Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions ®

Outotec® Industrial
water treatment solutions
Outotec industrial water treatment (IWT) provides
tailored water treatment solutions to produce water
maximize water recycling for reuse, while enabling
recovery of valuable elements and reducing water and
energy consumption.
„„ Minimized capital expenditure through
optimized process design
„„ Reduced water consumption and
abstraction via treated water recycling
With a long tradition in applying and investigating
„„ Improved productivity and product quality
water treatment processes for mines and metallurgical
plants, Outotec now offers efficient, sustainable and
„„ Improved quality and reduced volume of
best available process solutions and technologies for
the treatment of industrial process and wastewaters.
through secured and clean process water
generated sludge
„„ Reduced chemical usage via efficient
process control
„„ Global service
002 Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions
IWT solutions combine water treatment
and wet chemistry
Outotec has a long history in hydrometallurgy and this
Outotec's approach to industrial water treatment
broad knowhow has now been transferred into the
combines expertise relating to water treatment and wet
field of industrial water treatment in order to provide
chemistry. Outotec provides world leading industrial
and capital water treatment solutions, which are
treatment processes. Outotec has expertise on the
built on using Outotec’s existing technologies and
whole mining and metallurgical production chain and
proprietary equipment. Outotec technology selection
life cycle, leading to ability to offer solutions that are
expertise is based on laboratory test programs,
based on innovative, sustainable and best available
conceptual and feasibility studies, basic and details
engineering, technology-specific equipment supply,
training, erection supervision, start-up assistance, and
Tightening environmental standards, together with
follow-up and technical support services.
reduced water availability leads to the need for efficient
water treatment solutions. Outotec strives to build
Outotec also offers Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
long-term cooperation with the customer in order to
solutions for industrial water treatment plants to
ensure that they receive the very best solution for their
optimize the treatment process and improve the plant
operating environment. We know that every plant and
process has its own process requirements and strive to
provide tailored solutions to specific needs.
Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions 003
The process of finding a suitable solution for a mining
and metallurgical water treatment and management
Outotec offers:
related challenge starts with Outotec analyzing and
Tailor-made solutions from
assessing customer and process requirements in
technology package to turn key
order to identify the relevant water treatment and
Innovative and proven technologies
management issues and define targets. Following
Laboratory and pilot tests
the analyzes and assessment of the water treatment
Concept and feasibility studies
and/or management case, thorough research is carried
Basic and details engineering
out by water experts in order to assess available
Proprietary and key equipment supply
solutions and discuss their suitability with relevant
Commissioning and start-up services
process experts in order to find the best potential
Spare parts
conceptual solutions.
Shutdown maintenance services
Process guarantees
In the next step, process modeling is carried out using
Outotec HSC SIM process simulation program in order
to see the effects of the suggested concept solution
on the whole process flow sheet. The other purpose of
the modeling is to optimize, find and evaluate different
processing options. When a suitable processing option
has been established, laboratory testing can be carried
out in order to prove the suitability of the proposed
processing option.
Tailored solution through research and development
Outotec’s unique research centers comprise state-ofthe-art research facilities capable of piloting plants
from bench to industrial scale. Building a process
solution usually start with physical modeling of the
equipment, which is followed by chemical testing and
Once suitability of the proposed processing option
has been proven, technical and economic feasibility
of the proposed process concept will be evaluated.
The overall aim is to construct the most economically
and technologically feasible solution with optimized
performance. Depending on the feasibility of the process
concept, process engineering can be commenced, which
can be followed by equipment investment decision.
Building industrial water treatment solution:
Identify issues & define targets
Search & find potential solutions
Carry out process modelling
Carry out laboratory testing
Evaluate technical & economic feasibility
Construction and delivery
piloting in laboratory environment. Fluid dynamical
analysis and mechanical design finishes off the
proprietary equipment design. In line with the results of
the equipment design, an efficient and coherent solution
combining all the relevant equipment is designed.
004 Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions
Typical IWT applications
Waters and wastewater within mining and metallurgical
Outotec industrial water treatment
industries contain elements such as heavy metals (Cu,
solutions are tailor-made for:
Fe, Mn, Zn, etc.), arsenic, sulfate, calcium, magnesium,
nitrates, solids, salts and acidity, which require
Non Ferrous metal concentrators
treatment prior to discharge to the environment and/or
Gold processing and concentrator plants
reuse within the processes.
Non Ferrous smelters and refineries
Iron and Steel industry
Outotec offers a wide range of effluent treatment and
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in different mining sectors
water management solutions for industrial applications.
Oil shale/oil sands
Typical Outotec industrial water treatment solutions
Ferro Chrome industry
include: metal removal and recovery, neutralization,
Coal mines and washeries
arsenic removal, sulfate removal and oil removal.
Other areas where Outotec has compiled solutions and
Treatment of metal containing effluents
carried out research include: membrane technology,
electrochemical water treatment, halide removal,
When metals enter the treatment process, they are
in a stable, dissolved form and are unable to form
removal and water reuse and recycling process
suspended solids. The goal of metal containing effluent
treatment is to adjust the pH via raising the hydroxide
ion concentration of the water so that the metals form
insoluble precipitates. Once the metals are in solid or
insoluble form, they can be easily removed, leaving the
water with low metal concentrations.
Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions 005
The degree of precipitation of metal hydroxides relates
The behavior of metals in aqueous solution is controlled
directly to the hydroxide ion concentrations i.e. pH, but
by their chemical speciation, i.e. the molecular and
the minimum solubility and the pH required for achieving
ionic species that they form. Metal cations (Mz+) will
it varies with the metal species and the precipitation
hydrolyse to form complexes with the hydroxide ion
format (type of alkali reagent) in question. Furthermore,
as a function of pH and the forming complexes can
co-precipitation and suitable precipitation enhancers
be cations, neutral molecules, as well as anions. The
can improve the treatment efficiency. A condition for
different complexes formed are mainly governed by the
successful precipitation is that the metal salts formed
valence of the metal (Z+) and metal ion concentration
are so insoluble that any residual concentration of
in the solution.
dissolved metal ions fulfills the requirements.
Water treatment
Water treatment
Mine water
Water recycle
Process effluent
Ore and fresh water
Water treatment
T ailings pond
Water recycle
Water recycle
Water treatment
Water treatment
Water recycle
Water treatment
Example of concentrator water treatment solution
006 Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions
Iron sulfate
Lime milk
Arsenic stream
Ferric arsenate slurry
Treated water for discharge and re-use
Outotec Larox PF
Ferric arsenate filter cake
Filtrate water
Example of ferric arsenate precipitation solution
Arsenic removal from effluent
Arsenic-rich liquids require treatment prior to
discharge or reuse as process water. The most typical
chemical precipitation As-removal processes include:
nn Calcium arsenate precipitation (Ca3(AsO4)2)
nn Calcium arsenite precipitation (Ca3(AsO3)2)
nn Basic ferric arsenate
precipitation (FeAsO4*xFe(OH)3)
nn Scorodite precipitation (FeAsO4 2H2O)
Arsenic precipitation with lime is to date perhaps
the most straightforward and cost-effective way of
removing arsenic from solution. However, the stability
of the generated calcium arsenite or arsenate sludges
is poor. An effective alternative to lime precipitation
is provided by ferric precipitation (Fe2(SO4)3), chemical
process that generates ferric arsenate sludges, out
of which the crystalline scrorodite or ferric arsenate
dihydrate (FeAsO4 2H2O) is the most stable form.
Precipitation of scorodite requires, however, highly
controlled process conditions.
Any precipitation-based process will benefit from
advanced equipment technology and process design,
but best results are achieved using customer and
process-tailored equipment and process control, which
allow stable, safe, reliable and cost efficient operation
of the process.
With correct process design significant benefits are
obtained, including:
nn Lower chemical consumption
nn Less scaling → less maintenance
nn Stable pH profile, allowing precipitation reactions
to take place in the reactors and providing stable
nn High quality sludge with uniform chemical
composition → long-term safe
storage of As residues
nn High quality solid residue with minimum
moisture → lower disposal costs
and higher water retention
nn Process effluent with low, residual As
concentrations and low solids carry over
Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions 007
008 Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions
Proprietary equipment within
IWT solution
proprietary equipment ensures smooth process operation
Outotec OKTOP® Reactor – the best solution
for your process
by eliminating unnecessary bottlenecks and shutdowns.
Outotec has been building reactors for various
Outotec equipment solutions are made to optimize
metallurgical results and to ensure reliable operations.
forty years. We have experience both as technology
Outotec equipment are designed to be the most
providers and as plant operators. Outotec has installed
economical solutions for the entire lifetime of your plant.
hundreds of reactors for leaching, precipitation and
Furthermore, we can guarantee equipment performance.
metal recovery. Outotec's expertise provides you with
A complete technology transfer package with proprietary
superior performance, reliable operation and ease of
equipment from Outotec ensures that you get a coherent
maintenance in each OKTOP Reactor.
process with a maximal financial return.
Industrial water treatment takes advantage of three
separate Outotec proprietary equipment types, namely
reactors, thickeners/clarifiers and filters. All of the
different types. Furthermore Outotec industrial water
treatment takes advantage of the Outotec Courier
online elemental analyzers for process control within
the solutions.
Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions 009
We know that every plant and process is unique, so each
After decades of experiments, design work and
OKTOP Reactor is designed for its specific purpose.
operational experience, Outotec now presents the
Process outcome is the guiding principle for reactor
OKTOP Reactor Family. The Reactor Family includes
design and each reactor is tailored to deliver the best
several different reactors and the choice will be based
possible yield.
on the application in question. The OKTOP Reactors have
been successfully applied in solid-liquid, gas-liquid,
The combination of years of R&D and a wealth of data
gas-liquid-solid and liquid-liquid systems for leaching,
collected from both our own and customers' plants have
precipitation, crystallization, oxidation, reduction and
enabled Outotec to develop a family of reactors using
solvent extraction.
modular design principles. The result is five series of
reactors with modular design, which can be tailored for
each individual application.
Modular design enables us to select the optimum
reactor solution quickly and effectively. Outotec will
provide you with a complete reactor package, with
flexibility for you to choose the accessories you need.
For us, the reactor is more than just a tank. It is the
heart of a successful operation.
010 Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions
Outotec® Thickening technologies
Outotec is a global leader in the design, fabrication and
supply of thickening and clarifying solutions for the
waste water treatment industries.
The revolutionary Outotec® High Rate Thickener concept
has pioneered and redefined the methods of clarification
and thickening around the world. With more than 1,400
thickener installations in over 70 countries in the last
20 years alone, Outotec knows how to provide process
solutions to enable longer-term cost benefits for
thickening and clarification duties and paste applications.
Outotec thickeners include a number of innovative
features in their design. Special attention is given to
the design of feedwells, rake profiles, drive systems
and control strategies to meet the challenge of
dewatering materials that are often problematic for
normal thickeners. Our experience in testwork, design,
operation, installation and service of thickeners and
clarifiers is renowned throughout the world and is your
guarantee of quality.
Outotec® Filtration solutions
Outotec is a leading innovator, developer and supplier
of solid-liquid separation products, which are used as a
part of the industrial water treatment solutions.
Outotec Larox filters are built to last, delivering
maximum production performance, availability and the
best process results at the optimum operating cost for
a wide range of processes and process environments.
The broad product range includes filters and solutions
based on several different filtration principles, variety
of sizes, capacities and related services, all performing
in the toughest operating conditions.
A wide range of test filtration solutions and high-tech
automation systems are also available.
Outotec Industrial water treatment solutions 011
Outotec life cycle services improve water
treatment process performance and
guarantee plant availability
Outotec offers comprehensive Services and Operation &
In order to guarantee high-level performance, water
Maintenance solutions for water treatment concepts.
treatment operation and maintenance concepts are
A long-term partnership with Outotec ensures that the
built using a top-down and bottom-up approach, where
full value of customers' operations and equipment is
the customer’s needs and selected key performance
realized. Outotec O&M solutions include for example:
indicators are also considered on a strategic level.
Developing the maintenance
Outotec's global network of service centers is dedicated
strategy and annual planning
to providing continuous technical and maintenance
Process support as well as plant,
support. Outotec service centers offer customers
equipment and field services
unparalleled access to our broad knowledge base and
Process optimization
operational experience.
Water and energy assessments
Quality, safety and environmental systems
Water treatment operation and maintenance concepts
Supply chain management for
are generally incorporated into other operational
spare parts and chemicals
services. This enables a comprehensive tie-in between
Information Technology Management
the core process and the water treatment plant. This
system, including remote control,
arrangement ensures the efficient performance of
monitoring and performance reporting
the core process, while minimizing the cost of water
Finland, September 2013.
Outotec provides leading technologies and services for the sustainable use of Earth’s natural
resources. As the global leader in minerals and metals processing technology, Outotec has developed
many breakthrough technologies over the decades. The company also provides innovative solutions
for industrial water treatment, the utilization of alternative energy sources and the chemical industry.
Outotec shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
Copyright © 2013 Outotec Oyj. All rights reserved.