-- Quacker Lake PO Box Oakland, CA 94602-0009 Lake Merritt Merritt Breakfast Breakfast Club Club PO2709 Box -10468, Oakland CA 94610 Meeting every Thursday morning, 7:00 a.m. at the Garden Center, Lakeside Park, Oakland California April 30, 2015 Edition 15-16 Actions Speak Louder than Words WELLS, PAT John Notch Program Chair Patricia Wells Invocation Speaker: Marie Ale Upcoming Events & Speaking Engagements April 30: Marie Ale, Topic: Actiona Speak Louder than Words Tony Moglia, President; John Notch, Vice President; Patricia Wells, Secretary; Deanna Osterberg, Treasurer; Rob Stewart, Executive Director Kurt Libby, Editor; Ace Reporters: Al Clancy, Lauren Clum, Myrna Dean, Dria Fearn, Aileen Frankel, Larry Ginsburg, Terrie Kurrasch, Kurt Libby, Mike Miraglia, Suzanne Waligore, and Patricia Wells LMBC CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, P.O.BOX 10468, OAKLAND, CA 94610 15-16 Part 1 Patrick Shannon Senior Vice President Financial Advisor One Kaiser Plaza, Suite 900 Oakland, CA 94612 510-891-5211 www.morganstanleyfa.com/patrick.shannon patrick.shannon@morganstanley.com © 2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC908414 NY CS 7884865 04/14 Blue skies were trying to smile on the Greeters and Greetees as we arrived this morning. Jeff Wong was being supported by Myrna and Kent and Billy held the door as he chatted about his Master’s Golfing experience. He could probably be a speaker for the day on that subject and we would all share a special experience. Thanks to Inga who was working the ticket table with a variety of assistants today. Frank Sinatra was the background music and Jack London was playing along until he took over with his usual lively entertainment. Ed Rorke sang “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” with help from several members. We all knew it was time to start the show with a substitute President for the Day. Tony had warned us that he had made arrangements so the show went on without him. He told us that a past president would preside; did you guess who that would be? It was the one and only Jim Bangert and we all stood to greet him as LMBC members have been doing for 82 years. Past President Bangert lead the Pledge from the podium. That was followed by a thoughtful invocation provided by Kurt Libby. Deanna shared some historical information about our song for the day before she lead us in singing “My Country Tis of The.” We learned that it was the national anthem before the “Star Spangled Banner.” It was good to see some non-members in the room but none of them were first timers so there were no guests. Announcements 510-261-2990 Fax 510-261-6077 Steven Von Querner EAST BAY BLUE PRINT & SUPPLY CO. INC. 1745 FOURTEENTH AVENUE, OAKLAND, CA 94606 www.eastbayblueprint.com stevevq@eastbayblueprint.com May 6th will be the Inter City meeting being held at the Marine’s Memorial Club at 609 Sutter in the city. Please let Paul Valva know if you will attend so he can make the reservations. There won’t be a chartered bus this year but car pooling or BART are two options. Paul’s birthday is this week so we all sang a traditional happy birthday to him. Tony had left a sealed envelope to be opened today. Inside Pres Bangert found $20 which was to go in the Duck if Lee Douglas didn’t interrupt the meeting and Lee was to be fined $20 if he did. Guess who had to pay $20.00. Fortunately, Lee had a wallet full of $20 dollar bills. Thanks to Tony and Lee for always finding ways to support the Club. You inspire the rest of us and make us laugh. Veep Notch announced that next week’s speaker is an inventor and you will have to attend the meeting to find out what she invented. He is also working on securing Mayor Libby Schaff as a future speaker. The annual Bar-b-q will be held at Sequoia Lodge in October. Jim Bangert told us that the Club has done $1.9 million in projects around Lake Merritt in its long history. Most of that was the Necklace of Lights and Fairyland. There was more info than I could capture. Geoff Klein wearing his gift committee hat announced that we are out of gifts so please bring some soon. Put your name on your gift if you want to. It was a day for short history lessons and Geoff told us all about Hoover Dam. Construction was started in1931 and completed in 1935. He recommends that you go see it; it’s a nice day trip from Las Vegas. Thanks to Lise for giving Geoff the” Book of Useless Information” I don’t think he will run out any time soon. You never know what you’re going to learn and so far there haven’t been any quizzes. Gifts Jim Bangert won Aileen’s holiday ornament Rick Curotto won a flash light and other “stuff” from Chef Robert Joe Guzman won a portfolio from Patrick Shannon and a pass to the Artesa winery from Jim Bangert 1-800-404-2388 “WE’RE THE BETTS” Lee Douglas won a fleece throw from a Nonie mouse Effelgreen Joy Somerville won a 2012 chardonnay from another mouse Endorses his better half For all your real estate needs Thanks to everyone who made the meeting possible! Ciao, Carole Martha Shin Realtor East Bay Southeby’s International Realty 510-384-0762 DRE Lic. #00821697 CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHER Wm. W. Wilkes Weddings Portraits (510)534-0559 Paul making an announcement 0 0 0 0 E A S T B A Y B L UE PR i N T 0 HP Latex Ink Banners come in all colors yet they are the greenest outdoor banners you can buy!! www.eastbayblueprint.com 0 WE MAKE BANNERS 0 Bob promoting the A’s tailgate party Corporate Office 1721 Webster St Oakland, CA 94612 February 14: We Love Oakland! Annalee Allen featured in a book by local artist, Heidi Wyckoff. Steven Douglas, CPP O:510-444-7412 many groups Carole from and Aileen, our local Quacker writers, diligently preparing their stories for this week’s edition and a silent auction of F: 510-452-3654 Steven@douglasparking.com www.douglasparking.com PERALTA Community College District William (Bill ) Riley, Ed.D. President, Board of Trustees The “J’s”: Judge John, guest speaker Jerry Kent. and Past/ Acting President Jim 333 E.8th St.,Chancellor’s Office Oakland, CA 94606 Phone: (510) 466-5303 Cell: (510) 390-1623 wriley@peralta.edu 0 15-16 Part 2 SORENSEN PROPERTIES Apartment Rentals 6114 La Salle Avenue, #107 Oakland, Ca 94611 (510) 339-9584 Fax (510)339-2099 Leo Sorensen President This space available call Rob Stewart hcta@pacbell.net J. BRUCE BRADY Brady - Harbord - Payne INSURANCE BROKERS LIC. # 0410103 3608 GRAND AVE. (510)444-5645 OAKLAND, CA 94610 FAX(510)452-0363 bbrady@bhpins.com CARL WEST ANDERSON PRESIDING JUSTICE (RETIRED) CALIFORNIA COURT OF APPEAL 15 SOTELO AVENUE PIEDMONT,CA 94611 AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOC. (510) 420-8642 (415) 981-3901 FAX(510)420-8643 ALTERNATI VE ADJUDICATION justiceanderson@sprynet.com (510)465-0400 Oakland’s Beautiful and Sometimes Dangerous Hills Honorable John Sutter, formerly of the 82nd Airborne, and now a director on the board of the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) was Chair of the Day. John mentioned that Jerry Kent grew up in Corona, California and became acquainted with the desert. Jerry went to Sacramento State College to major in park management and soon joined the EBRPD in the early 1960s and worked for William Penn Mott. He served years as a ranger and earned kudos for his public service as he ascended the management ladder and finally through his work as Assistant General Manager. Jerry retired about 10 years ago. Jerry Kent loves history and understands that fires in the hills repeat themselves. He showed slides of Oakland and Berkeley Hills since 1900. Some of the photographs are rare documents from UC Berkeley’s archives. He showed the ranchland of Wildcat Canyon in 1900, and the barren Oakland Hills of 1903. People who came from the East Coast liked forests and wanted to create them along the slopes and ridges of their new adopted homeland. Two bold men among these who developed the private “Peoples Water Company” were Frank Colton Havens from Sag Harbor, New York; and Frank C. Borax Smith who became wealthy from mining. They acquired 30,000 acres in the hills and owned the Key System. They chose to send a truck to Monterey to bring Monterey Pines up to the East Bay to transplant, and then brought in Cypress and Redwoods. They figured this would be a way to grow trees for timber and help maintain the watershed, with leaves, needles and branches capturing moisture in the air that could drip into the ground. Realizing there was no ample supply of hardwoods, they decided mahogany and eucalyptus should be cultivated. They left some acres for residential subdivisions, and designated a 25 mile trail from Oakland to Richmond, a mountain road that became Skyline Boulevard. They financed an extensive nursery for seedlings and raised three (3) million trees. Most were blue gum -trees that warped and cracked and proved unsuitable for million. To the population of Oakland and Berkeley, each fire seemed to be a surprise. One in September 18, 1923 destroyed 584 homes in just 2 hours. By the mid-century there were the Siesta and Wildcat Canyon forests, Temescal Canyon and Chabot eucalyptus forests. In 1947 there was a businessmen’s committee to form a forest management plan. September 22, 1970 was the date of another fire, where 36 homes were destroyed, 37 others badly damaged in just 70 minutes. In 1982 a “blue ribbon committee” was formed to limit future forest fires. It recommended fuel breaks and an “E” zone interface between EBRPD land and residential zones. Saturday, October 19, 1991 - News (with tv broadcast provided by Jerry Kent) showed a fire near Marborough Terrace and Buckingham that the Oakland Fire Department and State Department of Forestry attended to on 7 acres of brush and trees, even bringing in water by helicopter. Sunday, October 20, 1991 – By the morning 20 mph winds stirred smoldering areas. Flying, flaming debris followed. Deputy Fire Chief Matthews called in the California Department of Forestry, an inferno whipped up, trucks from other Fire Departments drove in. People didn’t understand the powerful danger, particularly from the dry autumns and the winds that regularly come in the fall. In less than one hour 79 homes were destroyed. Water tanks ran out of water. By 4 pm 450 Engines came with 1,500 fire fighters. Consequences: By October 21, 1991 it was known that 3,000 homes were destroyed, along with 2,000 automobiles. Twenty-five (25) individuals lost their life; 10,000 persons were displaced. At a cost of $1.5 billion, this was the most costly urban fire ever recorded in the USA. Only a few homes survived near the top of the ridges. When the pine trees died, $1 million was the cost to haul them out by helicopter (because they don’t re-sprout). Who’s at fault? Some lessons have been learned but not enough is being done to assure that “Never Again” is realized. Marcia Myers Weske REALTOR® CALBRE LIC. #01841873 510.339.0400/323 CELL: 510.853.1483 mweske@grubbco.com GRUBBCO.COM This Space Available Call Rob Stewart Ginsburg Financial Advisors, Inc. Major fires tend to occur here every 18-24 years. A group of agencies including the City of Oakland, University of California, and EBRPD developed a Fire Hazard Mitigation Program and Fire Management Plan and applied FEMA funds to take responsible steps. Many eucalyptus trees should be removed, however a small number of North Hills residents (calling themselves the Hills Conservation Network) are so enamored with “eucs” that they have filed lawsuit after lawsuit to block the granting and expenditure of FEMA funds. Now the case is in federal court. 6201 Medau Place, Suite 101- Oakland, Ca 94611 Phone:(510) 339-3933 Fax:(510) 339-1611 Email: LGinsburg@GinsburgAdvisors.com Personal Financial Planning & Investment Management “Helping You Shape Your Financial Future Since 1981” To Judy’s question, Jerry Kent said that since the Oakland Hills Fire, the City of Oakland has modified the fire hydrants to be compatible with the hoses of other jurisdictions. Visit jacklondonclub.com To Jack London George, marveling at the historic photographs, Jerry explained that these are from UC’s Bancroft Library and cannot be copied without special permission. To Judge David Lee’s comment that when he and his wife were living near Thornhill Blvd, it took 2 hours to exit the neighborhood; the Oakland Police did not coordinate egress. The Police could have expedited evacuation by blocking off through-traffic on Highway 24 and allowing more lanes for evacuation. The Club was very impressed by Jerry Kent’s research and presentation. Any effort to reduce highly flammable vegetation, which fuel wildfires, is a step in the right direction. - AF Larry P. Ginsburg, CFP Certified Financial Planner The Entertainer “Jack London” George Rowan (510) 712-9698 About our Speaker... Speaker: Marie Ale Topic: Actions speak louder than words. Bio: A successful strong self-motivated individual who strives on ethics, integrity, honesty, passion, team work and leadership skills to show the everyday men or women that all things can become reality by investing in sweat equity. Marie F. Ale is CEO & Founder of Juzz Gorgeous, LLC. She am a wife and a mother to 8 children and 8 grandchildren. She comes from a very large blended family with 40 grandchildren amongst them. She has worked in various corporate industries for over 20 plus years from Sales, Management, Marketing, Human Resources, Recruiting, Network Marketing, Corporate Training, Staffing, Business Development, Business Administration and she recently launched her own company. Although, she has launched her company as a public speaker on all topics from personal to business development growth she is still currently employed in the post-secondary education industry as a Senior Executive Advisor . She has been in the education sector for the last 15 years changing lives on a daily basis by guiding, advising and coaching individuals from different walks of life on their career path. In raising a family and maintaining a high demanding career, I am a proud professional and business owner who loves to serve her community. My husband and I along with our children prepares hot meals from scratch every 3rd Sunday of the month for Cross Street Ministries in Castro Valley, CA to feed the homeless from all different areas in the east bay. I have been extremely blessed by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in my daily life through good, bad and or indifferent where he has never neglected me where my genuine love for other’s has given me the skills, experiences and background to motivate other’s. I have seen and been to many different places where I was born in the beautiful islands of American Samoa who moved to Compton, California in 1986 and moved to the bay area in 1987 where I currently reside in a small town called Castro Valley, California. My extensive background and experiences from the Corporate industry, Education industry and the Network Marketing industry has given me the opportunity to fine tune my passion in becoming a public speaker. Therefore, in order to speak, inspire and motivate others we must have love, passion, and empathy to empower both men and women to be courageous.
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