Ambassador General Information

2015 Yeppoon Lions Tropical Pine Fest
Donna Lodwick
0417 363 221
Kerri Scoffin
0423 923 060
The Yeppoon Lions Club conducts the Tropical Pine Fest each
year, as a tribute to the Capricorn Coast and its lucrative
pineapple industry. This year, the festival will run from Saturday
17th of October to Sunday 18th October 2015. The theme for this
year’s festivities is “Colour our World” embracing the cultural
diversity our region offers.
The Tropical Pine Fest 2015 Ambassador Quest is a personality
quest. It is NOT a beauty quest. Entrants will be judged on
personality, appearance, general knowledge and commitment to
our local community. Entrants will be required to attend various
social functions before and during the Pine Fest celebrations.
Entrants must attend their interview, as well as the Pine Fest
Celebrations, but will not be penalised if work commitments
prevent attendance at other official functions. Entrants are usually
sponsored by local businesses or clubs to generate interest in the
local community. Sponsors are required to support their entrant
throughout the quest and sign the entry form, accordingly.
Fundraising for local charities and not-for-profit organisations
(with discretion of the Pinefest Committee) is also a significant
part of the Ambassador Quest and as a result, a Charity
Ambassador* will also be presented. Entrants are able to raise
funds by organising their own fundraising functions and / or selling
tickets in the Pine Fest Art Union. Possible fundraising functions
include car washes, raffles, theme nights, pie drives - let your
imagination run wild! It should be noted, however, that entrants
are required to provide Quest Co-ordinators with their fundraising
ideas before they start fundraising. Entrants are able to raise funds
from Wednesday 20th May 2015 until 2.00 pm on Wednesday, 30th
September 2015. All Art Union money and ticket butts must be
returned to the Bank of Queensland by Wednesday 30th
September 2015. The Charity Ambassador will also receive a cash
prize, with ALL entrants being eligible to receive fantastic
fundraising incentives. Entrants are able to donate 50% of funds
raised to a charity of their choice (Minimum requirement is to sell
350 Pinefest Art Union tickets). This charity must have a branch,
base or connection to Capricorn Coast and entrants are required
to receive authorisation from their chosen charity prior to entering
the Quest. All other funds will be redistributed to Lions Club
charities. The Yeppoon Lions Club beneficiaries are yet to be
* It is possible for one entrant to be awarded Ambassador &
Charity Ambassador.
To qualify, entrants in the Tropical Pine Fest 2015 Ambassador
Quest must:
1. Be at least 16 years of age by Wednesday, 20th May 2015
2. Be a resident of OR have a suitable connection with the
Capricorn Coast
3. Sell 350 Art Union Tickets by Wednesday, 30th September 2015.
‘The Tropical Pinefest Ambassador
Quest is a fantastic opportunity for
members of the community not only to
raise much needed funds for their
chosen beneficiaries but also to meet
like minded people and grow and
develop as individuals. Past quest
entrants have shown qualities in
leadership have had an ability to think
coordinating fund raising activities.
Past entrants have described the quest
as being one of the most rewarding
and self fulfilling experiences of their
Lindsay Lodwick
2014 Pinefest Chairman
‘I feel so much more confident in myself
and the support I have with family and
the community after Pinefest. I feel it's so
important for young people to fundraise
and do charity work in a quest like the
Pinefest ambassador quest, because it
teaches a lot about community spirit and
how much hard work and effort all our
volunteers put in to an event such as
Pinefest. To be lucky enough to have such
a wonderful event in our area is a
blessing. Also having people like yourself
who take time out of your busy schedule
to help and coach these girls/boys is a
great asset.’
Charlotte Grice
2014 Pinefest Ambassador Quest Entrant
A Meet and Greet will be held at Mercure Capricorn Resort from
6.30pm on Wednesday 20th May 2015. The main aim of this
function is for entrants, judges and quest co-ordinators to “get to
know each other” in a social environment. A selection of finger
food will be served courtesy of Mercure Capricorn Resort.
A Sunday Morning Tea will be held at the Keppel Bay Sailing Club
from 10am on Sunday 14th June 2015. The morning tea has been
arranged so entrants can mingle with their family and friends in a
casual environment. Tickets will cost $10 per person and include a
delicious morning tea. For catering purposes, please RSVP to Donna
by 10am on Tuesday 9th June 2015. Please pay on the day.
Sunday 26th July 2015 is Environment Tree Planting Day and to
celebrate, entrants will plant trees. The tree planting will start at
9am and please bring along your own gardening gloves and a small
spade. Drinks and Sausage sizzle will be provided.
Entrants, Quest co-ordinators and Judges will enjoy a night fun, food
and entertainment at Merv Anderson Park on Saturday, 9th August
2015. This dinner has been arranged so entrants can bond in a
social capacity. Please bring your own chair, utensils and drinks.
All entrants in the Ambassador Quest are invited to attend the
Yeppoon Lions Club Dinner Meeting at the Keppel Bay Sailing Club
(on the beach), on Monday, 14th September at 6.30pm. This
function will provide entrants with the opportunity to meet the
festival organisers and learn about Lions International.
Interviews with the judging panel will be held at Keppel Bay Sailing
Club, towards the end of September. Specific interview times will be
arranged at a later date.
The Yeppoon Lions Club are currently in the process of finalising the
official program for the Tropical Pine Fest 2015. As usual, this year’s
Pine Fest Celebrations will provide Capricorn Coast residents with
lots of fun and family entertainment. As soon as plans are finalised,
specific details will be released. However, entrants should be aware
they will be required to attend the following functions:
* Tropical Pine Fest Ambassador Quest Gala Awards Dinner
Saturday 17th October 2015 at the Mercure Capricorn Resort
* Street Parade on Sunday 18th October 2015. Entrants are also
required on the stage later in the day.
This document has been developed as a GUIDE ONLY to assist
Tropical Pine Fest Ambassador Quest Judges with their decisionmaking process. It is intended that the 2013 Ambassador will be
the entrant who the judges believe displays personal qualities
worthy of representing Capricorn Coast Community. Such
qualities could include:
Entrants should have a pleasant nature, friendly disposition and
display maturity, as well as a sense of responsibility.
Entrants should be well presented, neatly groomed and punctual.
Basic etiquette and appropriate dress sense should also be
considered for all occasions.
Entrants should have a good general knowledge about the
Capricorn Coast, as well as issues affecting Rockhampton Region.
Entrants should have excellent social skills and consequently, be
able to appropriately interact with other entrants, as well as
community representatives.
Entrants should also have excellent communication skills and be
confident conversing with a variety of people in various situations.
Entrants should also be confident in a public forum.
Community involvement and personal achievements can also be
considered. Applicable items could include scholastic, sporting
and extra-curricula achievements, as well as fundraising activities
and voluntary commitments.
Each of these qualities are open to interpretation by the
respective judges, who are free to develop a scoring system, if
desired. It is intended that the judging process should commence
at the Meet and Greet and continue at other official functions.
However, the final decision should be primarily based on the
interviews with the judging panel, as well as the presentation of
the entrants at the Gala Awards Dinner. It should be noted that
the judges’ decision is made independent of the Charity
Ambassador component of the Quest, as the Treasurer of the
Yeppoon Lions Club is the only person privy to this information.
Therefore, it is possible for the same entrant to win both sections
of the Tropical Pine Fest Ambassador Quest.
“As a former co-ordinator of the
annual Ambassador Quest for a
number of years with my
colleague, Amanda Cole, I highly
recommend participating in this
motivated person in our local
community. Over the years, I have
experienced much joy in witnessing
the personal growth of so many of
our local young men and women as
a result of their selfless efforts in
supporting local charities, which
often have very personal meaning
to the entrants and their loved
ones. Personal growth, making
new friends and giving back to our
community are the attributes that
epitomises the annual Ambassador
Mary Carroll
Chief Executive Officer
Capricorn Enterprise
‘As a past entrant, judge and now
quest coordinator I have seen this
quest from every angle and it builds
self confidence, even in the shyest
person. It is a fantastic way of
presenting yourself in the wider
community. It is also a great way to
meet new friends and other contacts
within this district. Have a go and
join up today!’
Donna Lodwick
Pinefest Ambassador Quest
1. The gross proceeds for each raffle must not exceed $2000;
otherwise a permit will be required.
2. The raffle must be drawn within four months of the first ticket
being sold.
3. If the raffle relates to an event, the raffle must be drawn
within one month of the event.
4. Prohibited prizes include more than $10,000 cash, tobacco
products, weapons, illegal items and / or tickets in a game of
5. Tickets must not be sold to persons under 18 years of age if
the prize includes alcohol.
6. The total value of the prizes must be at least 20% of the
estimated gross proceeds of the raffle.
7. All tickets must be sold for the same price, but can be sold in
bundles (ie 1 for $1.00 or 3 for $2.00), providing the same
offer is made to all participants.
8. Tickets must be numbered consecutively with each series of
tickets being identifiable by colour or other distinguishable
9. Tickets can NOT be sold after the closing date.
10. If the raffle is not being conducted and drawn on the same
day, the tickets must have the person’s name and telephone
number written on the ticket butt, so the winner can be
11. A person directly engaged in conducting the draw is NOT
eligible to enter.
12. All ticket butts must be included in the draw, so each person
has a fair and equal chance of winning.
13. If more than one prize is being drawn, the major prize must
be drawn first with the other prizes drawn in descending order
by number and value.
14. Every effort must be made to locate prize winners
immediately and deliver prizes accordingly.
15. Accounting records must be kept recording and explaining
transactions associated with the raffle.
It should be noted that these Guidelines are based on
information provided in the Queensland Office of Gaming
“Your Guide to Category 1 Games”.