Call for Conference Proposals for the February 12 & 13, 2016 Literacy Summit at The University of the Incarnate Word San Antonio, TX Deadline for Submission: September 15, 2015 You are invited to submit a proposal to present at the 2016 Literacy Summit cohosted by The University of the Incarnate Word, The Specialized Literacy Professionals, and The Texas Association for Literacy Education. This twoday event will be on February 12th & 13th of 2016. The theme will be Literacy Research and Practice ― 2016: Celebrating 20 Years of What’s Hot. Please include the following in your proposal (all proposals will go through a blind review): 1. Title of presentation 2. Presenter Information: Name, institutional affiliation, position/ title, email address, and preferred phone number for all presenters 3. Type of session (please select one of the following) : a. Regular session (30 min.) Computer and projector will be provided . b. Round tables (15 min.) Presenters with similar themes will gather in small discussion groups lead by a discussant. c. Poster session A standalone presentation in a gallerystyle/walk through environment. 4. Conference Strand ( please select one of the following) : ❖ Literacy Coaches/Reading Specialists ❖ Implementing Texas State Standards/Common Core State Standards (CCSS) ❖ English Language Learners ❖ Close Reading and Text Complexity ❖ Academic Writing/Writing from Sources ❖ Struggling Readers ❖ Comprehension ❖ Teacher Preparation & Evaluation for Literacy ❖ Informational Texts, New Literacies/Digital literacies ❖ Vocabulary ❖ Motivation 5. Program entry: Provide a one to two sentence description of your presentation for the conference program. 6. Description of presentation (maximum 500 words): Describe your presentation and how you will engage the audience. Classroom, researchbased, and noncommercial presentations are welcomed. Email your completed proposal in a Word Document to Stephanie GroteGarcia at . Please use “Literacy Summit” in the subject line. Submitted proposals will be prepared by the conference committee for blind review. If your proposal is accepted for the 2016 Literacy Summit, all presenters will be expected to register and pay for Literacy Summit. Further instructions will be provided in the decision letter.
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