Lake Eureka Disc Golf Course 1 2 18 15 14 16 17 3 4 13 7 5 6 S S M M aa ii nn S S tt Eureka Lake 12 11 10 9 LL aa kk ee R R dd 8 61 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 1 163 Par 3 285 ft 1 On or over walkway/pavement to left is OB. Normal OB options. 15 Lake Eureka Di s f s Di sc c Gol Gol fCour Cour se e ! 535 MandoDr opZone 460 2 Par 4 897 ft 2 Li m i t edOB Opt i ons :Di scm us tgol ef tofgoalpos t m andom ar k edat504’andashott hatm i s s est he m andowi l lgot odr opz one.Di s cm us tcom et or es t wi t hi nr oped ar eas t o be cons i der ed i n bounds . Penal t yi sr et hr ow f r om pr ev i ousl i ewi t hones t r ok e penal t y . 24 58 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 3 Par 3 261 ft 3 In or over creek on the left is OB. Drive and lot to the right is OB. Normal OB options. 14 31 248 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 4 Par 3 297 ft 4 Limited OB Options: Disc must cross the creek to be considered in bounds. Penalty is rethrow from the tee with a 1-throw penalty. If the disc comes to rest inbounds and the next shot is out of bounds, rethrow from previous lie with a 1-throw penalty. Lake Eureka 105 D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 475 5 Par 4 660 ft Skate Park Basketball Court In or over creek is OB. Over painted line is OB. On or over road to the right is OB. Normal OB options. 5 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 6 Par 3 354 ft 98 6 Limited OB Options: Surrounded by water is OB. Disc must come to rest within roped areas to be considered in bounds. Penalty is rethrow from previous lie with one stroke penalty. 15 102 400 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 7 Par 4 S S M M aa ii nn S S tt 678 ft 7 Limited OB Options: Disc must come to rest within roped areas to be considered in bounds. On or over path to the left is considered OB. Going in or over the creek long is considered OB. If a disc comes to rest OB, the penalty is a rethrow from previous lie with a 1-throw penalty. 47 15 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 204 Lake Rd 8 Par 3 240 ft 8 On or over sidewalk to the left is OB. In or over creek on the right is considered OB. Normal OB options. 19 Lake Eureka Water Tower D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 302 9 Par 3 354 ft 9 Limited OB Options: Disc must come to rest within marked areas to be considered in-bounds. Landing outside of roped areas requires a rethrow from previous lie with a 1-throw penalty. Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 215 Volleyball Courts 10 Par 3 288 ft 145 10 Limited OB Options: Disc must come to rest within island green or on volleyball court to be considered in bounds. Everything else is considered OB. If the disc comes to rest out of bounds, rethrow from previous lie with a 1-throw penalty. 30 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 480 353 11 11 Par 4 7 11 f t Lake to the left is OB and pavement to the right is OB. Roped area right of basket and long of basket is OB and is clearly marked. Must go left of Volleyball mandatory tree approximately 150' from tee. The penalty for missing the mandatory tree is a rethrow Courts from the tee with a one stroke penalty. Normal OB options. 16 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 390 12 Par 4 633 ft 214 Drop Zone 12 Lake is OB. On or over payment is OB. If the drive comes to rest in the lake, you must go to the drop zone for your next shot. Any shot from the drop zone that comes to rest in the lake will need to rethrow from the drop zone with penalty. Normal OB options. Basketball Court 16 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 268 13 Par 3 363 ft Lake to left is OB. Normal OB options. 13 30 Drop Zone Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 161 14 Par 3 223 ft 14 Lake to the left is OB. Pavement to the right is OB. If the drive comes to rest OB the next shot must be played from the drop zone with a 1-throw penalty. Normal OB options. 13 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 15 Par 3 234 ft 15 On or over pavement to the left is OB. Normal OB options. 16 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 16 Par 3 423 ft 16 On or over path to the right is OB. Must go left of mandatory tree that is marked. If you miss the mandatory there is a drop zone next to the tree. Normal OB options. Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 23 308 17 Par 3 436 ft 17 Limited OB Options: Disc must come to rest within roped area to be considered in bounds. Penalty for going OB is a rethrow from previous lie with a 1throw penalty. If the drive lands in bounds but the next shot is OB, rethrow from previous lie with a 1throw penalty. 35 Lake Eureka D D ii ss cc G G oo ll ff C C oo uu rr ss ee 18 212 Par 3 340 ft 18 Inside ball diamond fence is OB. Going long of basket past the roped line is OB. Normal OB options. Disclaimer: Map locations and distances are approximate and subject to change or removal. No warranties will be made, stated or implied concerning the accuracy or completeness of data presented in the mapping.
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