Lisa’s Web May 8th, 2015 Business 902-362-2530 fax 902-362-2629 RR#2 Kennetcook, BON 1PO HST#811473693RT0001 Countryside Esthetics Congratulations! Chesley & Doris Singer would like to congratulate their granddaughter Caitlin Skelhorn on her promotion to Captain. Robert Bond Garage Hwy 202, #2125 Gore. Pamper Mom for Mother’s Day!! Vehicle Repair. Scanner Hook Up. Heavy Truck Repairs. Snow Plowing. Gift certificates available. Call 902-632-2777 902-362-2827 Call for appointments in your area Thompson’s Lawn/Garden Soil Insulating Paddock Sand Pickup & Delivery Spray Foam Chris 902-890-2016 Weatherwood Products Ltd 632-2702 456-5670 Congratulations Nifty, Nifty Look who’s fifty. Faye White on winning Chase The Ace III at Hants North Legion, Noel See you in September/October for Chase The Ace IV!! Thanks to everyone for their continued support. Love you. Guess who? Art’s Auto Repairs - Scanner, MVI, reface manifolds, drums, change tires & balance etc. 902-362-2311 RICK’S WELDING AND MECHANICAL 902-369-2209 Book now for vehicle undercoating. Call Ken 902-369-2444 902-899-5890 50/50 DOBBER BINGO Noel Fire Hall, Wed May 13th 7pm. NDVFD Aux Allison Land Surveys Ltd Contact Michael Allison ph 902-883-7541 or 902-639-2274 Kennetcook Laundry Open 8am - 8pm 7 days a week Hants North Legion KAMBA Annual AGM will be held Tuesday, May 12th Hants North Cafeteria 6:30-7:30pm. All welcome! 902-369-2332 Card Party - Monday 7pm Brunch - Saturday 9-12 Executive Meeting - May 13, 7pm General Meeting - May 20 , 7:30pm USED CLOTHING SALE Fill a bag for $2, Noel United Church May 29th 6-8pm, May 30th 10-12am LOB BALL TOURNAMENT 7guys, 3 girls. May 23rd Noel Road Ballfield. Contact Sheldon to register 902-471-0127 Hot and Cold Buffet Supper Four Points Hall May 16th 4:30-6pm. Adults $10, children $5, 5 & under Free Jim Henman, April Wine Co-founder, Juno Hall of Fame Inductee, will perform at the Birch Burn Centre, (1049 Hwy 202) West Gore, Sunday May 10th 3pm. $15 cash only. L I S A ’ S WEB Hatred does not cease by hatred; hatred ceases only by love. This is the eternal law. - Dhammapada CHASE THE ACE th Friday, May 8 Walton Fire Hall Ticket sales start 6pm. Draw 8pm. Starting jackpot $1000 Canteen & Bar open. HORSE PULL & OX PULL Date: May 17th Time: 10 o’clock Place: Gore District Fire Hall Bake Walk: 12 o’clock Dime Auction: 1:30pm Potluck Supper: 4-6pm Adults: $7, Children 10 & under $3; Under 5 FREE. Canteen available. SHORELINE PLUMBING & HEATING Water Softener Systems Lisa’s Web Deadline for all ads & payment if Thursday 12 Noon. Thank you. SHAWN A. SCOTT, Barrister & Solicitor The Old Hotel in Kennetcook (6235 Hwy 354) Tel: 902-362-2342 Email: Office Hours Thursday 6-7:30pm. Family, Property, Migrations, Wills, Probate THANK YOU The family of the late Dean Hilchie would like to thank all who shared in the celebration of her life. A special acknowledgement to all who sent flowers, cards, donations, online condolences, and for the many hugs. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Sandra, Rollie & Families. ROBERTS We would like to thank friends, neighbours, first responders, VON, even strangers that helped us during our recent sudden medical conditions. To those who dropped by, sat with us, moved furniture, got our supplies, sent cards, flowers and food and prayed for us. TU. To the men that plowed us out during the many snowstorms and especially Barb MacLeod for walking Molly on a regular basis and her other assistance. TU. We especially thank our two daughters for giving us so much of their time and care. It’s nice to live in such a caring community. Joan & Robbie NOTICE: Hants North Recreational & Development Association will hold another meeting on Tuesday May 12th at 7pm at the White Hall in Noel Road. We are seeking people, of all ages to join our association, especially young people as you will play an integral part of the growth of our facility and association. We are not only looking forward to the new multi-purpose court, but also to the future development of this property. Several great ideas have been brought out at our first meeting and we look forward to hearing your’s. Please come join us on the 12th. When friends come together miracles happen. Roger and I have experienced one such miracle. We would like to thank everyone for donating and helping in so many ways to make his benefit such a huge success. A big Thank You to Eric, Kenny and his crew, the musicians, Tony and Brett for all your time and hard work. A total of $12,050.00 was raised. We also want to say thank you to a group of friends who recently presented him with $2600.00. We are so fortunate to live in this small but big hearted community and to be blessed with such wonderful friends and family near and far. God bless you all! Roger & Trudy Get UMPIRES CLINIC Level 1 & 2 Baseball Nova Scotia Sunday, May 17th Registration: 8:30am Clinic runs 9am to approximately 4pm. Preregistration is recommended and appreciated. Email Lisa’s Web sent to your inbox as soon as it is uploaded every week. All you have to do is sign into and click on Subscribe Now (on top left side). Enter your name, email address and set up your own private password. At bottom of page there will be a captcha, please enter these numbers or letters to avoid spam. Once your account has been set up you will receive the Web in your inbox weekly as soon as it is loaded HOUSE FOR SALE (5212 Hwy 14 Nine Mile River) 4 bedroom home with lg yard, 2 bay garage and shed. Many updates, storage space, wood furnace/heat pump/AC. Includes 7 newer appliances plus deep freezer $249.000. Call for appt. to view 902-883-2861 In loving memory of Mildred Beach who passed away May 13, 2012 Time slips by and life goes on, But from our hearts you’re never gone. We think about you everyday, We talk about you too. We have so many loving memories, But we wish we still had you. Always loved and remembered Henry & Families. BURGER BUS Afternoon of Poetry Sunday, May 17 at 2 p.m. Anglican Church Hall Maitland, NS Come read, recite or listen to poetry old and new! could be open as early as May 16th. If it does open, hours will be Saturday & Sunday 3-7pm. I am no longer selling gravel from my pit. Anyone wanting this gravel contact A & A Aggregates at 902-478-9832. - Joyce Custance
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