M. Ryan Bochnak C ONTACT I NFORMATION Curriculum vitæ, March 2015 Department of Linguistics University of California, Berkeley 1203 Dwinelle Hall Berkeley, CA 94720-2650 USA email: bochnak@berkeley.edu website: linguistics.berkeley.edu/∼bochnak C ITIZENSHIP Canada C URRENT P OSITION Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Linguistics University of California, Berkeley E DUCATION University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA Ph.D., Linguistics, 2013 • Dissertation: Cross-linguistic variation in the semantics of comparatives • Advisor: Chris Kennedy M.A., Linguistics, 2009 York University (Glendon College), Toronto, Ontario, Canada B.A., French Studies and Mathematics, 2007 N ON - DEGREE S TUDY University of California, Berkeley Visiting student, Department of Linguistics, Fall 2010 Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute 2009 University of Chicago Writing Program Writing Intern Training Course, Summer 2010 R ESEARCH I NTERESTS Broad: Semantics; Morphosyntax; Semantic fieldwork and typology; Language documentation; Fieldwork methodology; Luganda; Washo Narrow: Scales and gradability across categories; Semantics and syntax of gradable predicates, comparison, and degree constructions; Temporal reference; Modality; Evidentiality 1 of 8 G RANTS AND F ELLOWSHIPS 2014. Jacobs Research Funds. Temporal reference in Washo. $2954 2013-2014. Fellow, Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley 2013-2015. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, UC Berkeley. 2012. National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant. Degree semantics in Washo and cross-linguistic variation. Co-Principle Investigator: Chris Kennedy. $11,865 2010. Jacobs Research Funds. Aspects of Washo Morphosyntax. Co-Principle Investigator: Timothy Grinsell. $6000 2010. Phillips Fund Grant for Native American Research (American Philosophical Society). Aspects of Washo Morphosyntax. $2000 2010. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Hanna Holborn Gray Advanced Fellowship in the Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences. (renewed 2011, 2012) 2009. Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute Fellowship. 2007. University of Chicago Fellowship. (renewed 2008, 2009) P UBLICATIONS Journal articles In press. The Degree Semantics Parameter and cross-linguistic variation. To appear in Semantics and Pragmatics. In press. Intensification without degrees cross-linguistically. To appear in Natural Language and Lingusitic Theory. (with Andrea Beltrama) 2013. Limited noun incorporation in Washo. International Journal of American Linguistics 79(2): 253-281. (with Alice Rhomieux) Book chapters 2015. Investigating gradable predicates, comparison, and degree constructions in underrepresented languages. In M. Ryan Bochnak and Lisa Matthewson, eds., Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork, 110-134. New York: Oxford University Press. (with Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten) 2013. Two sources of scalarity within the verb phrase. In Boban Arsenijevi´c, Berit Gehrke and Rafael Mar´ın (eds.), Studies in the Composition and Decomposition of Event Predicates, 99-123. Dordrecht: Springer. Conference proceedings To appear. Degree achievements in a degree-less language. To appear in Proceedings of Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (SULA) 8. In press. Underspecified modality in Washo. In Proceedings of Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 18. 2014. A new metalinguistic degree morpheme. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 24: 432-452. (with Eva Csipak) 2 of 8 2013. Scale exhaustivity and the Modification Condition. In Anca Chereches and Todd Snider (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 23, 116-135. Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications. 2013. The non-universal status of degrees: Evidence from Washo. In Stefan Keine and Shayne Slogget (eds.), Proceedings of North-East Linguistic Society (NELS) 42, 79-92. Amherst, MA: GLSA. 2012. Managing vagueness, imprecision and loose talk in Washo: the case of sˇemu. In Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten (ed.) Proceedings of Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (SULA) 6, 1-14. Amherst, MA: GLSA. 2011. Copula agreement and the stage-level/individual-level distinction in Washo. In Alexis Black and Meagan Louie (eds.) Proceedings of Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 16, 1-10. Vancouver: UBCWPL. (with Timothy Grinsell and Alan Yu) 2010. Quantity and gradability across categories. In Nan Li and David Lutz (eds.) Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 20, 251-268. Ithaca, NY: CLC Publications. 2010. Promiscuous modification and cross-categorial scale structure. In Iksoo Kwon, Hannah Pritchett and Justin Spence (eds.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 25-36. Berkeley: BLS. Book review 2014. Review of Universals in Comparative Morphology by Jonathan D. Bobaljik, MIT Press (2012). Linguist List: http://linguistlist.org/pubs/reviews/getreview.cfm?SubID=22748791 Volumes edited 2015. Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork. Oxford University Press. (with Lisa Matthewson) 2009 (printed 2011). Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society vols. 1 & 2. (with Peter Klecha, Alice Lemieux, Nassira Nicola, Jasmin Urban and Christina Weaver, eds.) C ONFERENCE 2015. The semantics of supposed to as a reportative evidential. To be presented at P RESENTATIONS LSA 2015 Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon, January 8-11. (with Eva Csipak) 2014. Variable force modality in Washo. Poster presented at North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 45. MIT, October 31-November 2. 2014. Adjective nominalizations and exceed comparison in Luganda. Talk presented at Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages. University of ¨ Tubingen, Germany. June 12. 3 of 8 2014. A new metalinguistic degree morpheme. Poster presented at Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 24, New York University. May 30-June 1. (with Eva Csipak) 2014. Degree achievements in a degree-less language. Talk presented at Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (SULA) 8, University of British Columbia. May 16-18. 2014. “Clausal” exceed comparatives in Luganda. Talk presented at 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of Kansas. April 17-19. 2014. Temporal remoteness and vagueness in past time reference in Luganda. Talk presented at 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of Kansas. April 17-19. (with Peter Klecha) 2014. Vagueness and context-dependence in Luganda temporal remoteness morphemes. Talk presented at 40th Annual Berkeley Linguistics Society Meeting. University of California, Berkeley. February 7-9. (with Peter Klecha) 2013. Lexical variation in the semantics of gradable predicates. Poster presented at Workshop on Semantic Variation, University of Chicago. October 2526. 2013. Comparison in Washo and cross-linguistic variation. Talk presented at California Universities Semantics and Pragmatics (CUSP) 6, University of California, Berkeley. October 11-12. 2013. From adposition to comparative marker: Innovating locative comparisons. Poster presented at International Congress of Linguists 19, Geneva, Switzerland. July 22-27. 2013. Scale exhaustivity and the Modification Condition. Poster presented at Semantics and Linguistics Theory (SALT) 23, University of California, Santa Cruz. May 3-5. 2013. Underspecified modality in Washo. Talk presented at Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 18, University of California, Berkeley. April 5-7. 2012. Innovating locative comparatives. Talk presented at The Meaning of P. Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany. November 23-25. 2012. Vagueness and context-dependence in Luganda temporal remoteness morphemes. Talk presented at Semantics Workshop of the American Midwest and Prairies (SWAMP), Michigan State University, October 27. (with Peter Klecha) 2012. Cross-linguistic variation in degree semantics: the case of Washo. Talk presented at Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon. January 5-9. 2012. Investigating comparison and degree constructions in underrepresented languages. Poster presented at Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon. January 5-9. (with Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten) 4 of 8 2011. Intensification without degrees cross-linguistically. Talk presented at Modification with and without Modifiers. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid, Spain. December 16. (with Andrea Beltrama) 2011. The non-universal status of degrees: evidence from Washo. Talk presented at North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 42. University of Toronto. November 11-13. 2011. Managing vagueness, imprecision and loose talk in Washo: the case of sˇemu. Talk presented at Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (SULA) 6. University of Manchester, UK. May 6. 2011. Copula agreement and the stage-level/individual-level distinction in Washo. Talk presented at Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 16. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. February 11. (with Timothy Grinsell and Alan Yu) 2011. Some puzzles in pronominal agreement in the Washo copula construction. Talk presented at Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Pittsburgh, PA. January 6-9. (with Alan Yu, Timothy Grinsell and Christina Weaver) 2010. Exceed comparatives in Luganda. Talk presented at 41st Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Toronto, ON. May 6-8. 2010. Quantity and gradability across categories. Poster presented at Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 20. Vancouver, BC. April 29-May 1. 2010. Two sources of scalarity within the verb phrase. Talk presented at Workshop on the Subatomic Semantics of Event Predicates. Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain. March 17. 2010. Interpreting a category of adjectives in Luganda. Talk presented at Georgetown Linguistics Society Meeting. Washington, DC. February 12. 2009. Scalarity in the nominal and verbal projections. Talk presented at Semantics Workshop of the American Midwest and Prairies (SWAMP). University of Chicago. November 20. 2009. Promiscuous modification and cross-categorial scale structure. Talk presented at 35th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. University of California, Berkeley. February 14. 5 of 8 I NVITED TALKS 2015. Variation in degree semantics: Comparison and beyond. University of Toronto Department of Linguistics, January 23. 2014. From syntactic to semantic typologies: Comparing comparison constructions. Colloquium talk, Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics, York University. October 14. 2014. Degree achievements in a degree-less language. ¨ Heinrich-Heine-Universit¨at Dusseldorf. July 16. Talk presented at 2014. The semantics of degree and cross-linguistic variation. Talk presented at ¨ Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin. July 14. Zentrum fur 2014. Vagueness in temporal remoteness in Luganda. Talk presented at University of Potsdam. July 10. 2014. Degree achievements in a degree-less language. Talk presented at Workshop on the Construction of Meaning, Stanford University. May 2. 2014. Degree achievements in a degree-less language. Talk presented at Syntax and Semantics Circle, University of California, Santa Cruz. March 7. 2013. Comparatives and cross-linguistic semantics. Talk presented at Swarthmore College Department of Linguistics. April 22. 2013. Comparatives and cross-linguistic semantics. Talk presented at Wayne State University Department of English. February 5. 2013. Comparatives and cross-linguistic semantics. Talk presented at Lancaster University (UK) Department of Linguistics and English Language. January 31. ¨ Eng2012. Innovating locative comparisons. Colloquium talk, Seminar fur ¨ lische Philologie, University of Gottingen, Germany. November 13. 2012. Conjoined and locative comparisons in Washo. Invited speaker at Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of Languages of the Americas (WSCLA) 17. University of Chicago. March 9-11. 2011. Gradation structures in a degree-less language. Invited guest lecture for course: New Research in Semantics, Professor Sigrid Beck, University of ¨ Tubingen. December 13. 2010. Noun incorporation in Washo. Talk presented at Syntax Circle workshop. University of California, Berkeley. November 12. 2010. Copula agreement in Washo. Talk presented at Fieldwork Forum workshop. University of California, Berkeley. October 13. (with Alan Yu) 2009. Scalarity in the nominal and verbal projections. Colloquium talk, Seminar ¨ Englische Philologie, University of Gottingen, ¨ fur Germany. December 8. 2009. Comparatives in Luganda. Talk presented at Workshop on Comparatives. University of Chicago. March 20. 6 of 8 T EACHING University of California, Berkeley (as instructor) Spring 2015: Structure, History, and Sociolinguistics of Washo (Ling 170; Undergraduate course) Fall 2014: Semantics Seminar: Temporal reference (Ling 290B; Graduate seminar) Spring 2014: Advanced Logical Semantics (Ling 221; Graduate course) Fall 2013: Logical Semantics (Ling 121; Undergraduate course) University of Chicago Instructor: • Spring 2012: Introduction to Linguistics (LING 20001) Teaching Assistant: • Winter 2013: Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (LING 20301) Professor: Itamar Francez • Spring 2011: Introduction to Linguistics (LING 20001) Professor: Jason Merchant • Spring 2010: Introduction to Syntax (LING 20201) Professor: Greg Kobele A DVISING MA Thesis/Qualifying Paper Committees: Hannah Sande (UC Berkeley, “Is Kru really verb-second?”) Katie Sardinha (UC Berkeley, “Modal expressions in Turkmen”) R ESEARCH E XPERIENCE 2009-2011: Research assistant. Washo Language Documentation Project Principle Investigator: Alan Yu 2009-2010: Research assistant. Parameters of Comparison Project Principle Investigator: Chris Kennedy 2008: Research assistant. Chicago Language Modeling Lab Principle Investigator: Jason Riggle AWARDS Linguistic Society of America • First runner-up, Student Abstract Award for 2012 Annual Meeting: “Crosslinguistic variation in degree semantics: the case of Washo” York University • French Department Book Prize, Glendon College, 2007 • Mathematics Department Book Prize, Glendon College, 2007 • Glendon College Convocation Prize of Distinction, 2007 • Escott Reid Bilingual Excellence Scholarship (English & French), 2007 • Certificate of Bilingual Excellence (English & French), 2007 • President’s Scholarship, 2003 (renewed 2004, 2005, 2006) S ERVICE ¨ Sprachwissenschaft Deutsche Gesellschaft fur • Co-organizer: Workshop on Modeling Conditionals, 2015 Annual Meeting, Leipzig (with Eva Csipak) 7 of 8 Linguistic Society of America • Co-organizer: Special Session on Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork, 2012 Annual Meeting (with Lisa Matthewson) University of Chicago • Organizing Committee: Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) XXII, 2012 • Coordinator: Workshop in Semantics and Philosophy of Language, 2009-10 (with Chris Kennedy, Peter Klecha and Josef Stern) • Graduate Student Representative to the Linguistics Faculty, 2009-10 • Organizing Committee: Semantics Workshop of the American Midwest and Prairies (4th Annual Midwest Semantics Workshop), 2009 • Treasurer: Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 45), 2008-9 • Linguistics representative: Humanities Division Graduate Student Council, 2008-9 York University (Glendon College) • Student Representative: French Department Chair Search Committee, 2007 • Student Representative: Mathematics Department Tenure Committee, 2006 R EVIEWING Journals: Journal of Linguistics, Journal of Semantics, Lingua, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Natural Language Semantics, Semantics and Pragmatics, Syntax Conference abstracts: Semantics and Linguistic Theory, Sinn und Bedeutung, Chicago Linguistic Society, Berkeley Linguistics Society, Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages, ExpGrad2015 Granting agencies: National Science Foundation (USA) F IELDWORK Washo: Summer 2009-present - visits to Washo community in Woodfords, California and Dresslerville, Nevada, USA Luganda: Fall 2008-2013 - meetings with native speakers, Chicago, Illinois, USA L ANGUAGES Native: English Proficient: French Intermediate: Spanish, German Beginner: Catalan, Ukrainian Research languages: Luganda, Washo P ROFESSIONAL A FFILIATIONS Linguistic Society of America Canadian Linguistic Association Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 8 of 8
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