Legacy & Action

Liz Lerman’s passionate curiosity has driven her work for over 40 years.
The result is a pioneering legacy that places dance in the hands of practitioners
of all ages from the highly trained professional to the shipyard worker, clergy
member, and returning veteran. By entwining art-making tools with scientific
research, community activism, learning environments and our natural world,
she has advanced dance on the stage and well beyond. Along the way her work
has provoked us to think, feel, laugh and question.
Liz Lerman is a 2002 MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, a 2011 USA Ford Fellow in Dance,
and the recipient of the 2014 Dance/ USA Honor Award
In 2011 Liz made
the bold move of
handing her thriving
company, Dance
Exchange, to the
next generation of
leaders as she set
out to establish an
innovative model
for independent
artists. Today she is
launching Legacy &
Action, a campaign
that will enable her
to do three things:
performance projects
in fresh ways
an open-source
online toolbox
to develop the Critical
Response Process
Currently in production
are: Healing Wars, a
theatrical dance about
wartime medicine and
the aftermath of conflict
in the civilian world; and
an Appalachian Spring
in which the entire
orchestra will dance
while playing Copland’s
iconic composition.
Offering artists,
community activists,
educators and health care
professionals methods
and instruments they can
use in their own work,
this animated toolbox will
also document current
projects and build a
platform for dialogue
and exchange.
A system for giving
feedback that Liz created
over 25 years ago, CRP is
now in use around the
world. Upcoming projects
include a book about
CRP innovations in the
field and an inter­national
Please join Liz as
she continues her
groundbreaking work.
Liz Lerman LLC
822 Guilford Avenue #161
Baltimore, MD 21202