www.llerba.bravehost.com Llano Estacado Rabbit Breeders Association Triple Open/Triple Youth All-Breed Show and Specialties May 8—9, 2015, Bailey County Coliseum, Muleshoe, TX Friday, May 8, 2015 Saturday, May 9, 2015 Show begins at 6:00 pm CST Late entry/change/payment deadline: 5:30 pm Open all-breed show ‘C’ Youth all-breed show ‘C’ Open English/French Lop Specialty (5 pm start, 4:30 entry deadline) Open Mini Rex Specialty Show begins at 8:00 am CST Late entry/change/payment deadline (ALL shows): 7:30 am Open all-breed shows ‘A’ & ‘B’ Youth all-breed shows ‘A’ & ‘B’ Youth Netherland Dwarf Specialty Youth Dutch Specialty Open Mini Lop Specialty Open New Zealand Specialty Coliseum hours: 4:00 pm—end of the show Rabbits may stay in the coliseum Friday night only Coliseum hours: 6:30 am—end of the show EARLY ENTRY $3.25 (per rabbit, per show) Entries must be received no later than Monday, May 4, 2015 or will be considered day-of-show/late entry. Entries may be mailed or emailed as long as received on/before Monday. All entry fees are to be paid by the entry deadline on the day of the show. Early entry is preferred and encouraged to help make the show run smoother for everyone. DAY-OF-SHOW/LATE ENTRY $4.50 (per rabbit, per show) - all entries received after May 4 Please make every effort to have your entry correct and complete with the correct payment submitted by the deadline Make checks payable to LERBA * All fur entries $1 * Comment cards not needed Send OPEN show entries to secretary: Debbie Herring, 5806 116th Street, Lubbock, TX 79424-6109, (806) 786-2297, herringhoppers@suddenlink.net Send YOUTH show entries to secretary: Raquel Underbrink, P. O. Box 1212, Portales, NM 88130, (575) 309-9288, brinksrabbitry@aol.com. Youth, please send open specialty show entries to open secretary SANCTIONS (Official ARBA and TRBA Sanctioned Shows) The following breeds are sanctioned for all shows except as noted. Open: American Fuzzy Lop, Dutch, English/French Lop, Holland Lop, Mini Lop, Mini Rex (Fri. only*), Mini Satin (Sat. only), Netherland Dwarf, New Zealand, Polish, Satin (Sat. only) and Tan Youth: Dutch, English/French Lop, Flemish Giant, Mini Lop, Mini Rex (Fri. only*) and Netherland Dwarf *NMRRC cannot sanction Mini Rex for Saturday shows due to conflict with their national show on the same date. To sponsor a breed sanction yourself, contact the show secretary before the breed sanction deadline. Sanction fees will be reimbursed for each show with 20 or more in the breed. Any breed recognized by ARBA may be shown, sanctioned or unsanctioned. Judges & Registrar Conall Addison (KS) * Briony Barnes (KS) Ted DeLoyola (OR) * Stacey Groncki (PA) Katy Saul (NM) Tex and Tonna Thomas (MO) * Vic Vogts (KS) Registrar: Myra Lane (NM) Show Superintendents Open—Debbie Ernst, (806) 794-4761, DandDErnst@msn.com Youth—Teresa DeSautell, (806) 632-4893, beauti2yu@msn.com AWARDS ‘Best of the Best In Show’ award (all rabbits winning Best In Show in the all-breed shows will compete at the end of the day on Saturday) * Best In Show, 1st Reserve, and 2nd Reserve awards * Best of Breed and Best Opposite awards only when there are 10 or more entries in the breed * 1st—5th place ribbons for each youth class (please claim ribbons at secretary’s table) FYI EAR# CHANGES may be made at the show tables in the same breed, variety, age and sex class. All other changes need to be made with the show secretary before the entry deadline. BAILEY COUNTY COLISEUM—2206 W. American Blvd. (Hwy 84), Muleshoe, TX 79347, (806) 272-4051, heated/air-conditioned, tables and chairs available, handicapped accessible HOTELS—Heritage House Inn, 2301 W. American Blvd. (Hwy 84), Muleshoe, TX 79347, (806) 272-7575, Irish Inn & Suites, 104 E. 6th Street (& Hwy 84), Muleshoe, (806) 272-4500, Valley Motel, 1515 W. American Blvd. (Hwy 84), Muleshoe, (806) 272-4279, Economy Inn (RV hook-ups), 2701 W. American Blvd. (Hwy 84), Muleshoe,(806) 272-4261 RAFFLE—Feel free to contribute something to our raffle—for donated rabbits, please mark your carriers as ‘not included’ with the rabbit and supply a pedigree if available. Raffle drawing will be held at about 2 pm on Saturday. LUNCH— Please be prepared to provide your own meals. There will be a break in the judging on Saturday for lunch. There are several fast food places in the area as well as full-service restaurants. LERBA SHOW SCHEDULE— Next shows will be November 13-14, 2015 and May 13-14, 2016. BAKE SALE— baked goods will be sold during the show to benefit the LERBA scholarship fund. Feel free to contribute items for the sale (see Laura Ridge) and definitely to purchase them! LERBA SHOW RULES 1. This show will be governed by the latest ARBA rules. Filing of an entry indicates acceptance of ARBA and LERBA show rules. LERBA reserves the right to refuse entries from all locations within 150 miles which has had a confirmed outbreak of RCD/RHD/VHD within the past 60 days of the entry deadline. * 2. The Llano Estacado RBA and the Bailey County Coliseum will not be responsible in case of fire, theft, or accidents. Every precaution will be taken to prevent fire, theft and accidents from happening. * 3. No changes or substitutions can be made at the show table, except for ear# changes in the same class. Other changes need to be taken care of at the secretary’s table prior to the show. * 4. Animals showing symptoms of disease of any kind will not be allowed admittance to the show room. * 5. The decisions of the judges will be final. Exhibitors must act in a professional manner towards judges, show committee, show help (writers) and each other. This is expected of both adults and youth. Exhibitors attempting to or actually interfering with, annoying or trying to influence a judge, or behaving in an unbecoming manner WILL BE REJECTED and BARRED from the show, forfeiting all entry fees. We will NOT TOLERATE any of the above listed behaviors. * 6. The show officials reserve the right to refuse entry to exhibitors whose conduct, in the officials opinion, make it undesirable for the welfare of the show. If an exhibitor is barred, their stock will be barred from competition also. * 7. All stock must have a permanent and legible tattoo in the left ear. * 8. This is a carrier show. Carriers must have leak-proof bottoms. * 9. Only show officials, judges and designated writers are allowed in the judging area. * 10. The show officials will determine the selection of judges and the order of judging. Llano Estacado RBA reserves the right to substitute as needed. No special judging requests will be considered. * 11. Owners are responsible for getting their own rabbits to the show table. Youth rabbits must be carried to the show table by a youth (5—18 years old). * 12. Parents are responsible for the actions/damages of their children. * 13. Rabbits will be called to the table 3 times only before being scratched. * 14. Any exhibitor wishing to file a formal protest must make a $150 payment to Llano Estacado RBA and will then be heard by the show committee. * 15. Interpretation of the show rules will be by the show officials. * 16. Exhibitor show reports will be emailed if possible. Legs will be mailed via USPS. * 17. Payment of $1/rabbit for early entry ‘no shows’ is expected before future entries will be accepted. * 18. No refunds will be given for show entries. * 18. No outside fundraisers will be allowed to be held at the show except for those benefiting LERBA. Rabbit AUCTION May 9, Saturday during lunch break To benefit the LERBA scholarship fund 10 quality show rabbits with pedigrees will be auctioned Contact Kevin Branum for more info (575) 760-7460, aggieagr456@yahoo.com Rabbit HOPPING Exhibition Hosted by Tamara Joyce-Wylie backstagerabbitry@gmail.com or (817) 929-7726 Hopping demonstrations will be available throughout the show ARBA / TRBA / SPECIALTY CLUB INFORMATION OFFICIAL ARBA OPEN and YOUTH SANCTIONED SHOW— Eric Stewart, Executive Director, P.O. Box 5667, Bloomington, IL 61702, www.arba.net, Membership Dues: Individual, $20.00 per year, $50.00 for 3 years. Husband/wife: $30.00 per year, $75.00 for 3 years. Youth, $12.00 per year, $30.00 for 3 years. The ARBA National Convention for 2015 will be held at Portland, OR, Oct. 31—Nov. 4. TRBA SANCTIONED SHOW— Ken McCracken, Secretary, 13550 Spring Cypress Rd, Cypress, TX 77429-2095, texasrba@yahoo.com, 832-260-2398. AMERICAN FUZZY LOP Rabbit Club Official Sweepstakes Show Membership Rates Mail membership fees to: Paula Grady, Secretary – P.O. Box 267 - Elbert, CO 80106 SINGLE (OPEN OR YOUTH): $17/YR (NEW) $12/YR (RENEW) $37/3YR (NEW) $32/3YR (RENEW) FAMILY (2 MEMBERS): $22/YR (NEW) + $2/additional member $17/YR (RENEW) + $2/additional member $54/3YR (NEW) + $6/additional member $48/3YR (RENEW) + $6/additional member CANADIAN: $22 US/YR SGL $26 US/YR FAMILY + $2/additional member MAIL SANCTION REQUESTS & SHOW REPORTS TO: ROB GRADY, P.O. BOX 267, ELBERT, CO 80106 AFLRC Show Sanction Fees: OPEN: $10 YOUTH: $8 CALIFORNIAN Rabbit Specialty Club—Susan Yeary, Secretary/Treasurer, 3201 North Alamo Road, Edinburg, TX 785421480, (956) 383-2228, eMail: yearycals@att.net AMERICAN DUTCH RABBIT CLUB—Janet Bowers, 3520 Baker Rd., Olivet, MI 49076-9422, 517-449-8341, amdutchclub@aol.com —Membership: Adult (1 yr) $15.00 new, $10.00 renewal, Youth (1 yr) $13.00 new, $8.00 renewal, H/W $19.00 new, $14.00 renewal, Family $25.00 new, $20.00 renewal (Canadian add $5.00 per year mailing fee, other Foreign add $8.00 per year) - Sanction Fee: Open $12.00, Youth $10.00. National Federation of FLEMISH GIANT Rabbit Breeders—Secretary/Treasurer, Wayne Bechdel, Lock Haven, PA wbechdel@wildblue.net HOLLAND LOP Rabbit Specialty Club, Inc., Official Sweepstakes Show—www.hlrsc.com LOP Rabbit Club of America, Inc., Sweepstakes Show—Sandy Bennett, LRCA Secretary, 323 Macedon Drive, Lexington, SC 29073, (803) 755-3122, lrcasec@gmail.com American MINI LOP Rabbit Club Official Sweepstakes Show—Membership Rates Youth – New: $12/YR, $30/3YR -- Youth – Renewal: $8/YR, $20/3YR Adult – New: $15/YR, $40/3YR -- Adult – Renewal: $12/YR, $40/3YR Husband/Wife – New: $19/ YR, $52/3YR -- Husband/Wife – Renewal: $15/YR, $40/3YR Family – New: $25/YR, $70/3YR -- Family – Renewal: $20/YR, $55/3YR Please provide birth dates with youth memberships. Mail applications to: AMLRC Secretary, Judy Todd, 1617 Douglas Ln, Lebanon, IN 46052. AMLRC SHOW SANCTION FEES (Make checks payable to AMLRC) Open: $13 Youth: $10 Mail Requests to: NICOLE SCHMITT, 505 E HENRY CLAY ST #104, WHITEFISH BAY, WI 53217 (amlrc.sweeps@gmail.com) US FUNDS ONLY Nicole Schmitt AMLRC Sweepstakes Chairperson National MINI REX Rabbit Club—Doug King, Secretary, 2719 Terrace Ave., Sanger, CA 93657, nmrrcsecretary@gmail.com AMERICAN NETHERLAND DWARF RABBIT CLUB Susan Smith - 864 Barkers Creek Rd, Whittier, NC 28789, (828) 586-9698 naturesnook@frontier.com Membership: Adult (1 yr) $15.00 new, $13.00 renewal—(3 yr) $40.00 new, $35.00 renewal, Youth (1 yr) $10.00 new, $8.00 renewal - (3 yr) $25.00 new, $20.00 renewal, Foreign service charge $15.00 per year. Sanction Fee: Open $15.00 - Youth $10.00. Send sanction requests to: Richard Gehr, 190 N First Ave, Coal City, IL 60416. (815) 685-3798, rwgehr@cbcast.com AMERICAN FEDERATION OF NEW ZEALAND RABBIT BREEDERS—John T. Neff, 1351 Holder Lane, Geneva, FL 32732, Phone—407-349-0450 Email—newzealand1121@aol.com, Membership: Adult: New $15.00, Renew $13.00; Youth: New $13.00, Renew $8.00, Husband/Wife: New $17.00, Renew $15.00; Family: New $28.00, Renew $23.00, Canadian: New $16.00, Renew $14.00; All other Foreign $40.00. American POLISH Rabbit Club—Officially Sanctioned Polish Show—Patti Walthrop, Secretary/Treasurer, 2405 Greenridge Ct., Euless, TX 76039; 817.312.0305; pwalthrop@gmail.com. Sanction Fees: Open $10.00; Youth $10.00. Annual Dues: Adult $12.00, Two Adults (same address) $15.00; Youth $10.00; Family $18.00. Foreign add $10 USD processing fee to above fees. American SATIN Rabbit Breeders Association—Glenda Weiss, Secretary-Treasurer ASRBA, 16321 Hoeft Rd, Belleville, MI 48111-4279 American TAN Rabbit Specialty Club—Paula Schutz, 105 Ulsterville Road, Pine Bush, NY 12566, (845) 744-3900, atrscsecy@gmail.com Llano Estacado RBA Date(s) of Show Exhibitor(s) Address Email (please provide) Show Entry Form ___________________________________ _________________________________________ Rabbitry Name _________________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________________ Phone OPEN Entry OR YOUTH Entry _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Enter ALL Shows A, B, C and Spec (no fur) OR Ear# Breed Variety/Color Age/Sex Enter as selected below Fri. Show A Show B Breed Spec Show C Entry Fur Entry Fur Entry Fur Entry Fur 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 #show entries __________ X fee _________ = _____________ #fur entries __________ X fee _________ = _____________ Total Fees Due _____________ Make checks payable to: LERBA Check# ___________ Cash _________
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