Angela Xiaoxue He - Linguistics

Angela Xiaoxue He
updated Mar. 2015
Graduate Student,
Dept. of Linguistics, University of Maryland, College Park
1401 Marie Mount Hall,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Research Interest
Language acquisition, verb learning, argument structure, syntax-semantics interface,
early conceptual development, language-concept interface, pragmatics, sentence
processing, computational modeling of learning, executive functions, bilingualism,
language production
Aug. 2009 ~ Present
Graduate student, Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Maryland, College Park
PhD expected: Apr. 2015 (oral defense passed, Jan. 2015)
Dissertation: Verb Learning Under Guidance: Syntax-to-Semantics Inferences
Dissertation advisor: Jeffrey Lidz
2006 ~ 2009
Bachelor of Arts, Dept. of Linguistics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Advisors: Thomas Hun Tak Lee & Virginia Choi Yin Yip
2008 Summer
Summer course on language and mind at University of California, Berkeley
Instructor: Sam Tilsen
Professional Membership
2014 ~ Present
2014 ~ Present
2014 ~ Present
2014 ~ Present
2012 ~ Present
2013 ~ Present
Society for Language Development (SLD)
International Congress for the Study of the Child Language (IASCL)
International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL)
International Society on Infant Studies (ISIS)
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Cognitive Science Society (CSS)
Fellowship, Scholarship & Award
2014 Society for Language Development Student Award
2014 Graduate Teaching-Assistantship, Linguistics, Univ. of Maryland
2014 Graduate Travel Award, College of Arts and Humanities, Univ. of Maryland
1 2014 Jacob K Goldhaber Travel Award, Graduate School, Univ. of Maryland
2014 International Conference Student Support Award, Univ. of Maryland
2009 ~ 2014 Graduate Fellowship, Linguistics, Univ. of Maryland, $20,000 each year
2011 ~ 2013 Language Science Fellowship, Univ. of Maryland, $5,000 each year
2004 ~ 2008 Scholarship, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, $10,000 each year
2007 Dean’s List, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Conference Presentations
He, A. X. & J. Lidz (Nov 2014). Development of the verb-event link between 14 and 18
months. Paper presentation accepted for the 39th Boston University Conference on
Language Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
He, A. X., X. Meng, A. Williams & J. Lidz (July 2014). Thematic interpretations and
cross-linguistic variations: evidence from English- and Mandarin-learning children.
Poster presented at the XIX Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies
(ICIS), Berlin, Germany.
He, A. X., A. Wellwood, J. Lidz & A. Williams (July 2014). Verb learning and the
perception of three-participant events in infants and adults. Poster presented at the
XIX Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies (ICIS), Berlin, Germany.
He, A. X., X. Meng, A. Williams & J. Lidz (July 2014). Thematic role assignment in
resultative constructions in English- and Mandarin-learning children. Poster presented
at the 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
He, A. X., A. Wellwood, J. Lidz & A. Williams (July 2014). When participant structure
and argument structure do not match: participant structure construction in adults and
prelinguistic infants. Symposium paper presented at the 13th International Congress
for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
He, A. X., X. Meng, A. Williams & J. Lidz (May 2014). Thematic interpretation and
cross-linguistic variations: evidence from English- and Mandarin-learning children.
Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Conference of the International Association of
Chinese Linguistics (IACL) & the 26th North American Conference on Chinese
Linguistics (NACCL), College Park, MD.
Wellwood, A., A. X. He, J. Lidz & A. Williams (March 2014). Participant structure in
event perception: towards the acquisition of implicitly 3-place predicates. Paper
presented at the 38th annual Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC), University of
He, A. X., A. Wellwood, J. Lidz & A. Williams (January 2014). Assessing event
perception in adults and prelinguistic children: a prelude to syntactic bootstrapping.
2 Poster presented at the 88th annual meeting of Linguistic Society of America (LSA),
Minneapolis, MN.
He, A. X., A. Wellwood, J. Lidz & A. Williams. (November 2013). Assessing event
perception in adults and prelinguistic children: a prelude to syntactic bootstrapping.
Poster presented at the 38th Boston University Conference on Language Development
(BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
He, A. X. & J. Lidz. (November 2011). Mapping intransitive verbs onto self-propelled
actions. Poster presented at the 36th Boston University Conference on Language
Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
Wellwood, A., A. X. He, J. Lidz, & A. Williams (to appear). Participant structure in
event perception: towards the acquisition of implicitly 3-place predicates.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium (PLC), 21(1).
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania.
He, A. X. & J. Lidz (submitted). Development of the verb-event link in 14- and 18month-old English-learning infants.
He, A. X., A. Wellwood, J. Lidz, & A. Williams (manuscript in prep). When participant
structure and argument structure do not match: event representation in adults and prelinguistic infants.
He, A. X. & J. Lidz (manuscript in prep). When one cue is better than two: the role of
processing in novel verb learning and verb meaning extension.
He, A. X., X. Meng, A. Williams & J. Lidz (manuscript in prep). Thematic
interpretations and cross-linguistic variations: evidence from English- and Mandarinlearning children.
He, A. X. (April 2015). Verb Learning Under Guidance: Syntax-to-Semantics Inferences.
Doctoral dissertation in Linguistics.
He, A. X. (June 2013). Acquisition of Resultative Construction English- and Mandarinlearning children: a test case for participant-argument-matching. Qualifying paper for
PhD candidacy in Linguistics.
Research Experience
2009 ~ Present
Univ. of Maryland Project on Children’s Language Learning
Advisor: Jeffrey Lidz
3 Research areas:
acquisition of resultatives in Mandarin- and English-learning children
acquisition of the verb-event link
prelinguistic infants’ event representations
2012 ~ Present
Univ. of Maryland Language and Music Cognition Lab
Advisor: Robert Slevc
Research area:
inhibitory control in bilingual lexical access
2009 Summer
Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Childhood Bilingualism Research Center
Advisor: Virginia Yip & Angel Chan
Research areas:
developing a receptive vocabulary test for Hong Kong children’s Mandarin
lexical and syntactic development in Cantonese-Mandarin bilingual children
2009 Spring
Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong Language Acquisition Lab
Advisor: Thomas Hun Tak Lee
Research area:
early lexical acquisition - the noun-verb asymmetry
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant
At University of Maryland
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Spring 2013
Fall 2012
Spring 2012
Fall 2011
Spring 2011
Fall 2010
LING240: Language and Mind, Dr. M. Antonisse
LING444: Child Language Acquisition, Prof. J. Lidz
LING240: Language and Mind, Dr. M. Antonisse
LING200: Introduction to Linguistics, Dr. M. Antonisse
LING240: Language and Mind, Dr. M. Antonisse
LING444: Child Language, Prof. J. Lidz
LING200: Introduction to Linguistics, Dr. T. Bleam
LING200: Introduction to Linguistics, Dr. M. Antonisse
Undergraduate Mentoring
At the Project on Children’s Language Learning, Univ. of Maryland
On acquisition of resultatives in Mandarin- and English-learning children:
Stacey Maresco
Spring 2011
Katrina Connell Spring 2011 ~ Fall 2011
Ilanna Newman
Spring 2012 ~ Spring 2013
On establishing the link between verb and event:
4 Tori Peck (supervised honor thesis)
Spring 2011 ~ Spring 2012
Tania Delgado
Spring 2011 ~ Fall 2011, Fall 2012 ~ Spring 2013
Radhika Lakhani Spring 2012 ~ Fall 2012
Ann Rodriguez
Fall 2013 ~ present
On prelinguistic infants’ event representation:
Sandy Wan
Fall 2012 ~ Spring 2013
Professional Service
Symposium Organizer
At the 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL),
Amsterdam, the Netherlands (July, 2014): The role of grammar and extralinguistic
cognition in verb learning.
Invited discussant: Letitia Naigles, University of Connecticut
Invited talks:
Geraghty, K., B. Ferguson, X. Fu & S. Waxman. When less is more: evidence
from Mandarin-acquiring infants acquisition of novel transitive verbs.
Trueswell, J., L. Pozzan, J. Köhne & L. R. Gleitman. Learner’s sentence
processing limitations shape word and grammar acquisition.
Ambridge, B. Explaining children’s difficulties with reversible passives: The role
of verb and construction meanings.
He, A. X., A. Wellwood, J. Lidz & A. Williams. When participant structure and
argument structure do not match: participant structure construction in adults
and prelinguistic infants.
Academic Event Organizer
At Univ. of Maryland
2012 Leader, IGERT Language Science Day Committee
Committees & Associations
At Univ. of Maryland
2012 ~ 2013
Member, IGERT Student Executive Committee
2012 ~ 2013
Member, Philosophy and Linguistics Group (PHLING)
2011 ~ 2012
Representative, Linguistics Grad Student Association
Member, IGERT Lunch Talk Series & Social Events Committee
Maryland Day Infant and Child Studies Tent
Language Science High School Outreach