PUBLICATIONS Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences RESEARCH ARTICLE 10.1002/2014JG002861 Key Points: • High-elevation waterbodies experience gas limitation • The lack of carbon sources to waterbodies should be considered • Gas exchange is overestimated from indirect measurements Correspondence to: J. T. Crawford, Citation: Crawford, J. T., M. M. Dornblaser, E. H. Stanley, D. W. Clow, and R. G. Striegl (2015), Source limitation of carbon gas emissions in high-elevation mountain streams and lakes, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JG002861. Received 19 NOV 2014 Accepted 22 APR 2015 Accepted article online 5 MAY 2015 Source limitation of carbon gas emissions in high-elevation mountain streams and lakes John T. Crawford1,2, Mark M. Dornblaser1, Emily H. Stanley2, David W. Clow3, and Robert G. Striegl1 1 U.S. Geological Survey National Research Program, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 2Center for Limnology, University of WisconsinMadison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 3U.S. Geological Survey Colorado Water Science Center, Lakewood, Colorado, USA Abstract Inland waters are an important component of the global carbon cycle through transport, storage, and direct emissions of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere. Despite predictions of high physical gas exchange rates due to turbulent flows and ubiquitous supersaturation of CO2—and perhaps also CH4—patterns of gas emissions are essentially undocumented for high mountain ecosystems. Much like other headwater networks around the globe, we found that high-elevation streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, USA, were supersaturated with CO2 during the growing season and were net sources to the atmosphere. CO2 concentrations in lakes, on the other hand, tended to be less than atmospheric equilibrium during the open water season. CO2 and CH4 emissions from the aquatic conduit were relatively small compared to many parts of the globe. Irrespective of the physical template for high gas exchange (high k), we found evidence of CO2 source limitation to mountain streams during the growing season, which limits overall CO2 emissions. Our results suggest a reduced importance of aquatic ecosystems for carbon cycling in high-elevation landscapes having limited soil development and high CO2 consumption via mineral weathering. 1. Introduction Lakes, streams, and rivers are important global sources of CO2 to the atmosphere [Cole et al., 2007; Butman and Raymond, 2011; Raymond et al., 2013], and they might also be important sources of CH4 [Bastviken et al., 2011; Baulch et al., 2011; Striegl et al., 2012; Crawford et al., 2013]. However, the strength of these conclusions is challenged by a lack of widespread data. Patterns of aquatic gas emissions are reasonably well described for some arctic, temperate, boreal, and tropical landscapes [e.g., Kling et al., 1991; Jones and Mulholland, 1998; Hope et al., 2001; Richey et al., 2002; Dinsmore et al., 2010; Wallin et al., 2013], whereas CO2 and CH4 emissions from high-elevation aquatic ecosystems are essentially unknown [Tamooh et al., 2013]. Despite their remote nature and often protected administrative status (e.g., national parks and forests), mountain landscapes in the western U.S. and elsewhere are already experiencing the effects of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts such as nitrogen saturation, permafrost thaw, insect outbreaks, long-term drought, and decreasing winter snowfall [Baron et al., 2009]. These stressors affect aquatic ecosystem function, including carbon (C) gas exchange [Wickland et al., 2001], but we need a more complete understanding of the C cycle in these systems before we can make sufficient predictions. Aquatic gas exchange is regulated both by physical processes and the concentration of gases in water. First, turbulent energy dissipation (approximated by the gas transfer velocity (k; m d1)) constrains the rate at which gases can be exchanged across the air-water interface. In very turbulent, high-gradient fluvial systems such as mountain streams, k is predicted to be very high (e.g., >10 m d1 [Butman and Raymond, 2011; Raymond et al., 2012]). Thus, emission of supersaturated gases is expected to be rapid. High rates of gas exchange cannot occur simply due to high k, as supersaturated gas conditions are also required. Preliminary estimates of pCO2 indicate that the partial pressure gradient can be high in mountainous regions of the western U.S. [Butman and Raymond, 2011], thus leading to a prediction of high annual aquatic CO2 emissions. However, these conclusions are based on limited and uncertain CO2 values calculated from dissolved inorganic carbon/alkalinity and pH (which can be challenging to measure in dilute mountain headwaters). ©2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. CRAWFORD ET AL. In high-gradient mountain streams, gas emissions facilitated by high physical exchange could be limited by CO2 availability. Aquatic respiration produces CO2, resulting in direct emission to the atmosphere. Dissolved CO2 could also be derived from soil and groundwater respiration sources. Yet in many high-elevation MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 1 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 Figure 1. Photograph of Black Lake illustrating the high topographic relief and lack of organic matter sources in highelevation catchments. landscapes having substantial exposed bedrock and poorly developed soils, organic C concentrations are low (Figure 1). If aquatic and terrestrial respiration is a function of organic carbon availability and reactivity, then high-elevation catchments lacking in organic C sources may also have limited in situ respiration. Although soil CO2 can be extremely supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere (10 to 100X equilibrium), a large fraction of respired (biotic) CO2 can be removed via abiotic weathering reactions [Walker et al., 1981]. If consumption of CO2 via weathering is substantial, then export and degassing in aquatic systems could also be limited. Although there have been previous suggestions that headwater streams are locations of intense C transformations and CO2 emissions, we predicted that low carbon source availability in high-elevation catchments would lead to relatively low aquatic emissions. With this in mind, we asked three questions for a high-elevation landscape in the Central Rocky Mountains of Colorado: (1) Is there evidence of CO2 source limitations on emissions? (2) How do stream and lake pCO2 compare, and how does stream pCO2 change over the course of a year in a high-elevation catchment? (3) What is the aquatic contribution to CO2 and CH4 cycling in a high-elevation aquatic network? Answers to these questions will help constrain the contribution of streams and lakes to regional and global C balances. We used a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) time series of dissolved gases (CO2 and CH4) collected from alpine and subalpine streams and lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) during 1999 and a spatial upscaling technique to predict basinscale emissions. As a follow up to these data, we measured pCO2, pCH4, and emissions of both gases in a series of streams in the park during June and July 2013. 2. Methods 2.1. Site Description We studied high-elevation lakes and streams mostly contained within the boundaries of RMNP (Figure 2), near Estes Park, Colorado, USA. Site elevations ranged from a low of 2780 m above sea level (asl) in subalpine forest to a maximum of 3505 m asl, just below the continental divide (4000 m asl) in the high alpine. In addition to two broad surveys of stream and lake chemistry in 1999 (described in Clow et al. [2002]), we focused on patterns of CO2 and CH4 in the alpine Loch Vale and Glacier Gorge catchments, which are part of the USGS Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets program. In Loch Vale, mean annual precipitation is 110 cm, with 65–85% falling as snow [Baron and Denning, 1993]; mean annual CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 2 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 Figure 2. (top) Map of study locations from 1999 to 2013 and (bottom) map of transect locations given in Table 1. temperatures range from 1.7°C at the basin outlet to 5.0°C at upper elevations [Clow et al., 2003a]. Land cover is dominated by exposed rock (53%), with only 7% forest cover, which is limited to valley bottoms. Where present, poorly developed soils on hillslopes and in the forest have relatively low organic carbon content between 0.5 and 2.7% but somewhat higher values in riparian areas [Baron et al., 1992]. The focal catchment (Loch Vale) is drained by two streams, Andrews Creek and Icy Brook (less than 1% forested catchments), which merge 0.6 km above The Loch (the lowest elevation alpine lake in the basin; Figure 2). High elevations are dominated by tundra landscapes including communities of sedges, grasses, and other herbaceous plants. Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) populate the few forested areas in the lower portions of the catchment. Water discharge data were obtained for stream gages operated by the USGS on Andrews Creek (elevation = 3205 m asl) and Icy Brook (elevation = 3171 m asl). 2.2. pCO2 and pCH4 Measurements (1999) Partial pressures of CO2 and CH4 were measured at approximately weekly intervals in 1999 (March–December) along two stream/lake transects in adjacent catchments. The transect data track changes in dissolved gas concentrations as water flows from the highest elevations, through lakes, and into lower elevations, and document differences between stream and lake sites as well as longitudinal variability in gas production/consumption and efflux. The transects included the Loch Vale catchment (Andrews Creek flow path and Icy Brook) and the flow path from Black Lake to Glacier Creek in Glacier Gorge (Figure 2 and Table 1). An additional 18 streams in the park were sampled less regularly (~8 times each), and 37 lakes were sampled once during September 1999 [Clow et al., 2002, 2003b]. Surface pCO2 and pCH4 were analyzed CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 3 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 Table 1. Average pCO2 and pCH4 Values for Repeated Longitudinal Sampling Sites in the Andrews Creek and Glacier Gorge Catchments Corresponding to Sites in Figure 2 Transect Site Number on Map Inset Site Name Elevation (m) Mean pCO2 (SD) Mean pCH4 (SD) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Andrews Tarn Outflow Andrews Creek, MS5 Andrews Creek Andrews Creek above Icy Brook Icy Brook at Loch Inlet Loch Outlet at gage Icy Brook 3465 3262 3205 3156 3111 3109 3171 233 (115) 168 (121) 651 (754) 229 (81.6) 201 (150) 323 (271) 401 (329) 34.3 (84.4) 34.7 (87.1) 4.14 (4.85) 3.76 (5.81) 5.45 (7.27) 6.1 (8.77) 2.72 (3.99) 8 9 10 11 12 13 Black Lake (not measured) Glacier Creek above Jewel Lake Mills Lake Mills Lake Outlet Glacier Creek below Loch Creek 3238 310 (274) 3.96 (6.52) 3039 3033 3033 2979 463 (411) 513 (476) 387 (134) 387 (169) 5.28 (8.51) 12.1 (29.6) 9.38 (10.2) 18.1 (42.5) Andrews Creek Glacier Gorge using a headspace equilibration method [Striegl et al., 2001], in which a 15 mL water sample obtained 10 cm below the water surface was preserved in a 30 mL serum bottle that was preevacuated with N2 gas. CO2 was analyzed using a Li-Cor LI-6262 benchtop infrared gas analyzer (IRGA). Methane concentrations were measured using a Hewlett Packard model 5890 II gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector having a minimum detection limit of 50 ppbv. 2.3. CO2 and CH4 Measurements (2013) We resampled many of the sites from the 1999 survey in June and July 2013. Stream and lake pCO2 were measured using handheld Vaisala CO2 probes modified for submersion in water [Johnson et al., 2010], which were allowed to equilibrate under water for a minimum of 30 min before measurements were recorded. The CO2 probes have a manufacturer-reported accuracy equal to 1.5% of the calibrated range (10,000 ppmv) plus 2% of the reading. This level of accuracy could cause discrepancies between measured fluxes and opposing pressure gradients under low-concentration conditions. Surface pCH4 was measured using the headspace equilibration method [Striegl et al., 2001]. In addition to concentration measurements, we made direct measurements of gas exchange with the atmosphere using a suspended chamber technique [Crawford et al., 2013]. Air-water CO2 exchange (JCO2; mol m2 time1) was calculated by monitoring the change in CO2 concentration inside a plastic chamber sealed to the stream or lake surface using a portable PP Systems EGM IRGA (equation (1)): J CO2 ¼ dC=dt * h (1) 3 1 where dC/dt is the CO2 concentration change over time (mol m time ) and h is the height of the plastic chamber (m). Although measurements spanned an average of 5 min, we report fluxes in units of mol m2 d1 to facilitate comparison with other studies while acknowledging that these rates do not account for potential diel variability. In addition to the IRGA measurements of CO2 flux, we made eight flux measurements for CO2 and CH4 using a Los Gatos Research ultraportable greenhouse gas analyzer (UGGA) connected to the plastic chambers. We switched from the IRGA to the UGGA because of its higher precision and ability to directly measure CH4 (CH4 precision of 2 ppb), in order to better constrain estimates of k in the field. UGGA measurements were made in streams at elevations between 2240 and 2759 m asl. Gas fluxes were calculated by monitoring the changes in CO2 and CH4 concentrations in the chamber atmosphere over time identically to the IRGA + chamber technique. 2.4. Upscaled CO2 and CH4 Emissions We estimated basin-scale (408.63 km2) CO2 and CH4 emissions from the east side of the continental divide using an upscaling approach with multiple estimates of k. The area of RMNP is 1075 km2, but we did not CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 4 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 have representative samples for the entire region; therefore, watersheds on the west side of the continental divide were excluded from our analysis. For each upscaling method, we used a combination of stream and lake surface area, pCO2 and pCH4 values from the 1999 sampling, and modeled or empirical estimates of k. Daily total stream CO2 flux (CO2Tot, moles CO2, or equivalently CH4Tot) is a function of the difference between the gas partial pressure of water (pCO2 or pCH4; mol m3), the atmospheric equilibrium concentration corrected for temperature (CO2sat or CH4sat; mol m3), the gas transfer velocity (k; m d1), and total water surface area (SA; m2) (equation (2)). CO2 Tot ¼ ðpCO2 CO2sat Þ * k * SA (2) where CO2sat or CH4sat (equation (3)) was calculated according to temperature-dependent solubility of each gas (Henry’s law constant, Kh) using data from Plummer and Busenberg [1982] for CO2 and Wilhelm et al. [1977] for CH4 at atmospheric pressure (Patm) CO2sat ¼ CO2atm * Kh=Patm (3) Total stream SA was calculated based on individual stream segment lengths extracted from the NHDPlus data set multiplied by average segment width calculated using a hydraulic geometry model developed for RMNP streams [David et al., 2010] (equation (4)). Width ¼ 2:854 * Q0:16 (4) Segment Q (m3 s1) was assumed to be constant (the mean annual flow value computed by the “unit runoff” method from the NHDPlus data set). Because k can be highly variable and can have high uncertainty, we used two approaches to estimate stream k. First, we used an empirical model (equation (5)) from Raymond et al. [2012] to calculate stream k normalized to a Schmidt number of 600 (K600) based on segment attributes from the NHDPlus and a hydraulic geometry equation for depth (equation (6) [David et al., 2010]). K 600 ¼ 4725 * ðV * SÞ0:86 * Q0:14 * D0:66 (5) Depth ¼ 0:37 * Q0:35 (6) 1 1 The selected model uses stream velocity (V; m s ), slope (S; m m ), Q, and depth (D; m) as inputs, and a regression of observed against calculated k values has a high r2 (0.76). This model only incorporates average discharge conditions and will therefore not capture variation in k due to low- and high-flow events. The goal was to compare average gas transfer conditions with average concentrations in 1999. K600 from equation (5) was converted to kCO2 corrected for temperature dependence by rearranging equation (7): K 600 ¼ ð600=ScCO2 Þ0:5 * k CO2 (7) ScCO2 is the Schmidt number of CO2 corrected for temperature (T; °C) based on the polynomial fits given by Wanninkhof [1992] (equation (8)): ScCO2 ¼ 1911:1 118:11 * T þ 3:4527 * T 2 0:04132 * T 3 (8) K600 was also converted to kCH4 using the same strategy as for CO2 (modified equations (7) and (8)). In our second upscaling approach for streams, we populated a distribution of k from our chamber measurements made in 2013 assuming a normal distribution (discussed further in Results section) and used the same pCO2 and SA values. Direct estimates of k were calculated from chamber estimates using concurrent measurements of pCO2 and gas flux (JCO2) and rearranging equation (9): J CO2 ¼ ðpCO2 CO2 satÞ * k (9) Lake fluxes were estimated from a normal distribution of k with a mean of 0.54 m d1 (SD = 0.12), a distribution that was derived from a large number of temperate lakes [Read et al., 2012], as predictor variables for empirical lake k models were not available. Lake area was extracted from the NHDPlus data set. All stream and lake flux estimates were calculated from Monte Carlo model simulations (1000 replications) conservatively assuming 180 days of open water. Fluxes and uncertainty are reported as the mean and the 95% confidence interval of the simulations calculated using the function quantile in R. CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 5 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 Figure 3. Time series of discharge and pCO2 for three streams (Andrews, Icy Brook, and Glacier) as well as one spring in 1999. The vertical lines separate periods of persistent snow cover and active snowmelt, the gray lines show stream discharge, and the dashed horizontal line denotes atmospheric equilibrium (~250 μatm at elevation in 1999). 3. Results 3.1. Q Patterns and Timing of Snowmelt Andrews Creek had low (but nonzero) flow during winter, but Icy Brook had no measureable flow at that time (Figure 3). Snowmelt in 1999 began in early May, with increasing flows as melt progressed to its peak around 1 July. After peak snowmelt, streamflow declined gradually, with the exception of distinct Q peaks in August– September, which were the result of summer storms that occur frequently along the Front Range of Colorado. 3.2. Stream and Lake pCO2 In 1999, we observed a pattern of supersaturated pCO2 throughout winter until late May to early June at Andrews Creek (Figure 3). Stream pCO2 then declined substantially coinciding with snowmelt and increased Q. We observed a slightly different pattern for the groundwater spring near Andrews Creek, where CO2 remained much more supersaturated through the summer season relative to streams. Stream pCO2 peaked at nearly 4000 μatm in Andrews Creek, and then quickly declined to values near 1000 μatm during early snowmelt, which was similar to values in Andrews Spring. Icy Brook and Glacier Creek appear to have followed similar patterns to Andrews Creek, with near-saturation values persisting throughout the summer, but we do not have complete data during winter. Our repeated sampling along two stream transects showed some variability at individual sites but no consistent downstream pattern (Table 1). In most of the lakes sampled in RMNP during 1999 (n = 37), surface pCO2 was undersaturated with respect to the atmosphere. Average lake pCO2 was 191 μatm, ranging from below detection to 592 μatm (Figure 4). Stream pCO2 was typically greater than in lakes during the summer ice-free period (Figure 4) with stream pCO2 averaging 470 μatm, although undersaturation was still common. In addition to the strong spatial CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 6 10.1002/2014JG002861 20 40 differences between lakes and streams, we observed a weak but statistically significant negative relationship between stream pCO2 and elevation (Figure 5; p < 0.05, r2 = 0.11) with the highest pCO2 and greatest variability observed in streams at lower elevations. 0 Frequency 60 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 0 500 1000 1500 2000 3.3. Stream and Lake pCH4 8 4 0 Frequency 12 Methane in the focal streams was consistently supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere during 1999. Stream pCH4 was relatively stable over the year, with distinct elevated periods that did not necessarily overlap among sites (high pCH4 in July at all sites except Icy Brook; high at Andrews Creek and Icy Brook in August 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 but not at Andrews Spring; Figure 6). Spring pCO2 (µatm) water pCH4 increased beginning in the fall reaching values near 20 μatm in the early Figure 4. Distributions of (top) stream and (bottom) lake pCO2 winter months, but this pattern was not during the 1999 ice-free season; the dotted lines denote the evident in other nearby surface waters. There mean value. was high spatial variability in pCH4 along the two stream transects, with no clear relation to elevation or stream order (Table 1). We observed supersaturated pCH4 in both streams and lakes (Figure 7). Mean stream and lake pCH4 were 7.5 μatm and 3.5 μatm, respectively. 3.4. CO2 and CH4 Emissions 1000 pCO2 (µatm) 1500 In agreement with summertime measurements from 1999, average stream pCO2 in June and July 2013 was supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere (mean = 417 μatm, SD = 105 μatm, n = 30), and average pCH4 was 6.78 μatm (range = 0.53 to 92.5, SD = 16.1 μatm; data not shown). In 2013, streams ranged from net sources to sinks of CO2 but on average were net sources (based on instantaneous flux measurements). Mean CO2 efflux was 35.9 mmol CO2 m2 d1, with a maximum of 146 mmol CO2 m2 d1. Three out of 11 flux measurements made using the IRGA showed net CO2 uptake (up to 40 mmol CO2 m2 d1). Eight additional flux estimates made using the UGGA supported the CO2 patterns observed with the IRGA. Mean UGGA CO2 flux was 40.5 mmol CO2 m2 d1 (range = 15.1 to 132 mmol CO2 m2 d1). The UGGA CH4 measurements showed a large range of CH4 exchange including net uptake due to CH4 undersaturation (mean = 179 μmol CH4 m2 d1; range = 21.2 to 642 μmol CH4 m2 d1). We did not compare UGGA and IRGA methods directly in this study. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 7 0 500 Figure 5. Plot of elevation versus pCO2 for Rocky Mountain National Park streams sampled in 1999; the dashed line is the least squares regression fit. Gas transfer velocities estimated from the IRGA chamber measurements and the pCO2 probes showed inconsistent reliability due to the small partial pressure gradients between the stream and the atmosphere that were not accurately quantified by the probes. For example, on three occasions, we recorded CO2 efflux during the chamber deployment but measured a pCO2 gradient that should result in CO2 influx from the atmosphere. For the few chamber measurements that showed agreement between measured partial pressure gradients and CO2 exchange (correct sign), 2800 3000 3200 3400 Elevation (m) CRAWFORD ET AL. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 Figure 6. pCH4 time series from streams and springs during 1999 in Rocky Mountain National Park. The vertical lines separate periods of persistent snow cover and active snowmelt, the gray lines show stream discharge, and the dashed horizontal line denotes atmospheric equilibrium (about 1.1 μatm at elevation in 1999). 60 40 20 0 Frequency 80 we calculated k values between 3.69 and 16.0 m d1 (mean = 9.78 m d1, n = 6). For comparison, average k from the empirical model of Raymond et al. [2012] was 68.8 m d1 and was skewed heavily to the right (discussed later). −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 20 10 0 Frequency 30 log10 pCH4 (µatm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 pCH4 (µatm) Figure 7. (top) Stream (log transformed) and (bottom) lake pCH4 distribution during the 1999 ice-free season; the vertical lines denote the mean value. CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 3.5. Upscaled Flux Estimates We calculated a total stream area of 0.56 km2 and a total lake area of 3.88 km2 from the NHDPlus data set covering a total catchment area of 408.63 km2. The total aquatic coverage in the upscaled region therefore was 1.09% (0.95% lakes, 0.14% streams). Mean upscaled stream CO2 emission during the 1999 ice-free season (assumed to be 180 days) using a k model from Raymond et al. [2012], the distribution of summer pCO2 values, and our model of stream surface area, was 105 × 106 mol CO2 (95% confidence interval = 169 to 866 × 106 mol CO2). The second upscaling calculation using 8 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 the distribution of k from our 2013 chamber measurements resulted in a lower mean flux of 24 × 106 mol CO2 (95% confidence interval = 37.1 to 198 × 106 mol CO2). Yearly fluxes normalized to the catchment area were 258 and 60.0 mmol CO2 m2 yr1 (3.10 g C m2 yr1 and 0.721 g C m2 yr1) from the two models, respectively. While streams may still flow during winter, Q during this period was very low or even unmeasurable (Figure 3), and we assume that CO2 emissions from streams were negligible during snow cover. Our estimate of lake CO2 flux using modeled k values was 2.58 × 106 mol CO2 (95% confidence interval = 13.4 to 14.6 × 106 mol CO2). This indicates that lakes likely exhibit net uptake of atmospheric CO2 during the ice-free season. Per unit lake surface, CO2 fluxes averaged 4.67 mmol CO2 m2 d1. Normalized to the catchment area, annual lake fluxes were 8.01 mmol CO2 m2 yr1. The net aquatic CO2 flux (lakes + streams) for the 1999 open water season therefore was 52.1 mmol CO2 m2 yr1 (625 mg C m2 yr1), indicating that the entire aquatic system was a weak net source of CO2. Upscaled CH4 emissions were substantially lower (in terms of C) relative to CO2 emissions. The 1999 growing season flux from streams was 336 × 103 mol CH4 (95% confidence interval = 0.148 to 13200 × 103 mol CH4) and 215 × 103 mol CH4 (95% confidence interval = 61 to 5210 × 103 mol CH4), using the Raymond et al.’s [2012] k model and our 2013 k distribution, respectively. Stream CH4 fluxes were substantially less (in terms of C) relative to CO2 fluxes. Normalized to catchment area, stream CH4 emissions were between 1.30 and 1.93 mmol CH4 m2 yr1. Lake CH4 emissions were much lower than streams with net growing season flux of 58.9 × 103 mol CH4 to the atmosphere (95% confidence interval = 24.9 to 265 × 103 mol CH4; catchment normalized = 144 μmol CH4 m2 yr1). 4. Discussion 4.1. Overview Our data lead to three conclusions regarding dissolved gases in mountain aquatic networks. First, there were conspicuous differences in concentrations of both CO2 and CH4 between streams and lakes suggesting different underlying processes for these two aquatic habitats. Second, although observed and modeled k values in the study area were relatively high (>9 m d1), concentrations of dissolved gases were not high, indicating that efflux is likely supply limited. Third, although streams were typically small sources of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere, this total flux was partially offset by lakes in the catchment. Collectively, these data offer a first look into C gas emissions in high-elevation catchments and suggest that in these relatively C-poor landscapes, exchange of C gases with the atmosphere may be substantially smaller than previously suggested. 4.2. Comparison of Streams and Lakes Despite strong connectivity between surface water elements, concentrations of lake and stream pCO2 and pCH4 were different in this high-elevation landscape, a tendency that has been described for other aquatic networks [Weyhenmeyer et al., 2012]. While streams were typically weakly supersaturated in both CO2 and CH4 with respect to the atmosphere, lakes were typically undersaturated with CO2 and only weakly supersaturated in CH4, which differs from the typical pattern of CO2 supersaturation in North American lakes [Cole et al., 1994; McDonald et al., 2013]. Most of the lake data were collected during the late growing season and could bias our upscaled estimates of annual exchange with the atmosphere. High-elevation lakes in these landscapes are thought to have rates of gross primary productivity that exceed respiration (net autotrophic) [Seastedt et al., 2004], which should generally result in undersaturated CO2 concentrations. But phytoplankton biomass increases steadily following ice-out [Seastedt et al., 2004]; therefore, late summer pCO2 measurements may reflect the period of greatest gross primary production and least pCO2 in the water column, which could account for the observed differences between streams and lakes. Future work could address the seasonal patterns of stream and lake CO2 simultaneously. 4.3. CO2 Source Limitation One explanation for the observed high ks but low pCO2 in these mountain streams could be that gas exchange was sufficiently rapid in upstream reaches that high pCO2 was not sustainable. This interpretation is problematic because high stream pCO2 was seldom encountered in these watersheds, CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 9 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 except when snow cover inhibited gas exchange with the atmosphere (Figure 3). Therefore, concluding that CO2 was degassed “somewhere else” is simply not supported. This phenomenon is analogous to an efficient transportation system (a municipal bus) that has nothing to transport (no riders). The physical template for high gas exchange is always present, but CO2 molecules from aquatic and terrestrial respiration generally are not present in sufficient quantities to yield a high flux to the atmosphere. To explore the concept of source limitation further, we used a simple model of stream CO2 concentration under a realistic scenario, where k is 10 m d1, water temperature is 10°C, and initial CO2 was 2X saturated with respect to the atmosphere (62.8 μmol L1 CO2), similar to the average values from our data set (pCO2 = 539 μatm). To sustain approximate steady state CO2 concentrations of 2X atmospheric equilibrium under these boundary conditions would require the constant addition of ~13 μmol L1 CO2 h1. Assuming a mean water depth of 0.5 m requires an areal production rate of 6.5 mmol CO2 m2 h1. While we do not have knowledge of metabolic rates in our study streams, we can use published values to establish plausibility of this source. Metabolism measurements from high-elevation (2524 m asl) streams in the Sangre de Cristo range of northern New Mexico revealed whole stream respiration rates between 6.7 and 14.7 g O2 m2 d1 [Fellows et al., 2001]. We can translate these values to a hypothetical stream reach in RMNP and compare with the steady state concentration model. Assuming that a stream has a respiratory quotient of 1.2, this translates to between 42 and 92 mmol CO2 m2 h1. These published respiration rates for high-elevation streams can therefore easily support steady state 2X atmospheric CO2 supersaturation under the physical conditions documented in RMNP streams. However, primary production will offset some of the daily CO2 production, and we suspect that these rates are high for RMNP given low C availability. Comparison with net ecosystem production (NEP) from an interregional comparison of lower-elevation streams (NEP varied from 1 to >6 g O2 m2 d1) [Bernot et al., 2010] also supports the prediction that stream metabolism is capable of supporting observed fluxes. A CO2 source limitation is also suggested by patterns of terrestrial metabolism. For example, greatest respiration rates in high-elevation terrestrial environments and greatest CO2 partial pressures at the soil surface occur under maximum snow cover [Monson et al., 2006; Mast et al., 1998; Brooks et al., 2004]. Similarly, we found greatest stream pCO2 during periods of snow and ice cover, whereas during snowmelt, pCO2 was much less and was even undersaturated with respect to the atmosphere on multiple occasions. Microbial communities in these high-mountain ecosystems are uniquely adapted to low temperatures and deep snowpacks during winter and spring months [Monson et al., 2006]. Fungal biomass peaks under snow-covered soils and can be 15 times higher than summer levels [Schadt et al., 2003], and winter respiration can reemit the majority of C sequestered during the growing season [Monson et al., 2006; Hubbard et al., 2005]. This broad pattern of seasonal disconnection between primary production and decomposition in terrestrial systems may also be driving observed patterns in streams. We suggest that after CO2-rich soil water is flushed from high-elevation catchments during the onset of snowmelt, there is little remaining CO2 to maintain high-stream pCO2 and aquatic emissions as snowmelt proceeds. The rapid release and subsequent decline of CO2 concentrations appear to be similar to the “ionic pulse” phenomenon for melting snowpacks in the region [Williams et al., 1996], in this case a highelevation “carbonic pulse.” Decreased pCO2 could also be driven by dilution of high pCO2 groundwater with direct snowmelt contributions to streamflow. As soils warm (and dry), and terrestrially derived waters have lower pCO2 later in the growing season (as suggested by changes in spring water pCO2; Figure 3), pCO2 in streams moves closer to equilibrium with the atmosphere. CO2 derived from terrestrial respiration may become very limited during the growing season because of a specialized high-elevation microbial community that exhibits low metabolic activity during summer [Schmidt et al., 2009; Schadt et al., 2003]. Patterns of stream and lake metabolism likely also contribute to variability at daily to seasonal scales, but we do not have sufficient data to explore these relationships at present. 4.4. Aquatic Contribution to CO2 Exchange Most of the available data from around the globe support a substantial aquatic contribution to C cycling [e.g., Raymond et al., 2013], but we found relatively low aquatic CO2 and CH4 fluxes in this high-elevation landscape CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 10 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 10.1002/2014JG002861 (see literature comparisons in Wallin et al. [2013] and Crawford et al. [2013]). Estimates of total stream CO2 flux varied widely based on the use of modeled or observed k. As such, we urge that these upscaled estimates be viewed with some caution given the high uncertainty. However, these estimates are helpful for constraining the magnitude of aquatic emissions. The most probable estimate of catchment-normalized aquatic CO2 flux for the ice-free season was 625 mg C m2 yr1 (net emissions) in 1999. On the other hand, CH4 emissions likely did not contribute substantially to the landscape C balance. We can compare our estimate of aquatic CO2 fluxes to other carbon fluxes in these high-elevation landscapes. Previous work in this region has focused on the consumption of CO2 due to mineral weathering. Using a 15 year time series of solutes, water discharge, and geochemical modeling, Clow and Mast [2010] were able to estimate CO2 consumption by silicate and carbonate weathering reactions. The outcome of this work is equivalent to assessing catchment-normalized downstream dissolved inorganic carbon export but with added information on the underlying physical and chemical controls. In the Loch Vale catchment, CO2 consumption varied between 1.83 and 3.29 g C m2 yr1 and was estimated at 2.29 g C m2 yr1 for 1999 [Clow and Mast, 2010]. Comparison with our upscaled estimates of CO2 fluxes indicates that chemical weathering of minerals is an important component of the C budget. Annually, more C is exported laterally in the form of bicarbonate than is emitted across the air-water interface— terrestrial respiration is “masquerading” as the bicarbonate ion due to weathering reactions [Cole et al., 2007]. Although this result may seem surprising, the high exposure of bedrock and high physical weathering rates of talus fields and other rock landforms [Mast et al., 1990; Clow and Sueker, 2000], as well as limited soil development in alpine and subalpine regions, should contribute to a pattern of CO2 cycling that is different from better studied boreal and temperate environments. While CO2 consumption by weathering appears to be greater than aquatic CO2 emission in this high-elevation catchment, the longterm fate of exported weathering products depends on mineralogy. In Loch Vale, silicate weathering accounts for approximately two thirds of CO2 consumption, while one third is consumed by carbonate weathering [Clow and Mast, 2010]—a weaker net sink of CO2 over long time scales. This study was limited by our ability to accurately measure pCO2 and k in this mountain environment. First, although we used a combination of headspace and sensor-based pCO2 measurements which are arguably more accurate than indirect calculations based on pH and alkalinity [Wallin et al., 2014; Abril et al., 2014], we found disparities between measured fluxes and the saturation state observed with sensors. These discrepancies are likely due to the inherent error of the sensors. Although such sensors are becoming widely adopted as a means of monitoring pCO2 in streams and lakes, we suggest that caution be applied under low-concentration conditions such as encountered here. Further, selection of a probe with better accuracy at lower concentrations will be essential. Second, our limited number of direct flux measurements combined with pCO2 resulted in lower k relative to a predictive model [Raymond et al., 2012]. One explanation for this disagreement comes from our choice of sampling locations. We were only able to deploy chambers in lower turbulence environments away from standing waves, waterfalls, and other high-velocity features in streams. This sampling bias likely leads to lower k estimates. On the other hand, the predictive model of Raymond et al. [2012] has not been validated in such high-gradient turbulent channels and therefore may need to be viewed as an upper limit with respect to mountain stream k. Clearly, estimating k accurately continues to pose a major challenge to this research topic. 4.5. Conclusion This is one of the first studies addressing aquatic CO2 and CH4 fluxes in high-elevation catchments. We show that the aquatic conduit does contribute to the C cycling of high-elevation catchments but to a very small extent relative to streams in boreal, temperate, and tropical biomes. Stream CO2 concentrations were limited during the majority of the open water season. Large-scale estimates of aquatic CO2 and CH4 emissions should therefore consider the availability (or lack thereof) of C sources in high-elevation ecosystems such as the Rocky Mountains where headwater catchments are dominated by exposed bedrock, with limited vegetative cover and thin, poorly developed soils (e.g., Loch Vale). Similar patterns are expected in northern mountain networks with limited vegetation cover and poorly developed soils such as the Tian Shan, the Alps, the Himalaya, and perhaps others in lower latitudes such as the Andes. We conclude by suggesting that C emissions from mountainous headwater networks are overestimated in previous continental and global studies based on indirect estimates of aquatic gas exchange. CRAWFORD ET AL. MOUNTAIN STREAM EMISSIONS 11 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences Acknowledgments We thank Nick Gubbins and Doug Halm for their field assistance. 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