Lions Club of Werribee PRIDE PRESIDENT’S REPORT This year is fast coming to a close, but there is still a bit to be done by the end of the Lions Year. While numbers have risen and then fallen again at dinner meetings it has been great to have some guest speakers along. At the first meeting in April we had Cameron a reporter from the Werribee Banner, Wyndham Weekly and the Star Weekly, who was able to give us a small history of the local media in the Wyndham community, as well as highlighting the importance of the local media to community needs. At the second dinner meeting in April Nancy from the CWA came along to tell us about the history of the CWA and the fantastic things they have been doing in the local community. If you aren’t already aware, the club has once again been asked to organ- Page 1: President’s Report Page 2: Secretary’s Report Page 3: Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 3: Committee Reports Page 6: Dates To Remember Page 7: Who is Kerry Cook Page 8: May Calendar May 2015 ise the car park at the Melbourne International Horse Trials over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend (Friday 5th June to Monday 8th June). As it was last year, this activity will require all hands on deck. Lion Matt has sent an email around asking for volunteers, so please give your support to him for that weekend. Also on the same weekend is our one and only BBQ for the year at Bunnings Hoppers Crossing, which is scheduled for Monday 8th June 2015. I know it is a lot for one weekend but if we all band together it can be done. It was great to see and catch up with members at the Relay for Life. It is such a heart-warming and inspiring event to attend each year. While it was a shame that it had to be cancelled for safety reasons, the time there was terrific and the community spirit as always was amazing to see. Thank you again to Lion Bob for organising the team and to everyone who helped with the event. The Relay was the first time we used the marquee and it looked fantastic (we were quite lucky it didn’t get blown away). If you have been checking your emails you would have seen the email from Lion Paula about the Progressive Dinner. It is my understanding that she is still looking for a host, so if you are in a position to do so, please let her know if you would like to host. The date that has been set is 18 July 2015. President Zeyna Gould 5 McMurray Crescent Hoppers Crossing Vic 3029 0433 537 196 Secretary Ian Joss 6 Snowgum Court Hoppers Crossing Vic 3029 0417 536 637 Treasurer Bob Kochevatkin 14 Whitmore Place Wyndham Vale Vic 3024 0426 981 948 PO Box 163 Werribee Vic 3030 Facebook:Werribee-Lions-Club Relay For Life - Page 5 Lastly the Changeover Dinner is to be held on Saturday 13th June 2015 at the Werribee Racecourse Function Centre, it is $45 per head for a two course meal. Please confirm with Paula if you will be attending and make your payment to Lion Bob. Please show Lion Paula and the incoming officers your support for the coming year, by making this a great night. I look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the next dinner meeting. President Zeyna Gould ======================================== SECRETARY’S REPORT OFFICIAL MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - 09th APRIL 2015 4. BBQ at racecourse. Received $500 in payment. INWARD CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence received was handled in the appropriate manner with the following actions. 1. Letter from District Governor Elect Lion Wayne Oakes re his proposed visit on 18th November 2015. Passed to incoming President Lion Paula Morris. 2. Request for donation from Lions Cord Blood Foundation Incorporated. Moved Lion Bob Kochevatkin seconded Lion Doug Mullett to donate $250. RESOLVED 3. Request for donation from Lions Prostate Cancer Research and Treatment Project. Previous donation. 4. Request for donation from Victorian Lions Foundation. Moved Lion Matthew Bensted seconded Lion Lou Scholten to donate $250. RESOLVED The Lions Club of Werribee Inc held its Board of Directors Meeting at the Lion’s Den on the 9th April 2015. The meeting was called to order at 7.35 pm by First Vice President Paula Morris who acted as Chairperson. 5. Request from Lions Operation Teddy Bear to participate. Moved Lion Matthew Bensted seconded Lion Daryl Harden to purchase 2 boxes of bears. RESOLVED Lion Bar r y Shields to investigate placement of the bears. PRESENT 6. Letter from Lions Eye Health Program. Passed to Lion Lou Scholten. Ian Joss, Daryl Harden, Doug Mullett, Lou Scholten, John Whiting, Matthew Bensted, Bob Kochevatkin, Merv Selzer, John McClure, Barry Shields. Paula Morris 7. Official Notice 21st AGM of Australian Lions Foundation. Passed to Lion Lou Scholten. APOLOGIES 1. PU101 to Cabinet Secretary and MyLCI. Tom Henderson, Zeyna Gould 2. Delegate and deceased member forms sent to Cabinet Secretary. PREVIOUS MINUTES OUTWARD CORRESPONDENCE The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held on 12th March 2015 were distributed. SECRETARY’S REPORT Moved Lion Daryl Harden seconded Lion Doug Mullett that the minutes be accepted. RESOLVED Moved Lion Doug Mullett seconded Lion John McClure that the Secretary’s Report be accepted. RESOLVED BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES TREASURER’S REPORT 1. ID Mate Grant Application for Belinda Hilton was successful and Belinda has received her ID Mate. 2. Lions Terry Gordon and John Brumby. Moved Lion Lou Scholten seconded Lion John McClure that Lions Terry Gordon and John Brumby memberships be terminated. RESOLVED 3. Participation in Seniors Week. Lion Daryl Harden investigating. Editor Bob Kochevatkin 9741 7772 Email: Mobile: 0426 981 948 Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 The Secretary advised that the Club has 31 members. The Treasurer, presented the following balances: Administration Account $ 15845.10 Activities Account $ 16509.53 Investment Account $ 15000.00 Moved Lion Matthew Bensted seconded Lion Daryl Harden that the Treasurer’s report be accepted. RESOLVED All reports are to be in with the Editor by the 2nd Dinner Meeting of each Month; close off date will be the Friday after this meeting. Articles in MS Word format can be emailed, posted or delivered. Digital pictures of activities added to the message are welcomed but must be in JPG format. Page: 2 4. Wheel clamp for trailer purchased at a cost of $70. Birthdays Rocco DiRaco Michael Eather Pam Henderson Lou Scholten Gustav Arianto 04 May 09 May 20 May 22 May 31 May 5. Moved Lion Bob Kochevatkin seconded Lion Merv Selzer that the Social Committee organise the Progressive Dinner for 18th July regardless of the number able to attend. NEXT MEETING The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Thursday 14th May 2015. CLOSURE Anniversaries Tom & Pam Henderson Judy & Philip Brown 21 May 28 May There being no further business the Chairperson declared the meeting closed at 8:55 pm. Lion Paula Morris (First Vice President) Lion Ian Joss (Secretary) ======================================== PRESIDENT’S REPORT Nil CHAIRPERSON’S REPORTS 1. Mints – resupply of outlets next Friday. 2. Members Welfare – Lion Tom Henderson is progressing as well as can be expected. 3. Membership – still interested people in the pipeline. 4. Relay for Life – new baton made by Lion Matthew Bensted. Caravan to be loaded and taken to the track on Friday afternoon. COMMITTEE REPORTS BBQs & Catering The upcoming Bunnings BBQs are as follows. Please note these in your dairies and let me know if you can help out. Werribee Werribee Werribee Saturday, 4 July 2015 Sunday, 4 October 2015 Saturday, 5 December 2015 Hoppers Monday, 8 June 2015 (Queens Birthday Holiday) 5. The Club received $900 from the BBQ on 21st February. 6. BBQs to be held on 9th May at Bunnings Werribee and on 8th June at Bunnings Hoppers Crossing. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Moved Lion Doug Mullett seconded Lion Matthew Bensted that the price for the Changeover Dinner be set at $45 per person. RESOLVED. 2. Moved Lion Doug Mullett seconded Lion Barry Shields that Lion Daryl Harden investigate the installation of a disabled swing either in a municipality park or at the Zoo. Lion Daryl also to investigate all avenues of finance for the project. 3. Lion Lou Scholten to investigate why the Lions Club of Footscray carried out a “Safe Plate” project in our area. Paula Morris ********************************************* Social Change Over Dinner Change Over is Saturday 13th June 2015. Located at the Werribee Race Course Function Centre. The cost is $45 for a 2 course meal each. Paula Morris Dinner Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Werribee RSL at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Apologies for non-attendance at Dinner Meetings are to be notified to the Lion Tamer, Barry Shields, by 5pm on the day prior to the meeting, or you can expect to be charged for the meal. Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 Page: 3 Progressive Dinner Progressive Dinner is set for the Saturday 18th July 2015. We have two families who have said that they would host. We are looking for one more, please let me know if you would like to host the Progressive Dinner. More details will be send out once I have a third host. Paula Morris ********************************************* Community Clubs Race Day On Saturday 17 April, members of the Werribee Lions Club, their family and friends were guests, along with other community groups, at the Werribee Racing Club for their Community Clubs Race Day. We had a table of eleven, four Lions, two partners and five friends. Everyone enjoyed the food, the complimentary drinks, the afternoon Devonshire Tea and especially the companionship. The racing was good as well, but just for once I would like to pick a winner. I must admit I did pick a quinella on one of the races and won a total of 20 cents. Better than losing I suppose. Our table was lucky enough to win a $50 TAB betting voucher. We decided to have a bet on the Daily Double. We got the first leg in with no problems and because we had taken a boxed daily double this meant we had six runners of the nine starters to win the last race. Pretty good odds you would think, but alas, another donkey won the race and we blew our big chance of going on a world cruise together. Maybe next race meeting we will have better luck. Whether you had a bet or not it was a great day out and we will definitely book a table or two for the next Community Clubs Race Day. Lions Changeover Dinner Changeover will be 13th June @ the Race Course Function Centre at 630pm for 7pm start. Bob Kochy Police Dogs Final Test Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 Page: 4 Club / Members Care Lions Eric & Tom are progressing well awaiting their respective operations. John Whiting is looking forward to attending further Lions meetings. Merv Selzer her work mates from the ATO. See, the tax office is not too bad after all, thanks Susan. I must thank all Club members and their families for their participation and for making this such a memorable event. Thanks also to all who assisted in setting up, holding down the marquees in gusty winds and packing up our camp site. ********************************************* New / Special Projects Relay For Life 2015 Congratulations! Team Lions celebrated another 24 hour (shortened to 8 hours due to bad weather) walkathon at the 2015 Relay For Life event held on the weekend of 18/19 April. This was the tenth year our Club has entered a team in the annual event although some members have participated previously with other groups. 109 teams from the Wyndham area were all set to brave the 24 hours marathon when at about 7pm the winds started to blow. The wind caught some of the teams unaware and their marquees were blown away like tumbleweed. Luckily our marquees were facing away from the direction of the wind and we managed to have some members hold onto the poles whiles others went around strengthening the weights on the corners. We survived the worst of the winds and then the announcement over the speakers said the Relay Committee had decided it was too dangerous to continue so the event was stopped. This was a good decision from the committee because several people had already been injured and there was every chance the weather was going to get worse during the night. This event is a special occasion on the Lions calendar because it most importantly supports our members and families coping with cancer, remembers those loved ones lost to cancer, raises money for cancer research, promotes camaraderie within the Club and raises the profile of Lions in the community. The Lions Club had a high profile at the event. The visual effect of our new marquee, the Relay For Life Program was sponsored by the Werribee Lions Club as was the team’s Trivia Quiz. We then packed up our camp site and stored all our gear into the caravan which was already at the venue. Luckily the rain had stopped while we were pulling down the marquees which made things a little bit easier. Lion Barry then towed the caravan back to the Den. The next day we had to clean and dry out the marquees (3), tarpaulins and other gear ready to pack away for next year. In all the years Lions have been at Relay this is the only time we have had bad weather and had the event called off. The Relay Committee has arranged to hold a special Candlelight Ceremony on Saturday 16 May at a venue to be advised. It would be great to see as many members as possible attend this ceremony because it is such an important part of why we participate in Relay For Life. I must thank Susan Browning and Tom and Pam Henderson for their generous donations towards our Relay Fundraising. Susan received donations from eight of Well done to all who participated and I hope to see you again next year. It’s not too early to start training. Bob Kochy The Lions Club of Werribee was Chartered in March 1961 as the 177th Lions Club in Australia. The Sponsor Club was the Lions Club of Footscray. Incorporated Number: A7900 ABN: 12 123 313 365 Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 Page: 5 Doug’s Cross-Country Travels A link to follow my travel is: glId=0qivXEugjVzelyCavAdyeuS91SQWQmHhG Just copy into a web browser or if it is a live link in the Pride, just double click on it. . Doug Mullett ********************************************* From the Editor’s Desk On the first lap All committee reports and articles need to be in to the Editor by 22 May for the June Change-over Pride. ******************************************** Dates To Remember 30 April/4 May 09 May 5 - 8 June 08 June 13 June 18 July 18 November National Convention (Newcastle) Bunnings BBQ, Werribee Car Parking, Equestrian Centre Bunnings BBQ, Hoppers Crossing Change-Over Dinner Progressive Dinner District Governor’s Visit ********************************************* Getting ready for a wet night Entertainment Book 2015/2016 To order your Entertainment Book see Bob Kochy. 20% of sales goes to the Lions Club. Inside our spacious marquees Copies of previous Prides back to January 2010 can be read or downloaded from the Werribee Lions Club’s web page at: Then ‘login’ and look under the Members/Newsletters Tabs. Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 Page: 6 Who Is Kerry Cook? crime shows/movies which I love. My main passion in my life are my three nephews and my niece who I love spending time with whenever I can. Firstly I would like to thank the Lions Club of Werribee for accepting me into the club. So who is Kerry Cook – good question? Personal I was born in Preston in 1968 at PANCH (Preston and Northcote Community Hospital), first child to Bruce and Faye Cook. For my first birthday I was lucky enough to get a puppy who was named Buffy who I was lucky to have until my 16th birthday. A few years later I was joined by my brother Paul. My Dad then joined the Air Force and life changed for the Cooks. Dad’s first transfer was to Wagga Wagga, where a few years later, another brother entered my life, called Stewart. He has always been the odd one out on the family being a New South Walesman!! Dads last few postings were back to Melbourne and in 1983, we settled in Laverton. I completed my HSC at Laverton High, my fifth school. After graduating I attended Warrnambool Institute (now part of Deakin Uni) where I did a Bachelor of Arts in Management Communication. I returned to Laverton in 1990. I was lucky enough to gain a job through a friend who was a Principal at a school. I was an Integration Aide for a couple of years and then got the opportunity to become the School Secretary. I was a School Secretary or Business Manager as they became known as, for many years until I left the Education Department in 2008. Incidentally this is when I met fellow School Secretary Carol Scholten, the next school to me. I left the Education Department due to a Mental Breakdown which has changed my life dramatically. Due to my mental health I was unable to work for a few years. I then had a few part time jobs until I got on my feet in January this year, with a full time job offer at Cash Stop in Werribee. This has made a huge difference in my life. I am lucky to have some amazing friends who I enjoy spending time with when I am not reading or watching Murphy says to Paddy “What ya talkin to an envelope for?”. “I’m sending a voicemail ya thick sod!”. A fellow has moved in next door. He has travelled the world, swum with sharks, wrestled bears and climbed the highest mountains. It came as no surprise to learn his name was Bindair Dundat. Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 Lions I was introduced to Lions through Lions Village Licola, when the Lions Club of Altona asked me to be a leader. I enjoyed that role for many years. Dad joined the Lions Club of Altona and Mum the Lioness Club of Altona. I had considered joining the Lions Club because I enjoyed the social aspect and all the great stuff they seemed to do. Around that time, the Lions Club of Altona were looking at forming the Lions Club of Altona Meadows – so I became a Charter member of this club in 1991. As the years went on I was given many leadership opportunities, including representing V2 on the Licola Board of Management and the Lions Personality Quest. I have held most positions in the club, some successfully and some not so well J I was given the opportunity to be Cabinet Secretary and eventually was District Governor. An amazing opportunity and a huge honour, one I still appreciate to this day. After I was District Governor, I transferred to the Lions Club of Altona, where I remained until January 2014, where I resigned. At that time I never intended to return to Lions, but I have a huge love for this association and when I was asked to attend a meeting at Werribee, I accepted but was hesitant. I have always admired the Lions Club of Werribee and what they achieve in the community and the member’s acceptance of me to the club made me reassess my leaving the organisation. I have been a Lion for 23 years and although I am open to change, I respect and enjoy the tradition of Lions which is something that the Lions Club of Werribee does as well. Thank You for reintroducing me to Lions and my love for it and I look forward to the years ahead with the club. Kerry Cook Page: 7 May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 31 3 4 5 6 7 Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 Dinner Meeting Bunnings BBQ Werribee 10 11 12 13 Mother’s Day 17 14 Directors Meeting 18 19 20 21 Dinner Meeting 24 15 25 Lions Club of Werribee - May 2015 26 27 16 Relay For Life Candlelight Ceremony 22 23 Pride Reports Submission Deadline 28 29 30 Page: 8
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