collagen generation. Several are the medical procedures in which placenta has been tested and demonstrated positive results, as for example in: • Internal Medicine – Viral and alcoholic type hepatitis – Cirrhosis – Chronic pancreatitis – Gastric ulcer – Dyspepsia – Duodenal ulcer – Diabetes – High blood pressure – Lood blood pressue It has to be mentioned the balanced role of placenta to the body steady. • Gynecology – Menopausal disorders – Algomenorrhea – Irregular menses – Lactation disorders • Surgery – Arthritis rheumatoides – Arthrosis – Neuralgic pain – Back pain • Urology – Bladder enlargement – Cystitis 2 JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS JBP, Japan Bio Products Co., Ltd., was established in 1956 as specialized placenta company. We have studied and manufactured pharmaceutical products and cosmetics based on human placenta extract, and our placenta injection market share is about 80%. We have studied human placenta applications for more than 40 years. Also, JBP manufactures and sells the human placenta injection (Laennec) which was approved for cirrhosis in Japan since 1974. JBP’s injection was being used widely as a Japanese typical Placenta injection for more than 30 years as well as there were also no cases of serious side effects. PRODUCTS 3 DRUGS LAENNEC Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards. Warning: As the LAENNEC Injection is an ethical drug, JBP has never sold it on Internet. Each 2 ml ampoule of this product contains 112 mg of watersoluble substance of a product of enzymatic human placenta. Content Remarks 112 mg Ingredient extracted from human placenta Pepsin Trace Gastric glucosal extract (pig) Lactose 0,6 mg - pH Adjuster qs - Ingredients Active ingredient Inactive ingredient Water soluble substance of a product of enzymatic human placenta PRODUCT DESCRIPTION • This product is a light yellow-brown or yellow-brown clear liquid with a distinctive odor. The pH level ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 and the osmotic pressure ratio (to physiological saline) is approximately one. INDICATIONS • Improvement of hepatic function in chronic hepatic disease. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION • The normal adult dose is a 2 ml subcutaneous or intramuscular injection once daily. According to symptoms, the dose can be increased to 2 or 3 times daily. CAUTIONS FOR USE 1. Careful Administration LAENNEC should be administrated with care in patients predisposed to allergies. 2. Important Basic Cautions This product is manufactured from the extract of human placenta delivered full-term in Japan. In order to screen each donor, a complete medical history, interviewing such as a history of travel and serologic testing for viruses, bacteria and infection are performed, after nucleic-acid testing (NAT) to meet with requirements for HBV-DNA, HCV-RNA and HIV1-RNA is carried out. In addition, it has been confirmed that high-pressure steam sterilization for 20 minutes at 121 °C during the manufacturing process is effective in inactivating 10 various viruses such as HIV etc. Furthermore, although in the product test, the nucleicacid test meets with requirements for HBV-DNA, HCVRNA, HIV-1-RNA, HTLV-DNA, and parvovirus B19-DNA, patients should be made aware of the following points during administration: To date, the transmission of infection, such as variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), by administration of this product in Japan or other countries has not been reported. However, although safety measures are taken to prevent infection during the manufacturing process, it is theoretically impossible to fully eliminate the risks of infection transmission originating in a human placenta used as raw material. While safety measures during the manufacturing process to prevent infection, as well as confirmation of the necessity of treatment for the disease before administration are carried out, doctors should explain to patients and try to have them understand that when human placenta is used as the raw material of a product, the risk of infection cannot be fully ruled out. 3. Drug Interactions When this product is directly mixed with a strong base preparation of pH 8.5 or more, attenuation of pharmacological activity has been reported. No coadministration with this product resulting in the enhancement or attenuation of the pharmacological effect of this product or concomitant drugs, appearance of adverse reactions, or aggravation of disease has been reported. 4. Adverse Reactions Adverse reactions or patients who were suspected to have suffered adverse reactions to this product were reported in a total of 10 (3.7%) of the 273 patients selected for safety evaluation in the clinical study performed during implementation of reevaluation of the drug efficacy. The most frequently observed adverse reactions were injection site pain in 7 patients (2.6%), hypersensitivity (such as rash, fever, and itching) in 1 patient (0.4%), injection site indurations in 1 patient (0.4%), and gynaecomastia in 1 patient (0.4%). The causal relationship between gynaecomastia and this product is unknown. • Clinically significant adverse reactions: Shock (incidence unknown): Since this product is a protein/ amino acid preparation derived from human tissue, this product may cause a shock. If any signs of abnormality are observed, the drug should be discontinued immediately, appropriate measures should be taken and the condition should be monitored fully. Use in the Elderly From clinical data and present use, no particular caution is needed in the administration of this product to the elderly. However, since elderly patients often have reduced physiological function, it should be administrated with care. 5. Use during Pregnancy, Delivery or Lactation 6. In reproductive development toxicity experiments on animals, including teratogenicity, this product can be considered not to have such toxicity. 7. Pediatric use The safety of this product in premature infants, newborns, infants, toddlers or children has not been established due to insufficient clinical data. 8. Overdosage Precautions for Use Injection site 9. In order to avoid any effect on tissue or nerves, the product should be injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly taking the following precautions: • For the injection site, to avoid nerve pathways, it should be administrated with care. • In the case of repeated injections, avoid injecting into the same site by alternating on the left and right side etc. • If intense pain or regurgitation of blood is observed, the needle should be removed immediately, and injected into a different site. Opening the ampoule: When opening the ampoule, it is preferable to wipe the part to be cut with an ethanol sponge before opening it. Overdosage of this product and the resulting efficacy or safety have not been established due to insufficient clinical data. 11 PHARMACOKINETICS • The bioactive ingredients of LAENNEC are extracted from human placenta, and the primary pharmacological effects of this product can not necessarily be attributed to a single substance or ingredient. Therefore, evaluation of the pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) of this product has not been established. CLINICAL STUDIES 1. Double blind comparison to chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis1) In a double-blind crossover study of 124 patients in Japan on the effects of this product on chronic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis, administration of this product improved serum transaminase (GOT, GPT) levels significantly (see figures below). Efficacy to GOT Units 110 GOT 100 90 A** 80 70 A* 60 50 40 ** P < 0.01 30 * P < 0.05 A ; Laennec Administration · Breadth ; Average ±1.645 S.E. P ; Placebo Administration s √n one- sided 95% confidence interval 20 before 2w 4w 6w 8w after + 12 Efficacy to GPT Units 110 GPT 100 90 80 A* 70 60 A* 50 40 30 20 Gr. I Subject 58 Gr. II 66 2w Transitional subjects before 4w 6w 8w after A 58 P 57 A 50 P 48 66 P 62 A 56 P 52 A 13 Summary of drug-efficacy [(A) Items having a tendence to decrease or increase significantly by Laennec] Examination-Items Before ~ 2w 2w ~ 4w 4w ~ 6w 6w ~ 8w GOT GPT Al-P TTT ZTT LHD (cf) T-chol (cf) (I) Summary of drug-efficacy [(B) Items having a tendence to decrease or increase significantly by Placebo] Examination-Items Before ~ 2w 2w ~ 4w 4w ~ 6w 6w ~ 8w Al-P LHD (cf) A/G Albumin g Globulin Significant under 1% level Significant under 5% level (I) To increase significanly. Nothing ist to decrease (cf) To have a tendency inside of normal range Calculated Logarithmically Calculated by original-value Method; t-Test (II) of the related samples 14 (I) (I) 2. Action on HCV-RNA levels 3) Twenty subjects of two-agent combination therapy only with Stronger Neo-Minophagen C and Acelart were performed in the past and negativation neither of C100-3 antibody nor HCV-RNA was admitted in them. In three-agent combination therapy with Laennec added, two negative cases of serum HCV-RNA levels were admitted. PHARMACOLOGY Stimulatory effects of hepatic reproduction 4), 5) 1. After 70% of livers in healthy rats was resected, time comparisons of liver weight to the control groups resulted in significant stimulation of hepatic reproduction in the Laennec groups. 2. Stimulatory effects of cellular DNA synthesis4) Compared to control groups, in vivo experimental system using primary culture rat hepatocytes, the DNA-synthesis accelerator activity was observed in 2 μL/ml-administrated groups. That accelerator activity was equivalent to 10 pM of rHGF. The liver tissue in vivo experimental system using rats with acute hepatitis by ANIT was stained and the result of evaluation of the rate of hepatocyte nucleus in DNA synthesis period showed significant accelerator of DNA synthesis compared to the control groups. 3. Inhibitory effects of ex- perimental liver injury 4), 6) Compared to control groups, in vivo experimental system using rats with acute hepatitis by ANIT, the liver cytosolic enzymes in serum (GPT, ALP, LAP and g-GTP) and the bilirubin levels significantly degreased in the Laennec groups. In addition, compared to control groups, in vivo experimental system using rats with acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis by CCI4, the liver cytosolic enzymes in serum (GPT, GOT) significantly degreased and histopathologically improved liver disorder in the Laennec groups. 4. Anti-fatty liver action 7) A 5-day subcutaneous injection of 1.2 ml/kg of this product in rats suffering from acute hepatic disorder with CCI4 resulted in a significant decrease in hepatic weight to body weight as compared with the control groups. Furthermore, total hepatic lipids and total hepatic cholesterol decreased significantly in the 3.6 ml/kg dose groups, and hepatohistological findings to support such results were seen and the body weight was realized. After pretreatment of acute hepatic disorder with CCI4, there were no significant differences with regards to biochemical findings between the control groups and when 5-day repeated, subcutaneous administration of 1.2 ml/kg of this product was performed. However, in the 3.6-ml/kg dose groups, maintenance of lobular structure was better than the control groups with regards to hepatohistological findings. 5. Absorption accelerated activity on interstitial connective tissue8) This product exhibited inhibitory action of fibroplasias in rat liver due to 12-week repeated administration of CCI4, and it was confirmed histologically that once multiplied, interstitial connective tissues were absorbed. 15 PHYSICOCHEMISTRY • This product is human-placental extract, and contains various biological active substances. However, the active ingredients of this agent cannot be specified as a single substance or several sorts of substances. PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING* • This product corresponds to a specialized biological product. Therefore, when this product is administrated, the product name, manufacturing No., date of administration (or prescription), name and address of patients should be reported and stored for at least 20 years in accordance with the order issued by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This product should be used with attention to the point that the indication of this product is “improvement of hepatic function in chronic liver disease.” PACKAGING • 2 ml 50 ampoules REFERENCES 1) Ueda H. et al.: Kanzo (Liver), vol.15, 162, 1974 2) Taniguchi H. et al.: data on file in Japan Bio Products Co. Ltd., 1985-1991 3) Takami T.: Kiso to Rinsho, vol.30, 3549, 1996 4) Liu K. et al.: Yakuri to Rinsho, vol.5, 2187, 1995 5) Sakamoto K. et al.: Journal of Tokyo Medical University, vol.33, 271, 1975 6) Nakayama S. et al.: Folia Pharmacologica Japonica, vol.94, 289, 1989 7) Sakamoto K. et al.: Journal of Tokyo Medical University, vol.31, 829, 1973 16 PLAMON Is not yet available in Europe. Indicated for climateric disorders, Plamon is for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration. CURACEN Indicated for rejuvenation, anti-aging, whitering and antiwrinkle. Curacen is for subcutaneous injection and can be reforced by Curacen Essence. Curacen is not available in Europe yet. 17 4 COSMETICS : : GHC HUMAN PLACENTA WHITENING SOAP Based on JBP Placental Extract which has anti-oxidant and whitening effect, works on increase in fibroblast growth factor and repairs skin cells by growth factor. Provides moisture and brightness while effectively washes up excess sebum and dirt on your skin without stiff feeling. Gentle to sensitive skin. LOTION JBP Placental Extract suppresses the generation of the melanin pigment and gives your skin brightness. While collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin produced by the activated fibroblast growth factor make your skin elastic. GHC Lotion protects your skin, effective to whitening, damage by U.V. stress, dryness, and aging. ESSENTIAL SHIELD JBP Placental Extract in this serum neutralizes active oxygen by its antioxidant effect. Ceramide and hyaluronic acid provides moisture, protects your skin against skin trouble. Dipotassium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory effect, protects your skin against aging. 18 GHC HUMAN PLACENTA ESSENCE GHC Essence is in the highest concentration of JBP Placental Extract among GHC cosmetics, gives your skin firmness and moisture working with hyaluronic acid and collagen, suitable to intensive care for pigmentation, wrinkles, and saggings. g-FORCE Mortierelle oil (=g-Linolenic acid) in the emulsion normalizes turnovers and products healthy skin, protects your skin against dullness, pigmentation, and wrinkle arose from hormone imbalance particular to women. While it keeps moisturizing substances of GHC cosmetics by coating your skin surface with bergamot oil. REPAIRING CREAM This is the water-soluble cream with JBP Placental Extract which supports collagen generation, cell proliferation and reproduction. RNA, ceramide, and squalane helps turnover and moisturising. Suitable to pigmentation, wrinkles, and dryness, gives you firm skin. PLACENTAL MASK WITH CoQ10 This hydro-gel mask gives your tired skin moisture, elasticity and smoothness. JBP Placental Extract helps activation of skin cells, makes your skin whitened by inhibition of generation of the melanin pigment. CoQ10 works for pigmentation, wrinkle, and saggings. Tartaric acid has astringent effect lead your skin to be smooth. 19 GHC PORCINE PLACENTA : : GHC PORCINE PLACENTA GHC BRIGHTENING SOAP (facial soap) Provides moisture and brightness whenever you use. You can feel dullness-free, clear skin. This placental soap makes your skin soft and moist as well as removing excess sebum and dirt effectively. Gentle and kind to sensitive skin. GHC UV PROTECTOR (sunscreen) Protects your skin from UVA / UVB with SPF50 & PA+++ while conditioning your skin with placental extract. Gentle to your skin, free from ultraviolet light absorbers, artificial color, fragance, alcohol, and parabens. With placental extract to help shields your skin from dryness and other damages. Applicable to entire body at any occasion and to all ages. Water proof formula. Good for makeup base too. GHC ESSENTIAL SHIELD (serum) Soothing serum for clear skin. Excessive active oxygen is a major enemy of the skin. This placental serum neutralizes active oxygen and restores and protects damaged skin. It gently heals skin and makes it clear. 20 GHC PORCINE PLACENTA GHC LOTION (skin lotion) Deep moisturizing after facial cleansing produces moist, fresh skin. Placental extract combined with the moisturizing ingredients of hyaluronic acid, ceramide, and polyglutamic acid. This lotion protects your skin from stress, and drying, and effective for whitening and anti-aging. GHC REPAIRING CREAM (cream) Directly works on cell to produce fresh, firm skin. This placental cream works directly on weakened cell and promotes the regeneration of the cells. Placenta helps the production of collagen for firm skin. GHC g-FORCE (milky lotion) Finishing milky lotion wraps around the face with moisture veil. This milky lotion solves skin problems caused by hormone imbalance peculiar to women. The moisture veil keeps active ingredients information in the skin as well as prevents your skin from external irritation. GHC PLACENTAL MASK WITH COQ10 (facial mask) Moisturizing and whitening special care. Hydro gel used for this mask containing placental extract, CoQ10, and many other moisturizing ingredients. The serum in the mask gives brightness, moisture, and elasticity to your skin. 21 GHC PORCINE PLACENTA GHC ESSENCE (intensive serum) Placental extract penetrates into the skin cells slowly but steadily. High concentration of placental extract combined with collagen, hyaluronic acid, and ceramide, which give firmness and moisture to your skin. This product provides intensive care for annoying blotches, wrinkles, and sagging. GHC PROTOCOL FOR DAY SOAP TONIC g-FORCE UV PROTECTOR FOR NIGHT SOAP TONIC g-FORCE ESPECIAL CARE Every 2 weeks MASK ESSENTIAL SHIELDS (Serum) Once a month ESSENCE (Intensive Serum) 22 REPAIRING CREAM 5 FOOD SUPLEMENTS LAENNEC P.O. Human placental supplement extracted by the same technology and safety protocol as Laennec injection. Designed the same efficacy and availability as two capsules equivalent to one ampoule of Laennec injection. ANTI-AGING AND DERMATOLOGICAL EFFECTS • Whitening and moisture retention • Cell proliferation and reproduction • Promoting self-adjustment/medication of immune and hormonal system • Extracellular matrix generation • Blood circulation promotion, etc… COMPONENTS IN JBP PLACENTAL EXTRACT • Growth factors and cytokines: central element of placenta, demonstrating medicinal effects • Aminoacid: essence of life • Protein • Carbohydrates: energy source • Vitamin • Nucleic acid and nucleobases • Lipid and fatty acid • Mucopolysaccharides: element to connect cells, works to suppress inflammation • Mineral • Enzyme 23 PRESENTATION • 100 caps of 350 mg/ box ADMINISTRATION • 2 Capsules after dinner TSUYAN RIN This drink with a taste of bilberry contains JBP Placental Extract, together with collagen, chondroitin, elastin, and L-proline to maintain supple skin, vitamin C, ceramides, and astaxanthin for light, radiant skin. Each ingredient promotes beauty from the inside. For beautiful lustrous skin. INGREDIENTS PER BOTTLE 24 Active ingredient Amount Function Porcine Placenta Extract 8g FGF (fibroblast growth factor) promotes the production of collagen, elastin and chondroitin in the dermis Collagen 1g Lack of collagen results in sags and wrinkles Vitamin 150 mg Promotes collagen synthesis. Helps lightening of skin Chondroitin 100 mg Makes skin soft, smooth and moist Elastin 30 mg Maintenance of skin resistant Active ingredient Amount Function L- proline 21 mg Component of collagen. Raw material to built collagen fibers Ceramide 10 mg Fill the intracellular spaces to maintain skin moisture Astaxanthin 5 mg Antioxidant properties. Maintain skin in good condition and prevents rough skin, wrinkles and spots. PRESENTATION • 10 bottles of 50 ml per box ADMINISTRATION • 1 bottle a day PLACENTA METABOLIZER Placental Metabolizer is the “functional supplement,” prescribing JBP Placental Extract with CoQ10, Carnitine, and Vitamin-B1, the ideal combination for toning and designing your body metabolism. Specially recommended for body fitness and anti-aging, and for athletes. 25 INGREDIENTS PER CAPSULE Active ingredient Amount Function Porcine Placenta Extract 280 mg Keeps body metabolism Coenzyme Q10 30 mg For cell´s energy producing L- Carnitine 50 mg Component for fat-burning Vitamin B1 8,3 mg Helps energy production from carbohydrates. Keeps skin and mucosa healthy PRESENTATION • 60 Caps of 350 mg per box ADMINISTRATION • 2-3 Capsules a day LAENNEC P.O. PORCINE A capsule contains 350mg of 100% JBP placental extract (porcine), applying the same extraction method of Laennec injection, our ethical product extracted from human placenta, to the Japanese domestic porcine placenta. You will realize the benefit of pure placental extract without any additives or any other ingredients. 26 INGREDIENTS PER CAPSULE Active ingredient Amount Function Porcine Placenta Extract 350 mg Keeps body metabolism PRESENTATION • 100 Caps of 350 mg per box ADMINISTRATION • 3-6 Caps a day. Free from additives. RECOMENDED FOR: • Maintain physiological functions and hormone balance. • Adjust autonomous nervous system • Improves metabolism and blood circulation • Promotes recovery from fatigue • Enhances immunity and resistance • Helps synthesis of collagen • Suppresses the generation of melanin pigment • Keeps and produces healthy skin • Neutralizes active enzymes and prevent oxidation • Supports liver function. 27 GRACE HAI Grace Hai has been developed to solve the skin troubles caused by the internal problems such as digestive organ disorders, unbalanced hormone secretion, immunodeficiency, fatigue and aging. INGREDIENTS PER CAPSULE Active ingredient Amount Function Porcine Placenta Extract 140 mg Growth factor and citokynes to maintain physiological functions and hormone balance and improve skin conditions Gamma Linolenic Acid 244 mg Maintaining autonomic nerves and hormone balance as well as revitalizing metabolism Royal Jelly 30 mg Rich in proteins, vitamin A,B,C,D,E, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients 10 mg Component of the cell membranes, brain, nerve tissue and other organs 6 mg Antioxidant Lecithin Vitamin E PRESENTATION • 100 Caps of 450 mg per box ADMINISTRATION • 3-4 Capsules a day. Free of additives. 28 6 MESOTHERAPY PRODUCTS The use of placenta in Mesotherapy treatments is not new. The treatment employ injection of placenta containing essential nutrients of skin as vitamin, mineral, uracil, etc,…, to part of face and neck. Basically this treatment is applied periodically, and shows significant effect for skin’s anti-aging and elastance. Also, it effects on atopic/allergic disease and alopecia as well. : : Wrinkles/whithening Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) contained in placenta productes collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, and makes moisturizing/elastin skin by eliminates active oxygen. Also it promotes cell division in basal layer of skin to activate turnover, then leads to excretion of melanin. This action mechanism gives an excellent effect on whitening of skin. : : Depilation Placenta maintains the hormone secretion normally. Also it helps the blood circulation of scalp and improves the condition of hair root with good nutritional status, so that this action mechanism stimulates cell division to promote the hair growth. 29 : : Atopy/Allergy Placenta acts to prevent the excretion of histamine, and has effect on making normal immune system and proliferation of skin cell. Therefore, Mesoplacenta treatments combine with dietotherapy can improve atopic/allergic symptoms. CURACEN ESSENCE Curacen Essence is formulated base on human placental extract. This placental extract is obtained as a low molecular weight extract which allow to be used not only for mesotherapy but also in electroporation and iontophoresis procedures. This new formulation allows an immediate cell reactivation along with a nice whitening and improvement of skin glow. The quick reaction and cellular activation can be expected from shallow layers of the skin for its small molecules. PRESENTATION • 2 ml ampoule JBP Placenta extract (as soluble substance 100 mg). Box of 10 ampoules. ADMINISTRATION • Apply to skin with mesotherapy, ionotophoresis or electroporation. INDICATION • Anti-aging, Whitening, Anti-wrinkle 30 STORAGE CONDITION • Store under room temperature. SHELF LIFE • 24 months from mfg. date JBP NANONEEDLE JBP Nanoneedle was born from the voices of doctors and patients. The integrations of craftsmanship and technology has created this ultra-thin needle to lessen patient discomfort during needling and to realize minimal hemorrhage and swelling. The pain and bleeding are successfully reduced during needling by an ultra-thin walled needle which lessens friction resistances by a special process of Micron Sharpness. It makes possible to inject high viscosity solutions with extra fine needles. NANONEEDLE ULTRA-THIN WALL SERIES 34G Ultra-thin wall Outer diameter 0.20 mm Inner diameter 0.10 mm 5/16” mm (8mm) 100 pcs/ box 33G Ultra-thin wall Outer diameter 0.26 mm Inner diameter 0.16 mm 1/ 2” (13mm) 100 pcs/ box 30G Ultra-thin wall Outer diameter 0.30 mm Inner diameter 0.20 mm 1/2” (13 mm) 100 pcs/ box 31 APLICATIONS • Mesotherapy • Placenta injection • Botox injection • Collagen injection • Hyaluronic acid injection • Local anesthetics FEATURES OF JBP NANONEEDLE ULTRA-THIN WALLED • LESS PAIN & SWELLING • LITTLE BLEEDING EXTRA FINE • INVISIBLE INJECTION MARKS • INJECTABLE FOR HIGH VISCOSITY SOLUTION MICRO POLISHING TECHNOLOGY (Micron Sharpness) COMPARISON OF INNER AND OUTER DIAMETERS BEETWEEN JBP NANONEEDLE AND CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE 33G 0.10 mm 0.26 mm 32 larger inner diameter same outer diameter JBP NANONEEDLE 33G JBP NANONEEDLE 30G 0.16 mm 0.20 mm 0.26 mm 0.30 mm CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE 30G larger inner diameter same outer diameter 0.15 mm 0.30 mm Conventional needle JBP Nanoneedle Gauge Outer Diameter Inner Diameter Outer Diameter Inner Diameter 34G 0.20 mm 0.10 mm - - 33G 0.26 mm 0.16 mm 0.26 mm 0.10 mm 30G 0.30 mm 0.20 mm 0.30 mm 0.15 mm JBP NANONEEDLE CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE COMPARISON OF INJECTION MARKS BEETWEEN JBP NANONEEDLE AND CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE FIRST REACTION JBP NANONEEDLE (34G) 6 HOURS LATER CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE (30G) JBP NANONEEDLE (34G) CONVENTIONAL NEEDLE (30G) 33 7 ELECTROPORATION Japan Bio Products has developed a new concept in electroporation with “JBP Electorporation” and “JBP Placental Solution I-II”. Electroporation increase the transcutaneous absortion of molecules with pharmacological and trophic activity. It allows to use mesotherapy in a non-invasive manner. Peter Agree and Roderick Mackinnor were prized with the Nobel in chemistry in 2003 due to their results in electroporation. This procedure is based in the principle of obtaining a variable transmembrane potential (0,5-1,5V) after applying an electrical pulse. After 8 minutes the opening of electorpores appears. This process lasting depends of the wavelength generated and vary from seconds to several minutes. The electropore or water channel sized obtained is large between 1-2 microns. 34 JBP PLACENTAL SOLUTION I-II JBP Placental Solution I-II are 100% pure placental extracts (porcine) free from preservatives and additives, developed especially for skin treatments by JBP Skin Poration. LOW MOLECULES: EASY TO PENETRATE INTO SKIN WHITENING EFFECTS ANTI-OXIDATION JBP Placental Solution I 4ml x 5 bottles HIGH MOLECULES: PENETRATION INTO DERMIS PRODUCTION OF PROCOLLAGEN SKIN REJUVENATION JBP Placental Solution II 4ml x 5 bottles JBP Placental Solutions I and II can be used for iontophoretic/ ultrasonic skin treatments. For external use only. Each bottle is one time only use after opening. Use the solution immediately after opening the bottle and dispose the leftovers because no preservatives and additives are contained. 35 JBP SKIN PORATION The JBP Skin Poration is an electroporation hybrid beauty device which combine the electroporation technique with ultrasonic cleansing and microcurrent in 1 unit. Electroporation is a system with dramatically low voltage/low current and new waveforms to open skin pores to provide the active ingredient to the inner layers of the skin. JBP Skin Poration provides a maximum reduction of electric stimuli to the epidermides without metal elution from the probe. The cleansing probe is made of titanium. Microcurrent function are switchable continuous and intermittent modes which allows better nutrient diffusion/infiltration and lifting effects. Particular advantage is the 2,2 Kg compact size. JBP Skin Poration is supplied with cleansing and face probes. Hair and body probes are available separately. Japan Bio Products ensures with this new electroporation device that big molecules or pools of molecules like placenta extracts, hyaluronic acid, DMAE, vitamin C and others penentrate the cells. HYBRID BEAUTY DEVICE INCORPORATING 3 FUNCTION UN 1 UNIT ULTRASONIC CLEANSING SKIN PORATION PATTING & FINISHING 36 FEATURES 2 .Safety 3 .Multifuntional • A systems with low voltage/ low current and news waveforms. • Titanium is used for the sonic probes and all points on skin poration probes. • Maximum reduction of electric stimuli to the epidermides and high skin poration effects. • No elution of metals from the probes. • One unit can perform three functions; ultrasonic cleansing, skin poration and patting & finishing. 1. Avanced Technology 4 . Various Optional Probes for Body and Hair Treatments. ATTACHED PROBES Sonic for Face & Body For Face OPTIONAL PROBES For Body For Fine Points Hair Sonic For Hair 37
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