LIUNANEWS APRIL 2015 BUSINESS MANAGER’S REPORT The last six months have provided some records for Local 1059, not just the coldest winter on record. Hours of work on wind energy generation, asbestos abatement and demolition were the best ever. (See page 8) Jim MacKinnon, Business Manager Pickard Construction, with over 250 employees, was unionized by LIUNA in many areas of the province — with the Ontario Labour Relations Board poised to extend the collective agreement around the balance of the province. The employees of Birnam Excavating, a sewer and watermain company, voted overwhelmingly to leave CLAC and join LIUNA. Hydro One has agreed, amongst other things, to pay Local 1059 members more than $440,000.00 in lost wages due to violation of seniority layoffs. Fifty housekeeping workers at Freeport Hospital voted to leave Unifor and join Local 1059. 2015 will be another year of full employment for concrete form setters and finishers. We have doubled our apprentice intake to try and meet industry needs. PARTNERING TO HELP FAMILIES FACING CHILDHOOD CANCER Local 1059, Core Forming Inc., and PV-EX Construction banded together with JNF Concrete Ltd and JNF Ready Mix to turn a company Christmas party into a true act of giving. In honour of JNF’s 20th anniversary, together, we donated more than $30,000 to Childcan during this year’s JNF holiday party. The donation included a $15,000 contribution from JNF and an $11,200 contribution from LIUNA Local 1059. A London-based charity, Childcan raises funds to provide responsive and compassionate support services to families facing the journey through childhood cancer – from diagnosis and treatment to recovery or bereavement. “This was a special year for Joe Fortese, the Fortese family and JNF,” says Carlo Mastrogiuseppe, Business Representative of LIUNA Local 1059. “Because of our longstanding partnership with Joe, we were honoured to be able to support JNF’s charity of their choice with a donation to this worthy cause.” Left to Right – Nick Fortese, Fred Fortese, Renee Simmons, Carlo Mastrogiuseppe, Joe Fortese and John Rato. 1 LiUNANEWS APRIL 2015 HYDRO ONE VIOLATION OF SENIORITY LAYOFFS Hydro One tried to argue that its lines and stations divisions had separate seniority lists and laid off Local 1059 members accordingly. After three years of litigation, the Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled that Hydro One was wrong and it ordered restitution to our affected members. Following another year of litigation, the amount that needed to be paid out to laid off members was finally determined. A number of members were rehired, some had seniority dates EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION DECLARED ILLEGAL Pickard Construction is a utility contractor based out of Owen Sound. Last year, it peaked with over 250 employees spread throughout the province. The company has been able to secure work away from Union employers like Aecon by bidding less due to its substantially lower wage rates. It even set up and ran an “employee association” to keep its wages and benefits more than $20 per hour less than LIUNA Union contractors. Recently, after four years of litigation, the Ontario Labour Relations Board declared the employee association illegal and not a Union. LIUNA was automatically unionized and our utility collective agreement activated in numerous areas of the province. The employer collected millions of dollars in Union dues for its own use. amended, and Hydro One paid eight of our members approximately $440,000.00 for lost wages. This is the largest grievance settlement in Local 1059’s history. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS FROM BIRNAM EXCAVATING LTD. The sewer and watermain employees of Birnam were stuck being represented by CLAC; an employer-invited and driven Union. CLAC agrees to collective agreements that pay less than industry norms and prohibits real Unions from representing employees under good collective agreements. In the last three months of any Collective Agreement, employees have the option to change unions. The labourers and operators of Birnam voted overwhelmingly to toss out CLAC and be represented by LIUNA and Local 793 of the Operating Engineers. We welcome these new members to a real Union. 2 LIUNA RECOVERS LEGAL FEES Local 1059 has a bylaw that members of Local 1059 cannot also be members of the Carpenters’ Union. David Garcia, after working steady with us for 10 years, joined the Carpenters’ and therefore automatically lost his membership in Local 1059. The Carpenters’ Union two years ago attempted to get our members to switch our companies to them. Since the Carpenters’ Benefit Plan is inferior to Local 1059’s, the Carpenters’ Union has taken a number of legal actions trying to keep his Local 1059 benefits even though he is not a member. When Garcia lost his Local 1059 membership he had over $20,000.00 in his dollar bank which if he continued to be a member would have provided him almost 6 years of benefit coverage. We have not lost one company to the Carpenters’ Union! The Carpenters’ Union appealed our decision to take away Garcia’s membership to the Ontario Labour Relations Board. – THEY LOST Besides spending over half a million dollars on legal fees from the Carpenters’ members union dues they have been ordered to pay Local 1059 approximately $110,000.00 for our legal costs. To view the Garcia Judgement Release, please click this link. The Carpenters’ Union appealed to the LIUNA general Executive Board. – THEY LOST The Carpenters’ Union appealed to the Ontario Courts. – THEY LOST The Carpenters’ Union appealed the Ontario Court decision to the Superior Court. – THEY LOST LOCAL 1059 MEMBERS’ GOLF TOURNAMENT Join us in a day of golf, great food and good company for a great cause on Sunday, August 9th, 2015. All proceeds are donated directly to the United Way of London and Middlesex. REGISTRATION INFORMATION The registration fee is $90 and includes golf fees, cart, lunch and gift. The United Way will issue tax receipts for the total amount of your donation. LOCATION Fire Rock Golf Club, 10345 Oxbow Dr., Komoka, ON SCHEDULE Tournament Day 18 holes Sunday, August 9, 2015 7:00 a.m. – Registration 8:00 a.m. – Shotgun Start Lunch served immediately following the tournament. INTERESTED IN JOINING IN ON THE FUN IN 2015? Contact us today to guarantee your spot – registration is limited! Contact Fatima at 519-455-8083 or email 3 LiUNANEWS APRIL 2015 UNITED WAY COMMUNITY BUILDER AWARD Jim MacKinnon, Business Manager, received the United Way Community Builder Award at the organization’s Labour Appreciation night in January. He accepted the award on behalf of Local 1059’s Members and Business Representatives that have supported community charities. WESTOVER TREATMENT CENTRE TIME CAPSULE CHARITY GOLF PROCEEDS TO UNITED WAY Marshall Phinney, left, former executive director of Westover Treatment Centre; Brandon MacKinnon, president of LIUNA Local 1059, centre; and Bev Thomson, a founding member, prepare to seal a capsule into the wall of Thames Manor, a training centre, with a commemorative engraved cornerstone. Brandon MacKinnon and Business Reps provide proceeds from the 2014 Local 1059 Charity Golf tournament. Left to Right – Local 1059 Business Manager Jim MacKinnon, and Business Representatives Mark Teves, Maria McFadden, Carlo Mastrogiuseppe, Danny DeSousa, Mike Ropp, Brandon MacKinnon, Irena Nowicki, and United Way representatives Dani Bartlett and Andrew Lockie. Local 1059 member Kevin Bridge’s car, currently sponsored by LIUNA Ontario Provincial Council. 4 TRAINING REPORT APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING Apprentices have been attending full-time trade school training for the Cement Finisher and Construction Craft Worker trades since Dec. 8, 2014. Pictured below, some Local 1059 apprentices in action. SAFETY TRAINING The Training Centre has been very busy with delivering safety certification classes for members. This year, as of March 31, 2015, there have been 39 different classes completed, six of which were held in Underwood for “Northern” members. 5 LiUNANEWS APRIL 2015 MANDATORY TRAINING COURSES Please review the chart below to ensure that you are in compliance with the collective agreement you work under. If you have any questions in this regard, do not hesitate to contact the Training Centre or your Business Representative directly. It is becoming ever more important that you are proactive in this regard and complete the training necessary to help ensure your health and safety as well as those working with you. As with all safety courses we offer, it is very important that, if you are contacted to attend a class and advise that you will be attending a specific class, you are there. Otherwise, a seat that could otherwise have been filled will be wasted. Please note that members are encouraged to review their safety training history and certificate credentials by entering the secure member login portal of the LIUNA Local 1059 website and click on “Training” and then click on “My Certificates”. You are able to view and/or print a copy of your training history. If necessary, this proof of training will be accepted by employers and Ministry of Labour if your original certificate of training is not readily accessible. MANDATORY TRAINING COURSES Course Duration SECTOR/COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Limitations Propane Handling CH O2 Safety Hoisting & Rigging Safety Working at Heights Confined Space Awareness First Aid/ C.P.R. Traffic Control Person Basic Training Legislation Trenching Safety Chainsaw/ Quickcut Safety Fire Extinguisher Safety 6 hrs 8 hrs 8 hrs 6 hrs 2 days 4 hrs 4 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs no expiry no expiry no expiry 3 3 3 3 yr expiry Sewer & Watermain no expiry 3 yr expiry no expiry 3 yr expiry no expiry no expiry 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk Bridges, Roads/ Asphalt Paving 3 Concrete Forming 3 3 3 Utilities I.C.I./Masonry 3 3 WORKING AT HEIGHTS (WAH) As of April 1, 2015, the Ministry of Labour will be enforcing the new WAH regulations. All construction workers who are working at, or exposed to, fall hazards need this training. The Ministry of Labour regulation states that: 1.Workers who have proof of previous fall arrest training will have two years to get the new WAH certification. 2.Workers who do not have previous training will need WAH immediately. 6 As per the new WAH Standard: the Training Centre and its instructors are approved to deliver this new program. The program is a minimum of seven hours long and has a maximum of 12 people per class. Workers will need to take a ½ day refresher WAH course every three years. For those who have no previous proof of training, you need to contact the Training Centre immediately to have your name added to the “priority list”. For those who have previous fall arrest training, you can arrange to have your name added to the “regular list” to complete WAH within the mandatory two year timeframe. Further information on the WAH regulation can be found on the Ministry of Labour website @ hs/topics/heights.php ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Local 1059 is committed to the ongoing health and safety of our members. Through our benefits plan, we offer an addiction and mental health counsellor to members and their immediate families — with a focus on services for drug, alcohol and gaming addiction. Provided through Addiction Services of Thames Valley (ASTV), a well-respected not-for-profit that works, this service helps protect members from accidents related to substance abuse as well as promotes a better quality of life. As a result of increased demand, Joshua Keene of ASTV is now a full-time counsellor dedicated to Local 1059. This will ensure members continue to receive the following services such as assessments, referrals and treatments in a timely manner. Local 1059 members and their immediate families: • Are not on waiting lists for screening, assessment, treatment planning or referrals. • Have direct access to ASTV’s confidential outpatient counselling, withdrawal management and crisis support. • Receive stabilization services while they are waiting for residential treatment as well as aftercare when they leave those services. ASTV acts as the initial assessment and referral agency for Local 1059 clients. As a first point of contact, clients are assessed for appropriate services including: • Community treatment • Referral to internal programs and/or residential treatment • Relevant ASTV programs • Acute/post-acute withdrawal assessment • Consultation/planning • Relapse prevention • Community referrals In addition, the ASTV counsellor has been providing educational seminars about addiction and mental health at different job sites for our members. The addiction and mental health counsellor is available to our members and their immediate families. If you or a family member have any questions or concerns regarding a substance and/or gambling addiction, please contact Joshua Keene at (206) 376-2629 or For more information visit or 7 LiUNANEWS APRIL 2015 HOURS WORKED BY MEMBERS ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS SECTOR OF AGREEMENT 1992 Hours 1993 Hours 1994 Hours 1995 Hours 1996 Hours 1997 Hours 1998 Hours 1999 Hours 2000 Hours 2001 Hours 2002* Hours 2003* Hours 2004* Hours 2005* Hours 2006* Hours 2007* Hours 2008* Hours 2009* Hours 2010* Hours 2011* Hours 2012* Hours 2013* Hours 2014* Hours Concrete Forming 330,794 405,641 424,425 218,437 286,438 356,127 466,791 464,407 498,914 498,036 646,732 704,201 716,041 723,033 759,648 858,399 851,792 727,017 762,912 724,555 809,368 837,553 821,395 EPSCA 179,532 118,033 76,071 41,386 61,034 64,457 37,192 121,343 104,911 90,656 160,605 176,897 128,409 161,277 338,499 551,143 503,172 515,413 631,302 636,862 429,588 157,731 170,118 Sewer & Watermain 192,072 229,628 327,028 285,083 249,917 252,998 250,728 269,758 321,447 326,257 317,187 322,814 362,418 380,815 379,482 388,801 408,918 389,101 419,227 431,640 368,699 377,835 394,749 Roads, Asphalt, Bridges 183,145 163,804 135,218 132,024 128,052 143,427 162,709 140,999 162,022 130,031 103,629 123,442 138,833 179,410 277,508 270,311 239,996 241,713 291,262 250,279 243,031 232,221 230,818 Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 117,295 120,081 122,990 118,007 89,084 124,475 146,728 145,533 171,341 160,594 201,549 189,345 207,737 222,466 240,944 259,131 228,630 251,500 246,442 221,046 202,437 215,323 197,040 I.C.I. 193,499 126,964 130,418 140,489 150,178 132,505 119,488 146,863 158,056 154,444 179,551 188,893 167,631 156,606 149,176 248,241 226,112 166,363 242,324 267,707 218,196 196,395 118,952 - - - 24,847 100,264 - 18,752 65,149 81,557 177,939 220,204 115,761 147,308 222,228 60,799 55,367 55,441 64,988 47,642 33,300 30,231 23,775 148,846 122,681 102,370 120,875 190,426 326,934 178,364 149,529 4,230 2,352 3,755 2,347 3,730 6,259 5,182 Hydro One-PWU Bruce Power-Appendix A Hours were previously included in Hydro One-PWU OPG-Appendix A Hours were previously included in Hydro One-PWU 44,153 64,935 37,659 40,983 48,512 54,210 74,868 81,472 63,985 62,617 90,197 92,520 101,750 105,166 91,703 67,636 86,320 98,691 109,715 82,450 110,202 123,338 79,691 Demolition 3,697 9,436 55,644 40,895 4,693 11,443 15,164 15,374 20,853 6,058 4,556 13,207 15,114 22,319 22,920 15,532 54,206 65,120 93,323 99,258 137,855 186,040 233,919 Bell Utilities 69,533 58,732 48,733 49,538 71,185 42,252 35,828 43,654 68,618 53,441 46,559 35,963 34,772 54,658 80,668 89,252 116,357 88,292 91,790 96,027 96,780 96,188 115,300 Fencing 18,603 20,000 21,810 31,202 26,567 31,112 23,905 33,919 28,718 26,666 24,931 37,619 39,891 33,822 40,377 38,190 45,594 37,176 47,108 51,226 45,206 58,167 52,933 Gas Pipeline-Distribution 40,244 39,360 55,862 73,760 52,487 82,798 63,827 36,789 37,715 37,550 22,796 20,474 35,483 35,535 42,527 42,575 60,385 28,917 34,789 50,821 41,927 71,550 59,221 11,694 12,539 17,955 17,261 18,055 16,683 Masonry House Builders Other Railroad 16,756 15,300 1,830 36 2,065 - 2,068 4,527 4,634 - 22,113 16,171 4,667 99 15,697 1,816 13,975 4,801 12,168 32,742 6,623 3,178 3,624 259 1,265 2,099 1,531 1,934 4,279 3,103 1,214 1,405 2,134 1,491 4,450 6,764 1,188 8,881 1,588 7,202 2,881 8,162 6,904 6,758 27,970 7,362 5,822 6,955 10,514 6,803 7,694 6,773 Concrete Sawcutting & Drilling 2,903 Landscaping Power Sector Gas Pipeline-Mainline 5,157 27,150 5,335 1,351 27,340 9,575 848 - - 28,649 537 - - - 49,269 5,003 6,189 280 2,276 12,267 19,826 19,025 14,114 54,542 46,787 - 1,873 - 59,174 3,336 280,383 47,911 4,523 6,271 - - - - - 4,728 5,881 2,070 16,393 32,968 50,105 Precast Gas Pipeline-Maintenance Developer-Maintenance TOTAL HOURS 8 1,389,582 1,371,914 1,437,688 *Hours worked outside Local 1059 geographic jurisdiction are included. 1,171,840 1,195,059 1,396,068 1,399,296 1,523,390 1,706,363 1,627,907 1,998,344 2,141,750 - - 2,068,507 2,222,514 2,673,161 25,978 31,797 36,510 27,398 22,294 23,900 26,282 34,018 3,080,590 3,062,923 2,831,454 3,229,310 3,232,668 3,228,719 2,911,584 3,067,754 9 LiUNANEWS APRIL 2015 GROUP LEGAL BENEFIT TRUST LIUNA LOCAL 1059 BENEFIT TRUST Paid Claims Experience - Self Insured Benefits and Life AD&D January 1 to December 31, 2014 Paid Claims Experience Report - Service Code Reporting Period: January 1 to December 31, 2014 Life & AD&D Service Code Description of Service Amount Paid No. of Claims A1 Purchase Family Dwelling $28,396 67 A2 Sale Family Dwelling 20,536 48 A3 Purchase Lot 450 1 A4 Vacation Property 450 1 A5 Transfer of Title 1,300 6 A6 Mortgage New or Renewal 2,466 9 A7 Mortgage Incidental to Purchase 8,179 51 A8 Discharge of Mortgage 4,479 35 $575,322.40 LTD $97,771.41 Weekly Indemnity $97,865.13 Major Medical $3,420,929.14 Dental $2,342,388.04 Totals $6,634,276.12 BEREAVEMENT CLAIMS January 1 to December 31, 2014 Amount Paid Count 29,460.00 79 BENEFITS UPDATE Since the introduction of the prescription drug card in November 2013, we have seen a large number of members using the card to purchase their prescriptions. Approximately 90% of the claims received by the Plan are now paid directly to the pharmacy. Recently, the Benefit Plan Trustees decided 4003144 to eliminate the dental yearly deductible ($25$50 per year) for non-construction members. Non-construction members who had the Client:_________________________ TELUS HEALTH SOLUTIONS deductible taken this year will be reimbursed Client MELODY VANFRANKFOORT by Director:________________________ Global Benefits. B1 Divorce Member 1,192 2 B10 Change of Name 0 0 B12 Post or Pre-nuptial Agreement 0 0 B2 Divorce Spouse B3 Property & Custody Member B4 Property & Custody Spouse B5 Separation Member B6 B7 1 7,629 13 600 1 1,800 3 Separation Spouse 0 0 Modify Separation 300 1 31 C1 Preventive Law 7,143 D1 Power of Attorney Personal Care 2,230 46 D10 Power of Attorney Property 2,055 44 D3 Simple Contracts 0 0 D5 Notarized Affidavits 0 0 D6 Other Legal Documents 400 4 E1 Simple Will Member 2,200 23 E2 Simple Will Spouse 2,000 21 E3 Revised Will Member 80 2 E4 Revised Will Spouse 45 1 G1 Contracts/Warranty Please review this proof, sign it and fax it 0back G3 Bankruptcy 0 within 24 hours of reception. G6 Liens (Personal) H1 Defendant Representation J3 Immigration Member 1 3 COLOURS FRONT - Version: PMS 032 3 Date modified: 09/04/13 FPO Account Info 1 M1 Highway Traffic Act 4,730 16 M3 Criminal Code Canada 8,829 14 Impaired Driving 2,100 3 Use of this card is governed by the conditions contained in the group benefits documents. This card is not transferable 0 M4plan legal Criminal Pardons and benefits may be modified, cancelled or withdrawn at any time. The unauthorized use of this card to obtain benefits is 750 O1 or fraudulent Jury Duty punishable by law. If your coverage under the group benefit plan is terminated, this card must be returned. 114,438 Please report a lost or stolen card immediately, Z99 Non-payment notices call GLOBAL BENEFITS at (416) 631-6060 or 1-800-663-4500. COLOURS BACK - Version: Black 1 455 1 Date modified: 0 5 455 28 $114,438 10 0 250 CSM: _________________________ SYLVIA STOPPACHER 248 H2 Plaintiff Representation 57088 0 2,545 Card Name: LOCAL _________________________ 1059 M308 00 000000 0000000000 01 JOHN SMITH LiUNA 1059 Benefit Trust 600 08/26/13 483 Labourers’ International Union of North America Ontario Provincial District Council Executive Board and Delegates Cosmo Mannella Business Manager Joseph S. Mancinelli President Luigi Carrozzi Secretary-Treasurer Carmen Principato Vice President Robert Petroni Recording Secretary Mike Maitland Executive Board Member Jim MacKinnon Executive Board Member Jack Oliveira Executive Board Member LIUNA Ontario Provincial District Council 1315 North Service Road E., Suite 701 | Oakville, ON | L6H 1A7 Tel: (289) 291-3678 | Fax: (289) 291-1120 Local 183 1263 Wilson Ave., Ste. 200 Toronto, ON M3M 3G3 Tel: (416) 241-1183 Fax: (416) 241-9845 Business Manager: Jack Oliveira Local 183 East 560 Dodge St. Cobourg, ON K9A 4K5 Tel: (905) 372-1183 Fax: (905) 372-7488 Business Manager: Jack Oliveira Local 247 145 Dalton Ave., Unit 1 Kingston, ON K7K 6C2 Tel: (613) 542-5950 Fax: (613) 542-2781 Business Manager: Victor Claro Local 493 584 Clinton Avenue Sudbury, ON P3B 2T2 Tel: (705) 674-2515 Fax: (705) 674-6728 Business Manager: Mike Ryan Local 506 3750 Chesswood Dr. Toronto, ON M3J 2P6 Tel: (416) 638-0506 Fax: (416) 638-1334 Business Manager: Carmen Principato Local 527 6 Corvus Court Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z4 Tel: (613) 521-6565 Fax: (613) 521-6580 Business Manager: Luigi Carrozzi Local 607 730 Balmoral St. Thunder Bay, ON P7C 5V3 Tel: (807) 622-0607 Fax: (807) 622-0454 Business Manager: Luigi Russo Local 625 2155 Fasan Drive, RR1 Oldcastle, ON N0R 1L0 Tel: (519) 737-0373 Fax: (519) 737-0380 Business Manager: Robert Petroni Local 837 44 Hughson St. S. Hamilton, ON L8N 2A7 Tel: (905) 529-1116 Fax: (905) 529-2723 Business Manager: Manuel Bastos Local 1036 395 Korah Road Sault Ste. Maire, ON P6C 4H5 Tel: (705) 942-1036 Fax: (705) 942-1015 Business Manager: Wayne Scott Local 1059 56 Firestone Blvd. London, ON N5W 5L4 Tel: (519) 455-8083 Fax: (519) 455-0712 Business Manager: Jim MacKinnon Local 1081 330 Industrial Road Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 Tel: (519) 653-3333 Fax: (519) 653-8086 Business Manager: Manuel Andrade Local 1089 1255 Confederation St. Sarnia, ON N7S 4M7 Tel: (519) 332-1089 Fax: (519) 332-6378 Business Manager: Mike Maitland 11 PROGRESS LONDON Representatives of Local 1059 and various London-based associations have come together to promote job creation and economic growth for London. A press conference was held on the steps of city hall. IN MEMORIUM Dominic Carapella, June 25, 2014 Andrew Vanderlee, August 30, was a member from 1996-2013 2014 was a member from 1971-2013 Brian Daniel, July 2, 2014 Richard Pegg, October 31, 2014 was a member from 1983-2014 Segisfredo Pacheco, July 7, 2014 was a member from 2000-2014 John De Kwaasteniet, January 26, 2015 was a member from 1997-2014 was a member from 2010-2014 Lawrence Thorne, July 25 2014 was a member from 1974-2012 Gary Kewaquom, September 16, 2014 was a member from 1976-2000 Manuel de Melo, October 11, 2014 was a member from 1977-2007 Paul Neron, November 23, 2014 was a member from 1976-2014 Ken Kaufman, February 13, 2015 was a member from 1988-2013 IDEAS FOR OUR NEXT NEWSLETTER? Do you have questions or comments about this newsletter? Do you have a story or member focus idea you think would be of interest to Local 1059 members? Please let us know. Email Dawn at, or call the office. DO WE HAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS? Having email addresses allows us to quickly and inexpensively relay important information to members and for construction members to respond to employers needing construction workers immediately. 56 Firestone Blvd. London, Ontario N5W 5L4 Phone: 519-455-8083 Fax: 519-455-0712 You also become eligible for regular gift draws only available to members with an email address in our records.
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