Implications of Carbon Management on Supply Chain Design Issues Funding Source: SPSP and Blum Center Carbon Emission Trade-offs in Logistics ■ The transportation is usually the focus of company to reduce their carbon emission because it is implementable in a short period. Ac#on to Reduce Carbon Emission Related Issues Reduce shipment frequency Increase the lot size so that the products can be shipped by larger trucks and the carbon emission per product will be reduced ■ Honda use marine or railway transportation to save energy, change the import seaport in Japan to reduce mileage on land. ■ Toyota worked with their partner to restructure routes and increase load density Change to a low-‐carbon transportaBon mode To maintain the service level, the inventory level has to be increased. è Need larger warehouse and keep a single product longer in warehouse The lead Bme may be longer due to slower shipment ■ Norris et al. (2002) and Weber et al. (2007) suggested that carbon emission from international transportation and wholesaling/retailing are significant. ■ A long-term strategy may make more impact on the whole supply chain. Source: Butner et al. (2008) Research Questions 3-Tier Supply Chain Structure ■ What are the trade-offs between reducing transportation emission and other supply chain activities? ■ Some actions that reduce the emission from transportation will increase the inventory level in the warehouse. Where to locate the warehouse? In what size? Minimize Cost? Or Minimize Carbon Emission? ■ Is bigger warehouse better as traditional supply chain literature review suggested? ■ How the relationship between cost and carbon emission affects the optimal supply chain design? A study that consider the cost and carbon emission of inventory and transportation is needed to understand the above questions How many to ship in each shipment? What transportaBon mode to use? Carbon Emission from Supply Chain Activities Transportation Transporta#on Warehouse Opera#on Warehouse Construc#on Factors of Carbon Emission and Energy Consump#on Assump#on on Es#ma#on fuel efficiency: Speed Weight TransportaBon mode (Air freight, rail, truck, or ocean freight) Outbound logis#cs: (carbon emission factors) * (travel distance) * (total weight of loading products) Inbound logis#cs: Fixed carbon emission per shipment + variable carbon emission per unit product per distance construcBon material, equipments in the warehouse, size of the warehouse, inventory level, and so on The inventory in a non-‐refrigerated warehouse has small effect on energy consumpBon and is assumed can be ignored. The warehouse operaBon energy consumpBon is assumed an exponen#al func#on in warehouse size based on regression analysis on data from CBECS 2003. Which warehouse should this store be assigned to? Major Fuel Consump#on of Warehouse Opera#on Other Computer 11% Office 1% Equipment < 1% RefrigeraBon 8% HeaBng 43% Data source: US EIA CBECS 2003 LighBng 29% Water HeaBng 1% Cooling 3% VenBlaBon 4% Warehouse Energy Intensity for Sum of Major Fuels (thousand Btu/square foot) 80 70 60 50 Warehouse Energy Intensity for Sum of Major Fuels (thousand Btu/square foot) 40 30 20 construcBon technology, The energy consumpBon of construcBon phase construcBon material, size of is assumed as concave funcBon of building size. the warehouse 10 0 1,001 to 10,001 to Over 100,000 10,000 100,000 Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet Data Source: US EIA CBECS 20030 Numerical Analysis Results and Conclusion ■ In general, a sparse supply chain is better than a centralized supply chain when minimizing the total supply chain network carbon footprint. ■ There exist solutions that firms can save significant amount of carbon emissions without increasing too much cost (Figure 1). ■ If firms only consider short-term strategy for reducing carbon emissions (no change of DCs location), only 20% of carbon potential in supply chain network design can be achieved (Figure 2). Histogram of Carbon Reduction Ratio for Fixed DC Location 350 Carbon emissions from transporta=on account for a significant propor=on of total supply chain network emissions. Hence, a sparse supply chain that can reduce the total shipping distance is preferred when minimizing total carbon emissions. 300 250 Frequency Yi-Fen. Chen © 2013 LMAS contact email: Green Supply Chain Focus in Practice 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 1: Pareto FronBer of a MulB-‐objecBve Problem 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Carbon Reduction Ratio for Fixed DC Location 1 Figure 2: Histogram of Carbon ReducBon RaBo if DC LocaBons are Fixed There exist complicated trade-‐offs in green supply chain network design problem. Berkeley / UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA
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