Lincoln Day Dinner Mike McLane - Linn County Oregon Republican

Lincoln Day Dinner
Saturday, April 18, 2015, 6 – 9:00 p.m.
Linn Benton Community College
Keynote Speaker:
House Minority Leader
Mike McLane
Dinner Reservations
If purchasing a table please provide
first and last names of all guests:
If paid by April 3 :
$45 each x __________ = $__________
1. _________________________
$35 each for PCP’s x __________ = $__________
2. _________________________
$210 per table of 6 x __________ = $____________
3. _________________________
If paid after April 3 :
4. _________________________
$60 each x __________ = $__________
5. _________________________
$50 each for PCP’s x __________ = $__________
6. _________________________
$300 per table of 6 x __________ = $____________
If you need a vegetarian meal please check here _____
Total Enclosed $ __________
Contribute Auction Items
Items requested by April 3, 2015
Contact: Renee’ Smith
(541) 619-3041
Cash Contributions
I cannot attend the dinner but would like to donate to Linn County’s Central Committee.
___ $500
___ $250
___ $100
___ $50
Other $ ________
The Oregon PAC Tax Credit applies to qualified taxpayers up to $50 for individual filers and $100 for joint filers yearly
Make all checks payable to LCRCC
Mail this form with check to: PO Box 1684, Albany, OR 97321
Cancelled check is proof of transaction.
Oregon law requires political committees to report the occupation, address and employer of contributors. Contributions to candidate and political committees
may not be deducted as charitable contributions or as a business expense for income tax purposes. Your contribution may be eligible for the Oregon Political Tax
Credit of up to $50 for an individual tax return and $100 for a joint tax return. Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions. The cost of dinner tickets
does not qualify for the Oregon PAC Tax Credit.
The following info is required for monies or auction items contributed to LCRCC:
Your Full Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________City_____________________________________State___________________Zip_____________
Occupation: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Employer Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________