Winds of the Spirit - Lindenwald United Methodist Church

June 2015
Winds of the Spirit
Lindenwald UMC . . . a Stephen Ministry Church
Our Mission Statement: The LUMC exists to make disciples!
Dear Church,
June is a very busy month in the life of our Lindenwald
United Methodist Church. In this newsletter, you will
read about all of those activities and ministries that
will unfold during this busy month. After services on
Sunday, June 7, 2015, I will leave for the West Ohio
Annual Conference up at Lakeside on Lake Erie.
Beth Zimmerman,
from our Lindenwald
Church, will also
attend Annual Conference with me as our
Church’s Lay Delegate.
Annual Conference
will last through
Wednesday, June 10.
This year we will elect
both clergy and lay
delegates to represent
our West Ohio Conference at General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference in 2016. Former staff member, Pastor Bruce
Dickerson, will be ordained an Elder in full connection
during “The Celebration of Life” Service on Tuesday,
June 9 beginning at 4:30pm in Hoover Auditorium.
Pastor Bruce has asked me to be his sponsor which
means I will have the privilege of laying hands upon
him as he is ordained. This service will be livestreamed on Tuesday, June 9. In fact, the entire
Annual Conference business, voting for delegates and
worship services will be live-streamed as well. So,
please join us!
Because June is the month in which we celebrate
Father’s Day, I want to now close with the words I’ve
written this year to my father.
God certainly blessed me the day you became my earthly father. I realize I was handful. You spent countless
hours with me trying to help me make
sense of algebra and geometry. Mom
volunteered you to be the adult driver
in the car while I was learning to drive.
Even when I took that right-hand turn
at thirty-five miles an hour, you just
looked over at me and said: “Valerie,
that was too fast. Use the brake next
You have always been there for me
and my boys during my adult years.
At times, I have taken you for granted.
I just always assume you will be there
when I need you—and you have been. I thank God for
your goodness and strength. I admire and respect you.
Thanks for being a great dad and grandpa!
I realize that I do not say it enough, but I hope you
know how much I love you and I certainly appreciate all
that you’ve done. You have been and will always be my
wonderful dad.
Happy Father’s Day. Love you forever,
Caring Cards
For Our Homebound
The following Homebound Members and
Friends have JUNE birthdays:
Dora Dyer, June 4
Lillian Emenaker, June 9
Rev. Roy Wigal, June 15
Edna Pawlowsky, June 21
Opal Downey, June 27
Birthday cards are available in the baskets in
the Welcome Center and in Fellowship Hall.
Place your completed cards in the basket; we
will address and mail them each week.
Thanks for your participation in this caring
card ministry.
Thank You For Your
Music Ministry
On behalf of our Lindenwald Church, I want to
express my heartfelt appreciation to our wonderful Choir, and our Choir Director and organist,
Nancy McCormick for their faithfulness in serving
the Lord through the year.
We are all grateful for their leadership and their
dedication in our worship services as God uses
them each Sunday to inspire us through their
music and song. We will miss the Choir’s music
ministry this summer, but we look forward to their
participation in our worship services again in the
Again, thank you for serving the Lord!
Pastor Val
Passing Through the Waters of Baptism
On Sunday, May 31, 2015 at the 9:30am
worship service, church members Theo
Bosomtwi-Ayensu and Mabel Biritwum
presented their children for baptism.
Passing through the waters of baptism
on this special day were Immanuella
Aba Bosomtwi-Ayensu and Valerie Esi
We rejoice and celebrate with this
wonderful family!
Save Those Empty Pill Bottles
The Outreach Team continues collecting pill bottles (both prescription and
over-the-counter) for Matthew 25
Ministries. This is a ministry that helps in all parts of
the world and is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Matthew
25 Ministries collects used pill bottles in order to
shred and then sell to companies that recycle. The
ministry uses this money then to support their outreach. There will be a containers in the Welcome
Center and Fellowship Hall in which you can place
your empty pill bottles. The labels do not need to be
taken off as they are shredded also. If you prefer, you
can take a marker and mark through the name on the
Teddy Bear Ministry
Due to the success of the
Teddy Bear Ministry, the
Outreach Team is expanding it to receive teddy
bears at any time.
They will be collecting Teddy Bears or any other
soft, stuffed animals that will fit into a gallon ziplock bag. These stuffed animals will then be taken to the Hamilton Police Department and the
Hamilton and Fairfield Fire Departments to be
given to children in order to comfort them when
they are in a stressful situation. The bag includes
a message that reads, “This beary special pal
comes to you with love, hugs, and prayers. Jesus
loves you!” It includes the church name and
address as well. Anybody who wishes to make
a donation can either purchase a bear (We have
seen them at Target for $5) or make a donation
by putting money in an envelope and marking it
“Teddy Bear Ministry” and putting it in the offer-
Don’t forget our Lindenwald Food Pantry. Watch for
the following items when you’re out shopping . . .
12 oz. cans of tuna
Canned chicken breast; Spam
Spaghetti and Spaghetti sauce
Regular size can of vegetables
Regular size can of fruit
Pancake mix and Pancake syrup
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter and Jelly
ing plate. There will be a marked container in the
parlor for the teddy bears.
Streaming Video and Podcasts
of Our Worship Services
Visit our church website
These cards are just waiting to be picked up
and sent out to encourage someone you know!
Just fill in your message, the person’s name and
address and return to the church office. We’ll
take care of the postage and getting them in the
mail. Look for them in the Sanctuary, Welcome
Center and the tables in Fellowship Hall!
To help the people of Nepal after the devastating
earthquake of April 26, support
UMCOR Advance 98240.
United Methodist Men’s Saturday Breakfast
West Ohio Annual Conference
The West Ohio Annual Conference begins
on Sunday, June 7 and continues through
Wednesday, June 10 at Lakeside, Ohio on
June 13, 2015 @ 9:00am
Perkins Restaurant in Fairfield
All men welcome … bring a friend!
Lake Erie.
Pastor Valerie Waibel along with Lay Delegate, Beth Zimmerman will be representing
Lindenwald United Methodist Church this
June UMW Circle Meetings
Friendly Circle—June 3 @ 11:15am
LaRosa’s Restaurant
Genesis Circle—June 9 @ 6:30pm
Please be in prayer for all of the clergy and lay
Harbin Park in Fairfield
delegates as they gather together for worship
and the business of the Annual Conference.
Mizpah Circle—June 11 @ 11:45am
Fellowship Hall
Prayer Drive Thru
Free Community Meal
What’s a Prayer Drive Thru, you ask? Well, it’s
Feeding the Body & Soul Community Meal offers
kinda like a regular drive thru, except in place of
a free meal to those who may be hungry and
the soft drinks and snack items, we offer prayer.
have no food. This meal, which is on Saturday,
We open our parking lot to our community for
June 20, is free and open to the public and will be
drive thru prayer. The June Prayer Drive Thru is
served from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. Our food pantry
on Thursday, June 4 from 4:30 to 6:00pm.
is also open during those same hours and bags of
As you're driving home on that evening, stop in
groceries are given to those in attendance. If
and our prayer team will listen to your request and
transportation is an issue and you live within the
pray with you. Volunteers are always needed; call
limits of Butler County, Ohio, we will arrange to
Pastor Val (863-8822) if you’d like to help.
have our church van pick you up and take you
Listen very closely, do you hear
kids laughing, playing and learning about God’s Love!! Oh, it
must be time for Summer Shine!!
I can’t believe that this will mark
the 8th year of Summer Shine!
Summer Shine will be the week of July 20th – 24th
from Noon to 3pm. The theme this year is the “The
Many Wonders of God.” Each day the children in the
community will learn more about our Lord and
Savior as our CREATOR, our PROVIDER, our PROTECTOR, our SAVIOR and our KING. The kids will
go on a journey through plays, skits and even take
an airplane ride to visit Bethlehem.
New this year the kids will perform a play on
Wednesday, July 29 in the church sanctuary starting at 7pm. Please mark your calendars!!
It will take the whole church and community to
welcome in the children and their families. We are
in need of volunteers in these areas: registration,
assist with the program on July 29, assist in the
Bible room, group leaders, and volunteer in the
kitchen and help assist coaches with sports, or
make cookies for snacks.
Please let us know if you would like to help in the
Kitchen that week from 10:30 to 1pm.
If you like to play sports, please come on out and
assist the coaches outside and to teach the kids
about baseball, soccer and kickball.
If God is calling you to help with Summer shine
this year, please mark your calendar for July 20 –
July 24 from Noon to 3pm.
We will have a Bible Team meeting on June 10 at
10:00am in Room 209 and a Kitchen Team meeting
on June 18 at 7pm in Room 209. The Teen Party
will be on Thursday, July 17 in Fellowship Hall
starting at 7pm.
If you would like to sign up for Summer Shine
please let me know. Please come on out and show
your support to our children and families in our
Thank you!
In God we Trust,
Lisa Gebhart
The Children’s Director
The Pathways, J-Zone and Teen Guard and
adult volunteers helped clean the St. Clair
park on April 23. The kids are learning that
God made our Earth and we need to keep it
clean. “All creation is the Lord’s and we are
responsible for the ways in which we use and
abuse it.” Reuse, Recycle, Restore, Replenish
and Reduce. All the kids did a great job in
cleaning the park and also had a wonderful
time in running off all that energy!!
From the desk of
Teen Guard Director, Tony Brown
The teens are going to Lakeside, Ohio June 12–14.
Fourteen teens and three adults will be staying in a
cottage. While at Lakeside, the teens will attend two
teen-based worship services (one of which includes a
candle walk along the shores of lake Erie). The teens
will also attend a Christian rock concert. Other activities include: Prayer Walk through town, swimming in
Lake Erie, shopping in Lakeside, basketball tourney,
putt-putt, and hanging out together. The teens would
like to thank Amaizing Grace Kettle Corn, Genesis
Circle, and all others who make it possible for the
teens to enjoy this retreat.
Teen Guard will be selling Midas oil changes for $20
and 100% of the money will go into their fundraising
account. Midas is located next to McDonalds on Erie
Blvd. Please purchase one today!
On August 2, the teens will lead both Sunday services.
The scripture passage will be Ephesians 4:1-16,
where Paul talks about unity and diversity in the
body of Christ. (I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg
you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have
been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience,
bearing with one another in love, making every effort to
maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is
one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one
hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one
God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in
all. But each of us was given grace according to the measure
of Christ’s gift. Therefore it is said, “When he ascended on
high he made captivity itself a captive; he gave gifts to his
people.” (When it says, “He ascended,” what does it mean but
that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth?
He who descended is the same one who ascended far above
all the heavens, so that he might fill all things.) The gifts he
gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some
evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints
for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,
until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of
the full stature of Christ. We must no longer be children,
tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine,
by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in deceitful scheming.
But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every
way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the
whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with
which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love.) I look
forward to working on this service with the teens and
if anyone is interested in being a part of this project
please let me know.
God Bless.
E & MT Scholarships
Something’s New
on Wednesday Nights!
Now Available
For those college students who will be
After almost five years, the Wednesday Evening
entering college this summer or in the Fall,
Immersion Service will be changing its format to a
applications are now being accepted for a
Bible Study beginning Wednesday, June 17, 2015.
scholarship through our church’s Education and Ministries Trust Committee. You
must be a church member in order to qualify for this scholarship.
We will gather in Room 204 at 7:00pm. We will study
together the following: Bible Study Basics, The Letters
of John, Live-Out the Message of Jesus.
All are welcomed to this new Wednesday Evening Bible
Applications are available in the church
office. Questions? Please talk to Pastor Val
Study. Please bring your favorite version of the Bible.
Questions? Please ask Pastor Val.
or Gene Beller.
Dance Ministry Recital
The LUMC Dance Ministry did an awesome job at their Dance Recital on May 21!! Thank you Ms. Darla for all of
your hard work, dedication and time teaching the children in our community the art of dance. All the dancers
did a great job that night. Thank you to the kitchen crew and for the all the parents that brought in food for the
special night. Dance will resume on September 10. Hope to see you in the fall!!
Our LUMC Children and Youth Departments took 11 kids to experience a one day adventure camp at Camp
Wesley. The kids were able to experience a 2 hour van drive to Bellefontaine, Ohio and enjoy a UMC camp
experience. They were able to participate in archery, art and crafts or canoeing. And they all went swimming
in the freezing water!! Brrr ... it was a little chilly on June 8! They all worshipped together and were introduced
to the summer theme of Plant, Grow and Thrive. They all had a great experience and really enjoyed being one
with nature that God made. It was a wonderful experience for the five adults who attended as well. Thank you
Mike Handley , Mike Gossage, Angie Perpingon and Melissa Cox for volunteering on June 8!! Enjoy the pictures!!
We want to thank some more good people who have
been seen doing many wonderful things around our
Lindenwald Church.
Carol Hood—We are grateful for your
hard work in keeping so many of our
flower beds trimmed and cleaned. We
also thank-you for the beautiful seasonal
arrangements that you provide in the
clay flower pot outside our main front
entrance off of Pleasant Avenue. We also
are thankful for your friend, Bob, who
grilled so much food at our recent Family
Picnic at the park as we celebrated the
end of another successful year of Pathways, J-Zone and
Teen Guard.
both at our Lindenwald Church and at the Church
parsonage. Thanks for your expertise and for your
willingness to help navigate us through these
Mike Gossage—As a Trustee, we say
“thanks” to you, friend, for your continual
assistance in keeping our Lindenwald
Church up and running. You have been
very busy since returning from your time
away in Florida this winter. All we have
to do is call for your help and you fit our
needs into your schedule.
To all of you….We appreciate your
servant’s heart and your willingness to be about
Kingdom work.
Jim Howell—We are so appreciative of your faithfulness in helping to care for significant plumbing issues
Service Inventory Available
We’re hoping that every person will participate in this
For the next few Sundays in June, please stop by the
table in the parlor after the 9:30am worship service
inventory! We all have God-given talents and abilities
to use for the Kingdom.
or stop by the table just inside the doors of Fellowship
When you have completed this inventory, please bring
Hall after the 11:40am worship service in order to
it back to the Church & look for a box marked “Service
receive a new service inventory.
inventory” in the parlor or fellowship hall and place
The Nominations & Leadership Development Commit-
your inventory in the box.
tee (Lynne Dyer, Dawn Lander, Ann James, Julia Hayes,
Betty Gossage, Judy Nesselroad, Georgia Gossage,
Connie Hendel, Pastor Val Waibel) has compiled this
survey in order to obtain new information about what
our current members and friends are involved in here
at Lindenwald Church and what they would like to be
involved in. This service inventory is for everyone
from 5th grade through adults.
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Thanking y
Congratulations Graduates!
On Sunday, June 7, 2015 at both services we recognized and honored the following young people for their amazing accomplishments:
Allison Albright
Nick Brown
Lauren Farmer
Cooper Osborne
Our Graduates . . .
 Allison graduated from the 8th grade at Garfield and will be starting
high school in the fall at the Freshman Building.
 Nick graduated from Hamilton High School 16th in his class and will
Hailey Sick
attend the University of Cincinnati to study Chemical Engineering.
 Lauren graduated from Miami University with a Bachelor of Science
in Kinesiology and Health with a concentration in Dietetics.
 Cooper graduated from Hamilton High School and is considering
attending Miami University in the Fall.
 Hailey will enter the 8th grade in the fall. She’s interested in art,
crafts, baking, reading and church activities.
 Zakary will enter the 9th grade in the fall. He is interested in science,
history, swimming, hockey and baseball.
Zakary Sick
“All our dreams can come true . . . if we have the courage to pursue them.”
~ Walt Disney
“Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children
the richest inheritance.” ~ Ruth E. Renkel
The Origin of Father’s Day
One Sunday in 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd listened to a
sermon honoring mothers. Her mother had died some
years before, so her father had raised her by himself.
Dodd wondered why there wasn’t a day to honor
fathers, so she arranged a tribute to her father at a
church in Spokane, Washington. The date was June 19,
1910. Many people believe this was the beginning of
A Prayer for Fathers
God, bless all the fathers in the world.
Guide them to be good role models
and loving to all their children.
Help them to be a father like You are.
Give them grace and patience
to handle situations in a loving way.
Father’s Day.
Another account holds that a
West Virginia church held a
tribute service for fathers in
1908, following a mine explosion
that killed 360 men. Regardless of
which story is correct, President
Calvin Coolidge was the first president to designate a special day
to honor fathers. In 1924, he proclaimed the third Sunday in June
as Father’s Day.
My father used to play with my brother and me in
Who is the Winner?
the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You’re
tearing up the grass." "We’re not raising grass,"
The father of five children had won a toy at a raffle.
Dad would reply. "We’re raising boys." ~ Harmon
He called his kids together to ask which one should
have the present. "Who is the most obedient?" he asked.
A truly rich man is one whose children run into
his arms when his hands are empty. ~Author
"Who never talks back to mother? And "Who does
everything mother says?"
Five small voices replied in unison. "Okay daddy! You
get the toy."
Save the Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015
Noon to 5:00pm
Please join us for fellowship, great food, and fun at our upcoming Unity Alliance Picnic at Booker T. Washington Community Center, Saturday, June 20, 2015, Noon to 5pm. Pastor Val invites one and all to join her
in this wonderful opportunity to be together with so many other brothers and sisters in Christ. Rides will
be made available through our church van to this picnic. We can also carpool together from our Lindenwald
Your assistance is also needed! Servant volunteers are needed for set-up, clean-up, activities for children
and youth, food preparation and service, worship and music including a community choir. Questions?
Contact Pastor Val.
Please sign below if you can volunteer in any of the following areas:
Set Up Clean Up Food Preparation
Children’s Activities Youth Activities
Community Choir Ride Church Van to Picnic
Carpool from church
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Adm.Secretary/Of iceManager.................................................................................................LindaRouse
ChurchOf iceHours