STRESS FRACTURES OF OR M. Shin soreness,” Atlantic) are seriously used interfere The other “shin terms with symptoms shin, which gradually A typical symptoms and the days, At activity and any first the shorter has ceased. attempt With find that The type of fracture until VOL. pain pain purpose stress 40B, days’ will various athlete a run. The Western of forms feels side shin gnawing of become the of the which can of running. a dull intensity ultimately rest, but the pain, the rest from in this this paper of only (Fig. MAY with produce 1958 pain causes recurs; of 2, off Finally fracture stage NO. passes running involving a later of the so pain the pain, severe one in at that first or mild, running or of reaction distances at a few the the on condition FIG. 1 the tibia in “shin soreness.” Two months after the onset of is visible in the antero-posterior view; in the lateral view line can be seen passing up through one cortex only. stress fracture a periosteal and Horse” London continued. the fracture shorter and ATHLETES Hospital, a painful in the first end Middlesex “Charlie performance the IN ENGLAND the describe at towards over be cannot Registrar, to insidiously: occurs increases sprinting training HASTINGS, (and athletes TIBIA SORENESS” B. DEVAS, splints” by start “SHIN Orthopaedic Senior Fornerlv THE the one sport cortex athlete a whole show which of at once feels season that the bone, the night, training better of training to diagnose and soreness” is not running. for and “shin is difficult further persists during pain the way with which continues severe is to tibia recurs some but does has and Over hours tries to the after not prevent be discontinued. to run again, days athletic sleep, only to is spoilt. is caused because apparent by it is an in the a particular incomplete radiographs I). 227 228 M. B. DEVAS TABLE DETAILS OF Case SIXTEEN PATIENTS Sc wim Age number X STRESS I FRACTURES OF THE of Length TIBIA CAUSING SORENESS” “SHIN ort Time off (years) history p sport Running 4 months I M 15 5 weeks 2 F 16 Unknown 3 M 18 4 M 20 5 weeks Running 5 M 19 2 months Running 6 M 21 2 months Athletics 2 months 7 M 27 3 months Running Unknown 8 F 20 3 weeks Running 3 months 9 M 23 (L) 4 weeks (R)4weeks 10 M 15 11 M 17 12 M 13 Many weeks School sports School sports Runn’n Well after biopsy 5 months 4 months 3 1 month Unknown g 1 months Running More than 3 months 3 weeks Running More than 4 months 19 Unknown Running More than 3 months M 18 3 weeks Running More than 3 months 14 M 23 2 months Running 2 months 15 M 17 Unknown Running 3 months 16 F 19 5 months Ballet “Some weeks” TABLE STRESS Age FRACTURES and type OF THE Athletes Children 4-16 years 2 Adults 16-28 2 TIBIA Unknown II RECORDED Recruits 1938 FROM ONWARDS Other Total 20 22 18 46 26 years Ballet dancers 20-26 years 5 Adults 28-44 years 0 Adults 5 44-68 years Total 78 (From Hansson 1938, Roberts and Vogt 1939, Weaver and Francisco Nordentoft 1940, Pfahler 1941, Hartley 1942, Krause and Thompson 1943, Robin and Thompson 1944; Proctor, Campbell and Dobelle 1944; Wolfe and Robertson 1945, Mann 1945, Leveton 1946, Kelly and Murphy 1951, Singer and Maudsley 1954, and 1940, Burrows 1956.) THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS FRACTURES OF THE TIBIA IN ATHLETES, OR “SHIN SORENESS” 229 2 FIG. 3 months after the onset of “ shin soreness “ the radiographs of a twenty-one-year-old haze of periosteal new bone on the medial side of the tibia, which is barely visible in this 3-The same athlete as in Figure 2. After a further month the new bone formation is obvious, but no fracture line is visible. FIG. Case 6. Figure athlete showed reproduction. 2-Two a faint Figure CLINICAL This at the study radiological It must and but they have on Hospital I gives details twenty-six the stress recruits while cases treated of seventy-eight symptoms number Clinic and of the diagnosis that radiological are not seen in many been diagnosed and Table the a considerable Athletic confirmation be emphasised summarises Of is based Middlesex MATERIAL of stress changes of” shin early. cases in this the A typical aged trained E example of shin twenty-one who as a middle-distance 40 B, VOL. NO. which Table “shin soreness” of whom there definite invariably a late manifestation, are in all other typical changes. For comparison, tibia recorded in the literature only said have three seen was are to respects Table since developed II 1938. their running. SYMPTOMS man fracture. are almost radiological of with in sixteen soreness” with fractures included of patients elsewhere, 2, MAY 1958 soreness worked runner. AND is shown as a clerk SIGNS in Case in an office; 6 in Table in the evenings I. The and patient at weekends was a he M. B. DEVAS 230 4 (Fig. 3) the fracture the onset of symptoms. FIG. Case 6-Three weeks after the previous since For the end two months became which seen he noticed got worse until It is nearly a little pain in the lower the day before attending four right shin hospital, months towards when it severe. showed Examination part being gradually before of a run, line is visible. radiograph of the right a healthy shin. This young area was man, very who complained tender and of pain slightly in the antero-medial oedematous. A radiograph showed a slight haze of periosteal new bone (Fig. 2). Elastic adhesive strapping was applied to the leg from the toes to below the knee, and the patient was instructed to rest from all sport but to continue with his office work. A month later there was considerably more new bone formation (Fig. 3). Pain was still present on activity but Three a fracture of the not tibia (Fig. again. the physical only Table running considered. 4). The After sign that children. in school I). A below-knee the was and pain inwards and six weeks thickening most in the the the had gone there tibia were in patients, to complain of showed new bone formation, A was performed, and then cortex and were of the patients younger applied. radiographs postero-medial Radiographs biopsy began of was and tenderness a further some plaster removed was Among sports walking plaster upwards I shows school Table rest. later running training being at weeks no the their late aged in the and was histological ‘teens or sixteen about full early who JOURNAL OF three doing centre much (Case of a neoplasm BONE AND and 5). twenties, were begin activity, was the possibility third to (Fig. preparations THE clearly lowermost allowed of fracture shin, the the despite site a girl pain patient symptoms at the demonstrated of 2, was reported JOINT to SURGERY STRESS FRACTURES OF THE TIBIA IN ATHLETES, 6-The final healing of a “shin soreness” Stress postero-medial cortex of the tibia was involved. show a there were centre chronic inflammatory no further of the shaft of the The lesion. symptoms tibia (Fig. 6). anteriorly, OF SEVENTEEN in the This type of fracture case whereas TABLE SITE illustrated fracture, fracture This SORENESS” 231 5 FIG. Case OR “SHIN united quickly is unusual the preceding is always most figures. after in that common Only the incomplete. operation the lesion site is near and was in the or at the the site of the III STRESS FRACTURES Level in tibia Type of lesion Lowermost Complete crack Periosteal reaction in one cortex only . Total junction of the middle seventeen fractures summarised in VOL. 40 B, NO. Table 2, and under MAY II. 1958 lowermost consideration, thirds third Middle third third Uppermost 9 1 1 5 1 - 14 2 1 postero-medially. and Table IV Table gives the ill shows level of those fractures 232 M. B. DEVAS FIG. 6 Case 2-A girl who did much running in school sports developed pain and swelling of the shin. The early radiograph (left) showed subperiosteal new bone formation. A month later the bone formation was considerably more marked (right). This site is more typical of the ballet dancer’s fracture, being anterior and in the middle of the shaft of the tibia. The fractures occurring uppermost in recruits in the by (1956) Burrows all in athletes are concentrated third. In the series of stress the fractures were in the TABLE SITE OF STRESS FRACTURES OF THE TIBIA middle in the fractures third of IN SEVENTY-EIGHT Lowermost fracture in a ballet in the lowermost cortices of fractures dancer . . PATIENTS included in third of the tibia and, this third series). in common tibia REPORTED (as tibia and recorded was the stress IN THE LITERATURE in tibia Middle 6 . the of the dancers IV Level Number lower part in ballet third Uppermost 7 The with stress the 65 fractures type third of seen middle in recruits, age involve occur both of the tibia. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT 5URGERY STRESS FRACTURES OF THE TIBIA IN ATHLETES, OR “SHIN 233 SORENESS” DIAGNOSIS Diagnosis radiological is difficult because many patients seen early changes sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. There is usually a history of pain becoming it is felt only at the end of a run, but it gradually a history of or even felt an injury of a sudden in the front immediately onset and lower in an early Examination before of pain. The oedema may be present early, patients by done “springing” by straining of tibia of the surgeon) placed side of leg at of leg, held at the the level knee and the third that occurs fracture of the middle Maudsley (1954). tibia previously recorded across earliest of the bone immediately outside which the later the fracture little or no be seen, cortex, only The The (Figs. medial of stress uppermost the third lowermost by Singer of the of the tibia. a slight loss 10). area Later becomes In this patient the seen and photographed In the in the the site is on the swelling and this thickens and side of the bone one line to disrupt of the and of fracture is not, views the will radiographs spreads as constant often show do not new show bone from those with MECHANISM direction NO. of the line of fracture as to open 2, bone MAY 1958 the postero-medial a linear inwards fracture (Fig. formation OF THE suggests surface the tibia. of “shin shin is the Usually soreness” fracture from comparable a definite crest the because is on In the the stress formation the of only a type a varying distance, but at first there is a faint haze of subperiosteal new bone finally and as the despite repeated examinations radiological change was the subperiosteal such a direction until being involved. runs upwards usually however, over Later the swelling the antero-medial surface of the tibia and is difficult to see and photograph. The patient illustrated was ballet dancer. bone dense, 7 FIG. lesion the periosteum cortical bone. Sometimes 40 B, fracture appears disturbance onset of symptoms, in whom the only VOL. of new bone can be seen a hard thickened prominence. direction The to cortex cortex a little fluffy condenses to form athletes. Oblique (Fig. 11). new the on as a transverse 9 and this when described show around be (such outer stress fractures part or whole of the shaft stage there may be only density can aged Most some is pressed and be to the against ankle, in recruits and in has tenderness; this fulcrum a fracture through the the tibia is opened and pain occurs. Radiological appearances-This type differs from the more common fracture stage a fulcrum as the knee the a later This against At first is never but not A little pain tibia. without onset, the subcutaneous the swelling can the the the at recover tenderness border, is felt. and there is a definite thickening surface of the tibia. Sometimes seen (Figs. 7 and 8). It is possible to reproduce by rest is generally part of the leg. case will elicit of the shin, usually the medial necessarily exactly where the pain treated more severe during several months. comes on earlier and earlier. There the pain and before until is visible postero-medial fracture any nearly 12). Table III of a smaller cortex. of the fracture three in the line months separates or longer fibula in is visible after the the patients amount of crack. FRACTURE that usually a strain of the tibia at its lower has end, been and applied sometimes in M. B. DEVAS 234 the postero-lateral surface. In one instance the upper postero-medial border affected and the fracture line was directed downwards and outwards (Fig. It is possible that the strong calf muscles which arise from the middle the back of the shaft of the tibia may, when used at their greatest strength, bend slightly (1956) in such that strong a way that muscular it bows forwards. activity can draw It has been shown the fibula towards the of the tibia 13). and upper cause the by Devas tibia, and and this was part tibia of to Sweetnam is perhaps Ii The the the cause same type of stress the tibial fracture of ballet dancer’s individual, of the fibula and it seems also 14 and fractures (Figs. FIG. 8 is transverse anterior cortex. fracture in athletes. likely that and These two types the same mechanism straight, through the of fracture occur is responsible in for 15). TREATMENT is all-important Rest abstention Elastic patient keep from running and adhesive strapping is usually symptoms with able to probably the all activity applied that from follow ordinary daily only a sedentary activities essential part causes symptoms. the toes to below occupation. a In below-knee of treatment. the knee patients walking By rest appears who plaster to help; continue will is meant allow to the have them about. Physiotherapy into and the fracture does site not in one help patient until the had fracture no success. has united, THE JOURNAL and hydrocortisone OF BONE AND injected JOINT SURGERY to STRESS FRACTURES OF THE TIBIA IN FIG. The early stages of a stress fracture months VOL. 40B, later NO. 2, healing MAY is taking 1958 place. The fracture OR “SHIN 235 SORENESS” 9 in the lowest FIG. Two ATHLETES, third of the tibia in a middle-aged man. 10 is transverse and involves both cortices of the tibia. 236 M. B. DEVAS When there is no longer any pain or tenderness to start gentle training, which is gradually increased provided there are no further at the fracture to full training site the patient is allowed over four to six weeks, symptoms. DISCUSSION A fracture and Francisco and have Kelly been shin soreness of the type described 1940, Pfahler and Murphy recognised to 1936; Symposium Tucker 1950, Krause 1951) but previously. strains 1952, Woodard FIG. and reported by Thompson the association The text-books of muscles and Athletic Injuries, on Knight 1941, has been and on five occasions Wolfe and (Weaver Robertson 1945, with “shin soreness” does not appear to and papers on athletic injuries ascribe such like conditions Medical Press and 1954, others 1943, Fletcher (Lloyd, Circular Deaver and Eastwood 1937; Thorndike 1948, 1956). 11 12 FIG. Figure lI-An medial runner, oblique view showing the periosteal new bone formation on the posteroborder of the lowest third of the tibia. Figure 12-This patient, a middle-distance had typical “shin soreness” but the only radiological change observed was a little periosteal Stress indeed, fractures Aleman in new of the tibia 1929 noted bone formation have that been there towards known were the back of the tibial shaft. for many years, particularly reported one hundred cases in recruits; of so-called “periostitis tibiae ab excercito” each year in the Swedish army, but he considered the condition an “insufficiency fracture.” Since then many reports on stress fractures of the tibia have appeared, but it was not until shortly before the second world war that the condition began to be recognised for what it is. Vogt and Even 1939, this more recently Weaver and would histological those and be material Francisco misleading the radiological of a low-grade inflammatory from 1940) unless biopsy performed in two reported cases was thought to show a form of chronic the appearances clinical picture of stress is understood, fractures do (Roberts and inflammation because not differ both greatly the from process. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS was One that FRACTURES OF of the patients in this of chronic inflammation, It seems likely had injuries a comparable that the five THE series but TIBIA IN ATHLETES, was subjected the histological ballet dancers OR “SHIN SORENESS” 237 to biopsy and the pathological section was not available for recorded by of a similar nature, for the symptoms, signs course to that of shin soreness, although Burrows and progress the site and (1956) report study. in great detail appear to have followed radiological appearance I 13 FIG. A girl aged twenty had the typical signs and symptoms of” shin soreness” except that the site was in the uppermost third of the tibia. The fracture line runs downwards and inwards but is only through one cortex. There is some evidence from the radiographs and the history that there has been a previous stress fracture in the lowest third of the same tibia. of the lesion Burrows’s suggests description a different was mechanism. published, and “shin soreness” type of stress fracture. The interesting feature about this only one VOL. 40 B, cortex NO. of the 2, MAY tibia. 1958 Other forms The at that fracture of stress case recorded time in athletes fracture was in this series considered was to be is that it is incomplete, of the tibia have gone seen an before atypical involving on not only M. B. DEVAS 238 14 FIG. 14-Five Figure medial cortex onset of symptoms in this athlete a typical 15-Five weeks later this is more obvious. had a stress fracture of the fibula. to involve both cortices but on occasions have developed case was mentioned by Burrows (1956) in a ballet dancer, and Vogt (1939), Hartley (1942), Krause and Thompson A close similarity exists between stress fractures those seen in the fibula. people, the series being comparable attention in A form symptoms and might be difficult In sufficient This reported to those 1940. of chronic treatment, to strain anterior in the is also early tibial to be emphasis must site. Provided resume training within is recognised and a few sport seen stages syndrome very has like before those radiological absolute immobilisation the fracture are eliminated; cases, but great at the fracture not similarity haze of new bone The (1943) in athletes in the stress months; allowed but to been of when advice continue, THE patient one such by Roberts (1946). in the tibia and of middle-aged by Mayor soreness, and had (1956). The differentiation occurred. necessary strapping and other the athlete is neglected many this Singer and Maudsley (1954) to which Burrows first drew changes sport early fractures; reported fractures suggested shin is seen on the season and Leveton that occur is probably not elastic adhesive be placed on rest from the diagnosis is made previous into complete and others were in the lowest third of the tibia by seen in the lowest third of the fibula appear signs 15 FIG. weeks after the of the tibia. Figure until months of JOURNAL OF provided the forces is sufficient in most activities causing pain may well be able to late, or disability BONE AND the condition may JOINT ensue. SURGERY FRACTURES STRESS OF THE TIBIA IN ATHLETES, OR SHIN “ SORENESS 239 “ SUMMARY 2. A type of stress fracture of the tibia in runners is described. This type of fracture, associated with shin soreness,” has 3. The I . not “ signs, symptoms and radiological appearances been are discussed, and It is a pleasure to thank me to use their patients preparation my former chiefs, Mr Philip Wiles and Mr Philip Newman, for this study; and I am also most grateful to Mr Wiles report. It is also a pleasure to thank the staffofthe Radiological ofthis Hospital for their co-operation ALEMAN, 0. (1929): recognised treatment before. is outlined. for their kindness in allowing for his help and advice in the Department ofthe Middlesex and assistance. 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