Lions Club of Werribee PRIDE PRESIDENT’S REPORT I hope that everyone is going well and getting into the swing of the second half of the Lions year. Like February, March has been a busy month in our club, with Youth of the Year, Trivia, BBQs and ideas. At our first meeting in March it was good to see a few visitors to our club with our Bring a Friend night and what better way to show new people our club than with a new member induction. So, welcome to our newest member, Lion Kerry Cook. I hope that you enjoy the friendship and fellowship that our club has to offer. At our first meeting we also had the pleasure hearing Jeremy Scott's story of his 52,000 km bike ride from London to Auckland. I know from talking to a few members in the club that they really enjoyed what he had to say. Page 1: President’s Report Page 2: Secretary’s Report Page 3: Birthdays & Anniversaries Election Results Page 4: Committee Reports Page 7: Dates To Remember Page 8: Relay For Life Schedule Page 9: April Calendar April 2015 At our second meeting the club held their elections with Paula Morris being elected to the position of President for the 2015/2016 year. I urge all members to give Paula and the rest of the elected board all of your encouragement and support in the coming year. The changeover dinner will be held on Sat 13 June 2015 at the Werribee Racecourse, so pencil that in your diaries. For those who are going onto the board the officers training will be held in Lara on the 26 May 2015. On 14 March 2015 it was great to see our club hosting the combined zones Youth of the Year Final. There were four great contestants from Zones 1 and 2 and it was good to see a few Lions from the club along on the day to support our contestant Jaya Abela from MacKillop Catholic College, who did a great job on the day. All of the contestants did an awesome job with the winner to go onto the District finals. President Zeyna Gould 5 McMurray Crescent Hoppers Crossing Vic 3029 0433 537 196 Secretary Ian Joss 6 Snowgum Court Hoppers Crossing Vic 3029 0417 536 637 Treasurer Bob Kochevatkin 14 Whitmore Place Wyndham Vale Vic 3024 0426 981 948 PO Box 163 Werribee Vic 3030 Facebook:Werribee-Lions-Club Lastly, 12 members and partners, went along for a visitation to the Lions Club of Point Cook, at the ChinaT Restaurant in Point Cook. It was great to enjoy the fellowship of another club and to hear about some of the things that they have been doing. Thank you to those members who came along for the night, it was a great turn out. President Zeyna Gould Trivia Night—Page 5 SECRETARY’S REPORT 4. Licola newsletter. Filed OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - 12th MARCH 2015 5. Invitation from Werribee Racing Club to attend their Community Clubs race day on 17th April. Table booked. The Lions Club of Werribee Inc held its Board of Directors Meeting at the Lions Den on the 12th March 2015. The meeting was called to order at 7.40 pm by President Zeyna Gould who acted as Chairperson. PRESENT 6. Werribee RSL re Pre ANZAC parade 19th April. Lions Ian Joss and Lou Scholten to attend. 7. Letter of thanks from The Grange P-12 College for our donation. Filed 8. Tax Invoice from Judy McKay Flowers for $146. Moved Lion Ron Rixon seconded Lion Lou Scholten that the Invoice be paid. RESOLVED Ian Joss, Zeyna Gould, Daryl Harden, Ron Rixon, Doug Mullett, Lou Scholten, Bob Kochevatkin, Merv Selzer, John McClure 9. Retina Australia Victoria re donation. Filed APOLOGIES 1. John Whiting, Barry Shields. Paula Morris, Tom Henderson Australian ID Mate Grant Application for Belinda Hilton. 2. Order for MD201 2015-2016 Lions Directories. PREVIOUS MINUTES SECRETARY’S REPORT The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on 12th February 2014 were distributed. The Secretary advised that the Club has 30 members. Moved Lion Daryl Harden seconded Lion John McClure that the minutes be accepted. RESOLVED BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES OUTWARD CORRESPONDENCE Moved Lion Ron Rixon seconded Lion Lou Scholten that the Secretary’s Report be accepted. RESOLVED TREASURER’S REPORT The Treasurer, presented the following balances: Administration Account Activities Account Investment $ 16,783.43 $ 21,302.43 $ 15,000.00 1. Marquee – fire report received and acceptable. Moved Lion Daryl seconded Lion Ron Rixon to purchase the marquee with lettering on the front. RESOLVED 2. Lion Daryl Harden after investigating the purchase of an iPad for a child deemed that the request was not suitable and that no further action be taken. 3. Changeover night – booked at the Racecourse for 13th June. Moved Lion John McClure seconded Lion Ron Rixon that the Treasurers report be accepted. RESOLVED INWARD CORRESPONDENCE 2. Incoming Officers School at Lara 24th May. All correspondence received was handled in the appropriate manner with the following actions. 3. Good night at last meeting. 1. Request from Woodville Primary School re donation to send child to camp. Moved Lion Doug Mullett seconded Lion Ron Rixon to donate $300. RESOLVED 5. Next meeting – election night. 2. Request from Baden Powell College re donation to send child to camp. Filed as a donation has already been made this year. 1. 3. Request for donation from Lions Hearing Dogs Incorporated. Filed Editor Bob Kochevatkin 9741 7772 Email: Mobile: 0426 981 948 Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 1. Zone meeting attended by Lion Ian and myself. 4. Youth of Year Zone final next Saturday 14th. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORTS Moved Lion Ian Joss seconded Lion Merv Selzer that Lions Terry Gordon and John Brumby be dropped from the club if the membership committee cannot contact them by the April Board of Directors meeting. RESOLVED All reports are to be in with the Editor by the 2nd Dinner Meeting of each Month; close off date will be the Friday after this meeting. Articles in MS Word format can be emailed, posted or delivered. Digital pictures of activities added to the message are welcomed but must be in JPG format. Page: 2 Birthdays Casa Shields Doug Mullett Merv Selzer Queen Elizabeth II Carol Kochevatkin Judy Westwood Margaret Rixon 08 April 18 April 21 April 21 April 26 April 26 April 28 April Anniversaries Barry & Casa Shields John & Dorothy Kessner 11 April 13 April ride for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. RESOLVED 5. BBQ to be held on 8th March at the Werribee Racecourse. 6. Moved Lion Bob Kochevatkin seconded Lion John McClure to donate $500 to the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal. RESOLVED 7. Lions Bob Kochevatkin and Lou Scholten to investigate other forms of advertising for our Club. 8. Suggestion made that a “takeaway” register be made for our Club assets. NEXT MEETING The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday 9th April 2015. CLOSURE There being no further business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 9.20 pm. 2. Welfare – air conditioner bought Rotary Club recognises the job we have done for this lady. 3. Mints – resupply of outlets tomorrow. 4. Golf – committee already organising. 5. Guest Speakers – organising for April and May. 6. Membership – Aeman Cook to be contacted. 7. Visitation to Point Cook on 25th March. 8. Membership – more prospective members in the pipeline. 9. Special Projects – Moved Lion BOB Kochevatkin seconded Lion Ian Joss to donate $2000 to Relay for Life. RESOLVED 10. Trivia night – 21st March – coming along nicely. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Moved Lion Bob Kochevatkin seconded Lion Ian Joss to ratify the donation of $250 to the Grange P12 College. RESOLVED. 2. Investigation to be carried out through the Council as to the feasibility of building a special purpose playground in Wyndham. 3. Lion Daryl Harden to investigate our participation in Seniors Week. 4. Moved Lion Ron Rixon seconded Lion Lou Scholten to donate $250 to Lion Doug Mullett’s charity Lion Zeyna Gould (President) Lion Ian Joss (Secretary) ********************************************* Board of Directors 2015/2016 The following members have been elected to the Board of Directors for the 2015/2016 Lions Year. President Immediate Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Lion Tamer Tail Twister Membership Chairman Bulletin Editor One Year Directors Two Year Directors Paula Morris Zeyna Gould Gerry Costa Tom Henderson Kerry Cook Ian Joss Bob Kochevatkin Barry Shields John McClure Michael Eather Bob Kochevatkin Daryl Harden Merv Selzer Melisa Keeble David Wood Lou Scholten Ron Rixon Dinner Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Werribee RSL at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Apologies for non-attendance at Dinner Meetings are to be notified to the Lion Tamer, Barry Shields, by 5pm on the day prior to the meeting, or you can expect to be charged for the meal. Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 Page: 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS Guest Speakers (First Vice President—Paula Morris) Excellent work Melissa in finding Jeremy Scott. A heartfelt and amazing story. His book is also at the Plaza Library if you didn’t get a copy. Membership LIONS CLUB of WERRIBEE STRATEGIC PLAN MEMBERSHIP 2014 – 2015 Aim - adopt a Four Point strategy to substantially increase membership and exceed the MD 201 V2 District Governor’s club target of Net-Plus One by: Encourage members to prepare a list of prospective members and ensure that they receive a Prospective Member kit and then invite them at club expense to a guest speaker dinner. Ensure that the successful nominee of an inducted Lion is recognized before their peers by the presentation of a significant award. Ensure that the “Welcome to the Lions Club of Werribee” pamphlet is given to quality prospective men and women as well as community minded people who assist with Lions activities. We will need to develop “Welcome to Werribee Lions Club” to promote our great organization by placing “Werribee Pride” with contact details is placed in work places, selected shops and waiting rooms at doctor and dental surgeries. Request that the club Webmaster updates/improves the club website and ensure that there is a positive emphasis upon club activities and social interaction. Organize dinner meetings with high profile Guest Speakers who would be of interest to employees of community support/family welfare agencies so that they may attend a meeting and be encouraged to consider joining our great club. We will need speakers for both April and both May meetings. If you have any ideas, pass them on and we’ll try to chase them up. It could be a friend, an acquaintance or someone you run across. Doug Mullett ********************************************* BBQs & Catering The upcoming Bunnings BBQs are as follows. Please note these in your dairies and let me know if you can help out. Werribee Werribee Werribee Werribee Sunday, 9 May 2015 Saturday, 4 July 2015 Sunday, 4 October 2015 Saturday, 5 December 2015 Hoppers Monday, 8 June 2015 (Queens Birthday Holiday) Thanks to Lions, Matt, Zeyna, Barry and Melissa for the help for the BBQ on the 28 Feb 2015. (Family fun day) @ Truganina’s new community, on Forsyth Rd. Paula Morris Lou Scholten ********************************************* Club Care Lion Tom is going through his Chemo treatment before his operation in late April and as stated at the last dinner meeting Tom and Pam are coping extremely well and their thoughts are with the club as ours are with them. Lion John Whiting and Lion's Lady Trish have certainly got trying times at the moment but both are progressing in the right direction. With Lion Eric and Lion's Lady Kathleen I have not been in touch since the last meeting which is remiss of me. All the best to the above mentioned and if you know of any of our Club members who have problems please let me know. Thanking you in Lionism Merv Selzer Lions Merv, Ian, Lou, Matt and Bob ran the BBQ for the Racing Club at their Multicultural Race Day. ********************************************* What can you find on the world’s smallest beach? Microwaves of course. Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 Page: 4 (Second Vice President—Matthew Bensted) Community Welfare Lions I am pleased to report that Belinda who is the young lady we helped with the prosthetic eyes has finally received her I D Mate and is looking forward to the increased independence it will provide. Daryl Harden Trivia Night—2nd Place Team Trivia Night Community Clubs Race Day ******************************************** Social Trivia Night The trivia night was held on Saturday 21 March 2015 at the Central Park Community Centre. While we didn't get the numbers we hoped for we still got a good turn out and managed to raise about $300 for Lions Children's Mobility. With the help of Doug Mullet and our question reader Dennis Ryan the night ran smoothly. We had lots of fun games and most people went away with a prize. Thank you to those that worked behind the scenes putting it together and those that helped out on the night. It was also good to see the generosity of some of the businesses in our local community who donated prizes, these included Greencross Vets, Bunnings, The Good Guys, Belinda Hilton, Pacific Magazines and Island Twist. President Zeyna Gould The Werribee Racing Club is again holding one of their very successful Community Clubs Race Days on Friday 17 April. Our Club has booked a table at the last few events and everyone has thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The cost is $45 which includes Admission into the Members Reserve, Complimentary drink on arrival, Two course meal (Entrée & Main), Devonshire Afternoon Tea, Door Prizes and Race Book. If you are interested in attending let Bob Kochy know ASAP as the tables usually sell out very quickly. Paula Morris Lions Changeover Dinner Changeover will be 13th June @ the Race Course Function Centre at 630pm for 7pm start. The Lions Club of Werribee was Chartered in March 1961 as the 177th Lions Club in Australia. The Sponsor Club was the Lions Club of Footscray. Incorporated Number: A7900 ABN: 12 123 313 365 Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 Page: 5 (Third Vice President—Tom Henderson) Photography Visitations If you’re in a photo and you’d like a copy, just ask. Photos published in The Pride or on the website (or even our Facebook page) are shrunk in size and quality, but if you ask, you’ll get the best quality. Twelve Members and Partners came along to Point Cook Lions Club last Wednesday night and I believe enjoyed an excellent evening. It was held at the “China T” restaurant in Point Cook and most of the members were in attendance. I look forward to our next visitation. Lou Scholten ********************************************* New / Special Projects Relay For Life 2015 The 2015 Relay For Life event on 18/19 April is only two weeks away. Invite family, friends and neighbours to join us for this most worthy cause. The cost per walker is only $20 which includes a tee-shirt and insurance. So far I have registered 44 people but only 33 will be able to walk. If you have not already confirmed your participation give me a call on 9741 7772 or an email ( so I can arrange for your registration. All walkers must be registered for insurance purposes. On Page 8 of this newsletter is the Walkers Schedule. Let me know when you are available to walk. You can put your name down for more than one time slot as the more we have the easier it is on everyone. Give some thought to doing the midnight shift. More details about the event will be sent out by email. If anyone would like to walk the Survivors and Carers laps let me know so I can advise the organisers. Bob Kochy Two policemen call the station on the radio. "Hello. Is that you Sarge?" "Yes?" "We have a case here. A woman has shot her husband for stepping on the floor she had just scrubbed and mopped clean." "Have you arrested the woman?" "No sir. The floor is still wet." Doug Mullett ********************************************* My Fundraising Plan A: I plan to leave home on 27th April. Four days up to Cairns and three nights/two days there (staying at the YHA in the centre of town). After that, subject to weather, etc., one night at Mt Surprise, one night at Cubbold Gorge, Hughenden, Longreach, Winton (tyre change for dirt-road tyres), Boulia, Jervois, Gemtree, Alice Springs. There I have to book SUZI in for a service and perhaps visit Kings Canyon. This will provide "slack days" in case something happens and I can then still meet deadlines but just miss out on an "added extra". Then it will be to Uluru, Warakurna, Laverton and Kalgoorlie (tyre change back to 50/50 road tyres). After that it's into Perth, a little rest, Adelaide (but four days to get there, as it's short daylight days), a rest day then and home on 2nd June. There will be a "seventh day rest" to do the washing and resupply, obviously approximately every seven days. As I'll only have clothes for seven days, it's that or smell pretty bad! Plan B: (in case of rain cutting roads) is to go Cairns – Towsnville – Mt Isa – Three Ways – Alice Springs – Pt Augusta – Norseman – Perth. This way will be longer, but not as adventurous. If anyone is concerned that I will be travelling alone, I will have SPOTTY with me (which puts up a signal every five minutes provided I’m moving) and an EPIRB. If I am in dire need of assistance (currently my main worry is coming across a vehicle accident in a remote area, with injuries beyond first aid capabilities), I’ll set the EPIRB off, Maritime Rescue in Canberra will detect it through satellites, know it’s me and exactly where I am. They’ll check that I expect to be there and send out assistance. So you will be able to open the\is page viewspots.jsp? glId=0qivXEugjVzelyCavAdyeuS91SQWQmHhG and follow my progress with SPOTTY’s markers. Hopefully I don’t have to worry anyone as I’ll be stop- Copies of previous Prides back to January 2010 can be read or downloaded from the Werribee Lions Club’s web page at: Then ‘login’ and look under the Members/Newsletters Tabs. Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 Page: 6 ping for fuel for SUZI and drink and food for me, for comfort breaks, for sightseeing and photography and for accommodation. My accommodation will vary from YHAs, hotels, dongas at roadhouses or the tabletops of rest areas. My stops will range from the side of the road, rest areas, where another traveller has stopped, roadhouses and shopping centres. Doug Mullett ********************************************* Recycled Glasses Members may not be aware that we collect glasses. These are sorted through a club in Queensland and then go to the Pacific Islands. Insight Vision is one of the places we get glasses from In Werribee. Daniel is the optometrist at Insight Vision, shown here with glasses donated from clients. Doug Mullett scared that tears came to his eyes. He looked again & the bear was even closer. His heart pounding in his chest, he tried to run faster yet. But alas, he tripped and fell to the ground. As he rolled over to pick himself up, the bear was right over him, reaching for him with it's left paw and raising its right paw to strike him....he yelled out, "OH MY GOD!" Time stopped....... The bear froze....... The forest was silent............ Even the river stopped moving. As a brilliant light shone upon the man, a thunderous voice came from all around, GOD SPOKE: "YOU DENY MY EXISTENCE FOR ALL THESE YEARS, TEACH OTHERS THAT I DON'T EXIST AND EVEN CREDIT CREATION TO SOME COSMIC ACCIDENT. DO YOU EXPECT ME TO HELP YOU OUT OF THIS PREDICAMENT? "AM I TO COUNT YOU NOW AS A BELIEVER?" Difficult as it was, the atheist looked directly into the light & said, "It would be hypocritical to ask to be a Christian after all these years, but perhaps you could make the bear a Christian?" "VERY WELL," said GOD. The light went out... The river ran... The sounds of the forest resumed.. And the bear dropped down on his knees, brought both paws together, bowed his head and spoke: "Lord, thank you for this food which I am about to receive, Amen." ******************************************** From the Editor’s Desk ********************************************* Beware The Bear An atheist was walking through the woods one day in Alaska, admiring all that evolution had created. "What majestic trees! What a powerful river! What beautiful animals!" he said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. Turning to look, he saw a 13-foot Kodiak brown bear beginning to charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could down the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was rapidly closing on him. Somehow, he ran even faster, so Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 All committee reports and articles need to be in to the Editor by 22 April for the May Pride. ******************************************** Dates To Remember 05 April 17 April 18/19 April 30 April/4 May 13 June Easter Sunday Community Clubs Race Day Relay For Life 2015 National Convention (Newcastle) Change-Over Dinner Page: 7 2015 Relay For Life - Walkers Schedule (Saturday 18 April 12noon to Sunday 19 April 12 noon) There must be at least one walker on the track carrying the baton at all times. Time Slot Walkers Walkers 12pm – 3pm 18 April Saturday Pam Wooding Susan Browning Tom Henderson Pam Henderson Carol Kochy Rosalie Joss 3pm – 6pm Saturday Ron Rixon Margaret Rixon Pam Wooding Trish Fenton Dionne Fenton Rosalie Joss 6pm – 9pm Saturday 9pm – 12am Saturday 12am – 6am 19 April Sunday 6am – 9am Sunday 9am – 12noon 19 April Sunday Walkers Pam Wooding Kerry Cook Carol Kochy Rosalie Joss Doug Mullett Barry Shields Kerry Cook Bob Kochy (24hrs) Merv Selzer Ian Joss (24hrs) Paul Collins (24hrs) Zeyna Gould (24hrs) Barry Shields Lou Scholten Carol Scholten Merv Selzer Michael Eather (7.30) Rosalie Joss Merv Selzer Carol Kochy Elaine Keenan Rosalie Joss 11.50 am - Opening ceremony 12.00 pm - Survivors start the first lap 12.05 pm - Survivors plus carers on second lap 8.00 pm - Candlelight Ceremony Sunday 11.45 am - All welcome to join in on the final laps Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 Page: 8 April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Dinner Meeting 5 6 7 8 Easter Sunday 9 13 14 15 16 Dinner Meeting 19 20 Relay For Life 26 10 11 17 18 Directors Meeting Daylight Saving Ends 12 Good Friday 21 22 Queen Elizabeth II Born 1926 Pride Reports Submission Deadline 28 29 27 Community Clubs Race Day 23 24 Relay For Life 25 Anzac Day 30 Captain Cook Landed Botany Bay 1770 Lions Club of Werribee - April 2015 Page: 9
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