Lion Pride Ask One April-May 2015 • Vol. 43 • Issue 5 A Publication of the Lions of Lower Michigan - MD 11 Lions Clubs International Foundation –PID Dennis Cobler Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund –Cindy Olmstead, Director Prison Puppy Raisers –Lion Julie Haase, District 11 E2 Celebrate Lions during the Awards Breakfast and Banquet on Saturday, May 16. The Business Session is your opportunity to hear of updates from our four State Projects: Bear Lake Camp, Eversight, Lions of MI Foundation and Leader Dogs for the Blind. Council Chair Jim Pettinato will also be on-hand to present the “State of the Lions” address. PID Brian Sheehan exemplifies the heart of being a Lion. His passion and dedication to Lions Coming early to Holland? You are invited to is a story told through a unique and entertaining attend the Pre - Convention Picnic Thursday, May way, sure to leave you with a lasting impression 14 at 6:30, held at Kollen Park located on the and renewed commitment to our organization. shores of beautiful Lake Macatawa. The Holland You can hear PID Sheehan’s story at the Awards Lions Club will provide a Lions-style picnic sure to Banquet. satisfy! Cost - $10.00. Make your reservations Cap off the weekend with the PDG today! lions@lionsofmi or 517-887-6640 Association Breakfast and Annual Meeting on Sunday morning, May 17. MD 11 STATE CONVENTION SPEAKER, BRIAN E. SHEEHAN, PID Brian E. Sheehan, from Bird Island, Minnesota, was elected to serve a twoyear term as a director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 94th International Convention, held in Seattle, Washington, in 2011. Past Director Sheehan is the founder and CEO of Rural Computer Consultants, a software development company. A member of the Bird Island Lions Club since 1991, he has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chair, Webmaster tech advisor, leadership chair, membership chair, retention chair, district convention chair, vice district governor, district governor, council chair, long range planning chair, membership chair, retention chair, women’s initiative chair and multiple district convention chair. He also served as GMT liaison and as a presenter at numerous Lions events, including the USA/Canada Forum. In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including Club Lion of the Year, the District 5M 4 Diabetes Awareness Award, the MD 5M Web Site Appreciation Award, the MD 5M Al Jensen Leadership Award, the Founders Membership Growth Award, three International President’s Certificates of Appreciation, an International President’s Leadership Award and an International President’s Medal. He is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. In addition to his Lions activities, Past Director Sheehan is active in numerous professional and community organizations. He has served as president of Bird Island Civic and Commerce, director of the Learning Funhouse and as a member of various school committees. He also received the 2011 U.S. Small Business Association Minnesota Small Business Person of the Year Award. Past Director Sheehan and his wife, Lori, also a Lion, have two sons and two daughters. For mail returns see ID statement. Grab your fedora and your flapper dress and meet us at the Speakeasy for an evening of fun and games, music and memories! Casino-style gaming, photo booth, live music and the opportunity to mix it up with PID Brian and Lori Sheehan. You won’t want to miss a minute of the Welcome Reception on Friday, May 15. Learning never goes out of style and the MD 11 Convention Planning Committee has provided the following breakout sessions to keep you informed: upcoming events April 26- May 2, 2015 White Cane Week April 24-26 District 11 A1 Convention Livonia-Embassy Suites District 11 B2 Convention Double Tree Hotel-Holland Single District 10 Convention Sault Ste. Marie – LSSU May 1-3 District 11 E2 Convention Mackinaw City May 14-16 MD 11 Pre Convention Picnic MD 11 State Convention Double Tree Hotel-Holland May 15 Council of Governors & DG-Elect Meetings Double Tree Hotel-Holland May 16-22 World Wide Week of Service June 1 Helen Keller Day For complete calendar of events, check our website: Lions Clubs of Michigan MD 11 2 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE > MD11 Volume 43 • Issue 5 news Executive Director’s Pride Excitement is building around the state as Lions celebrate their greatness at District Conventions with recognitions and awards bestowed upon Lions by their District Governor. Inspiring messages from International Guest speakers such as PID Dennis Tichenor, Oregon, are challenging us to spread our enthusiasm for Lionism like wildfire throughout the communities we serve. With two more months left in the Lion’s calendar year, there is still work to be done and new members to be installed. As a whole, Lions have hit a milestone with a record-setting 1.4 million members! Michigan claims a portion of that number with 11,143 Lions in our state and we continue to add members to our roster. We are fired-up about the MD 11 State Convention and hope you plan to join us in Holland as we as we celebrate together our past, our present and our future. Strengthening The Pride In District 11-A1 District Governor Lion Martin Malone recently wrote an editorial about how the newly created NEWS Committee was in the process of making the District 11-A1 community more aware of the many activities and services that Lions provide. With overwhelming support from each Club in the District, support came from the following partners in service to make the NEWS Committee’s vision a reality: OutFront Media Tamaco Graphics, and the Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind. Billboards are can be seen around the District, and 11 A-1 Clubs have placed similar promotional posters in area businesses. Why should other Districts follow suit? To help Increase Membership, Increase Donations, and Increase Service Opportunities to Those in Need. DG Martin thanks the NEWS Committee, consisting of Lions Rick DeClaire, Chair; Willie Faison; Jim Zioncheck; PDG Ron Coleman and at large member, Lion Deborah Jameen-Love for accepting the challenge and making this dream become reality! Yours in Service, Lion Wendy Burns Executive Director YOUR TALENT IS NEEDED AT THE USA/CANADA FORUM! Carnival performers are needed for the USA/Canada Grand Forum opening night celebration on Thursday, September 17. Take advantage of this opportunity to show off your special talents! The committee is in search of jugglers, balloon artists, magicians, clowns and entertainers. If your club has access to carnival games, such as ring toss, bean bag toss, fishing game, etc., there is a need for this, as well. Think local neighborhood street fair – Lion’s style! Please contact the State Office at 517-887-6640 to volunteer and for more information. LION PRIDE MAGAZINE The Lion Pride (USPS 978-200) is published monthly for the Lions members of Multiple District 11, Michigan, except for the combined issues of January/ February, April/May, July/August and September/October, at Lion Pride Magazine, 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911. Lions receive the publication for annual dues/subscription rate of $4.50; advertisements must reach the above address by the 15th of the month for publication in the following month’s issue. All clubs must send their news and pictures to their district editor, allowing ample time for the district editor to forward copy to meet the deadline stated above. Clubs or individuals must send their information to their district editor, not to the publication. Periodicals postage paid in Lansing, MI, 48911. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lion Pride Magazine, 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911. Wendy Burns, Editor. FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Please notify your post office and club secretary immediately if you change your address so that your Lion Pride copy can be mailed to your correct address. New labels are prepared by Lions International and usually require 2 to 3 months before taking effect. For advertising rates, please contact Lion Pride Magazine, 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911. For information on State Projects or the State Office, contact 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911, (517) 887-6640, fax: (517) 887-6642. Edited by: Wendy Burns 5730 Executive Drive • Lansing, MI 48911 (517) 887-6640 • fax (517) 887-6642 You Are Invited ! ! ! Please join us at the MIDWEST LIONS BREAKFAST at the Lions Clubs International Convention In Honolulu, Hawaii Hotel: Sheraton Waikiki Date: Monday, June 29, 2015 Room: Kaua’i Time: 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Menu: Plated breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, Applewood bacon, herb infused potatoes, oven roasted Hamakua tomato, Royal Kona coffee (regular & decaffeinated) assorted herbal teas, and fresh orange juice. Cost: $36.00 per person Please make reservations using the attached form. Registrations must be received by May 26 Make checks payable to: LIONS OF ILLINOIS Return the registration form and check(s) to: PCC Lydia Ellis 2305 Marine Road, Highland, IL 62249 Email: Mobile Phone: 618-980-7482 HOSTED BY THE LIONS OF ILLINOIS & ARIZONA PLEASE INCLUDE ME IN THE MIDWEST BREAKFAST Monday, June 29, 2015 at 7 a.m. Sheraton Waikiki in the Kaua’i Room So that we may contact you in the event of changes, please provide the following information (one form for each person, please): Name:____________________________________________________________________ Street:____________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________ State:_________________________ Zip Code:____________________________Country:_______________________________ Best phone number:_________________________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________________ Checks ($36.00 per person) should be payable to LIONS OF ILLINOIS. Please keep copies for your records since we will not send receipts. Forms and checks should be sent to: PCC Lydia Ellis 2305 Marine Road Highland, IL 62249 USA Volume 43 • Issue 5 LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 3 > 11 SAVE THE DATE! 2015 Lions Leadership/Graduate Institute November 13-15, 2015 The Lions Leadership Institute is a unique opportunity for individuals to learn and develop lifelong leadership skills, which can be applied to their job, their Lions Club, and their life. Training equips Lions with the motivation, knowledge and skills to ensure that a high level of service is provided. It develops more leaders, and more leaders translate into greater service. Training makes Lions more effective. Attending the Leadership Institute gives participants the tools and confidence to become more effective leaders. The skills learned can be applied to their job, their Lions Club and their everyday lives. Participants learn key components of team building. By sharing ideas, success stories and humanitarian endeavors, Lions learn how to influence membership and become more open-minded and receptive to change. How will the institute improve Michigan Lionism? The Leadership Institute provides each district with a pool of trained leaders. Lionism is also improved by creating more responsive and dynamic Lions Clubs throughout Michigan. Become Your Best – Train with the Best! Lions of Michigan Leadership/Graduate Institute November 13-15 THE GRAND FORUM DeVos Place Grand Rapids, MI September 17-19, 2015 Spring is upon us, at least on the calendar. Spring is a new beginning. Spring is the beginning of the sprint to the 40th USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Grand Rapids. Most Lions who have ever attended a USA Canada Forum describe it as the best learning experience in Lions. We will have over 60 learning sessions over 3 full days. Check out the details at the Grand Rapids Host Committee Facebook page,, or the Host Committee website, Each can link you to the Forum registration page that you can directly access at http:// or you can access all of them through links on the Lions of Michigan website under the Calendar of Events. New this year are a Lions Festival of Fun on Thursday night featuring carnival acts and the Buckets & Boards comedy percussion show; The Lions Club Handbook, an old school paper bound book jammed with the who, what, where, when and whys of almost anything a club might run across; Lions University, an online learning experience for all levels of Lions, free year round to forum attendees; a mobile app for the forum probably available by the end of April; speakers, including LCI First Vice President Dr. Yamada, Lisa Whelchel from “Facts of Life,” and Wayne Brock, Boy Scouts CEO; and a special surprise for Saturday night. We are currently a long way from our registration and volunteer goals. Please stop by our table at your district convention if you have not registered online and register. The registration fee goes up after May 31. The Forum will never be closer or more economical to attend than 2015. You can also complete the volunteer registration form at our convention table or online at the Lions of Michigan website. I hear a lot of Lions saying they will register and volunteer. Please do it now. I have literally heard it over 100 times, yet we have only about 30 completed volunteer forms submitted to PCC Shepard. The earlier you register for the Forum and as a volunteer, the more likely you are to get your hotel of choice (4 of 6 hotels are connected or within a block or 2 of the convention center). When you volunteer you can choose your day(s) and activity. The earlier you complete and return the volunteer form, the more likely you are to get your preferred date and activity on our master schedule. Not all volunteer opportunities are inside the convention center. We also need people in hotel lobbies, at Welcome Centers, the airport, and to help with set up before the Forum begins. For the Lions of Michigan to show the Lions of the rest of the country and Canada the Grand Forum, we need another 300 volunteers. We expect to provide a rebate on the registration fee to attendees who volunteer at least 8 hours of service to the Forum as certified by the Host Committee to the International Planning Committee, which would send the rebate after the Forum. The amount of rebate is under discussion. REGISTER NOW TO JOIN US IN GRAND RAPIDS. PCC John Johnson, Host Committee Chairperson E2 district spotlight STAYING POSITIVE (+) AND MOVING FORWARD in 11-B2 There is a reason that the symbol for POSITIVE is a plus and the symbol for NEGATIVE is a minus. Staying positive keeps us moving forward with the attitude that we can accomplish what we put our minds to. Being negative can only set us back. Positives cause sparks and sparks are what we need at this point in our Lions Year. We need to take a positive approach as to how the clubs are being run. We need to take a positive approach to the way we are recruiting new members. We need to have a positive outlook on our own involvement in what is the GREATEST of service organizations in the world. If we stay positive we will see better clubs, more members, happier members, and all that makes for retention of old members. With all that being said, it’s hard to believe that my year as Governor is 2/3rd’s over. It has just been wonderful visiting all the GREAT CLUBS in district 11B2, whether large or small, all are mighty. Really associating with each club at meetings and projects, inducting new members, having 2 new Leo Clubs charted, seeing young people out in their communities in service, has been great. Clubs are busy electing new officers and Marsha Brown mentoring them, reporting this to International (PU101’s), as well monthly District 11 B2 membership reports and activities reports. Another important thing for each of us to do is to register to attend our “District Conventions”. As governor I will be doing my best to attend each District Convention in the State. Hope to see you there. Coming up in May, don’t forget to register for the State Convention on the 14th, 15th, & 16th. On Thursday evening the 14th, the Lions of Holland will be putting on a BBQ for us. A great time of socialization with Lions of Michigan. Also remember to put together a service project during May 16th to the 22nd in your community. This is “Worldwide Week of Service” for our commitment to our Centennial Celebration with the suggestion to serve our “Children” of our communities. Then report this to to earn your Centennial Banner Patch. As always “The Lions of Michigan” are on the MOVE in their communities, the state and around the world. See you all somewhere soon! Governor Marsha Brown, District 11 B2 “MORE HANDS MORE SERVICE” 4 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE > MD11 Volume 43 • Issue 5 news MEMBERSHIP s n o b b Ri The Council of Governors and Global Membership Team continue to support the use of Purple and Gold membership awareness ribbons as a way to talk about membership without always having to talk about membership. Whenever you spot a ribbon – think Membership! Wear your purple ribbon until you bring in your first new member for the year. When inducted, pass on your purple ribbon to the new Lion and begin wearing your yellow ribbon which will be presented to you. The ribbons will also make for some good conversation. Available through District Governors and Club Presidents. Wear your Membership Ribbon to your District and State Convention! Leader Dogs Accepting Summer Camp Applications Leader Dogs for the Blind is Accepting Applications for their 2015 Summer Experience Camp Do you know any teenagers who could use a week of fun, outdoor activity and friendship this summer? Do you think they would enjoy kayaking, rock wall climbing and tandem biking? How about the challenge of developing new travel skills and stretching their independence? If so, the Leader Dogs for the Blind Summer Experience Camp was designed with them in mind. The program combines outdoor activities with things exclusively Leader Dog—audible pedestrian GPS training and the opportunity to spend time with Leader Dogs in training and guide dog mobility instructors. The combination will help them increase the skills they need to live independently! Summer Experience Camp is for boys and girls ages 16 and 17 who are legally blind. The program is completely free including airfare to Michigan—and everyone receives a free HumanWare Trekker audible pedestrian GPS device to keep. Summer Experience Camp is scheduled for June 26—July 3, 2015. Applications are due by April 1, 2015. For more information and to download an application, go to or call the Leader Dogs for the Blind client services department at 888-777-5332. NATHAN VINSON FOR 2ND DISTRICT GOVERNOR Nate Vinson has been a Lion for over 20 years, holding the position of former President of Northwest Detroit Lions Club and President of Detroit Motown Lions Club; Zone and Region Chair and Guiding Lion. He attended Lion Leadership and Faculty Training Institute and has served as President/Chairman of several non-profit organizations. When elected, he will work with the District Governor to bring more unity in the clubs and the district. Vinson is known as a “mover shaker” and received one of the Men of Excellence Awards from the Michigan Chronicle. Eversight’s “2nd Annual Bowling For Brighter Tomorrow” Fundraiser On March 14, 2015, Eversight Michigan (formerly known as the Michigan Eye-Bank) held its 2nd Annual Bowling for Brighter Tomorrows Fundraiser. At this event, we were able to raise more than $1,800 in support of our Gift of Sight program, which covers the cost of sight restoration for the uninsured. Eversight Michigan would like to extend a huge thank you to the Lions Clubs who were able to support us in making that day successful by joining us for some afternoon fun, donating items to our raffle auction and/or sponsoring lanes: •Ann Arbor Host Lions Club •Clinton Lions Club •Dexter Lions Club •Dexter Leos Club •Napoleon Lions Club •WISD Leos Club Mark your calendars! Eversight Michigan will be hosting our 3rd annual Bowling for Brighter Tomorrows fundraiser on Saturday, March 12, 2016 at Bel-Mark Lanes in Ann Arbor! We hope to see you there! Dave & Kim Steptoe from the Dexter Lions Club came with many of the Dexter Leos to join in on our fun! Team Hayes-Aquinto, members of the Clinton Lions Club, showing their support! Volume 43 • Issue 5 LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 5 > MD11 news Lions of Michigan Foundation Lions of Michigan Foundation Lions of Michigan Foundation 7-Day Caribbean Cruise onboard Norwegian Escape 7-Day Caribbean Cruise onboard Norwegian Escape 7-Day Caribbean Cruise onboard Norwegian Escape Lions of Michigan Foundation 01/30/16— 2/06/16 01/30/16— 2/06/16 01/30/16— 2/06/16 7-Day Caribbean Cruise onboard Norwegian Escape Lions of Michigan Foundation Lions Michigan Foundation 01/30/16— 2/06/16 7-Dayof Caribbean Cruise onboard Norwegian Escape 7-Day Caribbean Cruise onboard Norwegian Escape 01/30/16— 2/06/16 01/30/16— 2/06/16 Spend a week on Norwegian’s newest ship, Norwegian Escape, as you sail through the islands of the Eastern Caribbean. Departafrom Miami to make yourship, wayNorwegian to the U.S.Escape, Virgin Islands colorful snorkeling St. Thomas. Sip Spend weeksunny on Norwegian’s newest as youfor sailvividly through the islands of theinEastern Caribbean. Spend a week on Norwegian’s newest ship, Norwegian Escape, as you sail through the islands of the Eastern Caribbean. tropicalfrom drinks on a Miami pristinetobeach theway beattoofthe Caribbean music on the Island of Tortola. withSip Depart sunny maketo your U.S. Virgin Islands for British vividly Virgin colorful snorkeling in St.Swim Thomas. Depart from sunny Miami to make your way to the U.S. Virgin Islands for vividly colorful snorkeling in St. Thomas. Sip dolphinsdrinks and visit Nassau. choose,music there'sonnothe wrong way to relax and loose on thiswith vacation. tropical on aAtlantis pristineinbeach to Whatever the beat ofyou Caribbean British Virgin Island oflet Tortola. Swim tropical on Norwegian’s a pristine beach to the beat of Caribbean music the British Virgin Island of Tortola. SwimCaribbean. with Spend a drinks week on newest ship, Norwegian Escape, as on you through therelax islands Eastern dolphins and visit Atlantis in Nassau. Whatever you choose, there's no sail wrong way to andof letthe loose on this vacation. dolphins andsunny visit Atlantis Whatever choose, there's nofor wrong way to relax and let loose this vacation. Depart from Miami in to Nassau. make your way to you the U.S. Virgin Islands vividly colorful snorkeling in St.on Thomas. Sip tropical drinks on a pristine beach to the beat of Caribbean music on the British Virgin Island of Tortola. Swim with Spend a week on Norwegian’s newest ship, Norwegian Escape, as you sail through the islands of the Eastern Caribbean. dolphins and visit Atlantis Whatever choose, there's no wrong way to relax and let loose this vacation. Depart Miami in to Nassau. make your wayNorwegian to you the U.S. Virgin Islands colorful snorkeling St.on Thomas. Sip Spend afrom weeksunny on Norwegian’s newest ship, Escape, as youfor sailvividly through the islands of theinEastern Caribbean. tropical drinks on a Miami pristinetobeach theway beattoofthe Caribbean music on the Island of Tortola. withSip Depart from sunny maketo your U.S. Virgin Islands for British vividly Virgin colorful snorkeling in St.Swim Thomas. dolphins and visit Nassau. choose,music there'sonnothe wrong way to relax and loose on thiswith vacation. tropical drinks on aAtlantis pristineinbeach to Whatever the beat ofyou Caribbean British Virgin Island oflet Tortola. Swim dolphins and visit Atlantis in Nassau. Whatever you choose, there's no wrong way to relax and let loose on this vacation. Things to Think About: Things To make your reservation you will need the $250 deposit per person to Think About: Things to Think About: Final payment will be due you by 11/16/15 To make your reservation will need the $250 deposit per person To make your reservation you will need the $250 deposit per person Only rates are being not11/16/15 cabin numbers Final payment will beheld, due by Things Final will be due by 11/16/15 topayment Think About: You must by held, 4/6/15 take numbers advantage of Freestyle Choice Only ratesreserve are being nottocabin Only ratesyour are reservation being held, you not cabin numbers To make will need the $250 deposit per person Please reference #2502251 You must reserveGroup by 4/6/15 to take advantage of Freestyle Choice You must reserve take advantage of Freestyle Choice Final payment willby be4/6/15 due byto 11/16/15 Things to Think About: Pricing: Please reference Group #2502251 Please reference Group #2502251 Only rates are reservation being held, not cabin numbers To make your you will need the $250 deposit per person to Think About: Pricing: Things Inside $629 You must reserve by 4/6/15 to take advantage of Freestyle Choice Pricing: payment will be due you by 11/16/15 To make your reservation will need the $250 deposit per person Oceanview $899 Final Inside $629 Please reference Group #2502251 Insiderates $629 are being not11/16/15 cabin numbers Final payment will beheld, due by Balcony $1029 Only Oceanview $899 Pricing: Oceanview $899 Prices You reserve by 4/6/15 takecharges advantage aremust per person do not include port or taxesofof Freestyle $120.46 pp Choice Only rates are and being held, nottocabin numbers Balcony $1029 Balcony $1029andGroup Inside $629 #2502251 Prices aremust perreference person do not include or taxesofof Freestyle $120.46 pp Choice Please You reserve by 4/6/15 toport takecharges advantage Prices are per person and do not include port charges or taxes of $120.46 pp Pricing: Oceanview $899 Please reference Group #2502251 Balcony $1029 Inside $629 Pricing: Prices are per person and do not include port charges or taxes of $120.46 pp Oceanview Inside $629 $899 Balcony $1029 Oceanview $899 Prices are per person and do not include port charges or taxes of $120.46 pp Balcony $1029 Prices are per person and do not include port charges or taxes of $120.46 pp CALL TO BOOK YOUR ESCAPE TODAY! CALL TO CALL TO BOOK BOOK YOUR YOUR ESCAPE ESCAPE TODAY! TODAY! Gale Hayden Gale Hayden Group Specialist Gale CALL Hayden TO BOOK YOUR ESCAPE TODAY! Group Direct: Specialist 954-514-4380 Toll Free: 877-416-9722 ext. 4380 Group Specialist Gale Hayden Direct: 954-514-4380 Toll Free: 877-416-9722 ext. 4380 CALL TO BOOK YOUR ESCAPE TODAY! Direct: 954-514-4380 Toll Free: 877-416-9722 ext. 4380 Group Specialist CALL TO BOOK YOUR ESCAPE TODAY! Gale Hayden Direct: 954-514-4380 Toll Free: 877-416-9722 ext. 4380 Gale GroupHayden Specialist Group Direct: Specialist 954-514-4380 Toll Free: 877-416-9722 ext. 4380 Direct: 954-514-4380 Toll Free: 877-416-9722 ext. 4380 6 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE > MD11 Volume 43 • Issue 5 news Registration & Ticket Form The Doubletree hotel holland, MI • may 15-16, 2015 Name______________________________________________________ q Lion q Lioness q Spouse q Guest Lions/Lioness Club of_________________________________________________District_____________________________________ Name______________________________________________________ q Lion q Lioness q Spouse q Guest Lions/Lioness Club of_________________________________________________District_____________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________________ Home: ( ) ________________________ Office: ( Is this your first MD Convention? ) ________________________ Email:______________________________ q Yes q No QUANTITYAMOUNT $______________________ __________ 5/14/15 Picnic @ $10.00 at Kollen Park __________ Registration @ $10.00 for each Lion $______________________ $______________________ __________ Registration @ $10.00 for each Lioness or Leo __________ Registration @ $10.00 for each Spouse or Guest $______________________ $______________________ __________ Friday Evening Buffet @ $20.00 per person __________ Friday Night Welcome Reception @ No Charge 0.00 _____ $ __________ Saturday Breakfast@ $15.00 per person $______________________ __________ Saturday Night Banquet @ $26.00 per person $______________________ __________ (Choice) of: Baked Atlantic Salmon #______ #______ Sliced Roast Sirloin TOTAL AMOUNT $______________________ Remittance or credit card information must accompany this form. (Make checks payable to “Lions of Michigan.”) CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: q Visa q Master Card q Discover Credit Card No.:__________________________________________ Exp Date:_______________________ Signature:_______________________________________________ CVC/CID Code:___________________ Please Note any special needs (i.e., deaf interpreters, dietary restrictions, food allergies, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Everyone MUST pay the registration fee. No meal tickets may be purchased unless (excluding Saturday Banquet) registration fee is paid . 2. Deadline for pre-registration and purchase of tickets is May 1, 2015 No refunds after May 1, 2015. 3. Tickets and registration packets will be distributed at the Lions Registration Desk at the Doubletree Hotel Holland. They will not be mailed to you. The registration desk will be open from 12:00 noon until 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 15 and from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 16, 2015 Mail this form to: Lions of Michigan • 5730 Executive Dr., Lansing, MI 48911 Lions of Michigan MD 11 Convention Hotel Reservation May 15 – 16, 2015 A block of room is being held for the Lions MD11 Convention. Reservations can be made by completing this form and faxing it to the number listed below or by calling the hotel directly. You must provide group name and code LOM in order to get the preferred Lions rate of $79.99. The 6% state tax and a local occupancy tax of 5% will be applied to this rate. Check-in is at 4:00 pm and check-out is at 12:00 noon. A credit card will be required to guarantee your reservation. Payment can be made on arrival by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, or Discover Card. Please note that a $20.00 per night deposit for incidental charges will be required at check-in for guests paying by cash or debit card. Reservations and rates are not guaranteed after April 21, 2015 Name________________________________________________________________ Credit Card#:__________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ Exp Date:_____________________________________________________________ Arrival Date___________________________________________________________ Card Holder Signature:__________________________________________________ Departure Date________________________________________________________ # of Guests:___________________________________________________________ Hilton Honors #: (if applicable____________________________________________ Room Type: ☐ 1 King Bed # of Rooms_____________________________________ ☐ 2 Queen Beds # of Rooms__________________________________ *Please note that room types and preference is subject to availability. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at (616) 394-0111 or faxing this form to: Attention: Janet McNamara DoubleTree by Hilton, Holland (616) 396-0711 LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 7 Volume 43 • Issue 5 > MD11 news EXHIBITOR’S AGREEMENT – LIONS OF MICHIGAN MD 11 CONVENTION Please reserve a display table for the undersigned at the Lions of Michigan Multiple District 11 Convention, at Doubletree Hotel Holland, Michigan. Enclosed is a check covering the exhibition fee of $80.00 for Friday and Saturday or $50.00 for a single day. The fee includes a business card sized ad in the State Convention booklet. The charge is fully refundable if, for any reason, the convention is canceled or moved to another city or in case of fire or other catastrophic occurrence to the property. All conditions stated in the letter of invitation shall be accepted and followed by all exhibitors and their representatives. The undersigned releases the Lions of Michigan Multiple District 11, and its agents from any and all liabilities that may arise or be asserted as a result of participation in this exhibition. The Lions of Michigan Multiple District 11, Inc. will determine the eligibility of any company or product for exhibit. Acceptance of an exhibitor for the convention does not imply endorsement of the product or services, nor does rejection imply lack of approval of the product or manufacturer. Exhibitors shall take precautions to provide security to safeguard their property during non-show hours. It is understood that neither the Lions of Michigan Multiple District 11, Inc. nor Doubletree Hotel Holland, MI (nor legal entities which own, lease and/or operate it), nor their members, officers, directors, or employees shall be responsible for injury to any person or persons for loss or damage to property belonging to the exhibitor or any person or persons while in transit to or from the hotel/conference center or while on the hotel/conference center property or otherwise. The exhibitor assumes complete responsibility and liability for all injury to any and all persons or property in any way connected with exhibitor’s display caused by the exhibitor, his agents, representatives or employees. The exhibitor indemnifies and agrees to hold harmless the Lions of Michigan Multiple District 11, Inc. and Doubletree Hotel Holland, MI (and legal entities which own, lease, and/or operate it), their members, officers, directors and employees against any and all liability whatsoever arising from any or all damage to property or personal injury caused by exhibitor or his agents, representative, employees or any other person. Please reserve a display table for me on: ☐ Friday Only (May 15, 2015) $50.00 ☐ Saturday Only (May 16,2015) $50.00 ☐ Friday and Saturday (May 15-16, 2015) $80.00 Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Club or Business Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Zip)_______________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ DO YOU REQUIRE ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP? Yes No Enclosed is my check for ____________________________ CREDIT CARD: Visa Master Card Discover Card No.:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CID No :______________ Exp. Date:______________ Signature :______________________________________________________________ Please complete and mail to: Lions of Michigan, 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911 95TH ANNUAL MD 11 STATE CONVENTION DOUBLETREE BY HILTON, HOLLAND MI ADVERTISEMENT OPTIONS Listed below are several options to sponsor a personal or business ad in the 94TH Annual MD 11 State Convention Proceedings Booklet. Placing an ad shows fellow Lions, Lioness and Leos your support of the Lions of Michigan! ADVERTISING RATES AND SIZES Please note that all ads must be prepaid. Mail form to: Lions of Michigan State Office • 5730 Executive Drive, Lansing, MI 48911 Email form to: Fax form to: 517-887-6642 Overall Booklet Size: 8” x 5 ½” 1. 1/4 page ad: $15.00 2. 1/2 page ad: $20.00 3. Full page ad: $25.00 Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (City, State, Zip)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:__________________________________________ Business Phone:________________________________________________ Email address:_________________________________________ Cell Phone:____________________________________________________ Included is a print ready ad or message Please design my personal or business ad to read (please attach detailed information for your ad) Ad Size: 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page Enclosed is my check for ____________________________ CREDIT CARD: Visa Master Card Discover Card No.:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CID No :______________ Exp. Date:______________ Signature :______________________________________________________________ 8 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE > MD11 Volume 43 • Issue 5 news Updates From Lions Clubs International Lions Worldwide Week of Service - Will Your Club Host A Project? The Lions Worldwide Week of Service in May is a special Centennial Service Challenge event designed to strengthen our communities and help us reach our Centennial goal of serving 100 million people. This year, International President Joe Preston has made serving children in need one of our international service goals, so consider hosting a project to help children in your community. No matter how you choose to serve, be sure to join us for this special international event! MICHIGAN LIONS AT THE LCI Convention – Hawaii HOSPITALITY ROOM The International Committee will host a Hospitality Room at the Waikiki Beach Marriott. Take a break to sit and relax, grab a snack and connect with fellow Lions. Hiroshima - A busy, prosperous, attractive city, Hiroshima will be remembered for that terrible instant on 6 August 1945 when it became the world’s first atomic-bomb target. Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park is a constant reminder of that tragic day and it attracts visitors from all over the world. Yet Hiroshima is a far from depressing place; on the contrary, its citizens have recovered from nuclear holocaust to build a thriving and internationally minded community (source: Lonely Planet) of Michigan All-State Band Presents The Lions 2016 INTERNATIONAL PARADE - Saturday, June 27 The parade uniform consists of the MI Lions parade shirt (red, white, blue with stars on the sleeve), navy slacks, skirt or capris, black shoes. Please note - shorts are not allowed as parade attire. Need a parade shirt? Order form is included in the Lion Pride, or contact the state office. MICHIGAN NIGHT - Sunday, June 28 – Michigan Night at Germaine’s A visit to Hawaii is not complete without the experience of a Luau, and Germaine’s is the place to go for a traditional Hawaiian Luau. Transportation from both the Governor’s and Michigan delegates designated hotels, tax, tip, and three adult beverages are included in the $80.00 price. Reserve your spot today! INTERNATIONAL CAUCUS - Monday, June 29, 2015 This event is from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the convention center. All convention attendees are encouraged to listen to the speeches, as this will give you a first-hand look at the candidates you may wish to invite to your District conventions. Michigan has a candidate in MD 11: PCC Paul Hemeryck, State Treasurer, and PCC Jenny Ware from SD 10. Hawaiian Shirt Challenge Put on your favorite Hawaiian attire and Join International President Joe Preston in taking on the challenge. Take a picture or post a video and let us know if you’re coming to this year’s convention in Honolulu, Hawaii - See more at: Full schedule of events is can be viewed on LCI’s website. Fukuoko host of 99th annual Lions International Convention. This this youthful, user-friendly metropolis has a cosmopolitan charm, particularly after dark, peppered with the flavors of its Asian neighbors. Hakata traces its trading history back some 2000 years, which continues today with visitors from Seoul and Shanghai. Among Japanese, the city is famed for its ‘Hakata bijin’ (beautiful women), SoftBank Hawks baseball team and hearty Hakata ramen (source: Lonely Planet) tour to Trip highlight and inclusions: • • • • • • • • • 3 day band camp $4995 all inclusive 8 Day tour including all meals Lions International Parade Service Performance at veteran homes, children homes and schools in each city Tochoji Temple Fukuoko City museum Fukuoko Zoology Garden Uminonakamichi Seaside Park and Wonder World Fukuoko Tower visit and Awards Banquet When you join The Lions All State Band you’ll: • Get high quality musical instruction that contributes to long term growth as a musician • Gain improved musical performance abilities • Develop lasting friendships while experiencing new cultures • Participate in unique activities in diverse settings • Experience the personal satisfaction of helping others while learning first hand the Lion’s motto “We Serve” IMPORTANT DATES: • In Person Auditions are held on October 25, 2015 9-2 pm at Ovid Elsie High School (pre-registration required) • Application deadline: Dec 15, 2015 • First Rehearsal: January 9th, 2016 • 2nd rehearsal: April 10, 2016 • 3rd Rehearsal and Lions of Michigan State Convention performance: May 21, 2016 • Band Camp: June17-19, 2016 • Depart to Japan: June 20, 2016 • Return: June 28, 2016 for more information visit or contact: Caro Uhlemann-Short, CEO • 517.914.2267 • Jason Russell, Band Director • MD11 CONVENTION • MAY 15-16, 2015 DOUBLETREE BY HILTON - HOLLAND, MI Schedule of Events FRIDAY MAY 15, 2015 10:00 a.m. COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Meeting 6:30 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT WELCOME RECEPTION DINNER Location: Historic Hotels Grand Ballroom 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. ‘ROAR LIKE IT’S THE 20’S” SPEAKEASY Entertainment:MatthewMillken (No ticket required) LIONSAFTER-GLOW Renew old acquaintances and make new Lion friends. Location: Lower level Hotel Foyer REGISTRATION DESK: Friday: 12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. CERTIFICATION OF DELEGATES: Friday: 12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. SATURDAY MAY 16, 2015 AWARDS BREAKFAST Location: Historic Hotels Grand Ballroom Guest Speaker, Lion Lori Sheehan 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. BUSINESS SESSION Location: Great Lakes Room State Project Updates 12:00 p.m. to VOTING 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. (NOTE: Delegates MUST be registered and certified before 11:30 a.m. in order to vote) LUNCH ON YOUR OWN **PDG ASSOCIATION** BREAKFAST SATURDAY MAY 16, 2015 2:00 p.m. LCI-FOUNDATION PID Dennis Cobler 2:00 p.m. MICHIGAN BRAILLE TRANSCRIBING FUND Cindy Olmstead, Director 3:00 p.m. PRISON PUPPY RAISERS Lion Julie Haase 6:00 p.m. COCKTAIL HOUR (cash bar) Entertainment by: Emmanuelle Lo 7:00 p.m. BANQUET AND MEMORIAL SERVICE Location: Grand Centennial Ballroom Music provided by: Emmanuelle Lo Speaker Past International Director Brian Sheehan from Bird Island, MN. Presentation of the S.A. Dodge Distinguished Service Award. 10:00 p.m. LIONSAFTER-GLOW SUNDAY, MAY 17TH, 2015 Convention attendees are invited to rise and dine at the post convention breakfast, hosted by the PDG Association. For details contact PDG RG Barnum, at 989-871-9083. LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 9 Volume 43 • Issue 5 > MD11 news Lions of Michigan MD 11 Convention Delegate Form May 15 – 16, 2015 In accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws, all Lions Clubs in good standing with Lions International and the Multiple District are entitled to one (1) vote for each ten (10) members, or major fraction thereof, who have been enrolled for at least one year and a day in the club, as shown by the records of the International Office on the first day of the month last preceding the month during which the convention is held. The major fraction referred to is five (5) or more members. The number of delegates your club is entitled to for the MD 11 Convention is figured from your Membership Report as of the end of March - provided it is submitted to Lions International in a timely manner. When you complete your Membership Report for March, you can compute the number of delegates and alternates your club is entitled to and select your representative(s). List their names below on the left side of this form. Also indicate whether each representative listed is a Delegate or an Alternate. Return this form prior to April 30, 2015 to: Lions of Michigan State Office • 5730 Executive Drive • Lansing, MI 48911 Your delegate(s) must register and obtain a name badge before they can be certified to vote. Then they must sign this form at the convention and receive a delegate sticker from the Certification Desk. All delegates must be REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED by 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 16, 2015 in order to vote at the convention. VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY AT THE DOUBLETREE HOTEL, HOLLAND ����� Total Number of Lions in YOUR Club as of April 1, 2015 who have been enrolled for at least one year and one day. Name THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY CLUB SECRETARY Delegate or Alternate Signature THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED AT CONVENTION SITE I hereby certify that the delegates and alternates listed above are in good standing with Lions Clubs International and the Lions of Michigan Multiple District 11. Lions Club of___________________________________________________________________ District___________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ President’s or Secretary’s Signature Signature of Governor or Governor-Elect (Valid only at convention and only if President/Secretary of club is not present) NOTE: THIS IS NOT A REGISTRATION FORM. All Lions must register before they can be certified to vote. Please advise your delegates to arrive early. The Certification Desk at the Doubletree Hotel, Holland is open from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 15,2015 and from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 16,2015. Any Lion who is not in line by 11:30 a.m. Saturday will not be certified as a delegate and will not be allowed to vote. Voting will take place between 12:00 and 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 16, 2015 YOU’RE INVITED TO JOIN US AT GERMAIN’S to experience a TRADITIONAL HAWAIIAN LUAU Michigan Night – Sunday, June 28, 2015 A visit to Hawaii is not complete without the experience of a Luau, and Germaine’s is the place to go for a traditional Hawaiian Luau. Transportation from both the Governor’s and Michigan delegates designated hotels, tax, tip, and three adult beverages are included in the $80.00 price. Reserve your spot today! Complete the registration form, below, and mail with check payable to: LIONS OF MICHIGAN. Please mail to International Convention Chair: PDG Dennis Lautzenheiser PO Box 6581 • Jackson, MI 49204 Reservation deadline is May 13, 2015 Name of Attendees:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number of Registrants:__________________________________ x $80.00/person (all inclusive) = $__________________________________ 10 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE club happenings > district > district > district news DG Martin Malone 11 A1 Wyandotte Lions Club: Annual Flea Market and Antique sale was held Saturday and Sunday, April 11 & 12, 2015 Rochester Hills Lions Club: Are working on the 38th Annual Leader Dog Spring Carnival which takes place from April 30th through May 10th 11 A2 Sterling Heights Lions Club: Rock & Roll Forever Evening with the Stars Macomb Township Lioness Club: Pancakes & More Breakfast Macomb Township Lioness Club: Euchre Tournament Clarkston Area Lions Club: Project Kidsight Free Vision Screening for All Children > district Rochester Lions Club: 3rd Annual Spring Wine Tasting Fraser Lions Club: Euchre Tournament 11 B1 District Editor: Steve Britten 1911 4th Street, Jackson, MI 49203 • > district 11 B2 District Editor: Donna Romanak 31177 County Rd 681, Bangor, MI 49013 Comstock Lions Club: Bingo at Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground Portage Lions Club is holding a free electronics recycling event at the Portage Tractor Supply Store Vicksburg Lions Club: Held its 4th annual Vicksburg Lions Club Bowling Fundraiser Watervliet Lions Club: Has launched a drive to raise $6,000 for the Dan Stack Memorial Fund. Stack, a 15-year member of the club who died Dec. 26, was principal of Coloma Elementary School. Dave Pudell, president of the Watervliet Lions Club, said funds raised will be used to build a shelter > district near the playground area of the elementary school. Remaining funds will be used to erect a sign off West Street directing visitors and parents to the school building. “We’d like to raise the needed funds before spring so work could begin on both of the projects this April,” Pudell said. “Dan was a hard worker and a devoted club member. At the time of his death he was the club’s vice president.” The drive will start with $2,000 in memorials made after Stack’s death, said Pudell. Stack had been principal of the elementary school since 1980 and had always wanted to see a sign placed along West Street. Currently, only a small sign hangs from a steel post at the driveway entrance. 11 A2 > > Lions Matt and Kathleen Collins with sons Nate, Michael and daughter Kristin Seedlings “Bowling For Braille” Livonia High-Nooners Lions Club had a ball at the “Seedlings” Bowling for Braille Event. Seedlings started in Debra Bonde’s basement in 1985 Lion Angie Doelker and her son Mitchell where 250 braille books were manufactured. In 2014 Seedlings manufactured 25000 braille books and donated almost 10000 of these books for use by blind and visually impaired children. Every $10 raised means another children’s braille book is manufactured and distributed. This is definitely an organization worthy of support by all Lions Clubs This year, as a Club and with the help of our friends and family who we shared our lanes with; we helped raise $5,000 for Seedlings!!! > Bedford Trade Fair Casnovia/Kent City Lions Club: The Casnovia/Kent City Lions enjoyed working and hosting a breakfast on Lions At Local Annual The Bedford Lions Club wishes to thank the two LHC staff members and 5 Wayne State University medical student volunteers that came to the Bedford Business Association Annual Trade Fair. They screened 62 people; 54 adults and 8 children. All the children passed the screening. However 30 adults were referred for follow up testing. Their staff gave consultation to a number of individuals inquiring about hearing aids, cost and what to expect. The Club had a booth in the Gym and gave our information regarding which room the test was available. We hope to work the Lions Hearing Center in the future. > Garden City Lions Serve Up Pancakes The Garden City Lions Club served up another successful pancake breakfast at the Garden City Moose Lodge. Hank Cable, immediate past president, believes close to 200 people Garden City Firefighter/Medic came through during the Mike Storms almost four-hour time span. “We did well,” Cable said. “It was a good event.” He explained that the annual breakfast, which features guest cooks from the Garden City Fire Department, is an informational event about the work of the Lions Club. The club’s main focus is supporting Leader Dogs for the Blind, which helps blind and visually impaired people. The service organization also supports the Penrickton Center for the Blind. Every October, the club and firefighters also join with each other to host the Garden City Fire Open House. District Editor: Sue Ferris December 6 for the annual Christmas Bazaar at the Old School in downtown Casnovia. There was a great turnout as profits exceeded the $1,000 mark for the second year in a row. Grand Rapids Lions Club: An article entitled, “Lions make a Grand Return to West Michigan in the April issue of LCI’s Lion Magazine provides great publicity on GR as a city, West Michigan too and the upcoming USA/ Canada Forum to be held here September 17 to 19. Macomb • Oakland 11 A1 11 C1 Muskegon Host Lions Club: Muskegon Host is working on their annual summer camp for the blind. The dates are August 21st through 23rd with applications and camp information being sent out in June. Volunteers are always needed so if you would like to volunteer, need an application or require camp information kindly contact Jack Brewer at DG Tom Hill Monroe • Wayne District Editor: James Leach, Sr. 855 Miller Rd., Lake Orion, MI 48362 • Center Line Lions Club: 58th Annual Pancake Breakfast Volume 43 • Issue 5 Happy 100th Birthday to PDG F. Phillip Saverino > Happy 100th Birthday and congratulations on an incredible 67 years of service! Your compassion and commitment makes you an outstanding example of what it means to be a Lion to your fellow Lions, family, friends and community. “A Night At The Races” With The Lake Orion Lions A Night at the Races with the Lake Orion Lions Club Racing Lions was a first time event. Stealing the idea from a local Optimist club gave us a bit of a head start, but we still had our hands full. Basically starting from scratch, we had to come up with templates for cutting our Lions. After acquiring our template, it was a good Saturday afternoon project to cut them all out. Local merchants decorated and displayed the Lions in their stores, helping us to sell tickets. Race day came quick. We served a great meal and the hall was all decked out in a safari theme. Doors opened and people just kept flowing in, packing the house with a high energy crowd. When the DJ blew the bugle, the race began. Each toss of the dice advanced each Lion until we had a winner. The event was a great success and we are proud to say our proceeds were to benefit Lions Bear Lake Blind Camp. > Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein Inspires Berkley Lions Richard Bernstein had just finished his impassioned speech about overcoming challenges when he stopped and called for his new friend, Brianna Costigan, to join him at the front of the room. The two had met for the first time just prior to the Monday night event put on by the Berkley Lions Club, but they shared a common bond as both have been blind since birth. So there was the Michigan Supreme Court Justice and the bubbly 16-year-old standing next to each other, fielding questions from an awestruck crowd and embracing who they are. Costigan exemplified her comfort level with her life when she told the crowd she is fine with not having the ability to ever see. “If I were given the ability to see I would probably say no because I’ve lived this way my whole life,” she said. “I’ve never been able to see before so why would you want to adjust again to a new way of living when you have already learned to live your life the way you have now. “Why would you want to change that?” The teen, who spoke with poise beyond her years, continued by saying “whatever happens in life happens,” and the key is how you react to it. “You can try to change it, but something is going to happen either way so that’s how I look at it,” she said. Costigan’s message was similar to that of Bernstein’s, who talked about how “an easy life doesn’t always correspond to a good one.” “The one great power we have is how do we react to the lives we’ve been given,” he said. LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 11 Volume 43 • Issue 5 DG Vicki Lautzenheiser DG Marsha Brown Branch • Calhoun • Hillsdale Jackson • Lenawee • Washtenaw Berrien • Cass • Kalamazoo St. Joseph • Van Buren DG Diane Wehby Allegan • Barry • Ionia • Kent Muskegon • Ottawa 11 B1 11 B2 11 C1 > > > Hanover Horton Leo’s with their Advisor and their Middle School Principal Hanover Horton Leo Club Read to Elementary Students In commemoration of the month of March being designated as reading month, the Hanover Horton Leo Club spent their afternoon reading to the Hanover Horton Elementary students. > District 11 B1 Lions Receive Awards At Convention Just a few of the Awards presented at the District Convention this month. Hillsdale Lions Club Region 3 Lions of the Year - Jack and Bonnie Reamer. Jackson Eyeopeners Lions Club members Margie Horsch received the District Lion of the Year award, and Carole Briggs received a Melvin Jones Fellowship for her volunteer work in and out of Lions. Edwardsburg Lions Tanda Stiffler Edwardsburg Lions Tanda Stiffler Profiled In Cassopolis Vigilant News Tanda Stiffler is a longtime volunteer and current president of the Edwardsburg Lions Club, which meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month in the Edwardsburg American Legion building. The organization provides various services for the community, including Project KidSight, which performs vision screenings for children. What do you do for the Edwardsburg Lions Club? I have been the president for the past two years, so I organize and get most of our fundraisers going. I also do all of the publicity. I want to get the word out to the community to show that we are committed to the community. I am also the co-coordinator for the whole district for the project KidSight. We do vision screenings for kids from 1 year olds to 17 year olds. At our pancake breakfast we did 41 kids and of those 41 kids, three children we found need to be seen by a professional eye doctor. If the kids are in school and having trouble, we help them. When and how did you become involved with the club? My husband (Dave) and I both joined the Lions in November of 2007. My husband’s father was a Lion for many years, Herb Stiffler. We joined right away. We went to a district forum and I listened to a couple gentlemen talk about Project KidSight. I was so impressed that I came back and said I want to do a pancake breakfast and offer Project KidSight in our community. We’ve been doing that every year since we joined. Any of the schools or festivals or churches — anytime there is an event in Cass County — we take our camera and we screen children all throughout the district in Cass County. We go wherever there is a need to make sure kids can see well and do well in school and have a better chance at life. What do you enjoy about volunteering there? Helping people, watching their faces and knowing that we are making a difference in their lives. Thornapple Valley Lions Keep Children Fed During Spring Break Thornapple Valley Lions Club was busy in April making sure that children who depend on school menus would be well fed during spring break. The local service club, which is based in Ada, provided food for 77 children from Grand Rapids Public Schools, who normally receive free breakfast and lunch while school is in session. “The money raised throughout the year helps us fund projects like this to allow our club to meet pressing needs in our community, including vision screening, literacy projects, and various shelters in the area,” said Bob Ballard, club president. “The Lions are grateful for the members > Muskegon of the community who donated money, provided boxes, and assisted with shopping.” He said St. Matthew Lutheran Church provided space to pack boxes, and the partners at Grand Rapids Public Schools helped identified the children and distributed the boxes. The Thornapple Valley Lions Club has 25 members and meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Any one -- male or female aged 18 or older -- is welcome to join the organization or help in any of their projects. For more information contact Governor Diane Wehby: Northside Lions Club Accurate reporting of Muskegon Northside’s past year of service in the four areas of engaging youth, vision relieving hunger and protecting the environment resulted in a new Centennial Service patch for their banner mid March. > Three Rivers Lions Club Honor Al Heivilin > Manchester Lions Honored With Centennial Banner Patch The Manchester Lions earned their first Centennial banner patch for completing service projects in all four campaigns of engaging our youth, sharing the vision, relieving hunger, and protecting the environment. The Three Rivers Lions club is honored to have selected Al Heivilin as the 2015 Bruce C. Snook Citizen of the Year. Al is, as one of our members described him, a “quiet giver.” He was a member of the Marine Corps Reserves for over 25 years, including a tour of active duty during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2002. One of his assignments in the Corps was to coordinate the Toys for Tots program in the St. Joseph County area. During this time he worked closely with the Family Independence Agency to expand collections, to coordinate toy distribution, and to ultimately serve many more children in our local area. Al had also been involved with youth athletics almost continually since his own distinguished high school years. He has served as an MSHAA-certified official at basketball, baseball, and softball games for over 30 years. Al will be honored at a banquet on April 28 at Belle Epoch in Three Rivers. Muskegon Northside Lions stuffing thousands of eggs for the Annual Egg-Drop > Rockford Lions Club On March 21 Rockford Lions had a booth at the Rockford Chamber Expo where they sold honey baked hams for Easter which concluded April 4th at the Community Cabin. Lion Kathy Bender trained and Rockford Lions at the Rockford Chamber Expo was excited to screen young children with the Kidsight program also at the Expo. 12 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE club happenings > district > district news DG Billy White 11 C2 Eaton Rapids Lions Club: White Cane Drive, Eaton Rapids and Dimondale Golf Outing, Eaton Rapids Lions Annual Corn Roast Dewitt Breakfast Lions Club: Texas Hold-em June 7 – 10 Lugnuts Lions night - June 17 Lansing Host Lions Club: Bowling for Sight > district 11 D1 > > Maryville Lions Club: Purchased 5 pairs of binoculars for the science program at the elementary school. Saginaw West, Buena Vista, Carrollton, Freeland & St. Charles Lions Clubs: Packaged 2400 boxes of groceries for area Congratulate MSU Campus Lions On Their First Service Event! communities through the Community Action Center MSU Campus Lions participated in their first service event! They spent their evening volunteering at the Lansing Ronald McDonald House. They had a great time serving in the community, and are so grateful for the opportunity to do so! Saginaw West Lions Club: Is holding its 14th Annual golf outing June 14th, 2015 Swartz Creek Lions Club: Is excited to announe that July 8, 2015, it is planning a spaghetti dinner/fundraiser for our new Bill Morgan Scholarship Fund Over 19,000 Recycled Eyeglasses Picked Up During Great Eyeglass Challenge! Buena Vista Lions Club: Free Senior Citizen Pancake Breakfast Pictured are Grand Rapids Lions Club - Eyeglass Recyclers (Jim Baird and Brent Spoelstra) and Noreen and Dave Boes (chairs of the event). They picked up over 19,000 glasses from the Lions and Lioness of District 11-C2 + Glasses from other districts in 2 vehicles at the turn-in at the State Office on March 7, 2015. Total # of glasses turned in for the past 2 years over 35,000 pairs. WAY TO GO LIONS! Congratulations winners: Brighton Lions - Bucket Award, Lansing St. Stephens Community Lions - 1st place, Lansing Delta Lions - 2nd Place, Owosso-Corruna Lions - 3rd place and DeWitt Lioness - special award. 11 D2 District Editor: DG Whitey Simon Emmett Lions Club: Held a blood drive at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish and 36 pints of blood were donated Hadley Lions Club: Held their famous once a month Spaghetti dinner at the Old Town Hall Carsonville Lions Club: Held their Pancake Breakfast which included omelet station, pancakes, eggs, sausage, potatoes, biscuits and gravy, coffee & juice Sandusky Lions Club: Is holding a Meet “Elsa and Anna” luncheon 11 E1 District Editor: DG Pete Conarty Luther Lions Club: Held a Baked Potato Dinner with lot of toppings, homemade pies and cakes Mt Pleasant Lions Club: Annual Chicken BBQ is coming up First Sunday in May Evart Lions Club: Are busy adding an addition to their food stand at the Fairgrounds. The addition will provide room for freezer equipment. Most of the clubs fundraisers are selling food at events at the Fairgrounds. The > district Joscelynn Sawdon poses for a picture with Easter bunnies during the Clio Lion’s Club sponsored Easter Egg Hunt MSU Campus Lions volunteering at Ronald McDonald House Lansing St. Stephen’s Lions Club: Bowling for Vision 11 D1 Linden Lions Club: Golf Outing will take place at the Coyote Preserve in Fenton on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 > district Bay • Genesee • Saginaw • Tuscola 11 C2 District Editor: Shari Johnson 8334 Rich Rd., Mayville, MI 48744 > district DG Dennis Poirier Clinton • Eaton • Gratiot • Ingham Livingston • Shiawassee District Editor: Noreen Boes 2065 Woven Heart, Holt MI 48842 Ovid Lions Club: Will be doing the Spring road-side pick-up, Relay for Life in St. Johns. The Lions Wagon will be there serving food. Volume 43 • Issue 5 11 E2 District Editor: Lynne Jauss PO Box 1093, Lewiston, MI 49756 Bellaire Lions Club: Made a donation to the new Central Lake Leo Club Hale Lions Club: Delivered meals to the needy in the community and provided transportations for a recent amputee to physical therapy and doctor appointments Genesee County kids got in their Easter egg hunting with the Clio Lions Club’s annual Easter Egg Hunt at Clio City Park. About 200 kids came out to the park on Sunday for the event, according to organizers. Former Lions Club president Meghan Cherry said the club stuffed and prepared at least 1,500 eggs to hide around the park. The kids excitedly scoured the area, finding them all minutes Dr. Johnnie Scott, Superintendent of the Holt Public Schools accepted a check for $1,500 from the Holt Lions to the H.O.P.E. Scholarship Fund. In the picture on the left is Lion President Maury Mahieu, center, Dr. Scott and left Lion Stuart Goodrich. Maple Valley Lions Honor Student Of The Month > Maple Valley Lions Club honored Jared Akin as the Student of the month for February with dinner and a gift certificate. Jared was chosen by Fulton Elementary for the second grade. > Bretton Woods Lions Offer Support To Eaton County Sheriffs The Eaton County Sheriff’s Office is in the process of purchasing body cameras to be worn by officers in the field. After evaluation over several months to see whether the body cameras were worth the cost, a generous donation is make the effort possible. Sheriff Tom Reich was contacted by the Bretton Woods Lions Club of Delta Twp. To ask if they would accept a donation toward the purchase of the body cameras; the donation will help purchase three body cameras for the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office. after the hunt’s 10 a.m. start time. The kids, split into four different age groups, won about 260 prizes and took home jellybeans, Tootsie Rolls, and other types of candy. The hunt has gone on for at least 40 years, according to Lions Club organizers. They raise money for the hunt by selling chocolate bunnies and mints, and through a white cane fundraiser. > Lion Laura Hunt Presented With Award Governor Dennis Poirier and Past International Director Steven Glass, on behalf of Lions International President Joe Preston, presenting Laura Hunt,11D1 Cabinet Secretary, with her second Lions International President’s Certificate of Appreciation. Frankenmuth Lions Keeping The Roads Clean > Frankenmuth Lions Road cleanup. It’s really disgusting the things people throw out along the road! Thank you dedicated Lions!! > Holt Lions Club Donate To HOPE Scholarship Fund club will be giving two $1,000 scholarships to two graduating seniors. Mesick Lions Club: Are a sponsor for 56TH Mushroom festival May 8 – 10, in Mesick. There is a parade on May 9, and the Mesick Lions are looking for Lions Clubs, who might be interested in participating. The weekend is filled with family activities: an opportunity to hunt mushrooms, a Blessing of the Jeeps, food booths, concerts, and interesting markets. Clio Lions Sponsor Easter Egg Hunt > Freeland Lions Easter Egg Hunt The Freeland Lions thanks THE Freeland Boy Scouts for their efforts and help today and the many years past. We had well over 250 little ones enjoy the hunt and the lucky few found the egg with the dollar coin and won an Easter basket. LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 13 Volume 43 • Issue 5 > MD11 DG Whitey Simon DG Peter Conarty Huron • Lapeer • Sanilac • St. Clair Benzie • Clare • Grand Traverse Isabella • Lake • Leelanau Manistee • Mason • Mecosta Midland • Missaukee • Montcalm Newaygo • Oceana • Osceola Wexford 11 D2 11 E1 > > Esmeralda Peters talks about Memphis Schools Midland Lions - How Vision Screening Helped Mikey The Midland Lions Club teamed up with local child care centers in the area to offer free vision screening for children. On one of the screening dates, 19-month-old Mikey Wood was screened at the Kids First Child Development Center. Mikey’s parents, Tom and Heather Wood, were surprised to learn that the screening results showed that Mikey may have astigmatism. The Woods took Mikey to Dr. Paul Kimball for a complete eye exam and he confirmed the screening results. Kimball prescribed Memphis Lions hosted an Autism awareness presentation on Tuesday the 14th of April at the Memphis Lions hall. There were four different presentations given by representatives Student Dean Debbie Roshak from different Autism explains the peer to peer organizations. State program representative Andrea LaFontaine was there to answer questions about how the state is involved with this condition. Lions district officers were there to answer questions about “Lions Bear Lake Camp” how they are involved. Teresa Gabalis of Macomb/ St. Clair chapter of Autism of America Society also covered the subject of Bear Lake Camp. Jeddo Lions Wine Tasting Fundraiser glasses for Mikey, who is now the youngest of his patients to get glasses. The Woods reported that Mikey was not interested in watching TV and that he would sometimes run in to things. Upon learning of the screening results, they realized that Mikey’s vision was interfering with his activities. The vision screening by the Lions Club and the prompt follow up by Mikey’s parents have resulted in improved vision which will have a big impact on Mikey’s early learning experiences and success in school. Crossroads Lions Chili Cook Off The Jeddo Lions Club recently held a Wine Tasting-Fundraiser at their club. The recipients were Oakland University, who are providing space and guidance to young adults with Autism to start a small laundry business. This business will be handled as a regular business model to start a laundry service; the employees will be paid a salary, just like regular workers. O. U. will provide actual business advisors to guide these employees. Oakland University is working with Autism Alliance of Michigan. Crossroads Lions Club hosted their Chili Cook Off on Saturday, March 14. Eagle Village won the title for the Best Chili. The club also had a bake sale and a 50/50 raffle. Admission to the Chili Cook Off was $5.00 or a pair of glasses. The club collected 40 pairs of glasses and made about $700. In the picture above PDG Bill Simpson receives his taste of chili from one of the vendors. > Coleman Lions Adopt A Highway Clean Up Coleman Lions Club had perfect weather for the STAR Leos & Lions Adopt A Highway clean up! 19 of us gathered 35 bags of trash on U.S. 10. The whole job was complete in about 2 hours, after which we all enjoyed a pizza party at the Lions Hall. > Algonac Lions Crossing The International Border Recently Lion’s Sam, Joel, Paul, Bill, and Tom had the honor of being the guest of the Wyoming (Canada) Lions Club for their annual Rabbit Dinner. For some of us it was our first trip to our Canadian friends and enjoying a fine delicacy of Rabbit. The Wyoming Lions were great host and served a great meal, and we look forward to visiting them again. DG Barb Durflinger 11 E2 Alcona • Alpena • Antrim • Arenac Charlevoix • Cheboygan • Crawford Emmet • Gladwin • Iosco • Kalkaska Montmorency • Ogemaw • Oscoda Otsego • Presque Isle • Roscommon > 1st VP Jim Flis, the driving force in establishing the Leo Club, makes a presentation to the new Leos 19 month old Mikey Wood helped by Midland Lions free vision screening Memphis Lions Hosts Autism Awareness Presentation > news Central Lake Leo Club Charter Night 1st Vice President Jim Flis and the Central Lake Lions hosted a charter night celebration on March 26th to welcome the Central Lake Leo Club! DG Barb and spouse, Duane were guests along with other District Lions. DG Barb later inducted the Leos. (Front, L-R) Allie Hines, Morgan Scott, Victoria Guy and Madison Barrett. (Back L-R) Michael James, Brenden Graham, Tyler Vitale, Taylor DeForest, and Edward Boh. Central Lake Principal Shelley Derenzy, far right. Not pictured are Selena Niswander and Kyle Russell. > Prescott/Skidway Lake Lions Club RC Brian Chase presents President Brenda Eymer with LCI’s Centennial Service Challenge Patch. > Beaverton Lions Club Worked with the Beaverton Lions unloading food trucks, preparing the boxes and distributing them to families. This is the fifth month the Leo Club members have donated their labor on various projects. > Petoskey Riley Graham, Danielle Athey, Luke Owens, Cameron Schneider Lions Club Petoskey Lions recent Pancake Dinner fundraiser, despite frigid temperatures 60 individuals attended the dinner, netting $234. Residents from two half-way houses were also served. Cedar-Maple City Lions Club Cedar-Maple City Lions Club held their first annual Pancake Breakfast with help from the Proclites 4-H club with great response. Lions John Birchfield, Dave Carlson, Hubert Hayes, Julie Clark, Julie Haase and David Zimmer pictured at their Pancake Breakfast > Garylord Lions Club The Gaylord Lions Club repaired a vision magnifier on loan from the Lions of Michigan Foundation, and then gave it to an individual in need of it. 14 • LION PRIDE MAGAZINE > MD11 Volume 43 • Issue 5 news 5K - 8K - HALF MARATHON 5K RACE WALK 5K -Hidden 8K -Lake HALF ARATHON GardensM - Tipton, MI October 2015W - 9:45 AM 5K R10, ACE ALK 5K -Hidden 8K -Lake HALF ARATHON GardensM - Tipton, MI Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up October 2015W - 9:45 AM 5K R10, ACE ALK Friday, October 9 - 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM 5K -Napoleon 8K -Lake HALF M ARATHON Hidden Gardens Tipton, MIMI Lions Clubhouse Napoleon, & Packet Pick-up 5K -Pre-Registration 8K H ALF M ARATHON S PONSORSHIPS Saturday, October 10 - ALK Pre-AM Event October 10, 2015 - 9:45 5K R ACE W Friday, October 9 3:00 PM 6:30 PM Name/Logo - Shirt & Website * One Event Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MI 5K R ACE W ALK Hidden Lake Gardens MIMI Napoleon Lions Clubhouse -Tipton, Napoleon, Display * Free Event Registration Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up S PONSORSHIPS Hidden Lake Gardens --Tipton, MI Saturday, October PreAM Event October 10, 201510 - 9:45 Friday, October 9 3:00 PM 6:30 Name/Logo - Shirt & Website * One Event Hidden Lake - Tipton, October 10,Gardens 2015 - 9:45 AMMI PM W ALK -A-T HON General Sponsor: $100+ Napoleon Lions Clubhouse - Napoleon, MI Display * Free Event Registration Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up SMajor PONSORSHIPS Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MI Sponsor: $200+ Saturday, October 10PM - PrePick-up Event Pre-Registration &3:00 Packet Friday, October 9 6:30 PM October 10, 2015 12:00 PM Name/Logo Shirt & Website * One Event Elite Sponsor: $500+ W ALK -A-T HON Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MI PM General Sponsor: $100+ Friday, October 9 - 3:00 PM - 6:30 Napoleon Lions Clubhouse - Napoleon, MI Display * Free Event Registration Corporate Sponsor: $1,000+ SMajor PONSORSHIPS Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MI Sponsor: $200+ Napoleon Lions Clubhouse Napoleon, Saturday, October 10 - Pre EventMI Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up S PONSORSHIPS October 10, 2015 12:00 PM Name/Logo Shirt & Website * One Event Elite Sponsor: $500+ Saturday, October 10PM Pre- 6:30 Event Hidden Lake --Tipton, MIPM W ALK -A-T HON Friday, October 9Gardens - 3:00 General Sponsor: $100+ Name/Logo Shirt & Website * One Event Display * Free Event Registration PMajor ARTNERSHIPS Corporate Sponsor: $200+ $1,000+ Hidden LakeClubhouse Gardens --Tipton, MI Napoleon Lions Napoleon, Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MIMI Sponsor: Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up Display * Free Event Registration Revenue 50% - 50% Saturday, October 10 - HON Pre- Event October 10,9-A-T 2015 - 12:00 PM PM Elite Sharing: Sponsor: $500+ W ALK Friday, October 3:00 PM 6:30 General Sponsor: $100+ LionsCorporate Clubs Businesses Non-Profits P ARTNERSHIPS Hidden LakeClubhouse Gardens MIMI WLions ALK -A-T--Tipton, HON Sponsor: $200+ $1,000+ General $100+ Napoleon Napoleon, MI Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, Major Sponsor: Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up Revenue - 50% Hidden Lake - Tipton, Saturday, October Pre Event Major Sponsor:50% $200+ October 10,Gardens 201510 - 12:00 PMMI Elite Sharing: Sponsor: $500+ Friday, October 9 3:00 PM 6:30 PM LionsCorporate Clubs - Sponsor: Businesses Non-Profits Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MI October 10, 2015 12:00 PM $500+ PElite ARTNERSHIPS 2Sponsor: 0 1 5 E $1,000+ Y E C A R E , D O Napoleon Y O U Lions EVE N T S - Napoleon, MI Clubhouse Pre-Registration & Packet Pick-up Corporate Sponsor:50% $1,000+ Revenue Sharing: 50% Saturday, October 10 - Pre-Pick-up Event I am interested in participating in a timed event. Please send me aPre-Registration registration form and information. & Packet Friday, October 9 3:00 PM 6:30 PM Lions Clubs Businesses Non-Profits P ARTNERSHIPS Hidden Lake Gardens Tipton, MI PM 2015 E Y EWalk-A-Thon. C A R E Please , DO YmeOa U EVE N- 3:00 Tpledge S PM I am interested in participating in the send registration form. Friday, October 9and - 6:30 Napoleon Lions Clubhouse - Napoleon, MI P ARTNERSHIPS Revenueinin Sharing: 50% - 50% Napoleon Lions Clubhouse Napoleon, October - Pre EventMI am interested interested sponsoring the me more information. II am participating in aevent. timed Please event. send Please send me aSaturday, registration form and 10 information. Revenue Sharing: 50% 50% Lions Clubs - Businesses - Non-Profits Saturday, October 10--Tipton, Pre Event Hidden Lake Gardens MI interested ininfundraising partnership opportunities. Please send mepledge more information. IMy amorganization interested inisparticipating the Walk-A-Thon. Please sendYme aU registration and form. 2 0 1 5 E Y E C A R E , D O O E V E N T S Lions Clubs - Businesses - Non-Profits Hidden Lake Gardens - Tipton, MI cannot participate, but I havethe attached donation in me the more amount of $_________ to be used for Project KidSight. am interested in sponsoring event. aPlease send information. II am interested in participating in a timed event. Please send me a registration form and information. My organization is interested in fundraising partnership opportunities. Please send me more information. 2015 E Y EWalk-A-Thon. C A R E Please , Representative: DO Oa U E____________________________ V E and N Tpledge S form. I am interested in participating in the sendYme registration Group Name: ______________________________ II cannot participate,2but I have attached donation theDamount be T used 01 5 the E Ytimed E aPlease C A RPlease Ein, me Omeinformation. Yaofregistration O$_________ U E Vform Eto N S for Project KidSight. am interested interested in in participating sponsoring more I am in aevent. event. send send and information. City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Address: _________________________________ IMy interested athe timed event. Please send me a registration and information. interested inin partnership opportunities. Please form send mepledge more information. I am amorganization interested in inisparticipating participating infundraising Walk-A-Thon. Please send me a registration and form. Group ______________________________ Representative: ____________________________ Email: Name: ___________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________ II am interested in in the Walk-A-Thon. Please send me a registration pledge cannot participate, but I havethe attached aPlease donation in the more amount of $_________ toand be used forform. Project KidSight. am interested in participating sponsoring event. send me information. City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Address: _________________________________ IMy amorganization interested inissponsoring the event. Please send meopportunities. more information. 5730 interested in fundraising Please send me more information. Executive Drive - Lansing, MI partnership 48911 -Telephone: 517-887-6640 - - Email: ___________________________________ _________________________________ Group Name: ______________________________ Representative: ____________________________ organization is interested fundraising partnership Please send meused more My I cannot participate, but I haveinattached a donation in theopportunities. amount of $_________ to be forinformation. Project KidSight. City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Address: _________________________________ I cannot participate, but I have attached a donation in the amount of $_________ to be used for Project KidSight. 5730 Executive Drive - Lansing, MI 48911 - 517-887-6640 - - Group ______________________________Telephone: Representative: ____________________________ Email: Name: ___________________________________ _________________________________ Group Name: ______________________________ Representative: ____________________________ Address: _________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________ City/State/Zip: Address: _________________________________ 5730 ___________________________________ Executive Drive - Lansing, MI 48911 -Telephone: 517-887-6640 -_____________________________ - Email: _________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________ 5730 Executive Drive - Lansing, MI 48911 - 517-887-6640 - - 5730 Executive Drive - Lansing, MI 48911 - 517-887-6640 - - LION PRIDE MAGAZINE • 15 Volume 43 • Issue 5 > MD11 news USA/CANADA GRAND FORUM SEPTEMBER 17-19, GRAND RAPIDS, MI Strides Walk Registration for the strides walk on Thursday, September 17 is now open. Forum attendees will have the opportunity to support Lions’ fight against diabetes by participating in a fundraiser for the American Diabetes Association and the Canadian Diabetes Association. The strides walk will take place from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM on that day. Participants will receive a sack lunch and a T-Shirt. The 1.5 mile easy walking track will be along the beautiful Grand River in downtown Grand Rapids. The cost of the event is $25 per person. All proceeds will go directly to diabetes prevention activities in the US and Canada. Leo Day Saturday of the forum will be a special day for Leo’s to attend the forum at a reduced cost. Special training related to Leo club operations and successes take place throughout Saturday. Leos will participate in a special Leo only lunch that day. Leos must pre¬register. The cost for Leo registration, including lunch is $15. Young Lions Forum As part of this year’s Forum, younger Lions will find themselves at home. On Friday, September 18, the young Lions will conduct a series of training sessions geared toward young Lion involvement and campus clubs. Special social events are scheduled for young lions throughout the Forum. The young Lions will give back through the computer workshops discussed below. If your club has young Lions or sponsors a campus club, please encourage them to attend this year’s Forum. All Lions under 30 years of age can register up until August 1 at the preregistration rate. Help us spread the word! USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum 2015 September 17-19, 2015 Grand Rapids, Michigan email: Phone: 605.723.4007 The Lions of Michigan are proud to host the 2015 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Grand Rapids, September 17-19, 2015. New and exciting learning opportunities, training, sharing, fellowship and rededication to building the world’s largest service organization are all part of the GRAND Forum experience, and we know you will want to be a part of it. Early registration has begun, and you can access the information through our website at . VOLUNTEERS will ensure the success of the USA/Canada Forum in Grand Rapids! What a wonderful opportunity this will be to promote our state to Lions of the world. Sign up today by using the form below or access the volunteer sign-up sheet on our website. 2015 USA/CANADA GRAND FORUM - Volunteers Sign-up Form Your help is needed September 15-19, 2015 - Sign up today! *( ) ( ) Will be available to help Sept. 15-19, 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI ( ) Tues ( ) Wed. ( ) Thurs. ( ) Fri. ( ) Sat. ( ) ( ) Host Committee office at DeVos Place Convention Center (Wed. - Sat.) *( ) ( ) Hotel registration booths (at hotels Wed. & Thurs.) *( ) ( ) Convention Center Registration (Weds. - Sat.) ( ) ( ) Run VIP airport Shuttles (personal vehicles needed, Tues.-Sun.) ( ) ( ) Airport Welcome and Information booth (Grand Rapids Ford Airport: Wed.-Sat.) ( ) ( ) Welcome Centers on highways into Michigan (club project if possible: Tues-Thurs.) ( ) ( ) Registration /Information booth at the State Conventions in adjacent States; ( ) WI ( ) OH ( ) KY ( ) IN ( ) IL ( ) Ontario ( ) Hawaii – LCI Con ( ) ( ) Data entry in Host Committee office (Thurs. - Sat.) ( ) ( ) Convention Center greeter and/or information provider (Thurs. - Sat.) *( ) ( ) Seminar Sergeant-at-Arms (Fri. - Sat.) *( ) ( ) Seminar Observer (Assist presenters and moderators if needed Fri. - Sat.) *( ) ( ) Sergeant-at-Arms: banquets (Thurs. p.m. - Sat. p.m.) ( ) ( ) Assist with seating at banquets (Thurs. p.m. - Sat. p.m.) ( ) ( ) Forum Store set up (Wed.) *( ) ( ) Work at Forum Store (Thurs. - Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) ( ) ( ) Assist in setting up/ tear down Peace Poster display on Wed. & Sat. ( ) ( ) I/we will work where ever needed except * Denotes areas where many volunteers will be needed. 4-hour shifts. Name (s) ____________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ City, State _______________________________________________ Zip_________________________ District ______________________ Club ___________________________________________________ Home Phone_______________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________ E-mail______________________________________________________________________________ Return form to Forum Host Manpower Co-Chair: PCC Brian Shepard 6235 Pollard, East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 256-9184 Thank you Lions and Lioness of Michigan for making the 2015 Donate Life Day a great success! In just one day, you helped 1,619 Michiganders join the Michigan Organ Donor Registry! Adrian Evening Lions Club Ann Arbor Host Lions Club Auburn Williams Lions Club Au Gres Lioness Club Baldwin Lions Club Bay City Lions Club Bedford Township Lions Club Blissfield Area Lions Club Bretton Woods Lioness Club Casnovia-Kent City Lions Club Detroit Mid-City Lions Club Dewitt Breakfast Lions Club Dexter Cedars Lions Club Durand Lioness Club Durand Lions Club East Lansing Meridan Lions Club Eaton Rapids Lions Club Fremont Lions Club Gaylord Lions Club Grand Ledge Lions Club Greenville Lions Club Hanover-Horton Area Lions Club Harrison Lions Club Highland Park Lions Club Houghton Lake Lioness Club Ishpeming Lions Club Jackson Eye Openers Lions Club Lapeer Lions Club Lennon Lions Club Lyons-Muir Lions Club Mayville Lions Club Midland Lions Club Munith Lions Club Muskegon South Side Lions Club Otisville Lions Club Otter Lake Lions Club Ovid Lions Club Ravenna Lions Club Rogers City Lions Club Sault Ste. Marie Lions Club Sebewaing Lions Club Sparta Lions Club Spring Lake Lions Club
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