2015 EMIRATES MELBOURNE CUP TOUR REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST PROPOSAL Event Destination and Services Deadline for Submission: Monday, 13th April, 2015 at 5:00pm (AEST) The Melbourne Cup Tour is sponsored by Supported by REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST PROPOSAL The Victoria Racing Club (VRC) is thrilled to extend the opportunity to your organisation to express interest in hosting the 2015 Emirates Melbourne Cup Tour (EMCT) in your town or city. 2015 marks the 13th running of the Emirates Melbourne Cup Tour. The VRC is inviting interested parties (‘tenderers’) to submit online applications for the planning, implementation and execution of a day of community activity to celebrate the 2015 EMCT. The EMCT aims to provide rural, regional and metropolitan cities across Australasia with an opportunity to celebrate the 154-year rich history associated with the country’s most coveted sporting event and its iconic trophy. Now in its thirteenth consecutive year, the EMCT is offering the smallest of towns and major metropolitans centres alike, the chance to experience the trophy that has shaped the cultural, sporting and social fabric of Australia. An integral part of the Tour’s ongoing success has been drawn from the community support at each host destination. The VRC partners with city councils, tourism bodies, community groups, turf and racing clubs, primary schools, aged care facilities and hospitals to ensure that each event maximises community participation and media coverage. Hosting the Emirates Melbourne Cup provides your organisation a chance to engage the community with event/s which promote social inclusion and focus on an Australian cultural icon, the Melbourne Cup. The VRC is calling for tenders from the following types of destinations across Australia and New Zealand, including: Capital Cities Major Regional Centres – with a population greater than 20,000 Rural Centres – with a population up to 20,000 The requirements and suggested event format for each application are outlined following in the assessment criteria. In 2015, the Tour will visit approximately 30 towns and city centres across Australia and New Zealand from July through to November, culminating in the Cup’s arrival at Flemington on Tuesday, 3 November 2015, for the ‘race that stops a nation.’ TM The purpose of the Expressions of Interest Proposal is to identify the most appropriate towns and cities to host an official day of activity as part of the 2015 EMCT schedule. Successful tenderers will need to demonstrate why their town or region has a cultural connection to the Cup. Such a connection could include an annual Cup Day celebration or a terrific story about an identity in your community who has a connection with the Melbourne Cup. Utilising this theme, the 2015 EMCT aims to unearth the personal, colourful and inspirational stories of the Melbourne Cup while visiting towns and cities around Australia that are rich in history and iconic in their own right. In the case there is no direct link to the Melbourne Cup, the benefits of hosting the Emirates Melbourne Cup in building community spirit should be outlined. Your tender must demonstrate innovation and creativity in the development of a proposed event, and the methods you will employ to maximise engagement from the local community. TENDER SUBMISSIONS To assist in the preparation of your online proposal, guidelines have been devised based on a number of criteria. Other special circumstances or extraordinary items will be taken into consideration on a case-by-case basis. The VRC, in conjunction with PPR, will manage the tender process. Please note the VRC accepts no liability for expenses or costs incurred by tenderers in preparation to their replies to their online tender submission. Tenderers must submit Expressions of Interest Proposal applications online via www.melbournecuptour.com.au. Additional documentation that may assist your submission (reference letters, maps, tourism brochures, testimonials or images from past events) can be attached to your proposal. For further information or clarification on the 2015 EMCT tender process or the online tender form, please call or email: Victoria Moffat Tourism and Events Executive VRC +61 (0)3 8378 0888 peoplescup@vrc.net.au Once the online tender application period has closed (Monday, 13th April 5pm AEST), a specially convened EMCT Organising Committee will consider all proposals. TENDER PROCESS TIMELINES w/c 16 February 2015 th Tenders officially open. Start of submission to VRC of requests for further information or clarification by Tenderers 13 April 2015 (5pm) Deadline for submissions of Tenders to VRC 8 May 2015 Decision on selection of successful Tenderers w/c 11 May 2015 Notification to Tenderers th w/c 8 June 2015 Public announcement of successful Tenderers July - November 2015 2015 EMCT commences HOSTING THE EMCT The VRC will provide ongoing support and guidance for all successful tenderers during the planning and execution phases of the 2015 EMCT. The VRC has outlined the following guidelines and examples of a typical event format for the EMCT. Please consider the points below prior to submitting a tender. EVENT FORMAT The $175,000 18-carat gold trophy will be on display at each of the events planned during the 2015 EMCT. The VRC will supply security to accompany the Cup at each destination. The VRC provides event support to each destination to ensure the day is as successful and memorable as possible. While it is the host destination’s responsibility to take on an event management role, the VRC will provide talent, event props, promotional posters and select merchandise. With the exclusion of Capital Cities, tenderers will be responsible for the planning and execution of an entire day of events, which involves securing the engagement of local schools, hospitals, local businesses and participation in the events by the local community. EMCT host destinations are also responsible for pre-promoting the events and must perform an event management role on the day of the Tour’s visit. The VRC will cover all travel expenses incurred by the touring party and provide PR and event support where possible. Costs incurred in running the event are the responsibility of the host destination. SUGGESTED EVENT FORMAT The following is an example of an event guide and schedule of activities. The VRC will consider all tenders with feasible alternatives. While visits to existing race meetings are not preferred by the VRC, such activity will be considered in exceptional circumstances. The VRC also prefers not to host public display opportunities in shopping centre precincts. Capital City Major Regional Centre Rural Centres Morning Visit to local Primary School and/or Visit to local hospital/aged care facility Visit to local Primary School and/or Visit to local hospital/aged care facility Visit to local Primary School and/or Visit to local hospital/aged care facility Midday Public event in high-traffic location i.e central business district Evening Fundraising dinner/cocktail party for elected local charity Community Fun Day - in public location, which may include public display of the Emirates Melbourne Cup, street parade live entertainment, performers, etc Community Fun Day - in public location, which may include public display of the Emirates Melbourne Cup, street parade live entertainment, performers, etc Fundraising dinner/cocktail party for elected local charity Fundraising dinner/cocktail party for elected local charity THE ONLINE APPLICATION GUIDELINES The online application form requests your organisation to consider the following points in submitting your tender: How the proposed event and activities will encourage community engagement in the 2015 EMCT? Proposed venue(s) or organisations that the Tour could visit Description of venue’s existing facilities and amenities (including existing staging, power, shelter) Venue capacity Potential local performers, talent or dignitaries that could be involved Available signage opportunities throughout the region (eg. Flagpoles or street signs) Promotional plan to target local residents, organisations and other stakeholders Communication / Advertising plan Potential partners that could offer support including o Media partnerships o Sponsorships o Charities o Local suppliers including caterers, performers, musical entertainers, audio visual services and event equipment (staging) List of major local public holidays, events and celebrations between July and November 2015 List major events organised within the region and outline potential conflicts of interest The 2015 EMCT Objectives: The aim of the 2015 EMCT is to encourage and support the development of community engagement, acknowledging the contribution your region/town has made to the 154-year history of the Melbourne Cup and/or assists in building community spirit in your region/town. The Tour’s objectives include the following: Take the Cup back to the people and communities of Australia and New Zealand Highlight the social and cultural significance of the Melbourne Cup Celebrate the heroes and stories linked with the rich 154-year history of the Melbourne Cup Submission Objectives: Stimulate local community engagement in the 2015 EMCT Promote greater cultural awareness and appreciation of your local community’s contribution to the rich 154-year history of the Melbourne Cup Encourage exciting and interactive events that promote maximum community engagement in this unique national event Promote social inclusion and a sense of community identity Event Plan Requirements: Develop an interactive public event that reflects the region’s historic involvement or connection to the Melbourne Cup Develop a program that encourages engagement from the local community across widespread generations, demographics and cultures Outline the event/s objectives and clearly demonstrate that the local community and businesses support the development of the event, ensuring that event/s are neighbourhood friendly and sensitive to community concerns Encourage innovative use of public and private places as spaces for public venues for the event Security: Successful tenderers in remote locations are advised that in situations where security is unable to be sourced, suitable alternatives need to be provided. For example: a police presence at public events Eligibility: The tenderer must complete the online application form The tenderer must provide background on any community link to the Emirates Melbourne Cup If there is no direct link, please outline the benefits the 2015 EMCT will provide the community, including plans to maximise community engagement The tenderer must clearly outlined the event’s objectives, potential events, partners, venues, etc. The tenderer must demonstrate how the program’s objectives listed in these guidelines will be addressed, namely: - How will the tenderer encourage community engagement? - How will the tenderer promote cultural awareness and appreciation of the history of the Emirates Melbourne Cup? - How will the tenderer promote a sense of community identity relating to the Emirates Melbourne Cup? In the case that the tenderer’s submission is successful, it must appoint an organising committee to plan, implement and execute a day of community activity to celebrate the 2015 EMCT Permits/Licences: Successful tenderers must also provide evidence that appropriate insurance policies and licences are in place and provide public liability ($20 Million min) certificates for all venues engaged in EMCT activities. This will be strictly adhered to. MORE INFORMATION Contact: Victoria Moffat Tourism and Event Executive VRC +61 (0)3 8378 0888 peoplescup@vrc.net.au
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