April 2015 ALLIANCE Lion of Judah Ministries One tribe, One Nation, One Tongue In this Issue: • The Wholeness of Christian Living • Let’s talk with Stephanie Tobias • Managing your money Pastor’s Corner Christ, as you will only find true fulfilment in Him. Pastors’ Günther & Beatrix Schenk There is a deep desire in each person to be valued, appreciated and even more than that; a desire to know what life is about. What is my purpose; what is my destiny? Many people have spent their lives looking for that answer and coming to a realisation (somewhere in life) that they have none. As Christians, we pray, go to church, attend prayer meetings, conferences and do many things in search of this answer. Yet, often we turn up empty, leading us to more actions that are mundane and ‘serving’ Jesus to go to heaven. The reason? We are looking for the answer in something instead of SOMEONE! “I am the Alpha and the Omega” is what Christ declares in the book of Revelation. Our beginning and end is in Christ because He was before all. Are you looking for destiny? You should not look for it outside of In Esther 4:14 we read Mordecai’s response to Queen Esther “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Although forced into something, that was not part of her dream it was easy for her to submit because Mordecai had taught her well and she knew that God would not place her into something that was not possible for her to achieve or follow through. One could argue that it was ‘fate’ that brought her to a place where she could be the only voice for Israel on God’s behalf. God knew that in this time a man named Haman (descendant of king Agag) would rise up to destroy all of the Jews and so he established that the ‘most unlikely’ person would rise as queen and be His voice for His people. No matter how old you are, you need to know that “you were born for a time such as this” because God had it in His plans (not yours!) to raise up a man / woman that would be a voice and a living example for Him. If you truly want to find your destiny then you must FIRST find Christ. The word says [1] that nothing can exist outside of Him (Col 1) and therefor His destiny for your life can also only be found in Him. No matter how old you are, you need to know that “you were born for a time such as this” because God had it in His plans (not yours!) to raise up a man / woman that would be a voice and a living example for Him. If you truly want to find your destiny then you must FIRST find Christ. The word says that nothing can exist outside of Him (Col 1) and therefor His destiny for your life can also only be found in Him. We are standing at the point where we will see amazing breakthroughs as Christ is revealed to us, in us and through us, but all this will only happen when we seek Him with all our heart, mind and soul and when we let all selfish agenda’s go knowing that He is the orchestrator of a life that will lead to adventure, amazing testimonies and life in abundance. Save the Date From the Editor Lion of Judah Ministries is pleased to present the first edition of Alliance, a platform dedicated to informing our members and strategic partners in destiny with updates on news and activities, while also providing spiritual guidance and insight into matters concerning our nation. Alliance, our newsletter name was identified to emphasise the importance of forging bonds and connections in order to meet our vision and fulfil our God given destiny, as nobody can achieve their assignment alone. Everyone needs an ally, someone you can rely on, trust and call upon. For centuries, alliances have existed between countries not only during times of war but also during times of need. Allies agree to work together to achieve a specific goal. Worship Course 9 - 11 April 2015 Joshua Generation Camp 17 - 24 April 2015 Draw into a more intimate relationship with God A 7-day camp for 13 – 18 year olds that will establish identity and release purpose Interpreting Dreams & Visions 18 July 2015 Messages that are buried within our dreams & the visions that we have Newsletter Name Competition Congratulations to Sidney Jaftha for winning the Name the Newsletter Competition. When approached for comment on what inspired him to think of Alliance – one tribe, one nation, one tongue, he stated that the inspiration came from wanting to see synergy in all department ministries, creating a people movement and one man company, which explains the covenant relationship as honourable men and women in the Kingdom of God. Empires have been built on alliances, victories are achieved as a result of this and we believe that when we resource accurately whether spiritually or physically, we become a healthier and stronger church. We trust that you will embrace this concept, and strive to be one tribe, one nation and one tongue. Contact Details For more information visit www.lionofjudahmin.com, email admin@lionofjudahmin.com or call +264 81 413 1328 Find us on: Pleasant Reading Talitha [2] LET’S TALK with Stephanie Tobias Full name Stephanie Tobias What are you passionate about? Where did you grow up? In Windhoek Describe yourself? What kind of person are you? I am compassionate, creative and trustworthy. I can also be very blunt and impulsive sometimes. Fairness and unity between people, especially male and female, is very important to me. Everyone should know their role and responsibility. It is also crucial for me to share knowledge with others who are younger than I in hopes that they will make better lifestyle choices What has been your greatest achievement or defining moment in life? Education student at Unam Khomasdal Campus for Upper Primary Education My greatest achievement was being a Corporal at a Joshua Generation Camp in Family. Do you have brothers and March earlier this year. It was a wonderful sisters? experience because I could finally do something for the name of the Lord. I have 4 siblings, 3 sisters and a brother. Aspirations. Where do you see Favourite scripture? yourself in the future? How do you spend your spare time? Hobbies. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world I see myself as a leader and teacher of that he gave His one and only Son, that p e o p l e , p o s s i b l y a t a s c h o o l o r whoever government organisation. What do you do? I am currently teaching myself to play the keyboard. Other hobbies include physical activity. How long have you been saved? 11 months. What made you come to Christ? What keeps you strong? The fact that I know my identity in Christ. In difficult circumstances, it helps me a lot when I think of the grace and love that God has shown me. Just knowing that He has set me free and that He is the only one who can satisfy my needs is what keeps me strong. I noticed the changes happening in my sister’s life. Her actions and the things she spoke attracted me to Christ. Book Review Book Title: Author: Pages: Price: Contact: The Alliance of Honorable Men Dr. Jonathan David 271 N$ 150 email admin@lionofjudahmin.com to order This book is destined to INSPIRE A PEOPLE MOVEMENT by helping the reader understand the notion of alliances as a strategic collaboration of a synergised network of kingdom partners with a common destiny. The purpose of the church, power of covenant relationships, governing principles of fathering and the importance of accurate representation in the house are just some of the topics that are dealt with in the book. The author, Dr. Jonathan David states in his synopsis that the move of the Holy Spirit will consolidate the church, refresh the workforce and strengthen the mandate of the leadership. These life-changing principles are laden with the synergistic force to propel the church to finish her God-given assignment on the earth. We can destroy the strategy of Satan to divide and conquer by being covenanted together as partners in destiny. We can enhance the strength of ten thousand” to finish God’s will and purposes for our generation. It is the alternative to the collapsing society of men. The Alliance of Honorable Men will position your church to live according to John 17 and fulfil the prayer of Jesus. [3] The Wholeness of Christian Living by Wieland Klinger LOREM ORCI Many Christians ask themselves, what does my physical health have to do with my spiritual life? The truth of the matter is that it has everything to do with it. You cannot separate the two. If you want to succeed in anyone of these areas, you will have to work on both as well. upgrade our body that needs to perform. If our life is not in balance and either body or spirit is lacking behind, we cannot move forward and grow. So what do we do? We change our lifestyle! The word is clear on this point as Paul wrote to the Corinthians. He says that: ”Do you not know that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you….” Paul specifically spoke about abusing the body while using it as a tool for sexual immorality. But the same principle can also be used for healthy living with the food we eat. Not all the food we eat or consume for that matter is beneficial to our growth or health. The 5 important elements of a healthy lifestyle are: Correct Breathing, Water, Nutrition, Sleep and Exercise Excellent examples of individuals in the Bible consisted of Daniel and his friends who were determined not to eat any of the food coming from the king’s table. Why? It was the sacrificial food offered to the Babylonian deities. Yet, lets have a look at what Daniel was eating. Water and Lentils were the only substances they partook of during the whole time and they where stronger, fitter, healthier and mentally more intelligent then the rest. What was the secret? It was the perfect combination for these four men to grow strong and healthy. It’s not just a Daniel fast; it is divine wisdom from God on how to help our bodies reach its ultimate capacity. The right combination is what matters. When we look at the guidelines God gave the Israelites, we can’t just look at it as law. We need to look at it as when we go to a nutritionist for eating the right way. And yes, it’s not about what you eat that makes you holy or righteous, but it does effect your body. Also, remember that back then all food was better, healthier and beneficial for the body. 1. Correct Breathing - in our day and age we do not breath correctly anymore. Reasons are our posture, no exercise, wrong foods, being overweight, or simply we’ve never learned how to. 2. Water - After breathing, this is the most important ingredient in the body. Forget food or sleep, this will determine the balance. Clean, pure water is the key to a strong and healthy body. In our country we need about 3-4 litres a day. If you exercise regularly, you need about 1 litre or more extra to the 3 – 4 litres a day. 3. Nutrition - This is what will enable us to help grow and repair the body on a regular basis. 4. Exercise - This will grow our body and increase its strength and stamina. 5. Sleep - This will allow for restoration and preparation for the tasks at hand. The Body and the Spirit are intertwined. It’s one, the other or both that hold you back from your life's potential. We need to be an example on a daily basis, not just spiritual but physical and mental as well. Today, everything is about fast living and fast sleeping. We forget the importance of living healthy and are so focused on performance that we forget to repair and [4] Managing your Money by Karien Van Rhyn Most of us don’t spend within our budget, in fact, we spend more than we earn and that’s the biggest problem. You need to take the following into consideration when • Note, that even if it’s good to save 5% of income for spending your money: unforeseeable expenses or for the future, current interest received on investments is only 5.6%, while we pay prime The standard expenses that we should usually cater for which is 9.75% on home loans and car loans. It’s • are our tithes, income tax, social security, medical aid and advisable to pay more towards your home loan and car pension. After you have paid your tithes, first fruits, tax, loan, if you are able to, thus saving more on interest paid medical aid and pension fund you have your net cash than you would have gained from interest received. after these expenses. Another component that is also important is life insurance, especially when you are • During the next five to seven years, split the extra 5% married. between extra payment towards your loan accounts, and savings. Also, then not placing all your eggs in one Usually, when it comes to a home loan, the bank will basket. So you are paying off your home loan much • never give you more than two thirds of your salary. On faster, but starting with the car because the car is 54 your pay slip, your tithes and first fruits will not appear. It’s months and the home loan is 20 years. If you pay off your your own responsibility to start with your tithes. If you take car quicker, you have additional resources that you invest, your pay slip to the bank you need to disclose your or split towards your home loan or investments. tithes as well. The bank says you need to have two thirds left after your home loan. Try not to spend •Cash will be king in a couple of years, so you more than 30% on your rent. When you consider need to place your cash in a place where you buying a car, you need to consider insurance on will have easy access to it one day as you do the car and fuel into the car. not know what will happen to your property in a couple of years. It’s good to save 5% of your income for unforeseen • expenses. Consider your savings before you buy •Debt such as clothing and furniture accounts could your groceries. If you only consider your savings after you charge you interest of 15 – 25%. You do not want to pay have paid all your expenses, you might go on a higher 15 – 25% more for something that you could have just standard of living that what is necessary. So, you should waited for until you had the cash to buy it. try to save before you spend. Save before you spend Bible Scriptures on Tithes & Offerings Malachi 3:10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. Leviticus 27:30 Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord's; it is holy to the Lord. Genesis 14:20 And blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!” And Abram gave him Proverbs 3:9 Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the a tenth of everything. first fruits of all your produce; [5] [6] Marketing of Properties Selling of properties Leasing of properties Handling all administration of the properties Prepare and administrate the contract of such service Contact: Karien Van Rhyn Cell: 081 819 6111 karien.vanrhyn@paratustelco.com Contact: StephenVan Rhyn Cell: 085 129 0169 StephenVa@Nedbank.com.na Financial Consultants Contact: Nickey or Wilhelm Cell: 081 205 4266 Tel: 245 425 training@emtss.com www.emtss.com Training presented in: • First Aid • BAA to Paramedic • Other Medical • Fire Fighting and other Emergency Management Training & Specialist Services Training Contact: Angeline Goliath Cell: 081 278 9682 / 081 141 5565 a-goliath@hotmail.com • • • • • Angel’s Real Estate Property/Rental Contact: Günther Schenk Cell: 081 243 2558 Tel: 240 368 clients@fgonline.net Webpage development: design and hosting. Duplication media Sound Training Talk Fusion - Video conferencing, emails, auto responders etc Contact: Herman Smit Cell: 081 697 7484 hermansmit007@gmail.com Organic Nutrition supplementation in home water purification system; Health Pointe 2.0 eating solution personal care product, salon care, Bio-degradable household care. • • • Contact: Hilda Aebes Alfonsiene Lucian Cell: 081 413 1328 / 081 739 1684 haebes@yahoo.com Homecare & Homeware Beauty & Body Health & Wellness Amway • • • • • Global Business Ventures Products Contact: Denise Billy Cell: 081 127 7718 denisecbilly@yahoo.comProducts Consultant Izazi Solutions as SAP • • • • Future Generations Communications /Media & Advertising StemEnhance, StemFlo Stem Pets, Stem Equine Contact: Collin Murangi Cell: 081 203 0437 Collin.Murangi@gmail.com Mechanical Services: • Audi, Mercedes, VW, Toyota etc Victory Mechanical Workshop Car Maintenance Contact: Denise Billy Cell: 081 127 7718 denisecbilly@yahoo.com Services Querida’s Trading Enterprise (PTY) Ltd t/a Engen Ongwediva Service Station (Fuel & Convenience store) louisb@african-marketing.com Manager: Supply and distribution (food and beverage) Contact: Louis Buys Cell: 081 337 6264 African marketing sales Contact: Günther Schenk Cell: 081 243 2558 / 240 368 30-40 % electricity) Instantaneous Water Heaters (Save • • StemTech Contact: Deon Barnard Cell: 081 141 1226 Fuel Saving Treatment Syntek Global Namibia Business Directory Providing professional soccer Co-ordinate training for young athletes. Contact: Edwig Theodor Cell: 081 483 6596 entheodor@gmail.com Produce pickling curry fish Contact: Menethe Tjozongoro Cell: 081 295 9939 Blessed Hands Project “bead works” Crafts Contact: Denise Billy Cell: 081 127 7718 denisecbilly@yahoo.com Accommodation Contact: Junin Buys Cell: 081 230 2259 Catering J’nissi Inn • Owner of Mary Magg Investment • Destiny Trading Enterprises / Kingly Fish Food / Catering Contact: Wieland Klinger Cell: 0814331393 wieland.klinger@gmail.com Head Coach DTS Youth Soccer • • Sports Destiny Soccer Academy
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