Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 Staying Connected Points of Contact: Dear Lion, DG Barb Sorkin 4053 Sabin Drive Rootstown, OH 44272 H: 330-325-7564 Email: bsorkin42@gmail.com We're on our way to reaching our goal of helping 100 million people through the Centennial Service Challenge. And thanks to you, we've helped 20 million people in just the first six months, and we're looking forward to serving millions more. To keep the momentum going, I am inviting you to join me for a special Centennial Service Challenge event in May. The Worldwide Week of Service brings Lions around the world together for a special week of service during May 16–22. You can join us by hosting a service project that benefits youth, vision, hunger or the environment. If you're looking for another great way to serve, consider hosting a project to help children in need in your community. 1st VDG Bob Allgood (Lion Liz) 440 Vine Street East Liverpool, OH 43920 H: 330-853-0992 Email: rallgood@kent.edu The Centennial Service Challenge is a great opportunity to strengthen your community, showcase your club and earn recognition. Be a part of our once-in-a-lifetime Centennial celebration. Don't miss out...start planning your Worldwide Week of Service project today! 2nd VDG Betty Robbins 199 Stahl Avenue Cortland, OH 44410 H: 330-638-7649 Email: bdr254@embarqmail.net We need to maximize the use of our time and effort in your remaining months to make sure we finish strong. Please continue to promote ASK ONE, START ONE, and KEEP ONE. It is a winning combination. Keep roaring!!! CST Ted Filmer (Lion Jean) 205 Fairgrounds Blvd. Canfield, OH 44406 H: 330-533-3942 Email: efilmer@aol.com Together in Lionism, Joe Preston Deadline for Newsletter Articles is the 20th of the month. Send to: Lion Patti Gauch H: 330-527-2048 bygoneacres@cebridge.net Celebrate Family and Friends Month in April Join the Worldwide Week of Service in May Invite your family and friends to serve and learn more about your club at a special Family and Friends Month event in April. Show family and friends how much they mean to you, and how much your club means to the community. Here's how your club can be a part in this special Centennial Service Challenge event: Plan your project – Host a service project that benefits youth, vision, hunger or the environment during the week of May 16–22. Promote your project – Invite your community to serve with you to showcase your club and the power of service. Report your project – Report your service on the MyLCI Service Activity Report to earn a Centennial Banner Patch for your club. Download the event flyer and share it with your club today. Then start planning your Worldwide Week of Service project in May! Here are some great ways to make your event a success: Plan an open house so family and friends can learn about your club and the difference you are making. Organize a service project for family and friends so they can feel the satisfaction of service. Host a picnic or barbecue to celebrate your club's achievements. Start planning your Family and Friends Month event today! Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter April 2015 From Your District Governor - DG Barb Sorkin Hello Fellow Lions of District 13-D Our District Convention was a few weeks ago and what a great event it was. Lion Dee Pamer, Convention Chairperson, and all of her helpers did a great job. Thank you Rootstown Lions for all of your work that you did before convention and at the Convention. Since our convention I have attended District K Convention along with District F and this coming weekend I will be attending District G convention. Then I have a weekend off, because it is Easter. Don't forget about the District Social April 11 which will be held in Lisbon as usual. Lion Dee Pamer is also in charge of this event. April 18 is the date for all new officers to get schooling on their particular office and everyone is welcome to attend the event at the Alliance School. Remember you are never to old to learn something new. I will be making visitation to many clubs during the months of April, May, and June. So if you have not seen me at your club meeting call me 330-325-7564 or 330-388-5408. Make my life a little easier by giving me a call. It has been a wonderful year meeting many of you Lions and finding out about your club projects. Just keep up all that great work. Yours in Lionism, DG Barbara Sorkin From Your First Vice District Governor - FVDG Bob Allgood Fellow Lions, First let me say thank you to the Lions of the greatest District in MD-13. It is an honor to be elected as your District Governor at this year's Convention. As I reflect back to all the District Governors before me, I can only demand the best of myself since they have set the bar high. I would like to say congratulations to FVDGe Betty and SVDGe Wayne. I look forward to working with you both this year. International Director Karla Harris "just unbelievable" your speech Sunday made me realize why I became a Lion. I am asking all the clubs in our district to join in on what International President Joe Preston encourages. Host a special Family and Friends event in April and plan a service project for the Worldwide Week of Service during May 16 - 22. I again would like to remind the clubs to please ASK ONE person you join in on the fun and the service projects that you do for you community; don't limit yourself to just asking one ask several. I would like to take this time to thank my home club - East Liverpool for a great Hospitality Room. I would also like to thank Lion Megan and Lion Andrew for the decorations to the room. International Director Karla and her husband Clarence were impressed. I would like remind the members of District D to keep up the great work that you do for your Communities and for your District. Yours in Lionism, FVDG Bob Allgood To all Club Presidents and Secretaries: Please send me a copy of your PU -101 with your incoming club officers for 2015 -2016 year. Lion Liz and I want to get started on the Directory and have it done by Aug Cabinet meeting. Thank you for everything you do in the name of Lionism. Note you can Email them or snail mail them to me. 440 Vine Street East Liverpool, OH 43920 Email: rallgood@kent.edu Lion Bob Allgood 2 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter April 2015 From Your Second Vice District Governor - SFDG Betty Robbins Greetings Fellow Lions, Spring has arrived, let’s hope the sun starts to shine, and warmer weather is here to stay! March has been a busy month, not only have I attended our District Convention, I have attended conventions in Districts F, G, and K, to see how they differ from our own. Even though each convention is different, we all have the same goal, to serve our communities! April is Protect Our Environment month for the Centennial Service Challenge; maybe we can organize a community clean-up, plant trees, or plan a recycling day for our communities. Please remember to report your environmental project to LCI. Also in April, we have the District Social on Saturday, April 11 th in Lisbon, always a good meal and fellowship. Plus we have the silent auction and the regular auction of donated items from the clubs; with the proceeds to the Melvin Jones Eye Care Foundation. Come and enjoy the evening! On April 18th the District Spring Conference will be held at the Alliance Middle School. Many worthwhile forums are planned for the day for all Lions, not just the officers. Nine months of the Lions year is past! Let’s continue to” Strengthen Our Prides” by asking 1 to join and building up our membership, so we can continue the many services that we provide for those in our communities. Yours in Lionism, SVDG Betty Robbins Centennial Celebration Service Project MD13 Ohio Lions will kick-off the second "Lions Worldwide Week of Service" on Friday, May 15 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Dublin. The week of May 16-22, is devoted to community service and LCI wants everyone to focus on projects that help children. On Saturday, February 14, the MD13 Council of Governors were informed of a Centennial Service Challenge Project and gave their support. The project has been designated “Lions Hugs” and, in short, is a stuffed animal collection drive. Children – especially - need hugs at stressful times. Many police and fire departments have stuffed toys to give to children to calm them in a crisis, and toys are also helpful in trying times at hospital emergency rooms and homeless shelters. Individuals, clubs, zones and districts are encouraged to participate, whether locally or with the state convention, in this project. Stuffed toys must be new and have the tags still attached to them or they cannot accept them. Council Chairman Darlene Roll said, “The idea, at least in our minds, was to make this a service project that each and every Lion, Lioness and Leo could be a part of - even if their own club didn't want to be heavily involved. Of course, our goal is to have clubs involved as well as individuals. We saw the project as one in which each person - or club - could take ownership of how they wanted to be involved. They might purchase a stuffed animal, partner with a local business to purchase larger quantities of stuffed animals, or some very creative individuals might even make stuffed animals to be distributed. The key is "involvement" and not just asking for donations to purchase quantities of the same item to be used in all locations. Even younger children might be involved - willing to provide a new stuffed animal to a child in need instead of getting one for themselves. Of course, this has to be a project that clubs and individuals buy into in order to work, not just be seen as a directive from Ohio Lions.” Before starting this project locally, check with who you may want to donate the toys to just to be certain they will accept them. If you can’t find anywhere to accept them, the toys can be brought, or sent, to the state convention. From there, the toys will be distributed around Ohio to those who will take them and use them. Regardless of the scope of your efforts with “Lions Hugs”, be sure to have your participation reported by your club secretary to LCI as part of the monthly activity reporting. PCC Dave Gauch, District 13-D Centennial Celebration Coordinator IT’S A CELEBRATION!!! Lion Richard “Doc” Turner is turning 90 on April 17th. A birthday party will be held at the Rootstown United Methodist Church April 18th from 2-4 pm. The Church is located at 4065 State Route 44 in Rootstown. If you’re unable to attend, please send birthday wishes to “Doc” at: Lion Richard Turner 4298 Tallmadge Road Rootstown, OH 44272 3 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 NEWS FROM THE BRIMFIELD LIONS Night at the Races The Brimfield Lions Club and Brimfield Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Night at the Races on Sat. April 25th at Paradise Country Club in Suffield. For more details, contact Dee Pamer at windowbox7248@sbcglobal.net. Brimfield Lions Club Rummage Sale Brimfield Lions Club Rummage Sale A rummage sale will be held on Fri. May 1st and Sat. May 2nd at Faith United Methodist Church in Brimfield from 9am-2pm. The church is located at 1235 Tallmadge Rd in Brimfield. A bag sale will be conducted on Sat. from 12-2. Donations of clean usable items will be accepted from 1-6 on Wed. April 29th and Thurs. April 30. We will be accepting clothing and books. Please no TV's, computers, exercise equipment, encyclopedias or moldy and musty items. All proceeds will go to support the clubs sight programs. For additional information contact Lion Lynn Garver at garverlynn@hotmail.com. 4 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter April 2015 Protect Our Environment in April For nearly 100 years, Lions have served their communities with dedication and contributed to the development and wellbeing of millions of people around the world. As we look toward our centennial celebration, Lions are encouraged to serve 100 million people by December 2017 through participation in the Global Service Action Campaigns. August - Engaging our Youth October - Sharing the Vision December/January - Relieving the Hunger April - Protecting our Environment During April, we invite you and your club to join Lions around the world to bring attention to the environment. Help us raise awareness about current and emerging environmental issues and take action by planning activities in connection with Earth Day, recognized on April 22. Or, organize projects throughout the month that mobilize your club members to make a difference by protecting our environment. When clubs invite their family and friends to serve with them, they can make a difference and find new members. The steps outlined below will help you complete a “Protecting our Environment” Global Service Action Campaign project. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Create a Planning Committee Pick Your Project Publicize Your Project Implement Your Project Tell Us about Your Project Celebrate Your Success Resources are available on the LCI website to help with your project. Download the environmental planning guide for great ideas that can jumpstart a club project, or visit the Protecting Our Environment Web page for more resources and information. And club secretaries, remember to report your projects through MyLCI to earn a Centennial Banner Patch! PCC David Gauch, Centennial Celebration Committee Join the Ravenna Lions Parade of Checks reported by CST/PDG Ted Filmer Band OLF OLERF Sight and hearing Pilot dogs MJECF LCIF Diabetes Camp Echoing Hills Int Rel. Amigos Student Vosh Total + Pledges Band Pilot Dogs MJECF Grand total $ 920 4,080 7,990 335 17,350 18,190 7,650 6,705 6,110 1,385 1,050 300 $72,065 100 10,000 500 $82,665 TUESDAY, APRIL 28 - Program Speaker Becky Lehman - Portage County Health Department Topic - PREVENT BLINDNESS OHIO Desserts & Beverage 6:30PM - Meeting 7:00PM RSVP - Monday April 20 Location: Christian Life Center. 1972 East Summit Rd (Corner of Summit Rd & ST RT 261) Kent, OH 44240... For detail call President Deborah Sunderland Cell phone 330-730-2114 Ravenna Lions Club P.O. Box 523 Ravenna, Ohio 44266 Eye Examines & Glasses call Ravenna Lions Phone (330) 389-5943 5 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 Attention Lions and Leo advisors: We have some absolutely wonderful projects and activities going on within our district’s Leo Clubs. Our largest Leos Club is at Canfield HS, which boasts a membership of close to 100 members! They report many successful projects, especially those where the club is working jointly with the Canfield Lions. The members, officers, and advisors all are energetic people gladly serving their community. The Canfield Middle School Leos have about 80 members and are also wonderfully active. I would love to highlight one of our Leo clubs in each newsletter, but in order to do so I would need the advisors to more regularly report to me what’s going on with their group. I ask that the supporting Lions clubs remind the advisors to keep in contact with me at the below email address. To Lions clubs that sponsor a Leos Club: I ask that you check with your Leos advisor to see if they have reported their info to LCI. I received a reminder recently indicating that Beaver Local is our district’s only Leo club that has reported for the 2014-15 year! (FYI, the other Leos are: Crestview HS, Canfield MS and HS, Heartland Christian, West Branch MS and HS, Wellsville, Lordstown, Crestwood, Sandy Valley, and Waterloo.) This information can be reported online at MyLCI or by submitting the Leo Club Officers and Membership Report Form (Leo-72) I look forward to hearing from more clubs about their Leos and Lions activities. Thanks, Lion Carol Snyder, District Leo Chair 6 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter April 2015 GIRARD LIONS BENEFIT GOLF OUTING “OUR VISION IS VISION” GIRARD LIONS 20th ANNUAL GOLF OUTING WHERE: DEER CREEK HUBBARD, OHIO WHEN: July 26,2015 TIME: 9:00 SHOT GUN START----CHECK IN AT 8:00-8:30 PRICE: $75.00 PER PERSON FOUR PERSON SCRAMBLE INCLUDES: Hot dogs and chips at turn 18 Holes of Golf and Cart Steak Dinner with all trimmings Beer and soft drinks all day AND SKINS GAME Applications available from any Girard Lions Club member, or write to Girard Lions Club, Box 306, Girard, Ohio 44420. Or contact Tom Zickefoose at 330 792-8837 or Joe Barnot 330 545-5286. HOLES ASSIGNED BY FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. PLEASE TURN IN FORMS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! DEADLINE JULY15,2015 Golf Package per golfer@ $75.00 each = $______________ Name _____________________________ Telephone Number ___________________ Names in Group _________________________________________________________ HOLE SPONSER __________ $50.00 ______$100.00 OTHER _________ NAME OF HOLE SPONSOR ____________________________________ HOLE SPONSORS WILL BE RECOGNIZED AT THE OUTING ON July 26,2015 7 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 8 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 9 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 THINGS YOUR MOTHER SHOULD HAVE TOLD YOU!! Before you pour sticky substances into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the hot water, but don’t dry the cup. Next, add your ingredient, such as peanut butter, and watch how easily it comes out. (Or spray the measuring cup or spoon with Pam.) If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola!! It unseals easily. LOOKING FOR A FOOD TRAILER The Windham Lions Club is looking for a new or used food trailer. Their small one has seen better days and they may not be able to use it this year. Their menu is limited to sausage and steak sandwiches and canned drinks so the trailer doesn’t need a lot of bells and whistles. It is preferred to have electricity and plumbed for water with a sink. It could be also be an empty shell that they could set up. If anyone has a trailer for sale or knows of one, please give Lion Alan Finn at 330-389-1074. “THINK SPRING” Blue Frog can customize your t-shirt or jacket with any Lions logo you like. 10 Ohio Lions District 13 D 13-D Newsletter CLUB ACTIVITIES April 2015 Mark Your Calendar 2014-2015 ONGOING - TUSLAW LIONS GARAGE SALE Tuslaw Lions Club Garage Sale is still in full swing every Thursday from 9:00am to Noon at Tuslaw Lions Club Park, 2515 Manchester Rd SW (Rt. 93). Their ‘Over The Hill Gang’ will be handling the garage sale during the winter months. APR 3 - CANFIELD LIONS FRIDAY NIGHT FISH DINNERS This event is held at A La Carte Catering at 429 Lisbon Street, Canfield. Main Course dinners choice of Haddock (baked or fried), Macaroni & Cheese, or Haluski with Pierogi and choice of side dishes, dessert and beverage. Served from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Cost: $11.00 ea. APR 11 - CALCUTTA LIONS RABIES CLINIC APR 20 - See flyer on pg. 6 RAVENNA LIONS CLUB “PREVENT BLINDNESS OHIO” program APR 25 - SOUTHEAST PORTAGE LIONS CLUB ’DREAM DRAWING’ APR 25 - BRIMFIELD LIONS CLUB ’NIGHT AT THE RACES’ APR 26 - CALCUTTA LIONS CLUB SPAGHETTI DINNER MAY 1 & 2 - BRIMFIELD LIONS CLUB RUMMAGE SALE See info on pg. 5 See flyer on pg. 8 See info on pg. 4 See flyer on pg. 7 See info on pg. 4 MAY 8 & 9 - CORTLAND LIONS CLUB RUMMAGE SALE Location: Lions Pavillion MAY 23 - POLAND LIONS CLUB ’TREASURES OF THE TRUNK SALE’ JULY 26 - GIRARD LIONS CLUB ANNUAL GOLF OUTING DISTRICT 13D & STATE ACTIVITIES See flyer on pg. 9 See flyer on pg. 7 Mark Your Calendar 2014-2015 MAY 15 - 1 - MD13D STATE CONVENTION Location: Embassy Suites Dublin, OH More information coming soon! JUNE 26 - 30 - LIONS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Location: Honolulu, Hawaii More information coming soon! JULY 25 - OHIO LIONS PIN TRADERS CLUB Location: Millersport Lions Clubhouse See flyer on Pg. 9 11 13-D Newsletter Ohio Lions District 13 D April 2015 Lion Patti Gauch 11048 Parkman Road Garrettsville, OH 44231 12
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