L in coln 500 P r ai r ie Hi ll cre st Hoffm an M ain School Blv d . Est at es, IL 60169 Lincoln Prairie Press Ph one 847-357-5955 Absent ee L ine 847-357-5957 Am and a St och l , V O L U M E Pr in cip al Ju l ie 2 6 M A R C H 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 P r incip al B ud ak, PTSA T r acy L P I S S U E G luff , Asst . Sue 1 6 , P re siden t G ajd os, P re ss Ar ti cle to Ed it or su bmi t? l p . p r e s s 5 0 0 @ g m a i l . c o m De ad l ine : 3 : 0 0 p m e a c h W e d n e s d a y Inside this issue: Internet Form, Thank Yous, Green Corner 2 LP Science Fair, STC PTA Summer Scholarship 3 Slate of Officers 4 PTSA Committee Chairs 5 Read Across America Fun! 6-7 School Board Candidate’s Forum 8 District 54 Summer Tech Camp 9 Recycling Event 10 Smile Illinois Mobile Dentist Information 1113 Schaumburg Parent University 1415 Dates and Deadlines 16 Sue’s Spot Although we have almost three months of school left, it is already time for the PTSA to start planning for the next school year. At the March meeting, our nominating committee announced the slate of officers for the 2015-2016 year (page 4). My gratitude to Kim Schoewe (chair), Elaine Wuerffel, Denise Stanfa, Jackie Howard, Susan Rodgers, Genine Murray (alternate), and Andrew Hazenfield (alternate) for stepping forward for this important responsibility! We will be electing our new officers at the May meeting. Over the next several months, we will be actively seeking parents to work with our new officers as chairs of our various committees. Please think about whether you or someone you know would be a good chair for the PTSA. If you want to know more about the responsibilities, just call or email one of our vice presidents (or me) and we’ll tell you honestly what’s involved. Arabelise Warzynski is our vice president in charge of our program committees, and Karen Powers is our vice president in charge of our fundraising committees. Each of them has been nominated to return to those positions next year. Sixteen of our families will be “graduating” from LP this year as their youngest children move on to high school. Throughout their years here, many of those parents have taken active roles in donating their time and talents to imagine, create and chair the committees that we too often take for granted. Our family will be among the graduates, and I worry whether all I love about the Lincoln Prairie community will continue. If that is to happen, our leaders of tomorrow need to learn from the outgoing parents while they can still work alongside of them. The PTSA asks each committee chair to mentor the incoming chair when she (or he) steps down from the position. I still remember my trepidation as I went to my first PTSA meeting, since no one I knew was in the room. Truth be told, I didn’t know much about LP back then, and even less about the PTSA. But I knew I wanted to be involved, since study after study has shown that kids at all age levels learn best when parents are involved. We ask our kids to take chances. We encourage them to create and to think outside the box. We ask them to make commitments and follow through on them. We tell them that it’s okay to ask for help and that failure leads to success. Everything speaks--We need to show our children that we are willing to do the same. So, I am asking for your help. Although many of our chairs will continue serving next year, the PTSA also needs new faces with new ideas, so that it stays relevant, fun, and interesting. Each of us needs to look at what we value about our community and ask ourselves, “Can I help? What do I have to share that will make this the best place for our kids?” As we identify chair positions that will be open, we will advertise the positions in the newsletter. Please watch for those announcements (see page 5), and join us in supporting each other. P a g e 2 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Thank you to the group of fantastic women who helped with McDonald's Lunch Extreme last week. Sandy Lorenz, Valerie Mikes, Charlotte and Sparkles, Angie Oliver, and Susie Redell you made lunch easy and fun! A huge Thanks to Suzi Bohrnell for helping with treat day on Monday! This committee is so grateful for its wonderful volunteers! A Friendly Reminder from The Treat Day Committee… Treats that are purchased on Treat Day are $1.50. (with the exception of Pre-Orders) The Green Corner— Eco Friendly Spring Break Ideas Here is a list of ideas for those that are having a staycation next week! L i n c o l n Take a hike at Spring Valley Nature center. Check out Volkening Heritage Farm, a working 1800s-style farm. Explore (woo-hah!) Cantigny Park in Wheaton. Visit Brookfield or Lincoln Park Zoos. Take a relaxing walk around Volkening Lake. Visit Busse Woods or Bode Lake and take an energizing bike ride. P r a i r i e P r e s s V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 3 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 4 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 2015-2016 PTSA Committee Chairs Have you wanted to be more involved but not sure how? We have some opportunities for YOU to consider! Each year, the PTSA asks its current committee chairs whether they would like to continue serving. Some committee chairs graduate; some decide to serve in another capacity, and some decide that their callings are elsewhere. When a chair steps down, that provides an opportunity for someone else to step forward. Our goals are: ensuring that PTSA events continue to evolve and improve welcoming new families and the ideas they bring helping veteran volunteers share their incredible strengths All committee chairs are PTSA members. A member may serve a maximum commitment of four years as chair of a particular committee, but does not need to commit to four years. A possible scenario is: The first year on a committee, the member (incoming chair) serves with the assistance of the previous year’s chair (outgoing chair). The next year(s), the member serves as the chair of the committee, without a mentor. The final year on a committee, the member serves as mentor for the new incoming chair. Watch the newsletter for help wanted ads for the committees that will need chairs for coming year. If you would like to know more, please contact Karen Powers for fundraising committees (jtkmpowers@att.net) or Arabelise Warzynski for program committees (arabelise@aol.com). Scrip Program—This fundraising committee sells gift cards to the LP community. The program is de- scribed on our PTSA webpage here. The committee operates year round, but it is especially busy from early November to the start of winter break. The chair of this committee should be trustworthy, organized, and comfortable with accounting procedures that require balancing to our treasurer’s records. Newsletter Editor—Prepares the newsletter each week. Content is provided mainly by others, although the editor can include articles as well. Knowledge of Microsoft Publisher or another publishing software is recommended. The editor reports to the vice president of programs, but also interacts weekly with the principal, the office administration, the vice president of fundraising, and the president. Must be available for several hours Wednesday afternoon through Friday morning each week school is in session. 5 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 6 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 7 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 8 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 9 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 1 0 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 1 1 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 1 2 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 1 3 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 1 4 V O L U M E 1 6 , I S S U E 2 6 P a g e 1 5 Friday, March 20: Spring Break begins at the end of the school day. Lunch Extreme—Buona Beef Spiritwear orders due Open Enrollment Letters Mailed Last day to pick up lost and found items before they are donated! 8:10-9:00am K/1 Cooking Club 8:30-9:00am Battle of the Books Grades 5-6 Monday, March 30: 12:30-12:50pm Chorus Practice—7th and 8th graders 12:30-1:10pm Open Art Studio 3:35-5:00pm Rocketry Club 3:45-4:45pm Boys Volleyball Practice—6th, 7th, and 8th grade 4:45-5:15pm Boys Volleyball Practice—6th grade only Tuesday, March 31: 8:00-9:00am Silent Movie Club and Rocketry Club 8:15-9:00am Environmental Club 8:30-9:00am Battle of the Books Grades 1-2 12:30-12:50pm Chorus Practice 12:30-1:10pm School Store 3:35-4:45pm Homework Club and Knitting Club 3:35-5:00pm Track Practice 3:45-5:15pm GEMS 4:30pm Boys Volleyball Game—7th grade at Trinity Oaks in Cary 7:00pm District 54 School Board Candidates’ Forum (page 8) Wednesday, April 1: Whole Foods Waste Free Wednesday Lunch STC Summer Camp Scholarship Applications due (page 3) 8:00-9:00am Art Crew Club 6:30-8:00pm “Ask the Child Psychologists” at District Office (page 13) Thursday, April 2: Open Enrollment Deadline for Parents to Accept 8:00-9:00am Chorus Practice 8:30-9:00am Battle of the Books Grades 3-4 3:35-4:45pm Homework Club 3:35-5:00pm Track Practice 3:45-4:45pm Boys Volleyball Practice—6th, 7th, and 8th grade 4:45-5:15pm Boys Volleyball Practice—8th grade only Friday, April 3: No School—Non-Attendance Day For the most up-to-date information, please check http://lincolnprairie.sd54.org/events/2015/4/.
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