The 7th National Conference of Microbial Resources & the International Symposium on Microbial Systematics and Taxonomy August 25 to 30, 2015 Hangzhou, China FIRST CIRCULAR 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Welcome, Dear Colleagues and Friends The Chairmen of the conference would like to extend the warmest welcome to all distinguished guests and participants of the 7th National Conference of Microbial Resources & the International Symposium on Microbial Systematics and Taxonomy (NCMR 2015). Over 200 participants will gather to exchange ideas, establish research networks, promote global friendships and explore the importance of microbial resources, especially of microbial systematics and taxonomy, from an academic and biotechnological perspective. The purpose of NCMR 2015 is to enhance academic communication with international researchers on microbial resources and improve the research, protection and sustainable use of microbial resources. In recent years the number of papers from China published in the IJSEM and in other taxonomic journals has increased dramatically. The NCMB 2015 will present a unique opportunity to strengthen the connections between the community of Chinese microbial taxonomists and the IJSEM, to the benefit of all parties involved. The annual editorial board meeting of the IJSEM will be held immediately after the conference. The presence of most editors of the journal in Hangzhou will provide a unique opportunity for Chinese scientists and students to directly interact with a large number of experts on microbial taxonomy. For some Chinese, the ideal life is to be born in Suzhou, live in Hangzhou and eat in Guangzhou. Hangzhou located in the east part of China is a famous city. West Lake is the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful sights in China. We wish you all an enjoyable time in Hangzhou and at NCMR 2015. Zixin Deng Chairmen of NCMR 2015 Aharon Oren Ruibo Jiang 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM I. OBJECTIVE Microorganisms have the largest biomass, the widest habitats, and the most abundant biodiversity on Earth. They supply human beings with important materials for survival and development and they are important sources of biotechnological innovations. As awareness of the important role of microorganisms has increased, exploration, identification, classification and evaluation of the function on new microbial resources have become new goals in collection and preservation of microorganisms internationally. Also how to improve the long-term safe storage and efficiency of sharing microorganisms is an important task in the field of microbial resources. However, due to restrictions in approaches, many microorganisms cannot be cultured so far. Therefore, how to obtain and use new microbial resources attracts interest of industries and academic researchers. As there are abundant microbial resources in China, in recent years China has established a National Infrastructure of Microbial Resources, which has improved the isolation, collection, preservation and rapid distribution of microbial resources. China has risen to the first place in the number of new prokaryotes species published annually worldwide. To enhance academic communication with international researchers on microbial resources and improve the research, protection and sustainable use of microbial resources, the 7th National Conference of Microbial Resources & the International Symposium on Microbial Systematics and Taxonomy will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on August 25 - 30, 2015. The goal of this conference is to bring together microbiologists to present and discuss cutting-edge research on microbial resources and microbial systematics and taxonomy. II. SCHEDULES AND IMPORTANT DATES Schedules Aug 25-27, 2015 Training course and its registration Aug 27-29, 2015 Conference and its registration Important dates March 30, 2015 June 1, 2015 July 15, 2015 Aug 27, 2015 Abstract submission and registration open Deadline for registration at the reduced rate Deadline for abstract On-site registration 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Aug 28-29, 2015 Aug 30 afternoon Aug 30, 2015 Conference IJSEM editorial board meeting (closed event) Touristic excursions III. SPONSORS AND ORGANIZERS Sponsors Committee of Microbial Resources, Chinese Society for Microbiology National Infrastructure of Microbial Resources, China Organizers Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS, Beijing Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Xiamen Zhejiang University, Hangzhou National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing Institute of medicinal Biotechnology Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China National Research Institute of Food & Fermentation Industries, Beijing Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, CAF, Beijing China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control, Beijing Wuhan University, Wuhan Co-organizers Corps Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources in Tarim Basin Microbial Culture Collection Center of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology Key Laboratory of Microbial Resources Collection and Preservation, Ministry of Agriculture Laboratory of Development and Application of Rural Renewable Energy, Ministry of Agriculture Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry, SOA School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM IV. ACADEMIC AND ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Academic Committee Chairman: Zhixin Deng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Board Chairman of CSM; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) Co-chairmen: Aharon Oren (the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Editor-in-Chief of the IJSEM) and Ruibo Jiang (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS, China; Chairman of the Committee of Microbial Resources, CSM) Members (in alphabetical order): Chengxiang Fang (Wuhan University), Chi Cheng (China National Research Institute of Food & Fermentation Industries), Chungen Piao (Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, CAF), Fang Peng (Wuhan University), Heping Zhang (Inner Mongolia Agricultural University), Jingang Gu (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS), Liyan Yu (Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences), Min Wu (Zhejiang University), Qiang Ye (National Institutes for Food and Drug Control), Ruifu Zhang (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS), Taozhen Jiang (China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control), Wenjun Li (Sun Yat-sen University), Xuewei Xu (Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA), Yuguang Zhou (Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zongze Shao (Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA). Organizing Committee Chairman: Xuewei Xu (Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA) Co-chairman: Zhiyong Ruan (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, CAAS) Members (in alphabetical order): Chune Wang, GuangYu Li, Henglin Cui, Peng Zhou, Ping Liu Qiliang Lai, Su Yao, Weijie Li, Xiying Zhang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Ying Lan, YingYi Huo, Yong Li, Yuqin Zhang, Yuehong Wu. V. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM The official language of the conference will be Chinese and English. The following themes are tentatively suggested, and may be subdivided into sessions if more than 10 presentations are 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM included. 20 minutes will be allowed for each oral presentation; 30 minutes for keynote speeches in each session; and 40 minutes for plenary speeches (all including 5 minutes for questions and discussions). Scientific topics New Microbial Resources New Technologies New Approaches Scientific themes 1. Progress in novel approaches in isolation and identification of microbial resources 2. Diversity in genetics, metabolism and function of microbial resources and its applications 3. Acquisition and evaluation of microbial resources in marine, extreme and specific environments 4. Gene resources of microorganisms and their applications 5. Progress in microbial genomics 6. Theory and practice in construction of microbial resources centers 7. Operation and service of National Infrastructure of Microbial Resources Plenary and keynote speeches Prof. Zixin Deng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Title: To be announced Prof. Aharon Oren (the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) Title: Cyanobacterial taxonomy and nomenclature – a problem of two Codes Prof. Antonio Ventosa (University of Sevilla, Spain) Title: Prokaryotic diversity of hypersaline environments: lessons from metagenomics Prof. Fred Rainey (University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA) Title: To be announced Prof. Ken-ichiro Suzuki (Biological Resource Center, NBRC, Japan) Title: The minimum check point for culture collections to issue the certificate of the availability; the condition of the taxonomic type strains of the prokaryotes in CBD and Nagoya Protocol Era.; the role of WDCM to support the system (to be confirmed) 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Prof. Paul Lawson (University of Oklahoma, USA) Title: Taxonomy of anaerobic fermentative bacteria (to be confirmed) Prof. Peter Kämpfer (Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany) Title: Multilocus sequence typing in taxonomy - advantages and problems Prof. Hans-Jürgen Busse (University of Vienna, Austria) (participation to be confirmed; title to be announced) A number of Chinese scientists’ talks will be added. VI. REGISTRATION AND REPLY FORM Registration is possible through the official website ( Registration for NCMR 2015 can also be arranged via email (Appendix I: Registration and Reply Form). Regular Early Bird Registration Fee (before June 1, 2015) RMB 1250 (USD 200) Regular Registration Fee (after June 1, 2015) RMB 1500 (USD 240) Student RMB 1000 (USD 160) RMB 1250 (USD 200) Registration fee Family Members RMB 800 (USD 128) The organizers will provide the lunches (Aug 28-29) and dinners (Aug 27-29). VII. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Abastract All participants are invited to submit abstracts on all the topics related to the sessions listed above. All abstracts should be submitted as an email attachment to or through the conference website. The deadline of abstract submission is July 10, 2015. English abstracts are encouraged and will be peer-reviewed and linguistically edited. The requirements of the abstract format are given in the appendix. Poster Display Board Each poster presenter will be provided with a vertical surface to mount the poster presentation. The area available for the poster is limited to a rectangle 180 cm tall by 80 cm wide. Each board will host one poster, and it is recommended that each poster use the standard size of 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM 120 cm tall by 80 cm wide. Poster materials must be legible from a distance of two meters. Lettering in text and figures should be at least 5 mm, and the heading should be at least 10 mm. The title of the paper, the authors, and their affiliations should appear near the top of the poster in letters approximately 25 mm high. To encourage younger scientists, up to the age of 35, to actively participate in the conference, a number of awards for “excellence of posters” will be funded to honour outstanding work presented during the conference. VIII. CONFERENCE VENUE AND ACCOMMODATION Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Details of the conference venue are to be announced. Based on the committee’s suggestions, the expected number of participants of NCMR 2015 is more than 350, which is beyond the capacity of our earlier selected hotel, Hangzhou Huagang HNA Resort (158 rooms). Therefore we are searching for another hotel having more rooms or other hotels near Hangzhou Huagang HNA Resort. A decision will be made at the end of March. IX. TRAINING COURSE Teacher: Prof. Aharon Oren – the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Editor-in-Chief of the IJSEM; past chairman and past secretary of ICSP Expected participants: 100 people Important dates and time Aug 25, 12:00-20:00 Registration Aug 26-27 8:30-17:20 Training class Course time: 8:30-10:00, 10:20-11:50, 14:00-15:30 and 15:50-17:20 Tuition fee: CNY 500 (USD 80). The tuition fee includes course material and lunches. X. GENERAL INFORMATION Letters of Invitation An invitation letter will be sent on request, to help you to get a visa from the local Chinese Embassy or Consulate. This letter, however, does not constitute any obligation of the organizing committee to cover expenses, fees, etc., associated with participation in the conference. Please 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM send us ( your personal data, including your full name (which is present in your passport), occupation and title, institution, e-mail address. Arrival in Hangzhou Taxi service is available almost all day (6:00 am morning - 2:00 am night) from Hangzhou International Airport to the conference venue. The cost from the airport to the conference venue is about USD 25 (RMB 150). Please do ask for a receipt from the driver. Payment should be made cash in RMB. You can use the ATM or bank offices at the airport to get change. It is not customary to tip drivers. Please pay strictly accordingly to the meter in the taxi. The Airport Shuttle Bus leaves every 15 minutes (08:00-22:00) or 30 minutes (22:00-02:00) from the airport. After 02:00, the schedule is according to the arrival of flights. The route name is ‘Wu Lin Men’, first bus: 07:30 am and final bus: after arrival of last flight. Fee: RMB 20 / person. Weather August is a popular travel month, but it is less busy than the peak tourist months in the fall. Summer heat lingers, and the weather is still hot and humid. The average daily high temperature is 32 °C (90 °F), and the average nightly low is 25 °C (77 °F). It rains about 14 days of the month, and there is about 160 mm of total rainfall. There were a few extremely hot days with temperatures over 38 °C (100 °F) in August recently. Typhoons occasionally hit the city in August, and they bring torrential rains and high winds, followed by a sudden temperature decrease after the typhoon. Clothing You can dress in T-shirt and shorts on nice days. However, bring a long-sleeve shirt for air-conditioned places. On rainy days, you’ll need an umbrella or rain gear, and wear waterproof shoes or sandals for wet weather. Some hotels can provide umbrellas for their guests. Currency Exchange The currency in circulation in China is the Chinese yuan or RMB yuan, whose international standard abbreviation sign is CNY. 1 CNY consists of 10 jiao (dimes) or 100 fen (cents). The denominations of the the Chinese yuan in bank notes are 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 CNY. 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Participants can exchange currency at the airport, at major hotels and at banks in China. The exchange rate is determined daily by the Bank of China. Currently, 1 USD can be exchanged for about 6.2 CNY. All currency exchange receipts should be saved in case participants want to exchange RMB back to their own currency. The bank may demand to see the original exchange receipt. Credit Cards & ATM Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB are accepted in many department stores and hotels. ATMs may be used to obtain RMB with your credit card. The amount debited from your account will vary due to fluctuations in the exchange rate. There is normally an additional bank charge. Water It is not recommended to directly drink the water from the tap in your hotel room. It is best to order or buy bottled water, mineral or distilled. Avoiding ice cubes made from tap water is also recommended. Upon request, hotels will provide containers of hot or chilled drinking water in the sleeping rooms at no extra cost. Hotels will also provide an electrically heated kettle to boil water from the tap in your room. The boiled water can then be stored in a vacuum thermos for drinking. Some hotels also provide a special tap in the lavatory that delivers a flow of purified water for drinking or taking medications. This advice also applies to your pre-conference or post-conference travel in other cities in China. Food and Drink Dining-rooms with different styles are located in the hotel. Coffee houses and bars in the hotel will also serve attendees. A welcome banquet will be provided for attendees on the evening of August 28. Breakfast and lunches along with tea and coffee will be provided on August 27-29. A closing ceremony banquet will be provided on the evening of August 29. Transportation around Hangzhou A city map will be provided. 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Smoking Policy Please note that smoking is prohibited within the conference premises, except in designated areas. Customs Information about Chinese customs is available from your local Chinese Embassy or Consulate or your travel agency. Insurance The Conference Organizers recommend participants to obtain travel, property, medical or other necessary insurances before coming to China. The Conference Organizers cannot be held responsible for the costs resulting from personal accidents or property loss during the conference. Voltage, Socket and Plugs The electrical current in China is 220-volts, 50Hz A/C. Hotels generally provide wall sockets in every room, accommodating both the standard ‘Flat blade attachment plug (Type A)’ and common ‘Oblique flat blades with ground (inverted V) plug (Type I)’ as well as the not-so-common ‘Round pin attachment plug (Type C)’ as shown in following photographs. Wall socket Type A plug Type I plug Type C plug Language Both English and Chinese may be used during the conference. English is preferred. Projectors Overhead projectors and computer-aided projectors (for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations only) will be available. Mac computers will not be available for PowerPoint presentations. Mac users can connect to the computer-aided projectors if they bring their own computer and 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM connecting cord. Duplication and Recording Without permission from authors, taking photographs, audio-taping, video-recording, digital taping and any other form of duplication are strictly prohibited in the session rooms and poster areas. Cell Phones Participants are kindly requested to turn off their cell phones or keep the cell phones in vibration mode when entering the meeting rooms and in the poster area. Children For safety reasons, children under the age of 12 are not permitted in poster zones and conference rooms. Hotlines Phone number 110 Police 119 Fire 120 Ambulance 122 Traffic Police 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM XI. CONFERENCE PROGRAM & SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE To be announced XII. CONTACT Conference email: Contact: Xuewei Xu ( Secretary: Peng Zhou & Ying-Yi Huo 中国微生物学会 微生物资源专业委员会 2015.2.12 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Appendix I: Registration and Reply Form First Name Last Name Gender Accompanying Person (if any) Institution Address City Country Postal Code Email Address Telephone Fax 1. I plan to register as (please tick): Formal participant ( person ( ), Student ( ), Accompanying ) 2. I am interested in giving an oral presentation with the title of in the following scientific themes 3. I am interested in giving a poster presentation with the title of in the following scientific themes 4. I will enroll the training course. Yes ( ) No ( ) 5. I am interested in participating in excursion (at your own expense; a travel agency can be contacted in advance based on your requirements.) 6. I need help with the reservation in the hotel (please tick) Yes ( ) No ( ) if Yes, which hotel (please tick) (It will be updated at the end of March) XXX hotel ( ) YYY hotel ( ) other hotels I have some requirements for accommodation 7. I want to share a standard double-bed room with another participant (please tick) Please E-mail this form to conference E-mail before April 30. 中国微生物学会微生物资源专业委员会 Committee of Microbial Resources,CSM Appendix I: Abstract style Sample (size, one A4 printing page) Title (Times New Roman, 16 point font, bold) Authors (Times New Roman, 12 point font) Affiliations (Times New Roman, 12 point font) (*Corresponding Author Abstract text (Times New Roman, 12 point font) Keyword (less than five) References (Times New Roman, 10 point font, less than 5 references) Huo YY, Li ZY, Cheng H, Wang CS & Xu XW. High quality draft genome sequence of the heavy metal resistant bacterium Halomonas zincidurans type strain B6T. Stand Genomic Sci. 2014, 9: e30.
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