DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=A Name Chapter 9 Review/Test 40 ___ 10 1.4 4 1___ 14 4.1 WhatisthetotalamountofmoneythatGwenandMaxearned? Explain. A 12.7 D 1.27 B 1.027 E 27 1___ C $1.27 F 3. For numbers 3a–3e, select True or False for the statement. 0.9 is equivalent to 0.90. True False 3b. 2 . 0.20 is equivalent to ___ True False True False True False True False 100 80 is equivalent to __ 8. 3c. ___ 100 10 6 is equivalent to 0.60. 3d. __ 10 3 . 3e. 0.3 is equivalent to ___ 100 No; possible explanation: first, they share the quarters and dimes and get 3 quarters and 4 dimes each. Then they can change the 5 dollar bills into quarters. 1 dollar ∙ 4 quarters, so 5 dollars ∙ 5 ∙ 4 or 20 quarters. They can each get 10 quarters. So, each person has a total of 13 quarters and 4 dimes. $3.25 ∙ $0.40 ∙ $3.65. 6ofamiletothepark.Shadethemodel. 5. Harrisonrodehisbike__ 10 ThenwritethedecimaltoshowhowfarHarrisonrodehisbike. 0.6 miletothepark. Harrisonrodehisbike__ © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 88ofadollaronasouvenirpencilfromZion 6. Amaldospent___ 100 88writtenasadecimalinterms NationalParkinUtah.Whatis___ 100 ofdollars? 0.88 7. Tranhas$5.82.Heissavingforavideogamethatcosts$8.95. $3.13 moretohaveenoughmoneyforthegame. Tranneeds__ Assessment Options Chapter Test Chapter 9 4_MNLESE342279_C09RT.indd 539 Based on the results of the Chapter Review/Test use the following resources to review skills. Standard 539 540 2/17/14 4:36 PM 4_MNLESE342279_C09RT.indd 540 Data-Driven Decision Making Lesson MaxsaidthatheandGwencannotgetequalamountsofmoney because5one‑dollarbillscannotbedividedevenly.Doyouagree withMax?Explain. 100 127 ___ 10 3a. $7.30; possible explanation: I counted the one-dollar bills to get $5.00. Then I counted on 6 quarters: $5.25, $5.50, $5.75, $6.00, $6.25, $6.50. Then I counted on 8 dimes: $6.60, $6.70, $6.80, $6.90, $7.00, $7.10, $7.20, $7.30. Part B Which names this money amount in terms of dollars? Mark all that apply. Chapter Essential Question Item Part A 2. Rick has one dollar and twenty-seven cents to buy a notebook. You may want to review with students the essential question for the chapter. • Why can you record tenths and hundredths as decimals and fractions? • What are some different models you can use to find equivalent fractions? • How can you compare decimal fractions? 14 ___ 10 10 Use the Chapter Review/Test to assess students’ progress in Chapter 9. Ask the following questions to focus students’ thinking: Online Assessment and Intervention 1. Select a number shown by the model. Mark all that apply. Summative Assessment How can you record decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions? 4. Aftersellingsomeoldbooksandtoys,GwenandherbrotherMax had5one‑dollarbills,6quarters,and8dimes.Theyagreedto dividethemoneyequally. Personal Math Trainer 3 Chapter 9 2 1 Content Focus Data-Driven Decision Making Use decimal notation for fractions with 2/15/14 3:57 PM 3 2 1 Personal Math Trainer Intervene with 1, 5, 15 9.1 4.NF.C.6 denominators of 10. 4.NF.C.6 R—9.1 2, 6, 14 9.4 4.NF.C.6 Relate fractions, decimals, and money. 4.NF.C.6 R—9.4 3, 8 9.3 4.NF.C.5 Express fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 as equivalent fractions and decimals. 4.NF.C.5 R—9.3 4, 7, 10 9.5 4.MD.A.2 Use the four operations to solve word problems involving money. 4.MD.A.2 R—9.5 9, 18, 21 9.7 4.NF.C.7 Compare decimals amounts. 4.NF.C.7 R—9.7 11, 13 9.2 4.NF.C.6 Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators of 100. 4.NF.C.6 R—9.2 12, 16, 19 9.6 4.NF.C.5 Add two fractions with denominators of 10 and 100. 4.NF.C.5 R—9.6 17, 20 9.2 4.NF.C.6 Identify or write the fraction, mixed number, or decimal shown by a visual model. 4.NF.C.6 R—9.2 Key: R—Reteach (in the Chapter Resources) 539–540 Chapter 9 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Review/Test DO NOT EDIT-CorrectionKey= © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Chapter 9 DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=A DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=A DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=B Name 1 2. Henryismakingarecipeforbiscuits.Arecipecallsfor 5kilogramflourand___ 9 kilogramsugar. __ 10 100 7milefromschool.Afractioninhundredths 8. Cheyennelives__ 10 70 ___ Part A 100 __ . 7 is equalto__ 10 Performance Assessment Task IfHenrymeasurescorrectlyandcombinesthetwoamounts,how muchflourandsugarwillhehave?Showyourwork. 9. Writeadecimalintenthsthatislessthan2.42butgreater than2.0. ___ 59kilogram;__ 5∙___ 50;___ 50∙___ 9 ∙___ 59 100 Possible answers: 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, or 2.1 _____________ 10 100 100 100 100 Part B DEEPER Kyleeandtwoofherfriendsareatamuseum.They findtwoquartersandonedimeontheground. 40ofthemplaystring 13. Anorchestrahas100musicians.___ 100 instruments—violin,viola,cello,doublebass,guitar,lute,and 40? ___ harp.Whatdecimalisequivalentto100 $0.20; possible explanation: two quarters and one dime are equal to $0.60. I can think of $0.60 as 6 dimes. When I divide 6 dimes equally, each person will receive 2 dimes or $0.20. 0.4or0.40 $ Bills and Coins Money Amount Fraction or Mixed Number 8pennies $0.08 ___ 8 0.08 Possibleanswer: 2quarters $0.50 __ 5or___ 50 100 0.50 Possibleanswer: 9dimes $0.90 90or__ ___ 9 0.90 $4.05 5 4___ 4.05 2ofthemoneythatwas Kyleesaysthateachpersonwillreceive__ 10 found.Doyouagree?Explain. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company For each task, you will find sample student work for each of the response levels in the task scoring rubric. 14. Completethetable. Part B No; possible explanation: each person receives $0.20, 2 2 __ which is __ 10 of a dollar, not 10 of the money that was found. Since there are 3 people who share the money equally, 1 _ each person will receive 3 of the money. 52.Thenwritethemixednumberin ___ 11. Shadethemodeltoshow1100 decimalform. 4$1bills5pennies Decimal 100 10 100 10 100 1 5. Thepointonthenumberlineshowsthenumberofsecondsit tookanathletetoruntheforty-yarddash.Writethedecimalthat correctlynamesthepoint. 5 __ 5 5510 1.52 Chapter 9 541 5.0 542 5.6 6.0 542 3/13/14 4_MNLESE342279_C09RT.indd 1:22 AM 4_MNLESE342279_C09RT.indd 541 11/12/14 6:40 AM DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=A DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=A Name 18 meter high. What is the height of the toy car roof. The roof is ___ 100 with the roof? Choose a number from each column to complete an equation to solve. 5 ___ 5 + ___ 18 = __ 10 100 18 ___ 100 15 ___ 100 50 ___ 100 + 100 81 ___ 100 18 __ 10 100 68 ___ 100 Performance Assessment Tasks may be used for portfolios. meter high. correctly on a test. What decimal represents the part of the model that is shaded? A 1.28 D 8 2___ B 12.8 E 28 1___ C 0.28 F 28 1__ 100 100 10 21. Lukelives0.4kilometerfromaskatingrink.Marklives 0.25kilometerfromtheskatingrink. Be sure to assign students Exercise 18 in the Personal Math Trainer. It features an animation or video to help students model and solve the problem. Part A Wholivesclosertotheskatingrink?Explain. represents 0.81 Personal Math Trainer For numbers 18a–18f, select True or False for the Part B © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company inequality. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Mark; possible explanation: 0.4 is 4 tenths and 0.25 is 2 tenths 5 hundredths. Compare the tenths, since 4 tenths > 2 tenths, Luke lives farther from the rink, so Mark lives closer. Howcanyouwriteeachdistanceasafraction?Explain. 18a. 0.21 < 0.27 True False 18b. 0.4 > 0.45 True False 18c. $3.21 > $0.2 True False 18d. 1.9 < 1.90 True False 18e. 0.41 = 0.14 True False Part C 18f. 6.2 > 6.02 True False Lukeiswalkingtotheskatingrinktopickupapracticeschedule. ThenheiswalkingtoMark’shouse.Willhewalkmorethana kilometerorlessthanakilometer?Explain. 4 25 ___ Possible answers: 0.4 ∙ __ 10 and 0.25 ∙ 100 ; possible explanation: 0.4 is the same as 4 tenths and 0.25 is the same as 25 hundredths. 19. Fill in the numbers to find the sum. 40 5 __ 4 _1 Less than a kilometer; possible explanation: __ 10 < 10 or 2 25 50 1 4 25 1 1 ___ _ __ ___ _ _ and ___ 100 < 100 or 2 . Therefore 10 ∙ 100 < 2 ∙ 2 . Since 1 1 4 25 _ ∙ _ = 1, you know that __ ∙ ___ < 1. 2 2 10 100 4 + _______ = _______ 8 __ 10 100 10 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company SMARTER See the Chapter Resources for a Performance Task that assesses students’ understanding of the content of this critical area. 68 __ 10 32 ___ = 17. Callie shaded the model to represent the questions she answered 18. Chapters 6–9 For each task, you will find sample student work for each of the response levels in the task scoring rubric. 20. Steveismeasuringthegrowthofatree.Hedrewthismodelto showthetree’sgrowthinmeters.Whichfraction,mixednumber, ordecimaldoesthemodelshow?Markallthatapply. 5 meter high without the 16. Ingrid is making a toy car. The toy car is __ 10 Critical Area Performance Assessment Task Chapter 9 4_MNLESE342279_C09RT.indd 543 543 544 01/03/14 4_MNLESE342279_C09RT.indd 5:55 PM 544 2/15/14 3:58 PM Chapter 9 Review/Test 541–544 Chapter 9 Review/Test IfKyleeandherfriendssharethemoneyequally,howmuchwill eachpersonget?Explainhowyoufoundyouranswer. See the Chapter Resources for a Performance Task that assesses students’ understanding of the content of this chapter. 0.59kilogram Part A Chapter 9 Howcanyouwriteyouranswerasadecimal? © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 10. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=B
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