Newsletter - Little Egypt Arts Association

The Newsletter of Little Egypt Arts Association
March 2015
From the President’s Desk
by Bonnie Davis
The window replacement is finally done - 6 months after the accident. Thanks to Neal Morrison and Rose Mary Crear for helping me paint the inside. A thank you goes to Frank Bennett for
helping me put in the carpet. And a special thanks for all the repair work and rebuilding that
Andy Knight did. That window has never looked so good. And oh my that door into that window
is wonderful. Thank you to the board for making that a requirement in the repair work. Jeri
Palmer, Rose Mary and I no longer have to crawl on our hands and knees to get inside and out.
And no condensation running down the inside of the window in the winter that has in the past
ruined some art pieces.
The First Annual Drawing and Painting Competition has 72 entries. Such a beautiful show.
The vibrant colors of the paintings and drawings makes the gallery a warm and welcome place
to come and see. Every piece of the slot board walls are full. If you have not seen it, please take
a few minutes and come in to see the show. Thank you to everyone who entered whether you
are a member or not.
The writers club is booming. The last count I had was 35 authors meeting the second Tuesday
each month at 6 pm. The board has furnished the writers club with another book case to display
their work. We hope to see both book cases full. Welcome writers.
We lost a special member last month. Zoe Lightfoot. She was one of the charter members of
LEAA when it was formed 20 years ago. Such a beautiful warm lady. The jewelry she made was
beautiful. I will always remember her smile and infectious laugh. Our condolences to the family. She will be sadly missed.
601 Tower Square
Marion, IL 62959
Volume 5, Issue 7
March 2015
LESA meets on the 3rd
Thursday at 6:00 pm
March through November
ALPS Meetings will
be held on the 2nd & 4th
Thursday at 6:30pm
BLING meets on
the 1st Wednesday
at 5:00pm.
LEWS meets on the 2nd
Tuesday of the month
LEAFS meets every
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Monthly Board Meetings are on the
3rd Monday at 12:30.
All members are welcome to attend.
I hope everyone is looking forward to Spring as much as I am. I have had enough ice and snow
to last me until next winter.
The annual meeting date has been set for Tuesday June 23, 2015 at the Crab Orchard
Golf Club Restaurant. Social hour 5 pm - 6 pm Buffet 6 pm
The annual Christmas Dinner has been set for Thursday December 3, 2015 at the Crab
Orchard Golf Club Restaurant. 5 pm - 6 pm social hour and buffet served at 6 pm.
There are 7 openings for the board. All the executive board members are up for election and all have agreed to run. They are Bonnie Davis, Rose Mary Crear, Missy Carsten
and Janet Bixler. The term limits for the executive board is 2 years. There are 3 regular
board member openings and 2 of them have agreed to run. They are Peggy McPhillips and
Sherry Lampley. Rene DeGroof has declined to run again. The term limits for a regular
board member is 3 years. If you would like to run for a board member, please let me know
at 618 995-2694 so your name can be put on the ballot. There will also be room on the
ballot for write ins. The elections will be held at the June 23 meeting
We are in need of several docents to welcome visitors to the Art Centre. If you can volunteer four hours a month, it would be very much appreciated.
It would involve welcoming visitors, general cleaning and taking care of sales in the gift
and gallery. Contact Sherry Lampley at 618 627-2076 or call the Art Centre 998-8530.
Board Members
Bonnie Davis
Vice President
Rose Mary Crear
Missy Carstens
Janet Bixler
Frank Bennett
Rene de Groof
Peggy Forthman
Kaye Howell
Sherry Lampley
Peggy McPhillips
Jane Morgan
Patty Morrison
Tom Rabideau
Minutes from Board Meetings
are available to all members and are
located on the art centre file cabinet.
Photo by Joanna Gray
ALPS Members Return to Florida for Annual Birding Trek by Joanna Gray
This year's annual ALPS Florida birding trek was yet another great celebra"on of photography, friends, and fun. ALPS members Dave
Brewer, Tom and Ruth Ann Rabideau, and I spent a week in early February imaging birds of the Florida shores and wetlands, along
with several species of migra"ng ducks, at Merri) Island Na"onal Wildlife Refuge near Titusville, FL, and the Viera Wetlands near Melbourne, FL. Many thanks to Dave Brewer for once again together the i"nerary and sharing his exper"se in bird imaging with us
in the field.
We were joined by several friends from the Light & Lens club in Centralia, IL -- Joseph Prosise, Cody Peterson, and Bob and Gayle Erxleben -- and by photographer Kris"n Bishop and her husband Kenny, friends of Dave Brewer from the Washington D.C. area. As on
past Florida treks, accomplished wildlife photographers Harry Behret of Melbourne, FL, and John Holmes of Ft. Meyers, FL, and their
spouses also joined us. Linda Behret arranged a special ou"ng to the Helen and Allan Cruickshank Sanctuary for the Florida scrub jay, a
threatened species which requires a special oak scrub environment in order to survive.
So why do I go on the birding trek every spring? Because nothing compares to the thrill of rounding a curve on Blackpoint Drive at
Merri) Island NWR and finding a reddish egret dancing across the brackish waters as it hunts for its next catch -- and then up
your tripod next to friends who share your joy as you image the reddish in that sweet early morning Florida light. Then just down the
road you’re literally just inches away from a riot of roseate spoonbills, great egrets, snowy egrets, white ibis, glossy ibis, and wood
storks on a feeding frenzy for fish and crustaceans made easy prey in the mud flats at low "de.
The next day at Viera Wetlands you have to duck as a territorial male limpkin chases away a challenger and flies just inches above your
head. Later, the usually camouflaged American bi)ern surprises you by stepping out from the reeds just as you're driving by, and you
get your first image of this elusive bird. And then the crested caracara flies low right toward you with the morning light crea"ng the
perfect catch-light in his eye. Sweet!
If bird photography makes you happy, as it does me, plan now to go on next year's ALPS Florida birding trek. I'll be there!
George Stone will be leading an outing to two special places in Southern Illinois that very few have ever seen.
The first is to Maxee Falls, the second is to Cove Cliff Surprise. The falls is 90 feet high , and the Surprise is 100
feet high. Since George is in his eighth decade and still climbs mountains in Colorado, it seems most likely anyone who would like to join in this adventure should have an easy time and lots of fun. We will meet at the parking
lot for the Tunnel Hill Trail at Tunnel Hill At 10 AM on April 25th... look forward to all that can make it.
ALPS went on their annual eagle photo trek again this year on January 15 & 16.
The photo group gathered in Alton, IL and traveled north up the Great River Road along the Mississippi River all the
way to Clarksville, MO.
Although it was so bitter cold that the Mississippi was frozen over, the weather was bearable and photography was
unexpectedly good due to our being blessed with beautiful blue skies while we were there. The welcomed sun burned
off the heavy morning frost and warmed the afternoon enough to enjoy a riverside picnic lunch each day.
Those who have never attended the annual eagle treks have certainly missed out on a great photographic opportunity
and should consider attending next year.
Volume 5, Issue 7
Page 4
ALPS Photography Club
The ALPS camera club has two meetings a month on the second and fourth
Thursday at 6:30 PM. On the first meeting we do educational presentations and conduct camera club business. The
second meeting is much less formal. We usually do a potluck dinner and do a show and tell. Lots of fun! We also go
on photo treks. We have one coming up on March 25th to LaRue Pines and Jo Dodd will be leading this trek. In
April George Stone will lead a trek to Maxie Falls and Cove Cliffs. We also have an annual Photography Show in
August. Come out and enjoy the fun with us!
LESA The next meeting will be April 16. Marie Samuel will be demonstrating Rice Paper Collage Landscapes.
May’s meeting TBA as there will not be an art competition at Herrinfesta this year. June’s meeting will be at the annual dinner on Tuesday, June 23. Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday at 6 p.m.
BLING Jewelry Club
The next meeting will be on Wednesday April 1 at 5 pm at the Art Centre.
LEAFS Fiber Club DON’T FORGET! There is a challenge for all of LEAA. Look on the kiosk the Art Centre
for all of the details. Reception for the Fiber Show is Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 2:00pm.
LEWS Writer’s Society
Special guest speaker for the March meeting was Barbara Vaughan. Barbara was
an English teacher for Marion High School for over 30 years and now co-pastors a church with her husband. She
gave an informative and entertaining presentation on creative writing. She talked about having a purpose for what
we write, eliminating distractions and adding a good dose of persistence and discipline to our writing. Her primary
advice was to write with joy and write about what you love!
LEWS is planning a creative writing project. The title of the book will be “CREATIVE WRITINGS, Poetry, Drama,
Essays, Short stories, Fiction and Non-fiction” and will include several original pages from each contributing LEWS
This is something new for the Art Centre. We hope it will bring in new faces to the gallery.
Each month a piece of art will be donated by a member to be given away on the last day of the month.
You can register each time you are at the gallery. You can win one time per year.
Following is the list of donors:
FEBRUARY - Peggy Forthman - winner Carol Dooley
MARCH = Janet Bixler APRIL- Sherry Lampley MAY - Frank Bennett
JUNE- Missy Carstens JULY - Kay Howell AUGUST - Peggy McPhillips
December is open. As you can see most of the board has agreed to donate a piece of art.
If anyone else would like to donate contact me at 618 995-2694 Bonnie
BEST OF SHOW: Vickie Gingrich , Distractions
1st place: Paula Day, I Owe My Soul To The Company Store $125
2nd place: Ione Russell, Juliet of Verona, Italy $70
3rd place: Michael Aldag, Mother and Child $25
Honorable Mention: Betty Jesse, Ms K's Summer Garden & Kris Killman, Hummingbird Haven
1st place: Vickie Gingrich, Steak and Shake
2nd place: Mike Faris, Ferguson, Mo: Whitey on the Moon $70
3rd place: Kaye Howell, If Only $25
Honorable Mention: Paula day, Why the South Lost the War & Colleen Thompson, Exploding Flowers
LEAA Classes, Workshops and Open Studio Info
Art History Class
Date: Wednesdays 2:00-4:00pm and Fridays 7:00-9:00pm
Cost: $7.00 per session
Teacher: Bob Barnfield 997-0998
Description: A comprehensive, in-depth study of history, socioeconomic,
geographic, as well as, historical context. Socializing continues at Miss Emily's after class.
Open Studio on Tuesdays for all Members is held from 10 am until 3 pm. Member dues are just $50 per year.
Members are also welcome to use the second floor for Open Studio if classes are in session on the first floor.
Painting parties are also available. Bring your own drinks and snacks and LEAA provides art supplies, instruction
and fun! No experience necessary. Contact Missy at or call/text at 997-0421 for more
LEAA is looking for Art Teachers. If you are interested in teaching a class at our Art Centre, please Contact
Missy at or call/text at 997-0421 for more information.
Classes will are held at the Little Egypt Art Centre at 601 Tower Square, Marion. Call 998-8530 or email us at to register or for more information.
A Letter to LEAA from the
Dear Illinois Arts Council Agency Grantees and Applicants: ( LEAA is one )
We felt that we could not wait any longer to provide an update to you on the Illinois Arts Council Agency's
(IACA) FY2015 funding. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable to make any funding decisions regarding applications ( current, pending, and future ) at this time. It is our understanding that past
confirmed FY2015 awards will continue through the payment process. We will share updates with you as
they become available. We regret any hardships that are caused, but be assured that the Board and staff continue to work hard each day to move the IACA forward. Sincerely, Shirley R. Madigan, Chairman, Illinois
Arts Council Agency.
Governor Rauner has frozen payments of grants to artists and arts organizations from the IACA this fiscal
year ( FY15) In addition, he has proposed slashing the agency's already inadequate budget by 20 percent
next fiscal year ( FY16 ), from $10.1 million to $8.1 million. These drastic cuts threaten to cripple the agency
and would negatively impact artists and arts organizations across the state. Contact Governor Rauner and
your state lawmakers urging them to protect the IACA budget. Made clear that the proposed cuts are counterproductive and do nothing to stimulate economic growth. Thank you.
Tom Rabideau is the March Artist of the Month
I have no one for August, October, November, and December 2015.
If you would like your art work, photos, fiber items, or jewelry show cased let me know.
My phone number is 618 995-2694. Bonnie
The new outside north window is for rent by the month.
$30 for a member
$45 for a non-member
The inside north wall rents by the month also.
$65 for a member
$80 for a non-member
Contact Patty Morrison for the rental schedule. 618 995-9529
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Idella Edwards has published a new Christian devotional book. The title of the book is “DON’T HANG YOUR
HARPS ON THE WILLOW TREE.” It includes personal stories, original poetry and over 170 full color photos.
Three of our artists, Brenda Fleming, Joan Levy and Janet Bixler entered the Shrode Fine Art and Craft completion.
The exhibit runs from 3/1 to 5/10. Congratulations to Brenda Fleming who won Best of Show : 2 Dimensional at
Cedarhurst for her painting- All Creatures Great and Small.
Marketing - LEAA is looking for a corporate sponsor to fund newspaper advertising of events at the gallery. Their
corporate logo could be incorporated in the ads. These could be as simple as 3" X 3" ads for area newspapers. The ads could be used as a donation to LEAA for tax purposes. For further information contact Kaye Howell
at 618-993-3766.
Calendar of Events for 2015
May thru June
July-Mid Aug
Mid Aug—Sept
Oct—Mid Nov
Mid Nov—Dec
Little Eg ypt Arts
601 Tower Square
Marion, Illinois 62959
GONE TO THE DOGS (All Animals)